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This work indicates that new and innovative materials used in the construction of floating and stationary marine structures can contribute to increased operational safety in addition to reduced service costs and frequency and other reduced operating costs, including the costs of staff and running maintenance. Such materials include metal-ceramic composites whose properties, such as high resistance to abrasive wear, favourable coefficient of friction, good thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion, allow them to be used in tribological pairs in mechanisms, control elements and actuators of various devices operating in marine power plants, thereby increasing their operational reliability. Properties of metal-ceramic composite foams, i.e. vibration and noise damping, good thermal insulation performance, dissipation of electromagnetic waves and absorption of explosive energy, make them ideal for use in shipbuilding and construction of drilling towers, at the same time increasing the levels of comfort during operation. Composite metal-ceramic foams can significantly reduce the effects of fires as they are durable, water-resistant and creep resistant thermal insulators which can limit the destruction (deformation) of steel structures. This paper presents proposals for the application of these materials to selected technical solutions in offshore structures.
The Crimean Mountains (CM) are regarded as part of the Alpine-Himalaya orogenic belt related to the collision of the Eurasian and African plates. Our research in the CM has allowed confirming the existence of at least two flysch formations of different ages: the Taurida Flysch Formation (Upper Triassic/Lower–? Middle Jurassic) and the Sudak Formation (uppermost Jurassic/Lower Cretaceous) in the western and eastern sectors of the CM, respectively. After the Middle Jurassic volcanism, the freshwater claystones with coal-bearing intercalations, as well as local alluvial fan conglomerates were deposited. Then, following the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian marine transgression, three separated Tithonian/Berriasian carbonate platforms developed: Baydarska, Chatyr-Dag and Demerji/Karabi. At the turn of the Late Jurassic, the deep-water Sudak Basin (eastern sector of the CM) began to develop in the eastern periphery of the Demerji/Karabi carbonate platform. This basin, dominated by turbiditic deposition, was probably connected with the Great Caucasus sedimentary system. Finally, distal flysch sedimentation in the Sudak Basin was followed by debris-flow deposits, with huge blocks of Upper Jurassic limestones. These blocks were derived from destruction of the Karabi carbonate platform. During the Berriasian/Valanginian, the eastern sector of the CM began to subside. As a result, both carbonate platforms (western CM) and the debris flow fans of the Sudak Basin (eastern CM) were overlain by marly shales and/or distal turbidites. This type of deposition lasted until the Aptian/Albian. In the post-Albian period, the Alushta-Salgir tectonic zone was transformed into a SE-dipping thrust fault with at least 10 km amplitude of overthrusting.
Content available Where was the Magura Ocean?
In the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous palaeogeography of the Alpine Tethys the term Ocean is used for different parts of these sedimentary areas: eg. Ligurian – Piedmont and Penninic, Magura, Pieniny, Valais and Ceahlau-Severins oceans. The Magura Ocean occupied the more northern position in the Alpine-Carpathian arc. During the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene tectono-sedimentary evolution the Magura Ocean was transformed into several (Magura, Dukla, Silesian, sub-Silesian and Skole) basins and intrabasinal source area ridges now incorporated into the Outer Western Carpathians.
Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) are widespread in the upper part of the S. Mauro Formation (Cilento Group, Middle-Late Miocene). The succession is represented mainly by thick and very thick, massive, coarse-grained sandstones, deposited by rapid sedimentation of high-density turbidity currents. The most common SSDS are short pillars, dishes, sedimentary sills and convolutions. They occur mostly in the upper parts of sandstone beds. Vertical tubes of 4–5 cm in diameter and up to 50 cm long constitute the most striking structures. They begin in the middle part of sandstone beds, which are basically massive or contain faint dish structures. These tubes can bifurcate upwards and/ or pass into bedding-parallel veins or dikes. The vertical tubes sometimes form sand volcanoes on the then sedimentary surface. The SSDS are interpreted as the result of earthquake-triggered liquefaction and/or fluidisation of the turbidites that were affected by the seismic shocks. This implies that the deformed layers should be considered as seismites.
The turbiditic to hemipelagic, fine-grained deposits of the Hradiště Formation (Hauterivian, 132 Ma) to the Lhoty Formation (Albian–Cenomanian, 99 Ma) in the western part of the Silesian Nappe (Polish Outer Car- pathians) were studied mineralogically and geochemically to determine if the main factors controlling the chemistry of the sedimentary material can be attributed to provenance, or to post-depositional processes. A high degree of weathering of the source rocks is indicated by the chemical index of alteration (CIA) that varies from 75.98 to 89.86, and Th/U ratios (~4 with outliers at 1.85 and >6). The cooccurrence of rounded and unabraded grains of zircon and rutile, the enrichment in Zr and Hf, as well as the high Zr/Sc ratios suggest that the Hradiště and Veřovice Formations contain recycled material. Plots of La/Th versus Hf and Th against Sc show that samples occur in the field of felsic and mixed felsic/basic sources. On a ternary La–Th–Sc diagram, all of the sediments studied are referable to the continental island-arc field. The European Plate, as an alimentary area, has a mosaic structure consisting of Cadomian and Variscan elements. The Proto-Silesian Ridge was detached from the continent, because of rifting. Therefore, it could have corresponded to a continental island arc. The concentrations of Fe and trace metals (e.g., Mo, Au, Cu) in the Veřovice Formation and silica and potassium additions to the Veřovice and Lhoty Formations, as well as the fractionation of REE, and Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and Y can be explained by the action of basinal brines. The fluids were of hydrothermal origin and/or were released, owing to the dewatering of clay minerals. Diagenetic processes could have exerted a greater influence on sedimentary rock chemistry than the provenance and sedimentary processes. A distinction between primary, terrigenous elements and those changed diagenetically is necessary for the reliable determination of provenance.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę składu petrograficznego węgli kamiennych o różnym stopniu uwęglenia. Do badań wybrano węgle z trzech kopalń Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego o różnych typach technologicznych, tj. węgiel typu 35.1 (próbka A), typu 33 (próbka B) oraz typu 31 (próbka C). Stopień uwęglenia badanych węgli określono na podstawie badań zdolności refleksyjnej witrynitu. Charakterystykę składu petrograficznego dokonano na podstawie analiz udziału poszczególnych grup macerałów oraz mikrolitotypów, karbominerytów i minerytów. Na podstawie petrograficznej analizy kombinowanej stwierdzono, że w próbkach badanych węgli występują unimaceralne, bimaceralne i trimaceralne mikrolitotypy. Badane węgla różnią się znacznie składem petrograficznym, co związane jest z typem węgla.
Two types of large, branched structures from the Lower Pleistocene (Calabrian) high-energy calcarenites of Favignana Island are described: Faviradixus robustus gen. et sp. nov. and Egadiradixus rectibrachiatus gen. et sp. nov. They may be interpreted as root structures of large plants, trees and trees or shrubs, respectively. The former taxon co-occurs with the marine animal trace fossils Ophiomorpha nodosa, Ophiomorpha isp., Thalassinoides isp. and Beaconites isp. The interpretation as root structures although tentative is probable and can be related to short emergence episodes for the formation of E. rectibrachiatus or to longer emergence, responsible for the discontinuity at the base of the overlying Tyrrhenian deposits, for F. robustus. Calcified root mats of smaller plants associated with the Tyrrhenian or younger emergence surfaces are common.
The Gresten Klippen Zone is an individual geological unit, mainly outcropping at the northern rim of the Northern Calcareous Alps. It is best exposed between the Enns Valley in the west and the Vienna Forest in the east. It contains a rock sequence ranging from Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, including sandstones, various limestones, breccias and radiolarites. The late Early Cretaceous–Paleogene is represented by the Buntmergel Formation. A sandstone block from the latter yields well-preserved planktonic foraminiferids which allow an assignment to the Early Eocene (E-7 Zone). The low density currents which deposited the parallel laminated sandstones originated in the lower shelf-middle slope.
Przebadano wpływ wybranych dodatków chemicznych na stabilność sedymentacyjną zawiesin węglowo-wodnych o zagęszczeniu 60 %. Do przygotowania zawiesin użyto węgli typu 31, 33 i 35. Jako dodatków chemicznych użyto niejonowych środków powierzchniowo czynnych: Rokwinolu 60, Rokanolu ŁO 18, Rokaminy SR8 – produkcji Zakładów Chemicznych „ROKITA” w Brzegu Dolnym oraz anionowego lignosulfonianu sodu LSP – produktu ubocznego przy produkcji celulozy. Stopień sedymentacji wyznaczano mierząc wysokość warstwy sedymentu powstającej z upływem czasu w stosunku do granicznej grubości warstwy osadu. Stwierdzono, że zawiesiny z dodatkiem Rokaminu SR8 jak i lignosulfonianu sodu LSP otrzymane na bazie węgla A typu 31 sedymentują znacznie wolniej aniżeli zawiesiny z pozostałymi dodatkami. Stwierdzono też związek pomiędzy typem węgla w zawiesinie a jej stabilnością sedymentacyjną. Dawki w ilości 1 % w stosunku do masy węgla są wystarczające aby uzyskać zawiesiny wykazujące własności odpowiadające zawiesinowym paliwom węglowo-wodnym.
The influence of selected chemical additions on the sedimentation stability of coalwater slurries with density 60 % was investigated. For slurry preparation coals of the type 31, 33, and 35 were used. As chemical additions non-ionic surfactants were applied: Rokwinol 60, Rokanol ŁO 18, Rokamin SR8 produced by the Chemical Works “ROKITA” in Brzeg Dolny and anionic sodium lignosulfonate LSB, a by-product of cellulose production. The sedimentation degree was determined measuring the height of the sediment layer arising with the passage of time in relation to the boundary thickness of sediment layer. It has been stated that slurries with the addition of Rokamin SR8 and sodium lignosulfonate LSP obtained on the basis of coal A of type 31 sediment considerably more slowly than the slurries with the remaining additions. Also the connection between the coal type in the slurry and its sedimentation stability has been stated. The doses in the amount of 1% in relation to the coal mass are sufficient in order to obtain slurries pointing out properties corresponding with coal-water slurry fuels.
Content available remote Polyurethane foams with pyrimidine rings in polymer molecules
New polyurethane foams were obtained by reaction of oligoetherols synthesized from hydroxymethyl derivative of barbituric acid (HMBA) and propylene oxide (PO) with methylenediphenyl 4,4'-diisocyanate (MDI) and water. Thermal stability of the polyurethane foams containing pyrimidine rings in polymer molecules were investigated. They are stable at 150-200 °C for long time. The influence of oligoetherol chain length and composition on properties of foams were studied in details. The studies of mechanical properties before and after thermal exposition were studied in order to optimize the compositions of polyurethane foams to ensure good thermal stability.
W reakcjach oligoeteroli, uzyskanych z hydroksymetylowych pochodnych kwasu barbiturowego (HMBA) i tlenku propylenu (PO), z 4,4-diizocyjanianem difenylometanu (MDI) i wodą otrzymano nową grupę pianek poliuretanowych zawierających w cząsteczkach pierścienie pirymidynowe. Badano wpływ rodzaju oligoeterolu i składu spienianych kompozycji na niektóre właściwości otrzymanych pianek. W celu optymalizacji składu pianek zapewniającego im dobrą odporność termiczną wyznaczono wytrzymałość na ściskanie przed i po ekspozycji na działanie wysokiej temperatury. Stwierdzono, że pianki te są odporne na długotrwałe działanie temperatury wynoszącej nawet 200 °C. Inne właściwości badanych pianek, takie jak: gęstość pozorna, absorpqa wody czy skurcz polimeryzacyjny mają wartości zbliżone do analogicznych wartości charakteryzujących typowe pianki poliuretanowe produkowane na skalę przemysłową.
Olistoliths of various ages, provenance and dimensions are known in all of the higher-rank tectonic units of the Outer Carpathians. Their occurrences at various stratigraphic levels (Late Jurassic - Early Miocene) are related to different stages of development of the flysch basins, from the stage of rifting to post-rifting, through the orogenic phases, and further to the post-orogenic period.
The provenance and diagenesis of the siliciclastic and hemipelagic sediments of three lithostratigraphic units: Lhoty Formation, Barnasiówka Radiolarian Shale Formation (BRSF) and Variegated Shales from Lancko- rona area, Polish Outer Carpathians, was approached by means of petrological and geochemical analysis of the representative samples. Data show that studied succession was mainly derived from two sources: 1. a dominant terrigenous fine-grained components have affinity with average upper continental crust (basing on mineral detritus, K2O/Rb ratio and Y/Ni vs. Cr/V ratios) and 2. biogenic siliceous material and macerals. Composition varies up section and accounts for changes in the detrital supply due to eustatic sea-evel changes. Organic petrology shows presence of organic detritus within the Lhoty Fm and dominance of marine-derived macerals in the BRSF. Chemical and petrological features imply a progressive deepening of the basin. The studied succession was diagenetically altered (e.g. coalification of bituminite, illitisation of smectite and pyritisation).
Authors discussed the actual state of tectonic regionalization of the Outer Polish Carpathians and their foredeep. The following category of tectonic unit are defined: the groups of nappes, nappes, sub-nappes, thrust-sheets (skibas), anticlinorial and synclinorial structures, and regional-scale folds.
Content available remote Urethane oligomers with pyrimidine rings
New urethane oligomers containing pyrimidine rings were obtained from N,N'-bis(hydroxymethyl)barbiturate and bifunctional isocyanates. The products were isolated and identified on the basis of elemental analysis, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The oligomers obtained have higher thermal stability in comparison with their analogues obtained from aliphatic diols.
ykorzystując reakcje kwasu barbiturowego (BA) z odpowiednim nadmiarem formaldehydu w temperaturze 96° otrzymano barbituran N,N-bis(hydroksymetylu) (BHMB), który zastosowano jako diol do otrzymywania oligomerów uretanowych. Opracowano warunki syntezy oligomerów z pierścieniem pirimidynowym z zastosowaniem BHMB i jednego z izocyjanianów: 4,4'-diizocyjanianu difenylometanu (MDI), 2,4-diizocyjanianu toluilenu (TDI) lub 1,6-diizocyjanianu heksametylenu (HMDI). Reakcje prowadzono w środowisku dimetyloformamidu (DMF), w temperaturze 60° w czasie 1-2 godzin. Otrzymane produkty analizowano na zawartość węgla, wodoru i azotu oraz wykonano ich widma 1H NMR i IR. Stwierdzono niewielkie odstępstwa zawartości oznaczonych pierwiastków w otrzymanych oligomerach w stosunku do wartości obliczonej, co wynika z eliminacji, podczas reakcji z izocyjanianami w podwyższonej temperaturze, części formaldehydu związanego nietrwale w grupach N-hydroksymetylowych. Zbadano przemiany fizyczne oraz odporność termiczną otrzymanych oligomerów uretanowych. Obecność w strukturze pierścieni pirymidynowych zwiększa ich odporność termiczną w porównaniu z oligomerami nie zawierającymi takich grup.
W artykule przedstawione urządzenie pomiarowe oraz metodę bezinwazyjnego określania stabilności sedymentacyjnej wysoko zagęszczonych zawiesin. Przedstawiono wyniki testów wykonanych na zawiesinach węglowo-wodnych, przy wykorzystaniu sedymentometru.
The article describes the research on the construction of the new measuring device - sedimetometr as well as the non-invasive method of defining the stability of high density slurries. The results of the tests of water-coal slurry carried out with the use of the new sedimentometr were introduced.
The influence of selected additives on the rheological properties and sedimentation stability of highly loaded coal-water slurries (CWS) were tested from the point of view of usage them as a slurry fuels. As additives four nonionic surfactants and two anionic surfactant were chosen. They were polymers made on the basis of polyoksyethylene and polycarboxylic resin. The results showed that it is possible to get slurry having satisfactory rheological properties and stability for usage them as a fuel.
Wpływ wybranych dodatków na właściwości reologiczne i stabilność sedymentacji wysoko zagęszczonych szlamów węglowo-wodnych (CWS) poddano próbom z punktu widzenia ich wykorzystania jako paliw szlamowych. Jako dodatki zastosowano cztery niejonowe środki powierzchniowo czynne i dwa anionowe środki powierzchniowo czynne. Były to polimery na bazie polioksyetylenu i żywicy wielokarboksylowej. Wyniki pokazują, że możliwe jest uzyskanie satysfakcjonujących właściwości reologicznych i stabilności szlamu do zastosowania jako paliwo.
Jednym z celów prężnie rozwijającej się w ostatnich latach geoturystyki jest propagowanie aspektów poznawczych związanych z geologiczną historią Ziemi. W niniejszej pracy zostały zawarte opisy klasycznych polskich stanowisk, w których odsłaniają się najstarsze utwory Karpat Zewnętrznych (fliszowych). Po pierwsze, są to odsłonięcia inicjalnych, basenowych osadów późnojurajsko-wczesnokredowych, reprezentujących wczesne stadia węglanowej sedymentacji fliszowej, odbywającej się w obrębie młodego zbiornika protośląskiego (Goleszów - formacja wędryńska, dolina Soły w Żywcu i Jasieniowa Góra oraz Leszna Górna - formacja wapieni cieszyńskich). Po drugie, są to różnej wielkości izolowane bloki skał wapiennych o olistolitowej genezie zwane skałkami andrychowskimi (Targanice, Roczyny i Inwałd), reprezentujące jurajskie utwory o charakterze rafowym i okołorafowym, powstałe w płytkowodnych środowiskach na podmorskim wyniesieniu Baska-Inwałd.
The popularization of educational aspects linked to the geological history of Earth is one of the goals of geotourism, dynamically developing recently. The present paper contains the description of the classic localities exposing the oldest deposits of the Outer Flysch Carpathians. Firstly, these are initial Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous basinal facies originated during early carbonate flyschoidal stages within the developing proto-Silesian Basin (Goleszów - Vendryne Formation; Soła River valley in Żywiec and Jasieniowa Mt and Leszna Górna - Cieszyn Limestone Formation). Secondly, these are different size limestone blocks, olistoliths in origin, known as Andrychów Klippen (Targanice, Roczyny and Inwałd) represent Jurassic reef and circum-reef environments originated in shallow-water condition on the Baska-Inwałd submarine ridge.
Górnojurajsko-dolnokredowe utwory wchodzą obecnie w skład płaszczowin zewnętrzno-karpackich: magurskiej, śląskiej i podśląsko-żdanicko-waschbergskiej oraz znane są z olistolitów występujących w osadach różnych jednostek Karpat zewnętrznych. Autorzy podjęli próbę usystematyzowania jednostek litostratygraficznych według ich występowania w pierwotnych basenach i innych obszarach sedymentacyjnych. Basen magurski uformował się w jurze środkowej, a seweryńsko-mołdawidzki (protośląski) w późnej jurze i wczesnej kredzie z osadami synryftowymi i postryftowymi. Podśląsko-żdanicki obszar sedymentacyjny uformował się w późnej kredzie, w jurze i wczesnej kredzie wchodził w skład basenu protośląskiego, jako jego część północna. Obszarem źródłowym dla olistolitów były osady północnego skłonu i strefy szelfowej basenu protośląskiego oraz wypiętrzeń śródbasenowych.
Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits are part of the Outer Carpathians nappes: Magura, Silesian and Sub-Silesian-Żdanice-Waschberg, and are known in olistholites, which occur within different units of the Outer Carpathians. Authors systematized lithostratigraphical units according to their primary position in sedimentary basins and other sedimentary areas. Magura Basin originated in Middle Jurassic and proto-Silesian Basin in Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous times together with syn- and post-rift deposits. Sub-Silesian-Żdanice sedimentary area originated in Late Cretaceous, and during Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times was northern part of the proto-Silesian Basin. The source areas for olistholites have been northern slope and shelf of the proto-Silesian Basin and submerged intra-oceanic ridges (cordilleras).
The litho- and biostratigraphy (calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera) were studied in several sections of the folded Miocene Zone (Boryslav-Pokuttya and Sambir nappes) of the Ukrainian Outer Carpathians. Based on new biostratigraphic data, the age and correlation of the folded Miocene deposits in the marginal part of the Ukrainian and Polish Outer Carpathians were established. The deposits studied range from the Early Miocene (Early Burdigalian NN2 Zone) to the early Late Miocene (NN9 Zone). The facies and similarity in ages of the youngest deposits of the folded Middle Miocene strata in Poland [Stebnik (Sambir) Nappe and Zgłobice thrust-sheets] and in Ukraine (Sambir Nappe) implies that they were folded at same time and that they represent a similar system of tectonic units, developed in front of the advancing Carpathian orogen.
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