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Prezentowane badania miały na celu rozpoznanie stężeń submikronowego pyłu (PM1) i związanego z nim węgla organicznego (OC) i elementarnego (EC) w sali wykładowej i tzw. laboratorium studenckim. W pracy omówiono zmienność 24-godzinnych stężeń PM1, OC i EC w obu pomieszczeniach (I, ang. indoor) oraz w powietrzu atmosferycznym (O, ang. outdoor), a także przeanalizowano stosunek I do O. Na przełomie wiosny i lata, niezależnie od lokalizacji (Gliwice – laboratorium studenckie, Warszawa – sala wykładowa), stężenie węgla elementarnego (EC) i organicznego (OC) wewnątrz sal dydaktycznych kształtowała intensywność migracji tych zanieczyszczeń wraz z powietrzem atmosferycznym. Tym samym można uznać, że w żadnym z badanych pomieszczeń dydaktycznych nie występuje istotne źródło OC i EC. Mimo to należy zauważyć, że warunki sprzyjające sorpcji różnych zanieczyszczeń, w tym zwłaszcza związków organicznych tworzących grupę OC na cząstkach pyłu, zmieniają się dynamicznie w czasie i przestrzeni. Wydaje się, że w innym okresie pomiarowym, na przykład w zimie, kiedy wietrzenie sal jest rzadsze a pył atmosferyczny ma inny skład, kumulacja zanieczyszczeń, w tym OC, wewnątrz sal może być większa niż w okresie ciepłym.
The research presented herein aimed at recognition of submicrone particulate matter concentration as well as organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon bound to it in a lecture room and students’ laboratory. The 24-h variability of PM1, OC and EC concentration in both rooms were also discussed along with I : O ratio. In the analysed period – the turn of spring and summer – independent of the location (Gliwice – students’ laboratory, Warsaw – lecture room) the indoor concentration of elemental carbon EC was conditioned by the intensity of those contaminants migration along with atmospheric air. Because of this, it can be concluded that in neither of the rooms there was an important source of OC and EC. However, it should be noted, that conditions favourable for different contaminant sorption, in particular those belonging to OC bound to particulate matter, vary in time and space. It is expected, that for other measurement period – for instance in winter, when rooms are ventilated seldom and PM has different composition, the cummulation of indoor contaminants, including OC, may be higher than for warm period.
Ten water-soluble ions (F–, Cl–, NO3–, PO43–, SO42–, Na+, NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), distributed among four fractions of particulate matter, PM, were investigated in an urban background site. The PM was sampled twice a week during a two-year sampling period. Mass distribution among the PM fractions and ambient concentrations of the ten PM-bound ions in the heating and non-heating periods, the seasonal effects in the PM fraction-bound ion concentrations (generalized regression model), and the principal components of all the resulting sets of ambient concentrations (principal component analysis) were determined, discussed, and interpreted in the terms of source apportionment of PM emissions. The formation of secondary inorganic aerosol in transformations of gaseous precursors (e.g., SOx, NOx, NH3) appeared to be most probable and significant source of PM2.5, especially of its sub-fraction PM1–2.5, in the non-heating period. In the heating period, PM and PM2.5 bound water-soluble ions originated mainly from combustion of coal and other solid fuels, or waste. Coarse particles (PM2.5–10 and PM10–40) and some PM2.5–40-bound ions (e.g. Na+, K+, Mg2+) may come from re-suspension of mineral matter and road dust. In some part, coarse PM may consist of mineral and salt particles containing gaseous and semi-volatile compounds.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań 16 wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych (WWA) związanych z czterema frakcjami pyłu zawieszonego (PM, PM10, PM2,5 i PM1; frakcje cząstek, których średnica aerodynamiczna mieści się w przedziałach od 30 nm do odpowiednio: 100; 10; 2,5 i 1 μm) prowadzonych w punktach zlokalizowanych na poboczu autostrady i przy ruchliwym skrzyżowaniu w Katowicach. Badania przy autostradzie prowadzono wiosną, a przy skrzyżowaniu latem 2012 roku. Próbki pobierano niskociśnieniowym impaktorem firmy DEKATI. Analizę WWA w próbkach pyłu wykonano metodą chromatografii gazowej. Średnie stężenie sumy 16 WWA związanych z PM, wiosną wynoszące 14,6 ng/m3, było dwa razy wyższe niż latem. Stężenie to było kilku, a nawet kilkunastokrotnie niższe niż stężenia notowane wcześniej w miastach Polski Południowej w zimie. Tymczasem wskaźniki toksyczności, mutagenności i kancerogenności obliczone dla WWA przy autostradzie i skrzyżowaniu były wysokie. Świadczy to o dużym zagrożeniu zdrowotnym generowanym obecnością WWA w powietrzu Katowic także w okresie wiosenno-letnim. Wartości wskaźników diagnostycznych, wskazujące z grubsza na pochodzenie WWA związanych z PM, potwierdziły, że w okresie badań komunikacja była głównym źródłem WWA w obu punktach Katowic.
The paper presents the results of the research of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with four fractions of particulate matter (PM, PM10, PM2,5 and PM1; fractions of particles whose aerodynamic diameter ranges from 30 nm to respectively: 100, 10, 2.5 and 1 μm) conducted at points located on the side of a highway and at a busy crossroads in Katowice. The highway research was carried out in the spring, and the crossroads research in the summer of 2012. Samples were taken by low pressure impactor DEKATI. The analysis of PAHs in ambient particulate matter samples was performed by gas chromatography. The average concentration of the sum of 16 PAH associated with PM, which amounted to 14.6 ng/m3 in the spring, was two times higher than in the summer. This concentration was a few or even several times lower than the levels recorded earlier in the cities of southern Poland in the winter. Meanwhile, indicators of toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity calculated for PAH at the highway and the crossroads were high. This indicates high health risk generated by the presence of PAHs in the Katowice air also in spring and summer time. The values of diagnostic ratio, roughly showing the origin of PAHs associated with the PM, confirmed that during the period of the research transportation was the main source of PAHs in both points of Katowice.
W pracy dokonano przeglądu dostępnych/opublikowanych prac dotyczących skutków oddziaływania aerozolu atmosferycznego na środowisko. Zapylenie powietrza atmosferycznego stanowi jeden z najważniejszych problemów zdrowotnych we wszystkich krajach uprzemysłowionych. Badania naukowe i studia epidemiologiczne pozwoliły stwierdzić, że powoduje on wiele groźnych skutków zdrowotnych, takich jak: przedwczesna śmierć, nasilenie astmy, ostre reakcje układu oddechowego (kaszel, trudności z oddychaniem lub bolesne oddychanie), osłabienie czynności płuc, objawiające się między innymi skróceniem oddechu i innych negatywnych skutków w środowisku. Stopień zagrożenia dla zdrowia ze strony wdychanych cząstek oraz siła oddziaływania tych cząstek na środowisko (klimat, widzialność) oprócz ich stężenia w powietrzu zależą także od wielkości cząstek. Liczba cząstek o określonych wielkościach w danym miejscu zależy od bardzo wielu czynników, ale głównie od pochodzenia pyłu zawieszonego w tym miejscu. Zatem także skład chemiczny cząstek zależy od pochodzenia pyłu w danym obszarze. Niezbędne wydaje się podjęcie badań, których wyniki pozwolą na ustalenie pochodzenia pyłu drobnego w większej liczbie obszarów miejskich i tłowych.
This study provides a review of available published works concerning effects of ambient aerosols on the environment. Pollution of atmospheric air is one of the most important health issues in all industrialised countries. Scientific research and epidemiological studies have demonstrated that it causes a number of serious health effects, such as: premature death, aggravation of asthma symptoms, acute reactions of the respiratory system, impaired function of the lungs (manifested e.g. through shallow breathing) and other negative impacts on the environment. The degree of health hazard caused by inhaled particles and the extent of their influence on the environment (climate and visibility), besides their concentration in the air, depends on the size of the particles. The quantity of specific size particles in a given place depends on a number of factors, the main of them being the origin of the airborne dust in the particular area. It seems requisite to undertake research whose results will enable determination of the origin of fine dust in a larger number of urban and reference areas.
Na podstawie wartości OC/EC (stosunek stężenia węgla organicznego – OC, i węgla elementarnego – EC) we frakcji PM2,5 podjęto próbę oceny zawartości wtórnego węgla organicznego (SOC) w wybranych lokalizacjach w województwie śląskim. W pracy przedstawiono stężenia pierwotnego (POC) i wtórnego węgla organicznego zawartego w pyle PM2,5, ich udziały w węglu organicznym oraz średnie zawartości tych form węgla w pyle w punktach pomiarowych w Złotym Potoku, Katowicach, Zabrzu, Raciborzu i Godowie. Stwierdzono występowanie znaczącej sezonowej i obszarowej zmienności udziału SOC w pyle i OC. Potwierdzono przydatność pośredniej metody szacowania udziału SOC w OC.
The OC/EC value (the concentration ratio of organic – OC, and elemental carbon – EC) in the PM2.5 fraction was used to assess the contents of the secondary organic carbon (SOC) in selected locations in the Silesian Province. The paper presents the concentrations of the primary (POC) and secondary organic carbon in PM2.5, their percentages in total organic carbon (OC) and the mean contents of both carbon fractions at the sampling points located in Złoty Potok, Katowice, Zabrze, Racibórz and Godów. Significant seasonal and spatial changes were found for the SOC percentage in PM and OC. The usability of the indirect method for the SOC percentage assessment in OC was confirmed.
Ambient particulate matter (PM) is a component of the natural environment and a certain number of particles that varies with time, having many different properties which also change over time, is constantly present in the air. It can be assumed that the scope of environmental effects of PM is the broadest among all air pollutants: it affects the human health, climate, ecological conditions and visibility. Organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) are the two most important components of suspended dust. The continuously increasing road traffic intensity is highly correlated with increasing concentrations of both of these components in the air of urbanized areas all over the world. In spite of this, the amount of data on OC and EC concentrations in Poland is still insufficient, especially in the case of areas located close to busy roads. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of vehicular traffic on ambient concentrations of PM-related OC and EC, and their mass size distribution in a typical urban area of the Upper Silesia. PM samples were collected simultaneously at two sites located in the Katowice city. One of the selected measurement points was situated in the city centre and characterized so-called urban background. The second measurement point, located near the A4 motorway, was in the area directly exposed to the influence of traffic emission. Dust was sampled during two measurement periods (2–10 August and 15–22 September 2011) using thirteen-stage impactors – DEKATI Ltd. (DLPI, Dekati Low Pressure Impactor). Analysis for the content of OC and EC in the collected dust samples was carried out by means of a thermo-optical method with the use of a Sunset Laboratory OC/EC carbon analyzer. During the entire measurement program strict adherence to the rigorous requirements for quality control of the obtained results was ensured. Concentrations of PM1-, PM2.5- and PM10-related OC and EC in Katowice, near the A4 motorway, were close to values obtained in other parts of the world in different measurement periods, at traffic sites of similar characteristics. Also values of the concentration ratio of OC bound to PM10 and PM2,5 (or PM2,5) were similar to quantities determined in different locations. In Katowice, due to municipal emission and poor quality of vehicles travelling the roads, also the coarse fraction of dust was enriched in EC. This situation is unusual in comparison to other regions. The effect of emission from engines of the cars travelling the motorway manifested itself mainly by elevated EC concentrations compared to the urban background site. For TSP the EC concentration was higher, five times in the beginning of August and two times in the second half of September. The largest differences between EC concentrations in the location near the motorway and in the urban background area were observed for the PM0.06–0.108, PM0.108–0.17 and PM0.17–0.26 fractions. In both measurement periods, at the traffic site in Katowice, the maxima of mass size distribution of EC were in the diameter range characteristic for soot emitted from Diesel engines (0.108–0.26µm). The fact that the influence of exhaust emission from vehicles travelling the motorway on EC concentrations was more pronounced in the second half of September than in the first half of August, was caused by larger EC emission from various sources in Katowice during the period following summer holidays. Concentrations of organic carbon bound to TSP in both measurement periods in Katowice was only 10% higher in the urban traffic site than in the urban background site. The largest differences between OC concentrations near the motorway and in the urban background are observed in the ranges 0.06–0.17 and 1.0–2.5 µm. Maxima of the mass size distribution of PM-related OC, both at the urban traffic site and at the background site, were similar in both measurement periods. It was inferred that the small differences between OC concentrations in the traffic and the background site are caused by the process of secondary aerosol formation, less intensive near the motorway than in the urban site.
The analysis of elemental composition of ambient dust can help not only evaluate the environmental and health effects due to the air pollution but also identify emission sources. However, the whole number of projects and studies on concentrations and elemental composition of ambient (especially fine) dust hardly concern these issues in Eastern Europe. Neither is the chemical (and elemental) composition of the submicron ambient dust in Poland well recognized. There is also a shortage of data from long-term and parallel studies of the elemental composition of separate dust fractions. In the heavily polluted areas, the elemental composition of atmospheric aerosol and the dependence of elemental composition of particles on their size can appear essential for analyzing the toxicity of dust and its environmental effects. This study presents the results of determination and comparison of the elemental composition of four fractions of ambient dust in Zabrze (Poland), an urban area typical of the exposure of the Upper-Silesian Agglomeration population to the polluted air. The samples of the four dust fractions (fine: ≤1 µm – PM1, 1–2.5 µm – PM1-2.5, coarse: 2.5–10 µm – PM2.5-10, and 10–40 µm – PM10-40,) were collected during eight months (January–August 2009) with the use of a DEKATI-PM10 cascade impactor. All the dust samples (204 samples) were analyzed using a PANalytical Epsilon 5 spectrometer (EDXRF – energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy). The minimum, maximum and average concentrations, for winter (January–April, heating season) and summer (May–August, non-heating season), of 38 elements from each of the four examined dust fractions were calculated. The influence of anthropogenic sources on the ambient concentrations of elements from each dust fraction was determined by analyzing the enrichment factors (EF). The strength of linear relationships (Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients) between each pair of elements was determined separately for fine and coarse dust. The highest ambient concentrations were assumed by two nonmetals – sulfur and chlorine; their concentrations were significantly lower in summer than in winter. Both sulfur and chlorine were mainly bound onto the finest particles. Their share in the coarse dust, even in summer, was small. They came from anthropogenic sources. Ambient, typical crustal, Si, Al, Fe, Mg, K, Ca, Ti, Sr, Rb in Zabrze came from natural sources regardless of the fraction they were bound to. Small seasonal variations in ambient concentrations of these elements or some of the concentrations higher in summer than in winter confirmed the fact. A significant portion of the mass of the crustal elements, especially of Al, Si and Fe, was concentrated in the coarse fractions. However, the mass distribution among the dust fractions indicates some of them (K, Ca, Mg, Rb, Sr) as coming partly from anthropogenic sources. It particularly concerns their part bound to fine dust in winter. The mass contribution of crustal matter to ambient dust was about 6.8 in winter and 9.7% in summer; the contribution to PM1 was half of it. Almost all remaining 27 elements (except for Mn, Zn, Ge, Sb, La) had the ambient concentrations not greater than 100 ng m-3, usually higher in winter. The average mass shares of each of these 27 elements in PM1, PM1-2.5, PM2.5-10, and PM10-40, were different and depended on the season of a year. Co, Cu, Zn, Pb and As were cumulated mostly in fine dust, while V, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni, Ag, Cd and Ba in coarse dust. The former, in fine dust, were assumed to be rather of anthropogenic origin and closely associated with combustion. The later originated partly from combustion (especially in winter) but their greater part was secondary and came from road dust. The largest contributors to the mass of the elements in fine dust in Zabrze are domestic furnaces and car engines, i.e. combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, and waste. The possible effect of industrial sources was also identified. The elemental composition of coarse dust is due to re-suspension of soil and road dust, and to a lesser extent, to municipal emission.
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