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Content available remote Importance of different types of beech dead wood for soil microarthropod fauna
Dead wood is an integral part of a forest ecosystem, numerously settled by soil microarthropods (Acari and Collembola), but these animals are rarely studied and often absent from publications dealing with this habitat. Five microarthropod groups in four different types of dead wood (log, stump, snag and tree hollow) and a forest floor were analysed. A core question was to determine the differences in the microarthropod communities, especially oribatid mites, between different types of beech dead wood. The study was carried out in the lowland acidophilus beech forest Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum association. Different types of beech dead wood prove to be a more favourable microhabitat for mites and collembolans than forest soil and litter. Oribatid mites of different dead wood microhabitats represent diverse and partly distinct sub-communities of mites in a forest ecosystem. Oribatid communities of beech dead wood were over 50% distinct. Most oribatid species appeared to be largely restricted to a certain type of beech dead wood.
Zwały poprzemysłowe nie są tylko obszarem zdegradowanym, wymagającym kosztownej rekultywacji. Mogą one być dla naukowców interesującym obiektem doświadczalnym, który pozwala badać proces kształtowania się zespołów życia od samego początku. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcano dotąd rozwojowi zespołów roślinnych na hałdach, znacznie słabiej poznano ich faunę glebową, w tym roztocze. Roztocze to zwykle najliczniejsza w glebach, w tym na hałdach, grupa mezofauny glebowej. Mechowce (Oribatida) - główna grupa roztoczy - spełniają kluczową rolę w łańcuchu detrytusowym w glebie, będąc stymulatorami rozwoju mikroorganizmów glebowych. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę zgrupowań Oribatida na rekultywowanych i nierekultywowanych zwałach poprzemyslowych w rejonie Górnego Śląska.
Banks of industrial spoils are not only degraded areas that require costly reclamation. They may be an interesting experimental site for researchers which allows investigating the formulation of life complexes from the very beginning. So far most of the attention has been devoted to the development of plant complexes on waste tips while the soil fauna including mites has been much less recognized. Mites usually represent the most numerous group of soil mezofauna in soils also in waste tips. Oribatida - the main group of mites plays the key role in the detritus chain in soil since it stimulates the development of soil microorganisms. The paper presents characteristics of Oribatida groupings on reclaimed and non-reclaimed banks of industrial spoils in the area of the Upper Silesia. The banks comprised colliery spoils and tips from zinc and lead ores processing, covered with a plant cover with a different duration of mites groupings formation. The observations indicate that positive recultivation effects may result from an artificial introduction of some number of mites with soil and may not necessarily prove sustainable. Evaluating the development of soil groupings of saprofagic Oribatida on waste tips in a longer time perspective may show that reclamation should be abandoned since natural succession leads to formulation of rich, complex soil mites.
A new habitat for many inhabitants is created as a result of glacier retreating or spoil-heap construction and these sites provide a unique experimental field for studying primary succession. The general aim of the study was to characterize oribatid fauna established in the first stage of successional process - colonization phase - on new land surfaces, e.g. deglaciated areas and post-industrial dumps. Five microhabitats in the front of two outlets (Nigardsbreen and Austerdalbreen ) of the Jostedal Glacier (SW Norway) and four reclaimed and non-reclaimed post-industrial dumps (Southern Poland) were chosen to study an earliest successional stage. Moderately diverse oribatid fauna was developed on glacier forelands or post-industrial dumps within a few years. Pioneer oribatid communities were not initially similar, especially in species composition. The pool of oribatid species, which were capable of performing the role of colonists, was broad. Fifteen species were found as dominants on nine studied plots. Oppiella nova (Oudemans, 1902) and Lauroppia neerlandica (Oudemans, 1900) were associated with the glacier foreland at Nigardsbreen, whereas Oromurcia bicuspidata Thor 1930 and Trichoribates novus (Sellnick, 1928) were typical of the foreland at Austerdalbreen. Colonizer species appearing within the first years of colonization on the non-reclaimed and reclaimed dumps were also different. Small species of weak sclerotization, representatives of the family Brachychtoniidae (e. g. Sellnickochthonius immaculatus Forsslund, 1942 and Liochthonius piluliferus (Forsslund, 1942) dominated on the non-reclaimed dumps, whereas Ctenobelba obsoleta (C.L. Koch, 1841), Scheloribates laevigatus (C.L. Koch, 1836) and Scutovertex sculptus Michael, 1879, bigger species of strong sclerotization, were the most numerous on the reclaimed dumps. Only Tectocepheus velatus (Michael, 1880) occurred as a dominant at most sites. Parthenogenetic species as well as bisexual successfully invaded glacier foreland and post-industrial dumps. The phenomenon of random colonization in the pioneer stages is well proved on glacier forelands and dumps. However, the process is possibly non-random and depends on the characteristics of an individual species. Although oribatids are known as slow colonizers of new habitats, they were the most numerous group of mites at some sites on glacier forelands and on reclaimed dumps. It is well evidenced that the reclamation measures carried out on post-industrial dumps introduces an element of randomness in the succession of oribatid fauna.
The recapitulation of the investigations on oribatid mite fauna carried out at various kinds of abandoned galena-calamine wastelands in the south of Poland is presented. Soil samples were collected at nine sites in three regions of zinc-lead mining. In total, 24267 oribatid individuals belonging to 160 species were analyzed. The sites differing in the period of ceasing exploitation, species composition of plants and their stage of succession were chosen. The abundance and species richness of oribatid mites were generally higher on afforested sites and sites of older origin. The abundance of oribatids noted on wastelands was generally lower than in most natural or semi-natural biotopes. Surprisingly, the species richness on afforested waste lands was higher than in many natural forest biotopes. With regard to species similarity, the oribatid communities have been grouped due to localities instead of been organized due to the type of wastelands or vegetation. Correspondence analysis (CA) indicated that certain species of Oribatida preferentially occurred in a certain type of wastelands. Species characteristic of afforested new and old or unforested wastelands were distinguished. The biodiversity of oribatid fauna on galena-calamine wastelands was high with many new species for the Polish fauna. Some of them were recorded only from a few localities in the world.
W pracy zaprezentowano podsumowanie wyników badań nad fauną mechowców (Oribatida) prowadzonych na różnego typu nieużytkach galeno-galmanowych w Polsce południowej. Próby glebowe pobierano na 9 stanowiskach usytuowanych w trzech rejonach górnictwa rud cynku i ołowiu. W pracy analizowano materia! obejmujący ogółem 24267 osobników z rzędu Oribatida należących do 160 gatunków. Analizowane stanowiska różniły się okresem kiedy zaprzestano na nich eksploatację, składem gatunkowym roślinności i stopniem jej sukcesji. Zagęszczenie i bogactwo gatunkowe mechowców (Oribatida) było wyższe na zalesionych stanowiskach i stanowiskach wcześniej ukształtowanych. Zagęszczenie Oribatida na nieużytkach było ogólnie niższe niż w wielu naturalnych czy sem i-naturalnych biotopach. Godnym podkreślenia jest fakt, że bogactwo gatunkowe roztoczy na zalesionych stanowiskach warpii byto wyższe niż w wielu naturalnych lasach. W analizie klasterowej wyróżniono dwie grupy zgrupowań Oribatida na "młodych" i "slarych" nieużytkach galeno-galmanowych. Ponadto zauważono, że charakter zadrzewień (liściaste lub iglaste) nie wpływał na grupowanie się zespołów mechowców. W oparciu o analizę korespondencji (CA) wyróżniono gatunki charakterystyczne dla poszczególnych typów galeno-galmanowych nieużytków. Występowały gatunki charakterystyczne dla zalesionych nowych nieużytków, warpii oraz roztocze typowe dla nieużytków niezalesio-nych. Bioróżnorodność fauny mechowców odnotowanych na badanych stanowiskach należy ocenić jako bardzo wysoką. Wystąpiło tutaj 15 gatunków nowych dla fauny Polski, niektóre z nich znane są tylko ; pojedynczych stanowisk w świecie.
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