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Built-up area is a particularly important element of the content of topographic maps. Its presentation changes significantly when map scales are reduced, due to both conceptual and graphic generalization. What is more, historically, changes in the depiction of built-up area were consequences of changes in the intended use of topographic maps, development of technology and changes in the cultural landscape, of which the built-up area is an important component.1 The authors describe the method of presentation of built-up areas on six Polish topographic maps or series of maps. The above-mentioned maps include the following: – Topograficzna Karta Królestwa Polskiego (Topographic Map of the Polish Kingdom) at the scale of 1:126,000 developed in 1822–1843; – topographic maps of the Polish Military Geographical Institute (MGI) at the scales of 1:25,000 and 1:100,000, published in 1930s; – a series of military maps (or military-civilian maps) at the scales of 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000, developed in 1956–1989, in accordance with the instruction for developing Soviet maps; – a series of civilian maps at the scales of 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 developed after 1995. The basis for a quantitative comparison of the content of the maps was the number of categories of objects (identifications) which constitute part of built-up area and are presented on individual maps as symbols, as well as the number of characteristics represented by these symbols. These characteristics are divided into two basic types: functional characteristics and physiognomic characteristics. The analysis shows that military maps issued after the Second World War differ from the civilian maps, as they contain a much larger share of physiognomic characteristics, which is caused mainly from the fact that the vast majority of military maps distinguish between wooden and brick buildings. This difference was to large extent already noticeable among the oldest of the analysed maps – the Quartermaster’s Map and nineteenth-century Russian maps, which were partly modelled on the Quartermaster’s Map, and later also Soviet maps. Due to political reasons, the model of these Soviet maps was later adopted for the development of post-war Polish military maps. Out of all maps drawn up by military services, the inter-war MGI map serves special attention, as it was modelled on German maps. The main difference between military and civilian maps is foremost the fact that civilian maps include more functional characteristics of buildings and take into consideration new physiognomic characteristics related to residential development (compact, dense, multifamily dwellings, single family dwellings). The analysed maps include not only the characteristics of buildings and built-up area, but also information on the features of the town – population size, number of village houses and the administrative function.
The paper takes up the topic of energetic utilization of alternative fuels produced from wastes, particularly in case of solid recovered fuel gasification for cogeneration of heat and power in piston engine. Process gas cleaning for its energetic and chemical utilization has been discussed. Presented scope of research concerns technological designs for dry and wet gas cleaning methods developed by Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal. Furthermore identified main operational problems of both gas cleaning units have been presented. Description of the two types of gas cleaning units has been provided together with obtained results from laboratory analysis of moisture, tar and particle content measured in process gas generated from solid recovered fluid.
This article provides description of new achievements in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing related to laser scanning technology. Platforms equipped with laser scanners are becoming a growing trend in UAV mapping. Two perspectives of development, which use laser sensors, as payload are described in this paper. The first solution is related to application of advanced LiDAR sensor, which collects data with simulated Beyond Visual Line Of Sight UAV (BVLOS UAV) platform from high altitude. The second development was less expensive UAV laser scanning system that acquires data from low-altitude Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) platform. Additionally, state-of-art of LiDAR sensors, which can be mounted on UAVs, is presented, including categorization of ultralight laser scanners, legal restriction related to operating UAVs equipped with LiDAR system. In the experiment described in the article two datasets are introduced, one collected with Riegl VUX-1 UAV mounted on the first platform and the second with YellowScan Mapper that is a part of second UAV system. Captured datasets are evaluated concerning point density, spatial resolution, vegetation penetration and noise of laser beam assessment. The comparison indicates the differences between the platforms, what determines fields of their application. Therefore, conclusion related to the presented perspectives of development of UAV laser scanning can be drawn and possible future applications of both platforms are discussed.
Artykuł zawiera opis koncepcji rozwoju bezzałogowych statków latających (UAV) w dziedzinie fotogrametrii i teledetekcji związanych z technologią skanowania laserowego. Platformy wyposażone w skanery laserowe stają się coraz bardziej zauważalnym trendem w wykorzystaniu UAV w geodezji i kartografii. W niniejszym artykule opisano dwie perspektywy rozwoju tej branży, które wykorzystują sensory laserowe. Pierwsze rozwiązanie jest związane z zastosowaniem zaawansowanego skanera, który zbiera dane z symulowanej w doświadczeniu platformy poza zasięgiem wzroku (BVLOS UAV) z dużej wysokości. Drugą koncepcją rozwoju rynku jest pokazanie przykładu systemu skanowania laserowego UAV, który pozyskiwał dane z platformy w zasięgu wzroku (VLOS) na małej wysokości. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono najnowocześniejsze skanery LiDAR, które mogą być montowane na UAV, w tym kategoryzację ultralekkich skanerów laserowych oraz prawne ograniczenia związane z eksploatacją UAV wyposażonych w system LiDAR. W opisanym eksperymencie w artykule analizowano dwa zestawy danych: jeden zebrano za pomocą UAV Riegl VUX-1 zamontowanego na platformie w postaci załogowego płatowca i drugiego za pomocą YellowScan Mappera, który jest częścią systemu UAV z platformą wielowirnikową. Przechwycone zestawy danych są oceniane pod względem gęstości punktów, rozdzielczości przestrzennej, możliwości penetracji roślinności i obserwowanego szumu wiązki laserowej. Porównanie wskazuje różnice między platformami, a tym samym koncepcjami i ich możliwymi zastosowaniami w perspektywie rozwoju skanowania laserowego UAV.
Modelowanie budynków w dużej skali (miasto, kraj) jest trendem obserwowanym w wielu krajach. Modele budynków można tworzyć na podstawie danych z lotniczego skanowania laserowego oraz ze zdjęć lotniczych. Coraz więcej wagi przykłada się również do dokładności modeli 3D budynków. W artykule przedstawiona została analiza dokładności modeli budynków w oparciu o chmury punktów z lotniczego skanowania laserowego. Metodyka przedstawiona w artykule opiera się na wymaganiach odnośnie kontroli zaproponowanej w ramach projektu CAPAP. Wybrane zostały 3 obszary testowe, dla których dla każdej połaci dachów budynków obliczone zostały parametry statystyczne (odchylenie standardowe odległości punktów od płaszczyzny połaci, wartość średniej odległości między chmurą punktów a płaszczyzną dachu, błąd średni kwadratowy odległości - RMSE). Według przyjętego progu dokładności 1 m błędu RMSE dla obszaru 1: 1.04% połaci nie spełniło postawionego kryterium, dla obszaru 2: 0.63%, a dla obszaru 3: 12.63%. W drugiej części artykułu zaprezentowana została bardziej szczegółowa analiza modeli budynków. Dla połaci dachów wybranych modeli wygenerowane i poddane analizie zostały histogramy, które przedstawiają rozkład wartości różnic odległości normalnych punktów chmury od zamodelowanej płaszczyzny dachu. Metodyka analizy dachów modeli budynków na podstawie histogramów umożliwia nie tylko ocenę, czy dana płaszczyzna spełnia wymagania dokładności standardu LOD2, ale również, w jakim stopniu została ona poddana generalizacji.
Building modeling for big areas (city and country modeling) is becoming more popular. Building models are generated among all from airborne laser scanning data and aerial images. Additionally, more attention is devoted to analysis of the accuracy of the 3D building models, especially concerning the accuracy of roof planes segmentation and their vertical and horizontal accuracy. In the article analysis which based on the airborne laser scanning point clouds is presented. The methodology, which is described in this article, based on the accuracy analysis proposed within the CAPAP project, which is currently conducted in Poland. In this approach three test areas were chosen. For every roof surface statistical parameters were calculated, i.e. standard deviation of the normal distance between the roof surface and the point cloud, mean distance between the roof surface and the point cloud, and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). In order to assess the accuracy of chosen test areas, RMSE threshold equal 1 m was assumed. Additionally, according to in the analysis proposed within the CAPAP project, if 5% of the analyzed building models exceed the assumed accuracy by 20%, the model is not acceptable and should be corrected. For the areas, which were chosen in the article, one of them does not fulfill the assumed accuracy. Additionally, for the first test area, for 1.04% of the roof surfaces the RMSE value exceeds 1 m, for the second test area it was 0.63%, and for the third one: 12.63%. In the second part of the article more detailed analysis for selected buildings was conducted. For roof surfaces histograms, which present the distribution of the normal distances were generated and analyzed. The methodology of building models analysis which based on the histograms makes it possible not only to assess whether the building is generated properly and fulfills the CityGML requirements, but also to say if generalization has been conducted and how big impact does generalization have on the model. The automatic accuracy analysis of the building models can be very helpful in projects which cover big areas. The analysis may indicate buildings, which should be examined in detail. Additionally, accuracy analysis which based on histogram interpretation makes it possible to apply statistical tests in order to assess the if the values distribution is Gauss distribution and to examine whether the generalization during the building modeling was conducted.
Lotnicze zdjęcia ukośne stają się coraz popularniejszym źródłem danych fotogrametrycznych, a liczba zamawiających je miast rośnie również w Polsce. Tego typu zobrazowania dostarczają znacznie więcej informacji niż typowe zdjęcia pionowe, ponadto wielu użytkowników postrzega je jako „bardziej naturalne”. Rosnące zainteresowanie takimi danymi widoczne jest również na poziomie urzędów centralnych odpowiedzialnych za tworzenie opracowań kartograficznych w wielu państwach europejskich. Zdjęcia ukośne przez lata postrzegane były jako dane uzupełniające do lotniczego skaningu laserowego (ALS), uzupełnianie to ograniczało się w wielu wypadkach jedynie do wykorzystania zdjęć jako źródła tekstur dla modeli 3D powstających z danych ALS. Innym popularnym obszarem zastosowań było tworzenie przeglądarek zdjęć ukośnych, które w połączniu z Numerycznym Modelem Terenu pozwały na uproszczony pomiary wysokości obiektów na pojedynczym zdjęciu. Sytuacja ta zmienia się w ostatnich latach, gdy wraz z rozwojem technologii fotogrametrycznych możliwa stała się dokładna orientacja zdjęć ukośnych z wykorzystaniem automatycznej aerotriangulacji, a algorytmy służące do gęstego dopasowania obrazów przystosowane zostały do pracy z takimi danymi. Niniejszy artykuł z zawiera przegląd opublikowanych w ostatnich latach wyników orientacji bloków zdjęć ukośnych, w szczególności porównano wyniki testów dotyczących metod orientacji zdjęć ukośnych przeprowadzonych przez EuroSDR i ISPRS z wynikami badań prowadzonymi na innych polach testowych. Przeprowadzone badania eksperymentalne skupione były na dwóch głównych aspektach, pierwszym była ocena dokładności odwzorowania geometrii fasad budynków z wykorzystaniem gęstego dopasowania obrazów w przypadku bloku zdjęć ukośnych, w którym ze względu na małe pokrycia fasada odfotografowana jest jedynie na pojedynczym modelu. Drugim z poruszonych tematów badań była próba wykorzystania zdjęć ukośnych do wykrywania zmian w obrębie fasad budynków co nie jest możliwe z wykorzystaniem innych danych pozyskiwanych z pułapu lotniczego.
Oblique aerial images are becoming an increasingly popular source of photogrammetric data, and they are being acquired by more and more municipalities in Poland also. This type of imagery can provide much more information than typical vertical photographs, and many users actually see them as "more natural." The growing interest in such data is becoming apparent even at the level of national mapping agencies responsible for the development of cartographic materials in many European countries. For years, oblique photographs were perceived as supplementary data for aerial laser scanning (ALS). Often, their supplementary role was limited to providing a source of textures for 3D models developed from ALS data. They were also commonly applied in dedicated oblique images viewers, which in conjunction with a Digital Terrain Model enabled simplified height measurements of features on a single photograph. With the advancement of photogrammetric technologies in recent years, the situation has been changing, and it has become possible to accurately orientate oblique images using automatic aerotriangulation and to apply adapted dense image matching (DIM) algorithms to work with this kind of data. This paper overviews the results of orientation of blocks of oblique photographs that have been published in recent years, focusing in particular on benchmarking results obtained by EuroSDR and ISPRS for methods of orientating oblique images. The purpose of the performed experimental tests was to determine the capacity for mapping the geometry of building façades using dense image matching and for detecting changes in urban space using oblique photographs with respect to façades. The research was focused on two main issues, the first one concerning the assessment of accuracy and the second an attempt to apply oblique photographs to the detection of changes in building façades, which is not possible using any other aerial photogrammetric data.
Classification of roofing materials with the use of high resolution satellite imagery is a difficult issue, especially due to the fact that roofs are characterised by large diversity of shapes and textures, mainly caused by different roof surfaces illumination. To automate the process of roofing material types classification the influence of diversified illumination of individual roof surfaces should be eliminated. Topographic correction of satellite imagery may decrease influence of such effects and therefore leads to more accurate classification results. This paper presents classification results of roofing materials based on an 8-channel WorldView-2 satellite image. The digital terrain model and the digital surface model created with the use of aerial laser scanning data provided by the ISOK project were used for the topographic correction. The accuracy of the supervised classification of WorldView-2 image achieved for asbestos-cement roofing materials was at the level of 76-92%, (depending on the variant of classification). After grouping roofing materials by similar materials (e.g. painted sheet metal and metal tiles) it is possible to achieve classification results with the accuracy of ca. 70-80%.
W związku ze staraniami o wydanie nowego atlasu narodowego Polski i perspektywą wykorzystania doświadczeń innych krajów przy jego opracowaniu, autorzy wybrali i przeanalizowali pięć opublikowanych w ostatnim ćwierćwieczu atlasów państw europejskich: Szwecji, Hiszpanii, Niemiec, Ukrainy i Rosji oraz w celach porównawczych także Atlas Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z lat 1993-1997. Porównano ich formę edytorską, udział map, diagramów, fotografii i tekstów, przede wszystkim zaś strukturę tematyczną oraz wyróżniono charakterystyczne indywidualne cechy, a wyniki badań zestawiono w tabeli i unaoczniono w formie diagramów. W podsumowaniu zwrócono uwagę na zaobserwowane w tej dziedzinie tendencje oraz problemy, przed jakimi stoją twórcy współczesnych atlasów narodowych.
For over ten years now, attempts to publish a new up-to-date national atlas have been made in Poland. When preparing the concept for the atlas, it is reasonable to base it not only on our own experience (two such atlases have been published so far, one in the years 1973-1978 and one in 1993-1997), but also on the experience of other countries where in recent years some worth noting outstanding national atlases have been published. Having this in mind, the authors have selected and analyzed in detail five atlases of European countries published after 1990 and compared them with the last national atlas of Poland. The following atlases have been selected for analysis: the atlas of Sweden (1990-1996, 12 English version volumes), the atlas of Spain (1995-1999, 5 volumes), Germany (2000-2006, 12 volumes), Ukraine (2007, 1 volume), Russia (2004-2008, 4 volumes) and additionally the Atlas of the Republic of Poland, 1993-1997, a set of loose sheets in a case). The following features have been picked out for comparison: volume, editorial form, percentage contents of maps, diagrams and texts. Characteristic original topics and solutions have been emphasized and illustrated with examples of maps (fig. 1-5). Most importantly, the structure of contents has been analyzed and compared in detail and divided into five basic thematic units: general issues, history, natural environment, population and settlement, and economy. In some atlases also the summarizing chapter has been analyzed. The research results have been put together in table 1 and shown in the form of diagrams (fig. 6-9). Tendencies present in this domain as well as the problems which authors of contemporary national atlases face have been indicated in the conclusion. Thematic structure of atlases reflects various types of conditioning, environmental as well as historical, political and social. For instance the large share of historical maps in the National Atlas of Russia results from the particular attention which Russians pay to history as a basis for patriotic and civic upbringing. This tradition is also reflected in the large share of historical issues in the Atlas of Ukraine. On the other hand, omission of historical issues from the National Atlas of Germany may perhaps reflect a tendency to renounce the country's infamous history of the first half of the 20th century. Unlike the atlases of Western Europe (Spain, Germany), those of East European countries (Russia, Ukraine) present more characteristics of natural environment than economic issues. It reflects some significant limitations of development of economic and social geography in the Soviet Union which resulted from restricted access to source statistical data and inability to fully and ob¬jectively present research results. Comparative analysis of selected national atlases not only made it possible to determine variations and tendencies in the structure of contents and form of atlases, but also to determine problems arising during the development of the concept of a national atlas. The following tendencies were observed: increased number of diagrams, graphs, photographs and extensive texts placed in atlases, higher share of social and cultural issues of everyday importance, and a comprehensive approach to presented issues which often alters the traditional form of atlases (e.g. the atlases of Germany and Sweden). Three conceptual problems emerged from the analysis: 1) how to present complex issues in a possibly accessible way (importance of explanations), 2) to what extent regional approach can be applied (e.g. city maps, maps of protected areas) and 3) how to present the history of a particular country: in a separate section or together with the presentation of specific issues.
The structural complexity of a modern fortification, the size of the spatial area involved and the relationship with the surrounding landscape require a landscape-related approach in order to identify, evaluate and make decisions for the preservation and development of single structures and sites as a whole, as well as the defensive works. This article presents the new possibilities for landscape analysis available with the use of numerical terrain models taking the Gałachy casemated fortress artillery building in Zakroczym as an example. The landscape analysis made use of the following resources in the experiment: numerical elevation data, in the form of a cloud of points originating from airborne laser scanning (ALS), the vector data of topographic objects from the Polish geodetic and cartographic database (BDOT), cadastral type data from the Web Feature Service (WFS) geoportal. The results of the analysis performed support the usefulness of the new technology for visualizing the landscape of a historic fortress and allow overall conclusions to be drawn on developing new tools for studying and shaping the landscape. The practical experiments demonstrate the usefulness of applying the technology on many levels: Identifying and making an inventory of historic sites. Preparing and implementing a conservation-oriented plan for the preservation and development of an area. Educating and promoting the heritage of military architecture. Protecting sites through monitoring.
Strukturalna złożoność fortyfikacji nowszej, skala przestrzenna oraz powiązanie z otaczającym krajobrazem wymagają podejścia krajobrazowego zarówno na etapie identyfikacji, waloryzacji oraz podejmowania decyzji w zakresie ochrony i zagospodarowania pojedynczych elementów i obiektów, a także, w oczywisty sposób, dzieł i zespołów obronnych. W artykule przedstawiono nowe możliwości analiz krajobrazowych jakie niesie ze sobą wykorzystanie modeli numerycznych terenu na przykładzie obszaru dzieła obronnego skazamatowanej budowli artylerii fortecznej „Gałachy” w Zakroczymiu. Przy sporządzaniu analiz krajobrazowych wykorzystane zostały eksperymentalnie: numeryczne dane wysokościowe, w postaci chmury punktów, pochodzące z lotniczego skanowania laserowego, wektorowa baza danych topograficznych, pochodząca z państwowego zasobu geodezyjnego i kartograficznego poziomu centralnego, dane o charakterze katastralnym, pochodzące z serwisu Web Feature Service (WFS) Wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz potwierdzają przydatność nowych technologii w „czytaniu” pofortecznego krajobrazu i pozwalają na opracowanie ogólniejszych wniosków w zakresie tworzenia nowych narzędzi badania i projektowania krajobrazu. Praktyczne doświadczenia wskazują na przydatność wykorzystanych technologii na wielu poziomach, w tym: identyfikacji i inwentaryzacji zabytkowych obiektów, opracowania i wdrażania konserwatorskiej wizji ochrony i zagospodarowania obszaru, edukacji i popularyzacji dziedzictwa architektury militarnej, ochrony poprzez monitorowanie.
Content available Relacje semiotyczne w odniesieniu do kartografii
W artykule podjęto próbę spojrzenia na najważniejsze problemy kartografii z punktu widzenia trzech działów semiotyki kartograficznej: semantyki, pragmatyki i syntaktyki. Wskazano też na podstawową różnicę, niedocenianą w pełni przez przedstawicieli kierunku badawczego określanego jako teoria języka mapy, między pismem, którego struktura podporządkowana jest semantycznym aspektom wyrazów, zdań i tekstów, a prezentacją kartograficzną będącą przede wszystkim przestrzennym modelem i obrazem. Ta specyfika mapy powinna być uwzględniana przy określaniu zakresu zainteresowań semiotyki kartograficznej, w szczególności semantyki i syntaktyki.
Semiotics is a science dealing with ways in which signs and sign systems function as tools of communication. It has developed on the basis of linguistics, treated by its author F. Saussure as the most important part of semiotics. Semiotics can be divided into three branches: semantics, dealing with relations between signs and reality (especially the meaning of signs), pragmatics, which explores relations between signs and their users, and syntactics, which analyzes formal relations among signs within the system. Cartographic semiotics, whose acknowledged author is J. Bertin (1967), treats the map as both a special sign system and a model, whose aim is to visually and realistically present geographical space. Mirroring the three branches of semiotics, the cartographic semiotics includes: cartographic semantics (relations between signs and the objects they represent), cartographic pragmatics (map functions and relations between the map and its author and user) and cartographic syntactics (structure and rules of creating cartographic signs). There has evolved in cartographic semiotics a trend named theory of map language. It draws attention to the fact that there are many similarities between natural language and cartographic presentation. That is why its representatives use linguistic terminology to analyze cartographic sign systems. However, there exists one main structural difference between natural language (writing) and cartographic presentation. The map is not only a system of signs, but it is mainly a spatial model and a specialized image in measurable and clear characterization of space. This special character of cartographic presentation in comparison to natural language causes the object of interest of cartographic semantics (also of syntactics to a lesser degree) to be a lot different from the nature of semantics and syntactics in linguistic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is the qualities of the map as a spatial model of geographic reality, whose main aim is to show various kinds of space features and relations. That is why map spatial structure should be the main object of interest of cartographic semantics along with the semantic scope of notions represented by the signs used on the map. Cartographic syntactics, as opposed to syntactics of natural language, mainly deals with the graphic form of the map. Taking into consideration these basic differences between cartographic presentation and natural language it is easier to decide which problems of scientific cartography can be included in the three already mentioned branches of cartographic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is firstly the modeling of geographic space through transforming it into map space (defined by scale, mapping and way of shadowing), and secondly the modeling of object and phenomena attributes (creating a notion model). Kinds of attributes (quality, quantity) as well as the spatial reference of presented objects (point, line or area) became the basis for classifying and defining particular methods of cartographic presentation. That is why cartographic methodology can be included within the interest range of cartographic semantics. So can generalization, which is the essence of modeling both space and attributes of presented objects. Cartographic pragmatics is mainly interested in the research of map and its graphic elements perception within the scope of a research trend known as cognitive cartography. There appear more and more often research and analyses, in which maps are seen in a wider historical context as products of civilization progress as well as an image of the knowledge level and mentality of the epoch in which they were created. Cartographic pragmatics also includes works which analyze the functions played by maps, including expressive functions used in advertising and propaganda. Appropriate construction of map legend can be included in both cartographic pragmatics and semantics. With relation to authors of maps, cartographic pragmatics deals with such issues as copyright, the organization and technology of map production and educating map editors. The object of study of cartographic syntactics is the graphic form of maps, while the best known and most discussed issue here is visual variables created by J. Bertin. Cartographic syntactics should not only deal with visual variables, which show attributes of presented objects, but also with spatial variables, whose scope of application depends on whether the signs are points, lines or area. This branch of cartographic semiotics also includes rules of map graphic design. Semiotic approach is of special significance in the analysis of presentations, because comparison of different means of expression and the way they interact calls for a wider semiotic approach. This approach is especially important in the organization of inter-operational spatial data bases, which requires their comprehensive semantic analysis.
Autorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań jednostkowego i sumarycznego zużycia energii elektrycznej oraz jej kosztów przez urządzenia wspomagające i sterujące pracą automatycznych kotłów c.o. na paliwa stałe. Sugerują również aby w obliczeniach sprawności energetycznej takich kotłów uwzględniana była energia elektryczna zużywana w trakcie ich eksploatacji.
Authors present research results from unit and summary electric energy consumption by devices powered by electric energy – build-in central heating boiler for solid fuel. It is suggested, that when in future, calculations for energetic efficiency of such boilers are made, to also include and to take into consideration the electric energy consumed during their utilization.
Due to the turbulent history extremely reach and unique resources of military architectural objects (modern fortification complexes) are located in Poland. The paper presents results of analysis of utilization of aerial laser scanning data for identification and visualization of forts in Poland. A cloud of point from the ISOK Projects has been utilized for that purpose. Two types of areas are distinguished in this Project, covered by products of diversified standards: standards II - laser scanning of the increased density (12 points per sq.m.), standard I - laser scanning of the basic density (4 points per sq.m.). Investigations were carried out concerning the quality of geospatial data classification with respect to further topographic analysis of fortifications. These investigations were performed for four test sites, two test sites for each standard. Objects were selected in such a way that fortifications were characterized by the sufficient level of restoration and that at least one point located in forest and one point located in an open area could be located for each standard. The preliminary verification of the classification correctness was performed with the use of ArcGIS 10.1 software package, basing on the shaded Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and the Digital Fortification Model (DFM), an orthophotomap and the analysis of sections of the spatial cloud of points. Changes of classification of point clouds were introduced with the use of TerraSolid software package. Basing on the performed analysis two groups of errors of point cloud classification were detected. In the first group fragments of fortification facilities were classified with errors; in the case of the second group - entire elements of fortifications were classified with errors or they remained unclassified. The first type error, which occurs in the majority of cases, results in errors of 2÷4 meters in object locations and variations of elevations of those fragments of DFM, which achieve up to 14 m. At present, fortifications are partially or entirely covered with forests or invasive vegetation. Therefore, the influence of the land cover and the terrain slope on the DEM quality, obtained from Lidar data, should be considered in evaluation of the ISOK data potential for topographic investigations of fortifications. Investigations performed in the world proved that if the area is covered by dense, 70 year old forests, where forest clearance is not performed, this may result in double decrease of the created DTM. (comparing to the open area). In the summary it may be stressed that performed experimental works proved the high usefulness of ISOK laser scanning data for identification of forms of fortifications and for their visualization. As opposed to conventional information acquisition methods (field inventory together with historical documents), laser scanning data is the new generation of geospatial data. They create the possibility to develop the new technology, to be utilized in protection and inventory of military architectural objects in Poland.
Z uwagi na burzliwą historię, na obszarze Polski znajduje się niezwykle bogaty i unikatowy w swojej różnorodności zbiór obiektów architektury militarnej (zespołów fortyfikacji nowszej). Artykuł prezentuje wyniki analiz wykorzystania danych z lotniczego skaningu laserowego do identyfikacji i wizualizacji fortów w Polsce. W tym celu wykorzystano chmurę punktów dla standardu I i II z projektu ISOK (Informatyczny System Osłony Kraju). Przeprowadzono badania pod kątem jakości klasyfikacji geoprzestrzeniach danych w aspekcie późniejszych analiz topografii fortyfikacji. Badania przeprowadzono na czterech polach testowych, po dwa pola z każdego standardu. Obiekty dobrano tak by fortyfikacje cechowały się wystarczającym stopniem zachowania oraz żeby w każdym ze standardów, znalazł się przynajmniej jeden położony w lesie i jeden odkryty. Wstępną weryfikację poprawności klasyfikacji wykonano w programie ArcGIS 10.1 w oparciu o cieniowany Numeryczny Model Terenu (NMT) i Numeryczny Model Fortyfikacji (NMF), ortofotomapę oraz analizę przekrojów przestrzennej chmury punktów. Zmianę klasyfikacji chmur punktów przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania TerraSolid. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz wykryto dwie grupy błędów klasyfikacji chmury punktów. W pierwszej z nich błędnie sklasyfikowane są fragmenty urządzeń fortu, w drugiej błędnie sklasyfikowane lub nieklasyfikowane pozostają całe jego elementy. Najczęściej występujący z błędów pierwszego rodzaju powoduje błędy w lokalizacji rzędu 2÷4 m oraz kilku metrowe (max. do 14 m) różnice w wysokości tych fragmentów w NMF. Obecnie fortyfikacje pokryte są częściowo lub w całości lasami lub roślinnością inwazyjną. Dlatego też w ocenie potencjału danych z ISOK do celów badania topografii fortyfikacji, należy uwzględnić również wpływ pokrycia oraz nachylenie terenu na jakość NMT uzyskiwanego z LiDAR. Przeprowadzone eksperymenty wykazały dużą przydatność wykorzystania danych ze skaningu laserowego z projektu ISOK do identyfikacji form fortyfikacji oraz wizualizacji tych obiektów. W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnych metod pozyskiwania informacji (inwentaryzacje terenowe w zestawieniu z dokumentacją historyczną), dane ze skaningu laserowego stanowią nową generację danych geoprzestrzennych. Stwarzają możliwość opracowania nowej technologii wykorzystywanej w ochronie i inwentaryzacji architektury militarnej w Polsce.
Instytut Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla w Zabrzu oraz firma Elektro-system s.c. przedstawiają sterownik do kotłów wodnych na paliwo stałe. Sterownik elminuje konieczność ingerencji użytkownika w proces regulacji pracy kotła zarówno w fazie rozpalania jak i w trakcie jego eksploatacji.
The Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Zabrze in collaboration with the Elektro-system s.c. company present a driver for solid fuel water boilers. The driver allows for the regulation of boiler performance during the firing-up and running stages without any intervention from the user.
W niniejszym opracowaniu, na przykładzie przeglądu literatury oraz dwóch wykonanych eksperymentów przedstawiony został potencjał pomiarowy kamery niemetrycznej umieszczonej na platformie lotniczej na niskiej wysokości nad terenem. W pracy zaprezentowano również perspektywy rozwoju tej dziedziny fotogrametrii w najbliższych latach. Celem wykonanych projektów było pozyskanie zdjęć cyfrowych z platformy lotniczej do wygenerowania chmury punktów z użyciem automatycznej korelacji obrazów wybranymi algorytmami. Dane te wykorzystano do stworzenia podstawowych produktów fotogrametrycznych, a ich jakość oceniona została następnie w odniesieniu do profesjonalnych danych, w tym również danych z zasobów geodezyjnych. Ocena ta miała na celu udowodnienie wysokiej jakości opracowań utworzonych z obrazów pozyskanych z kamery niemetrycznej, jak i pokazanie możliwości ich późniejszego praktycznego wykorzystania. Obydwa zaprezentowane projekty ukazują potencjał, jakim dysponuje fotogrametria lotnicza niskich wysokości, w której zastosowanie ma małoformatowa kamera cyfrowa umieszczona na dowolnej platformie lotniczej. Są to zadania ukierunkowane przede wszystkim na opracowania w dużej skali dla małych powierzchniowo obszarów, generujące w efekcie produkty takie jak: numeryczne modele terenu, modele powierzchni terenu, wektorowe modele dowolnych obiektów, ortofotomapy.
The aim of this paper is to present the measurement potential of images obtained by digital, non-metric, small-format camera from low-altitude aerial range. In presented paper, on the basis of two executed projects and a review of selected bibliography, the usefulness of such photos was assessed and the prospects for the development of this field of photogrammetry in the near future were drawn. The purpose of both project was the acquisition of digital images by usage of small-format, non-metric camera placed on selected air platform. In the first experiment, as an aerial platform, a sailplane was used while in the second experiment – octocopter which is unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). On the basis of obtained images a point cloud were generated using image-based matching in both projects. In presented experiments following automatic correlation methods were applied: Area-Based Matching (ABM) and Feature-Based Matching (FBM) as well as an algorithm based on multi-view stereo matching (CMVS/PMVS2). Datasets generated during experiments were used for basic photogrammetric products creation. Their quality was then evaluated with respect to the professional data, including data from the geodetic and cartographic resource. This assessment was investigated to prove the high quality of studies created from images obtained by non-metric cameras, as well as to demonstrate possibilities of their practical future use. Both presented projects showed the potential of low-altitude aerial photogrammetry, which applies small-format digital camera placed on any aerial platform. These tasks are focused primarily on the development of large-scale studies for small areas, generating accurate products such as: digital terrain models, surface models, vector models of any object, orthoimages as a result.
Przeprowadzone badania i prace projektowe stanowią zaledwie pierwszy krok do pełnej implementacji w Polsce zapisów ustawy o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej. Aby opracować kompletną bazę BDG należy zgromadzić dane przestrzenne dla obszaru pokrytego blisko 17 000 arkuszy mapy topograficznej w skali 1: 1 O 000 oraz uogólnić zgromadzone informacje, a także zadbać o stałą aktualizację tych danych. Kluczowe znaczenie ma także zgromadzenie i udostępnienie w serwerach katalogowych wiarygodnych metadanych opisujących dane referencyjne oraz umożliwienie dostępu do danych i usług przestrzennych w krajowym geoportalu. Istotnym elementem rozwoju IIP w Polsce jest także budowa profesjonalnego systemu zarządzania bazą BDG. Pozwoli to zarówno na obniżenie kosztów półautomatycznej aktualizacji dwóch komponentów topograficznych i siedmiu komponentów kartograficznych, jak i na ułatwienie dostępu do danych zgromadzonych w spójnej pojęciowo i ciągłej obszarowo bazie danych przestrzennych. Istotnym elementem prac nad rozporządzeniem "referencyjnym" (Rozporządzenie, projekt) było pełne uspójnienie modelu pojęciowego baz TBD i BDO i zastąpienie ich zintegrowanym, dwupoziomowym systemem BDG. Autorzy pokusili się także o próbę pełnej integracji szeregu skalowego map topograficznych i przeglądowych, generowanych z Bazy Danych Georeferencyjnych. Prace te nie są jednak zakończone. Opracowane koncepcje kompozycyjne i graficzne wymagają przeprowadzenia testów na wybranych obszarach o różnym stopniu zainwestowania. Również proces zasilania uogólnionego komponentu topograficznego bazy BDG danymi źródłowymi TOPOlO wymaga dalszych prac i modyfikacji. Testowane przez autorów artykułu prototypowe systemy informatyczne umożliwiają implementację półautomatycznego procesu zasilania komponentu TOP0250 danymi TOPO 1 O. Bardziej złożony model generalizacji informacji geograficznej powinien w pełni uwzględniać możliwości jakie oferuje baza danych typu MRDB. Najlepszym, z punktu widzenia nakładów pracy, podejściem jest użycie technologii polegającej na przeniesieniu jedynie zmienionych obiektów z poziomu najdokładniejszego do poziomów mniej dokładnych. Ten sposób aktualizacji wymaga zastosowania w praktyce teorii wieloreprezentacyjnych baz danych (MRDB). W celu dostosowania zaproponowanej technologii do pracy z bazą MRDB należałoby zmodyfikować procedury generalizacji tak, aby zapisywały powiązania pomiędzy obiektami źródłowymi i wynikowymi. Wykorzystując takie powiązanie, przy modyfikacji lub usunięciu obiektu, może zadziałać mechanizm propagacji zmian do pochodnych komponentów bazy danych. Przejście na technologię opartą o MRDB musi poprzedzić dokładne przetestowanie istniejących procedur generalizacji. Zastosowanie MRDB, oprócz usprawnienia procesu aktualizacji bazy danych, ułatwia również wykonywanie analiz przestrzennych w oparciu o dane o różnej dokładności. Istotną trudnością w zastosowaniu praktycznym tego typu systemów jest brak oprogramowania narzędziowego przeznaczonego do zarządzania bazami danych MRDB.
Development and utilisation of MRDB technology to create multi-resolution reference data bases has recently become a world trend. These data bases allow for collecting data of diversified levels of model generalisation or/and geometric accuracy in a coherent data structure. These trends are also taken into account by the regulation to the Act on the Spatial Information Infrastructure, aimed at implementation of the INSPIRE Directive in Poland. The topographic Georeference Database (BDG), created on the basis of this regulation, will be developed as a MRDB type data base, consisting of two topographic components: TOPO1O and TOPO250 and a series of cartographic components: KARTO1O, KARTO25, KARTO50, KARTO1OO, KARTO250, KARTO500 and KARTO1000. In order to develop geo-information in Poland, it is particularly important to develop the methodology of creation of a two-level structure of the BDG (supplying with TOP010 data in the process of generalisation of TOPO250 component), as well as cartographic visualisation of reference data and its multiscale analysis. The objective of creating the TOP01O (as well as TOP0250) component is to utilise acquired data for various analyses based on spatial information for integration with other thematic GIS data bases and for location of objects. The objective of creating KARTO components is to use them for printing topographic maps and to use them as cartographic back ground for production of thematic maps. The TOP010 component is the basic source topographic database. The TOP0250 is a derivative data base, developed as a result of distinguishing selected TOP01 0 elements and their generalisation. The TOP0250 database is a review topographic data base. Production of official topographic maps at scales of 1;10,000,1:25,000, 1:50,000 and 1: 100,000 as well as thematic maps such as soil, hydrographic, geological maps at the same scales, are selected applications of the TOP01O database. The authors developed not only the conceptual model of the BDG, understood as a two-level MRDB type data base, but they also developed an idea of generation of topographic maps at various scales, semi-automatically edited on the basis of the source topographic database.
Biodegradation of nonylphenol ethoxylates and dodecyl ethoxylates (C9H19-C6H4- -(OCH2CH2)n-OH and C12H25-(OCH2CH2)n-OH respectively) in river water in a static die-away test was performed. By using high performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization mass spectrometric detection (HPLC-ESI/MS), surfactants containing 2-4 ethoxylene units were detected as biodegradation products. Post-column addition of a number of metal cation was tested in order to improve the sensitivity of HPLC-ESI/MS analysis. Among the metal cations taken into account, the use of a lithium cation gave the best results provided that the cone voltage was increased to 40-50 V.
Przedstawiono przebieg realizacji budowy bloku 460 MW o nadkrytycznych parametrach pary i uzyskane doświadczenia zarówno w zakresie inwestycji jak i eksploatacji bloku 460 MW w Elektrowni Łagisza.
The article presents 460 MW power unit with supercritical parameters construction process as well as experience gained during the investment process and operation of the unit located in Łagisza Power Plant.
W artykule porównano zakres treści i formę graficzną trzech polskich cywilnych map topograficznych w skali 1:50 000: w układzie "1965", w układzie "1992" oraz w układzie "WGS-84".
In Poland currently there are three topographic maps at the scale of 1:50 000 for civil use: -map in ,,1965" coordinate system published in 1977-1982 by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, covering the whole country, - map in ,,1992" coordinate system, exept first 48 sheets of Mazowsze region, which were edited in ,,1942" coordinate system), published in 1995-2002 by the Surveyor General of Poland, covering almost 60% of the country's area, - ,,WGS-84" map in UTM projection published in 2003-2006 by the Surveyor General of Poland with the Polish Military Gegraphic Service, covering 25% of the country's area. Comparison of the range of contents and graphic form of the three maps clearly shows the superiority of the map in ,,1992" system. Compared to the other two it employs a new way of presenting built-up areas. It contains significantly more information about the function and intensity of exploitation of built-up areas and offers provides a more complete picture of anthropogenic landscape than any other map in that scale, in Poland or abroad. In addition, the ,,1992" map has the most detailed presentation of streets and relief. Detailed depiction of plant cover and crop areas is achieved by lowering the area limits, below which a particular object is not shown with its outline. Similarly, lowering of the length limit of watercourses and area limit of water pools led to a more detailed presentation of water network. The contents of the ,,1992" map was also enriched by a much larger number of acronyms and descriptions of public buildings and industrial sites. The map in ,,1965" system was printed in four colors, ,,WGS-84" map in five, and the ,,1992" map - in six. The comparison of graphic form of the three maps gave lowest marks to the least readable "1965" map. The ,,1992" map is characterized by wider use of color, which adds to its readability and attractiveness. Substituting black color, traditionally used for buildings and road network with brown resulted in higher graphic capacity and better presentation of public buildings and industrial sites. Consistent use of green for green areas, blue for water and light brown for relief facilitates perception of particular categories of map contents. Application of color patterns for grass areas and orchards allowed for a clear and detailed presentation of their outline. The graphic level of the .WGS-84" map is higher than that of former military maps and the map in "1965" system, partly due to the application of several solutions from the ,,1992" map (e.g. consistent use of green for green areas, simplified presentation of built--up areas). Some elements of the ,,WSG-84" map, such as main roads or borders of natural reserves, are more readable than in the other two. The comparison of the three maps in 1:50 000 shows that the newly planned map in this scale, which is to be prepared using the topographic database should base on the map in ,,1992" coordinate system.
W artykule omówiono poszukiwania kartograficznej metody prezentacji sieci osadniczej. Porównano różne mapy osadnictwa, by znaleźć najwłaściwsze rozwiązanie merytoryczne dla Mapy sieci osadniczej województwa mazowieckiego w skali 1:1000 000. Przedstawiono sposób opracowania bazy danych, a także zredagowania mapy zzastosowaniem oprogramowania GIS.
The first maps of settlement network were prepared between the World Wars. F. Uhorczak (1932) proposed a method of equidistants and W. Deszczka (1931) - methods of geometric point symbols to present settlement. The applied cartographic methods changed with the development of research. Interesting presentations of settlement network can be found primarily in atlases of countries and regions, among the maps of settlement distribution and size. A review of maps of settlement network made it possible to prepare a concept of Map of settlement network of Mazowieckie voivodship at 1:1 000 000 for Atlas of Mazowieckie voivodship, prepared at the Warsaw University Chair of Cartography. It consisted of: an idea to present all cities, towns and village as diagrams, with the population figures, simultaneously showing the status and administrative function of the settlement. The map was prepared in GIS environment together with database. Basing on a topographic maps at 1:100 000 and 1:50 000, the coordinates of settlement centers were entered into the chart, while statistical sources provided the data on the population, settlement status (town or village), administrative rank (gmina, powiat and voivodship offices) and administrative district (belonging to a particular gmina or powiat). The method of presentation of settlements was based on the analysis of a database of 7904 settlement points. A number of value diagrams, histograms and GIS trials had been prepared to ensure the methodologically best solution. Finally a continuous approach was chosen (for settlements over 2 500 residents) and an interval approach in six classes for smaller communities. Volume diagrams (spheres) were picked for larger settlements and area diagrams (circles) for smaller ones. The map presents a comprehensive image of the settlement network. The size, status and rank of communities show their hierarchy. Infrastructural connections (roads and railways) paste this spatial structure together. The applied diagram method gives a varied but clear depiction of settlement network. One can observe spatial regional arrangements and different settlement sizes in relation to various factors, like infrastructure and natural conditions. The technical side of the project was crucial. A number of GIS options was used; settlements were precisely placed, a large pool of data was classified and verified, the whole project was visualized - first in the trial versions of the map, and finally as a completed thematic map. There are further possible applications of the prepared database: firstly - for the purpose of the map's revision, secondly - for preparation of other maps in the same atlas, thirdly - as a starting point for a larger project of presenting the settlement network of Mazowieckie voivodship in functional-structural approach including settlement characteristics, and fourthly - for preparation of other maps of population and settlement.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono znaczenie generalizacji w procesie budowy Krajowego Systemu Informacji Geograficznej oraz teoretyczne zasady generalizacji sieci dróg i zabudowy dla skali 1:50 000. W drugiej części opisano narzędzia informatyczne do automatyzacji procesu generalizacji oraz implementacje bazy wiedzy dotyczącej reguł generalizacji w środowisku programowym DynaGEN. Poprawność opracowanej bazy wiedzy zweryfikowano przez przeprowadzenie dwóch eksperymentów. Pierwszy eksperyment dotyczył generalizacji warstw tematycznych Bazy Danych Topograficznych (BDT) sieci transportowej i zabudowy w obrębie podwar-szawskiej miejscowości Łomianki. Drugi eksperyment polegał na generalizacji warstwy tematycznej sieci transportowej w okolicach Kowalewa Pomorskiego.
The most advanced software for generalization of digital data available on the market today is that by Laser Scan. The company participated in the AGENT The most advanced software project, which was described in the first part of the article. What resulted from the project was Clarity, a very advanced map generalization system. What differentiated Laser Scan from then contemporary software, was the fact that it accounted for the contextuality of generalization, i.e. the same objects can be generalized differently depending on the objects surrounding them. It was possible because of application of a unique object technology, where each object could be generalized in many ways depending on the context. The DynaGEN system by Intergraph is an alternative generalization software. It is less expensive and has significantly more practical applications. It uses the same generalization algorithms, but cannot do alternative operations. Therefore one can either generalize small areas in an interactive way, or generalize automatically with later manual corrections. Similarly to Laser Scan, it requires software configuration and also the construction of knowledge base. The second part of the article presents an implementation of the knowledge base containing the rules of generalization in DynaGEN environment. The accuracy of the arranged knowledge base had been verified by two experiments. The first one involved generalization of thematic levels of Topographic Database of the road network and buildings within the town of Łomianki near Warsaw. The second one consisted in generalization of the road network in the area of Kowalewo Pomorskie in Northern Poland. The knowledge base prepared in DynaGEN system contained two sets of rules. The first one included the rules applied automatically and which, in limited sequence, are used for the initial preparation of data. The second set contained the rules describing basic types of interactive generalization processes supervised by a cartographer, which were vital for the application sequence. The generalization of a road network consists of two stages. The first one involves an analysis and initial data processing. Its range includes a construction of a hierarchical model of a road network and the connection of road segments within the whole area. The second, main stage of the generalization of a road network involves selection and simplification of paved roads, dirt roads and paths. Generalization of built-up areas is performed in one step, without initial data processing. The prepared knowledge data describes the process of generalization of topographic data from 1:10000 into 1:50 000. It provides universal material which can be implemented in various software environments.
W pierwszej części artykułu opisano i zilustrowano reguły generalizacji sieci drogowej i zabudowy przy opracowywaniu mapy topograficznej 1:50 000 na podstawie mapy 1: 10 000. W drugiej części artykułu zostanie zaprezentowana implementacja bazy wiedzy na podstawie zdefiniowanych reguł w środowisku programowym Dynagen oraz przykłady praktycznego wykorzystania tej implementacji do generalizacji Bazy Danych Topograficznych.
Due to the development of geographic information systems, in the developed countries more than 70% of decisions in public administrations are taken basing on spatial data. Particular regions have their own databases with various levels of detail, usually corresponding to standard topographic scales (1:10 000, 1:25 000, 1:50 000 etc.). The question is whether it would be possible to keep just one, detailed topographic database and generate cartographic presentations in different scales from it, using automatic generalization of spatial data. This problem is particularly vital in Poland, because the National Geographic Information System (KSIG), which is being implemented at the moment, consists of, among other units, a Topographic Database (BDT) with the level of detail corresponding to the map in 1:10 000 and a Level 2 Vector Map (VMAP 2) with the level of detail corresponding to the scale of 1:50 000. Since 2002 the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of Agricultural University of Wroclaw together with the Warsaw University Chair of Cartography have been working on a research project "Automatization of the process of generalization of topographic maps from the scale of 1:10 000 into 1:50 000". In the first stage of the research attempts were made to elaborate a system of automatic genera-lization of road network and buildings with the use of DynaGen software. In the first part of the article the rules of generalization of these two components are presented and illustrated. Criteria and rules for the choice of streets and lower road categories are established (criteria of density, length, functionality and spatial relations). Generalization of buildings presented in the scale of 1:10 000 can be conducted in two ways: either with symbols of separate buildings or by replacing them with a symbol of a built-up area. In the first case we are dealing with the following types of generalizations: generalization of qualitative features, substitution of a collective symbol for separate symbols, choice of buildings, replacement of building outlines with symbols, building simplification, combining and changing of building location. In the second case separate objects (buildings) are replaced with a collective symbol (built-up area), the shape of which is further simplified, extended and combined.
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