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Nowadays, there are available on the market not only standard PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller) but also safety PLC´s. These are primarily designed for industrial applications. Their guaranteed safety properties, however, enable to be used in applications, in which the usage of PLC has not been common until now. The aim of this article is to focus on problems related to the usage of safety PLC in railway signalling systems.
Content available Analyses of safety-related message transmission
The analyses were aimed at determination of failure effects in the transmission system, which allow identifying the transition process of the system from a safety state (it may not be necessarily a failure - a free state) to a dangerous state and permit to calculate probability of the dangerous state occurrence of the system as a failure effect to the operating system. Dangerous states of the safety Fieldbus system are mainly caused by systematic failures within a specification of the system, electromagnetic interferences (EMI) and random failures of the HW effects. The effects of electromagnetic interferences and random failures of HW can be described in the paper by the use of time table.
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