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The paper presents the results of a questionnaire carried out among landscape users in Suwałki and Augustów Region concerning the perception of goods of nature. Respondents were asked to assign services to 7 ecosystem types (deciduous forest, coniferous forest, swamp forest, grasslands, croplands, wetlands, water bodies) and rank them in order of importance. Our intention was to show the potential/capacity of each ecosystem type to deliver four cultural ecosystem services: sport and recreation, inspiration for creative work, education and science and spiritual experience in the view of local community and tourists.
The general objective of the study was to present different methods for identification and assessment of ecosystem services provided by various ecosystems in postglacial landscape. Our study focused on ecosystem-oriented approach in which the potential of ecosystems to deliver goods and services was analyzed. Other approaches, e.g. society-oriented (dealing with goods and services demands) or process-oriented (focused on uptake of goods and services) were applied only additionally.
W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad przestrzennym zróżnicowaniem potencjału ekosystemów do dostarczania wybranych usług zaopatrzeniowych i regulacyjnych. Każde z wybranych do prezentacji świadczeń (cztery usługi zaopatrzeniowe – plony zbóż, miód, biomasa zwierząt kopytnych, zapas drewna na pniu; jedna usługa regulacyjna –sekwestracja węgla w glebie) jest przykładem innego podejścia do definiowania i obliczania wskaźników określających potencjał do świadczenia usług. Wyniki zróżnicowania przestrzennego potencjałów przedstawiono na mapach, obejmujących trzy gminy z Polski północno-wschodniej.
Nonetheless, to date, there has been rather a small number of scientific papers which verified in a comprehensive manner the methodological assumptions of the ES concept as a conglomerate of material and non-material benefits derived by human from natural environment and cultural heritage. Such scientific approach to ES concept has been adopted and implemented in the project “Ecosystem services in young glacial landscape – assessment of resources, threats and use” supported by National Science Centre (2012/07/ B/ST10/04344), carried out in Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences since 2012. This article presents the project objectives, assumptions and research methodology.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono błędy charakterystyczne dla etapów pozyskiwania danych pierwotnych (pomiary i badania terenowe) i przetwarzania ich do postaci wtórnej (prace kameralne), a następnie porównano wybrane kryteria oceny jakości materiałów źródłowych w ujęciu klasycznym (mapy i zbiory map „papierowych”) z cechami i standardami dokładności danych w GIS (dane numeryczne). W drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono kolejne etapy tworzenia mapy numerycznej (wprowadzania danych), skupiając się przede wszystkim na zaletach i wadach poszczególnych metod, procedur czy modeli, ich przydatności w rożnego typu badaniach oraz potencjalnych błędach i sposobach ich weryfikacji. W tym zakresie omówiono skanowanie, kalibrację materiałów rastrowych, schematy pojęciowe (sposoby reprezentacji środowiska), wybór obiektów do badań porównawczych, wektoryzację i weryfikację topologii połączeń, generalizację graficzną i pojęciową oraz fazy normalizacji baz danych.
In first part of the article discussed specific errors for stages of collecting raw data (measurements and field studies) and processing them to the secondary forms. Then the chosen criteria of evaluation quality of the source materials („paper” maps collection) with the standards of the GIS data accuracy were compared. In second part of the article, the next digital mapping stages (input data) were introduced. Mainly focus on advantages and defects of individual methods, procedures or models, their usefulness in the various researches as well as potential errors and their verification possibilities. It was described among others: scanning, raster calibration, environment representation methods (grid and vector models), the choice of objects to comparative studies, digitalization and vector topology verification, graphic and notional generalization and the database standardization.
Content available remote Eksploatacja linii kolejowych znaczenia lokalnego - dolnośląskie przykłady
W artykule opisano stan obecny i formy eksploatacji trzech wybranych linii kolejowych, zlokalizowanych na Dolnym Śląsku. Pokazano działania mające na celu utrzymanie przewozów na odcinkach zagrożonych zamknięciem głównie z powodu złego stanu technicznego infrastruktury. Zaprezentowano również niektóre inicjatywy władz lokalnych zmierzające do ożywienia ruchu pasażerskiego na wybranych liniach, a także zamieszczono kontrprzykład linii, dla której wprowadzenie przewozów pasażerskich jest nieopłacalne.
The present state and forms of exploitation of three selected railway lines situated in Lower-Silesia have been described in the article. The activities having in view preservation of traffic on the sections threatened with closure mostly because of bad technical condition of the infrastructure have been presented. There were also presented some initiatives of local authorities aiming to passenger traffic animation on selected railway lines. An opposite example of a railway line has been also placed, for which it has been unprofitable to introduce the passenger transport.
The article presents an integrated management system applied at Polish Security Printing Works S. A. (PWPW). The system comprises the following interrelated sub-systems: strategic management, systems based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, PN 18001, AQAP 2110 and SA 8000 standards, budgeting, and 5S. The system functioning was appreciated by external experts who awarded PWPW with the Polish Quality Prize.
Autor przedstawia kolejne etapy zakładania austriackiego katastru podatku gruntowego na ziemiach polskich, a następnie przybliża zasady sporządzania operatów katastralnych, prezentuje ich strukturę i zawartość oraz podaje przykłady ich wykorzystania w pracach urządzeniowych i badaniach naukowych.
The land-tax cadaster i. e. collection of data pertaining to land and containing maps as well as land registers listings their users and proprietors was initiated on the Polish ethnic territory in the early 19th century. The main reason was the abolition of serfdom and consequent enfranchisement of peasants (at the turn of the 19th century). The most important role was played by the Austrian and Prussian cadaster. On the territory of the Russian Kingdom of Poland no uniform land register was ever produced. The cadastral assessments initially served as a source of information on location, surface and soil class; entitled to the right of ownership in land registers and facilitated the sale of real estate and applying for credit. They were also often used to determine the limits of properties and for their protection. After the World War II, they were used as a base to determine the areas to be colonized, for the construction works and also for legislation concerning the native peoples. All documents that survived the war was used as a base of the nationwide land and building cadaster initiated in 1955. In the later years, cadastral maps were mostly used for research and physical planning, including, among others, research of the changes to the spatial structure of landscape, land use, and the structure of ownership divisions, changes to the hydrographic network and also water management. Cadastral maps also play an important role in historical georgaphy, most importantly in research on the settlement history. The maps are used to reconstruct the natural and anthropogenic landscape, in the research on morphology and topography and their relation to the settlement history. Other fields of research include, but are not limited to: typology of spatial patterns of localities, village measurement methods, and analyses of neighbourhood. Recently, numerous uses utilize the GIS technology. Despite the long-lasting process of the analog-digital data transformation, the achieved effect is invaluable. For a few years the issues pertaining to cadasters, namely to the aims, fornal structure and function under the current legislation and socio-economic relations have been increasingly becoming of interest to numerous scientific and administration agenda.
Laboratories of the Airforce Institute of Technology having accreditation of Polish Centre for Testing and Certification are presented. A description on the following accredited test methods is given: emission spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, ferrography and determination of particulate mater by use a particle size analyser. Using these methods enables diagnosing a condition of gears, engine bearings and hydraulic systems in an aircraft. These methods are very important to flight safety.
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