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The study deals with landslide threats in a low-relief region which exemplifies an area rarely perceived as prone to such geohazards. Actually, in the gently undulated landscape in the vicinity of Koronowo at the Brda River (South Pomeranian Lake District, northern Poland) intensified landsliding was observed in the recent years. The field mapping and examination of air photos showed that endangered terrains are fairly extensive and cannot be limited to initially identified slope failure incidences (hot-spots). The devised landslide susceptibility and hazard map is an outcome of predictive modelling using empirical likelihood ratio function (LR) with respect to seven evidential layers: elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, flow accumulation, surface deposits, depth to glacial raft, land cover as well as the landslide scars. The values of potential losses were calculated based on the mapped land-use categories and current market prices of estates and services. The final map, which resulted from combining landslide hazard with potential losses, shows damage propensity in a spatial scale of the town surroundings. It is meant as a supportive tool for decision-making with regard to allocating funds for stabilization measures or planning placement of new investments. On this background, stabilization solutions for selected sites are assessed in a cost-benefit context.
In the paper experimental investigations related with analysis of navigational precision of three chosen GNSS receivers are shown. Used receivers allow for measurement of navigational signals in following modes of operations: receiving signals from singlefrequency GPS system, dual-frequency GPS/GLONASS system, and receiving signals from GPS constellation with use of differential measurements. In the last mode the base station and mobile receiver were configured for transmitting/receiving differential corrections by pair of industry-grade radio modems. The most important features and configuration of navigational receivers for conducted experiment are presented. Afterward the features of computer program designed especially for simultaneous acquisition, analysis of quality parameters and archiving of navigational signals are shown. The results of conducted investigations are also shown. For each of the receivers quantity and quality parameters such as maximum and minimum numbers of visible satellites and DOP (dilution of precision) parameters achieved during the experiment are given.
In the recentyears intensified landslidingwas observed in the surroundings and in the town of Koronowo near Bydgoszcz. (Krajeñskie Lake District). The gently undulated moraine upland, a wide valley of the Brda river, its relatively steep valleysides and incised valleys of tributaries are morphologicfeatures related to modeling by North Polish Glaciation. Quaternary tills alternated with fluvioglacial sands and gravels are underalined by Miocene clay and mud with brown coal intercalations. Due to such morphologic and geologic setting the study area isprone to slope instability. Failure apt soil massifs were assigned to 4 groups. Out of 32 identified landslides, 9 were selected for detailed examination. To register a nature and rate of failures a complex monitoring system was installed on slopes where the selected landslides resulted in severe damages to municipal infrastructure. The system was facilitated with inclinometers andpiezometers, supported by a network of GPS-RTK geodetic benchmarks as well as with a recording weather station. The performed examination revealed that the most unfavourable arrangement of the layers is, when under a non-cohesive soil (e.g. sand, gravel) lies a cohesive impermeable layer (e.g. clay, loam). The landslides are rather shallow ones (except 2 incidents) with slow rate of displacement of an order offew mm/year. The landslide triggeringfactor is water originatingfrom precipitation and snow melting. Influence of water was especially significant in early Spring 2011, due to the combined effect ofsnow melting and infiltration of thawing water originating from the former, exceptionally high rainfalls. The influence of hydrologic conditions on slope deformations is complex. There is a significant timelag between a movement initiation and unfavourable hydrometeorological conditions. That is exemplified with the landslide that was initiated in February-March 2011 in consequence of atmospheric conditions of November-December 2010. The obtained results formed the background for inventing engineering treatment measures aiming at current remedial stabilization of slopes and mitigation ofpossible landsliding in the future.
W pracy przedstawiono ilościową ocenę zagrożenia osuwiskowego i związanego z nim ryzyka w testowym rejonie Karpat fliszowych (okolice Szymbarku w Beskidzie Niskim). Wykorzystano równanie Varnesa i schemat metodyczny, pokazujący etapy takiej oceny: od inwentaryzacji osuwisk, przez wyznaczenie podatności na osuwanie i zagrożenia, aż po oszacowanie ryzyka na badanym obszarze. W ten sposób po raz pierwszy w polskiej literaturze dokonano oceny ryzyka osuwiskowego w sposób kompleksowy. Do wyznaczenia podatności na osuwanie i zagrożenia wykorzystano techniki GIS i metodę ELR (Empirical Likelihood Ratio) należącą do klasy funkcji sprzyjania (Favouribility Function). Przeprowadzone modelowanie wykazało przydatność zastosowanych metod do przewidywania zagrożeń w skali obszaru badań (modelowanie w dużej skali – 1:10 0000). Wrażliwość (vulnerability) oszacowano na podstawie wskaźnika odnoszącego koszt napraw do kosztów odtworzenia obiektu. Z kompilacji map zagrożenia i potencjalnych strat powstała mapa ryzyka osuwiskowego dla obszaru badań. Przeprowadzona analiza strat i korzyści w przypadku zagrożenia osuwiskowego wykazała duży (nawet 20%) udział strat pośrednich w stosunku do strat bezpośrednich. Wynika z tego, że straty pośrednie nie mogą być pomijane przy oszacowaniu ryzyka osuwiskowego i powinny by uwzględniane w planowaniu przestrzennym.
The paper presents quantitative estimation of landslide hazard and risk in the test area located in the Polish Flysch Carpathians (surrounding of Szymbark, Beskid Niski Mts.). The adopted approach is enrooted in Varnes equation and, thus, problem solving is tackled with a stepwise strategy comprising landslide inventory, susceptibility and hazard modelling, and assessment of related risk in the studied area. Under such framework the landslide risk has been evaluated comprehensively for the first time in Poland. Drawing upon GIS capabilities, landslide susceptibility and hazard were modelled using ELR (Empirical Likelihood Ratio) function, belonging to Favourability Functions. The performed multivariate statistical modelling turned to be useful for predicting landslide hazard in the test area (large scale modelling - i.e. 1:10 000). Vulnerability was estimated by relating costs of repairs to costs of analysed objects at risk. The developed landslide risk map is the outcome of compiling the landslide hazard map with the map of potential losses. Moreover, the performed cost-benefit analysis showed that indirect losses are significant (up to 20%) when compared to direct ones. Therefore, the indirect losses may not be neglected and have to be taken under consideration in spatial planning and landscape management.
Przedstawiono proces tworzenia komputerowej wizualizacji stanowiska roboczego z wykorzystaniem maszyn o kinematyce równoległej. Wizualizacja obejmuje fragment zaproponowanej linii produkcyjnej dla procesu laserowej obróbki płytek drukowanych wraz z montażem układów scalonych. Warunkiem koniecznym dla realizacji tych procesów był dobór odpowiedniego oprzyrządowania technologicznego.
The paper presents a development process for computer visualisation of working station including a parallel kinematics machine tools. The visualisation covers a proposed production line for processes of laser machining of printed circuit boards and chip mounting. Essential for these processes was a proper selection of technological devices and tooling.
Projekt System Osłony Przeciwosuwiskowej (SOPO) jest projektem kartograficznym, dotyczącym ruchów masowych. Ma on wspomagać realizację zadań dotyczących rejestracji i oddziaływania tych ruchów na zasoby środowiska i ludność. Projekt został zlecony przez Ministra Środowiska i sfinansowany ze środków Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej. Głównymi odbiorcami wyników projektu organy administracji państwowej (starostwa powiatowe, urzędy gmin, urzędy wojewódzkie i marszałkowskie) i rządowej (ministerstwa), państwowe i wojewódzkie inspektoraty ochrony środowiska, a także instytucje pozarządowe, prowadzące działalność usługową związaną głównie z: budownictwem, transportem, obrotem nieruchomościami i ziemią oraz działalność naukowo-dydaktyczną. Projekt skupia się na pozyskiwaniu, gromadzeniu oraz zarządzaniu danymi dotyczącymi ruchów masowych i związanym z tym zagrożeniem. Projekt, realizowany etapowo, obejmuje kartowanie terenowe oraz sporządzanie map osuwisk i obszarów podatnych na osuwanie. Zgromadzone dane z wypełnionych kart osuwiskowych oraz mapy z lokalizacją osuwisk i terenów zagrożonych (w skali 1:10 000), jak również dane z monitoringu ruchów masowych zostaną wprowadzone do bazy danych, która będzie udostępniona odbiorcom poprzez stronę internetową projektu.
The project entitled Landslide Counteracting System (LCS) (in Polish System Osłony Przeciwosuwiskowej - SOPO) is a cartographic project meant to provide support in the field of environmental protection and public safety as well as prevention from negative effects due to mass movements. The project has been commissioned by Ministry of the Environment and financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The main end-users of the Project are the bodies of the state administration (country, regional, local levels), environmental protection inspectorates, appropriate ministries and : Non-Governmental Organizations acting in the area of constructing works, transportation, estate and property trade and exchange and education-research activities. The project concentrates on acquisition, storage and management of data related to mass movements and associated hazards, The project logistics involves a stage-by-stage field surveying and mapping of landslides and landslide-prone terrains. The collected data filled in the documentary forms for landslides and mass movement threatened areas, maps with locations of landslides and mass movements threatened areas (1:10 000), as well as monitoring data will be loaded to the landslide hazard database which will be accessible via a web site of the SOPO Project.
Powierzchniowe ruchy masowe należą do rozpowszechnionych zagrożeń geodynamicznych i noszą cechy klęski żywiołowej. Polska jest krajem, gdzie osuwanie pociągnęło za sobą niewielką liczbę ofiar, natomiast zniszczenia infrastruktury, zwłaszcza drogowej, są spektakularne. Praca przedstawia zwięzły przegląd koncepcji na temat ruchów masowych oraz omawia powszechne rozumienie terminu osuwisko. Wskazano różnicę pomiędzy zniszczeniami wywołanymi osuwaniem naturalnym a spowodowanymi antropogenicznie. Podkreśla się znaczenie właściwego rozpoznawania osuwisk i wiarygodnego sporządzania map, jako niezbędnego kroku w ograniczaniu zagrożenia.
Mass movements belong to very devastating natural hazards. Although number of casualties in Poland is not high, the damaging effects to transportation network are much more appealing. The paper reviews the basic concepts of mass movement processes and a common understanding of landslides. A difference between naturally and man-triggered landslides is indicated. The need for reliable identification of landslides and adequate mapping is believed to be a key issue in hazard mitigation.
Geological setting and precipitation triggers seem to be obvious parameters controlling landslides, but their relation to individual sliding processes has not been clear. We take on interdisciplinary approach (combining Earth science methods with an engineer ing-geotechnical approach) to examine sliding processes in the Kawiory landslide in the Polish Carpathians. Field parameters were obtained from inclinometer monitoring, meteorological records, piezometer data and geomechanical tests. Numerical simulation of the landslide development was performed, both for the reconstruction of the internal deformation phenomena on the slope and for approximate prediction of its future behaviour. An empirical formula describing the relationship between the depth of groundwater level (GWL) and precipitation is presented. The case study showed that for the ob served quasi-continuous creep, the depth and in particular the intensity of GWL fluctuations might be crucial.
W artykule przedstawiono wyliczenia wartości ryzyka uaktywnienia się osuwiska. Wycena dotyczy terenu znanego z aktywnych osuwisk, objętego obserwacją przez geologów od kilkudziesięciu lat. Jest to obszar zlewni rzeki Bystrzanki, teren wsi Szymbark w gminie Gorlice.
The paper presents a calculation of the landslide risk value. It depends on three parameters, namely the probability of landslide failure, the vulnerability of elements at risk (buildings, lifelines, crops etc.) and the recovery value of elements prone to land sliding. The risk has been calculated for the landslide area where there is neither large scale industrial activity nor service management. Apart from the assumed probability and vulnerability, the authors based their calculation on data available in statistical publications and on parameters given in tax regulations. The obtained results can be used for evaluation of the cost-benefit of landslide mitigation measures to be undertaken.
Content available remote Propozycja metody wyceny wartości ryzyka związanego z osuwiskiem
Zarządzanie ryzykiem polegające na jego ograniczaniu wiąże się z koniecznością przeprowadzenia rachunku ekonomicznego, czyli porównania nakładów z efektami. Rachunek taki wymaga wyliczenia wartości prawdopodobnej szkody spowodowanej zaistnieniem niekorzystnego zdarzenia. Artykuł zawiera propozycję wyliczenia wartości ryzyka polegającego na uaktywnieniu się osuwiska powodującego szkody, zarówno bezpośrednie, jak i pośrednie, w budynkach, uprawach rolnych, lasach, infrastrukturze. Propozycja dotyczy zagrożonego osuwiskiem terenu górzystego, na którym nie ma zlokalizowanego przemysłu.
Three elements are necessary for quantitative risk evaluation, i.e. hazard rate, vulnerability and value of the endangered object. In order to evaluate the risk related to a land slide, the hazard rate is defined as the probability of a land slide and the vulnerability as the expected degree of damages determined by the scale of the land slide, the susceptibility of objects to damage and the urgency with which the damages have to be repaired. The suggested method of estimating the value of endangered objects uses, among others, information included in tax legislation, statistical data and surveys among the local population.
This study involves the integration of multiple thematic datasets for landslide susceptibility assessment through spatial prediction models. The proposed methodology has been applied in the Bystrzanka-Biczyska area (Beskid Niski Mts., Carpathians Mts., Poland), characterised by a very high density of landslides. The susceptibility assessment has been based on an indirect bivariate statistical analysis ("Weights of Evidence" modelling technique, Bonham-Carter et al., 1989) performed in order to predict the occurrence of an event (landslide) where well-known evidences (predictor variables) are available. According to the relative importance of each evidence, a landslide susceptibility map has been produced. Observing final prediction results, it is concluded that the susceptibility map gives useful information both on present instability of the area and its possible future evolution in agreement with the morphological evolution of the area.
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