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The article presents how the values of (3D) coordinates of land reference points affect the results of gravimetric measurements made from the ship in sea areas. These measurements are the basis for 3D maritime inertial navigation, improving ships' operational safety. The campaign verifying the network absolute point coordinates used as a reference point for relative marine gravity measurements was described. The obtained values were compared with catalogue values. In verification of network points 3D position the satellite data Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) and ground supporting systems (GBAS) was used. In this example, the height difference of the land reference point was 0.32 m. As a consequence, the offset budget of the marine campaign was affected in the range of up to 0.35 mGal. The influence on gravity free-air anomaly was not constant over the entire area covered by the campaign.
The time-consuming technological process of manufacturing impellers and the high production costs are the reason for the search for alternative materials and manufacturing methods. In this paper, based on a literature analysis, the performance of a pump with an impeller that was manufactured by an incremental method from polyethylene terephthalate with an admixture of glycol and carbon fibre (PETG CF) was selected and studied. Operation tests were conducted on the ship’s rotodynamic pump test bench. The composite impeller pump was shown to have an efficiency at the selected printing parameters of 26,23%, comparable to a tin bronze impeller, which has an efficiency of 27,7%. The maximum pump useful power with the impellers tested was 337 W at a flow rate of 4.42 m3/h. The results confirm that, with a filament layer height of 0.12 mm and 100% fill in the four print contours, the pump characteristics obtained are consistent with those of the reference impeller. This fact ensures continuous operation of the ship’s pump for 48 hours which makes the chosen manufacturing method a reliable emergency method of impeller repair in offshore operations.
The dynamic development of measurement and recording techniques has been changing the way one conceives material strength. In this study, two different methods of evaluating the strength of fabrics are compared. The first is the typical and commonly used technique based on the use of a testing machine. The second method uses the so-called “fast camera” to monitor the entire process of the destruction of a fabric sample and analyse the behaviour of the fabric during the experiment. Both methods provide interesting data and present a very specific way of experimentally evaluating the strength of fabrics.
The article presents a simulation of a ship running aground. It introduces the analytical descrip-tion, as well as the methodology of carrying out strength calculations when creating engineering tasks related to the topic. It shows the state of stresses and deformations of the hull of a modern minehunter after a collision with the bottom for two immersion depths. Research and development opportunities for future considerations are highlighted in the conclusions.
At present peristaltic pumps are widely used in many branches of industry and national economy. Simplicity of construction, processability and possibility of pumping liquids with big quantity of solid particles are the main advantages while using peristaltic pumps. Therefore development of methods of rational choice of parameters at designing of peristaltic pumps is the actual problem. To develop universal mathematical models of dynamic processes in peristaltic pumps for definition of rational technical parameters. In dynamic processes we propose to use differential equations of motion in the Lagrange form, where the angle of rotation of the pump rotor is taken as a universal coordinate. Mathematical model of dynamic processes in peristaltic pump with hydraulic drive has been created on the base of differential equation. The function of resistance forces caused by gravity forces of mixture particles in the hose reel has been determined. On the basis of the non-linear model of the resistance forces to the flow of the fluid Bingham method of constructing the dependence of the pressure drop on the angular velocity of the rotor to determine the resistance forces to the flow of the fluid has been proposed. The result of dynamic processes simulation is the determination of interrelationship of technological parameters of the device functioning: the velocity of the medium and pump performance is increasing at reducing the length of the diverting hose and reducing the height of its rise; a significant influence on the average speed has plastic viscosity of the environment; a significant change in the yield strength has an insignificant impact on the speed.
The study aimed to compare the effect of humidity on the operation of tribological systems. The tested friction and wear are external properties; therefore, their values may differ significantly depending on the operating parameters of the friction junction and environmental conditions. Tribological tests were carried out on a TRB3 tribometer in a dry sliding mode at a relative humidity of 50% ± 5% and 90% ± 5% in the ball-on-disc configuration with a load of 15 N. The friction junction consisted of a sample made of 100Cr6 steel, and three counter-samples were made of 100Cr6, SiC, and Al2O3 steel. The geometric structure of the surface was examined with an optical profiler. The tribological test results showed reduced linear wear and friction coefficient at a relative humidity of 90% ± 5% compare to its 50% ± 5%. The paper also presents the results for the sound recorded in the 16-bit linear PCM standard and analysed in a Spectra-Plus program.
Celem badania było porównanie wpływu wilgotności na działanie systemów tribologicznych. Badane tarcie i zużycie są właściwościami zewnętrznymi, dlatego ich wartości mogą się znacząco różnic w zależności od parametrów pracy węzła tarcia i warunków otoczenia. Testy tribologiczne zostały przeprowadzone na tribometrze TRB3 w warunkach tarcia technicznie suchego w ruchu ślizgowym przy względnej wilgotności 50% ± 5% i 90% ± 5%. Testy wykonano w skojarzeniu trącym kula–tarcza, gdzie węzeł tarcia stanowiła próbka wykonana ze stali 100Cr6 oraz trzy przeciwpróbki wykonane ze stali 100Cr6, SiC oraz Al2 O3 . Testy przeprowadzono dla obciążenia 15 N. Badania struktury geometrycznej powierzchni wykonano profilometrem optycznym. Przeprowadzone testy tribologiczne wykazały mniejsze zużycie liniowe oraz mniejszy współczynnik tarcia przy względnej wilgotności 90% ± 5%. W pracy przedstawiono również analizę dźwięku zarejestrowanego w standardzie 16-bitowego liniowego PCM, a następnie poddano go analizie w programie Spectra-Plus.
The paper presents an analysis of the sound level recorded during dry sliding friction conditions. Balls with a diameter of 6 mm placed on pins were made of 100Cr6 steel, silicon carbide (SiC), and corundum (Al2 O3 ), while rotating discs with a height of 6 mm and a diameter of 42 mm were made of 100Cr6 steel. Each pin and disc system was tested for two values of the relative humidity of the air (50 ± 5% and 90 ± 5%). Models of the A-sound level were developed using regression trees and random forest. The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of the models obtained. Classifications of the six tests performed on the basis of sound level descriptors were also carried out.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę poziomu dźwięku zarejestrowanego podczas tarcia technicznie suchego w ruchu ślizgowym. Podczas sześciu testów tribologicznych stosowano próbkę wykonaną ze stali 100Cr6 oraz trzy przeciwpróbki, wykonane ze stali 100Cr6, węglika krzemu (SiC) i korundu (Al2 O3 ), przy czym każdy układ próbka – przeciwpróbka był testowany dla dwóch wartości wilgotności względnej powietrza (50 ± 5% i 90 ± 5%). Opracowano modele poziomu dźwięku A z użyciem drzew regresji i lasu losowego. W pracy zamieszczono analizę dokładności otrzymanych modeli. Została również przeprowadzona klasyfikacja sześciu wykonanych testów w oparciu o deskryptory poziomu dźwięku.
W artykule autorzy zaprezentowali nowatorskie podejście do testowania układu sterowania i kontroli współbieżnych lub synchronicznych układów napędowych wykorzystujących dwa przemienniki częstotliwości pracujące w konfiguracji master-follower. Układy kontroli przemienników częstotliwości zostały połączone za pomocą ultraszybkiego prototypowego układu komunikacji wykorzystującego złącze światłowodowe. Zaprezentowany testowy układ wykorzystywał „rzeczywiste”, pełnosprawne układy sterowania wybranych przemienników częstotliwości wraz z dwoma prototypowymi świadłowodowymi modułami komunikacji oraz komputerowego symulatora czasu rzeczywistego firmy OPAL-RT Technologies model OP5700. Komputerowy symulator czasu rzeczywistego OP5700 został wykorzystany do zasymulowania dwóch „wirtualnych” zestawów zawierających obwód mocy przemiennika częstotliwości oraz indukcyjnego silnika prądu przemiennego, każdy. Dodatkowo, w modelu komputerowym zaimplemenotwano uproszczony model sprzęgu mechaniczego pomiędzy wirnikami silników indukcyjnych, który w zależności od aplikacji mógł być łatwo modyfikowany. Całość pozwoliła skrócić znacząco czas potrzebny na weryfikację poprawności zaimplementowej metody sterowania i kontroli testowanego układu oraz na eliminowanie budowy kosztownych układów testowych, które w przypadku urządzeń dużych mocy, mogą być znaczne. W artykule zobrazowano konstrukcję całego układu testowego, omówiono przyjętą metodę połączenia części rzeczywistej z wirtualną oraz przedstawiono przykładowe aplikacje zestawu napędowego, na których bazowały modele komputerowe zaimplementowane w symulatorze czasu rzeczywistego OP5700. Na koniec przedstawiono i omówiono wybrane wyniki uzyskane podczas wykonanych symulacji komputerowych.
Authors in the paper are presenting an innovative approach to testing control circuits of concurrent or synchronous drive systems using two industrial drives working in a master-follower configuration. Drive control circuits were connected through an ultra-fast prototype fiber communication card. In the presented test setup, two “real” fully operational drive control units were used. It included two prototype communication cards and a real time hardware-in-the-loop simulator from OPAL-RT technologies model OP5700. The real time simulator OP5700 was used to simulate two “virtual” drive systems, each containing one drive power circuit and an induction machine. Additionally, the motor mechanical shaft coupling was implemented in the simulated computer model. It could be easily modified depending on simulated application. Proposed test system allowed shortening significantly time required to verify correctness of implemented control method and eliminate the need to build laboratory test systems which can be significant for high power devices. In the paper, the whole construction of the tested setup was described together with interconnection between “real” and “virtual” part of. Moreover, it included the presentation of possible industrial applications on which computer models implemented in OP5700 real time simulator were based. At the end of this paper, selected results from simulation were presented and discussed.
A submarine, as a technical object, has many systems which are necessary for operation. In addition to the weapon systems, there are many systems required for the safe operation under the water. The submarine steering system is one of them. The article presents the principle of operation and the modification concept of the stern rudders of the project 207 (Kobben class) submarine. On the basis of measurements, the resistance force characteristics were determined. A calculation model was proposed using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) techniques to determine the resistance force characteristics during the design stage. Then, the measured resistance force characteristics were used to verify the calculation model. Using the proposed method, the resistance force characteristics for an existing submarine were determined, and then its modification was proposed. The simulation results for the modified rudder design allowed determining the reduction of the ship resistance force for the new solution. Lower resistance force means lower demand for electrical power in the engine room, which consequently affects the operational safety by increasing maneuverability and improving the immersion curve. The proposed modification enables to reduce the power consumption by about 8 kW and reduced the resistance force by 2%, which increased the ship’s autonomy.
This paper presents research regarding refill friction stir spot welding (RFSSW) of EN AW-7075-T6 Alclad aluminium alloy sheets, and the joint behaviour under static and dynamic loads. Single-point lap joint of sheets with different thicknesses, which corresponds to those used in aircraft fuselage structures, i.e. upper sheets with a thickness of 1.6 mm and lower sheets with a thickness of 0.8 mm, were analysed regarding the failure mechanism in static shear testing. It has been shown that a properly made joint is destroyed as a result of tension in the lower plate. The lower plate at the edge of the weld is structurally weakened by the HAZ, but also geometrically due to plastic deformation during the welding process, which has been demonstrated by metallographic investigations as well as by the FEM numerical model. Single-row RFSSW welded joints with different spacing of the welds and a riveted joint were impact tested. It has been shown that welded joints are characterized by a greater stiffness, which is higher when the spacing of the welds is smaller.
Praca przedstawia badania połączenia zakładkowego RFSSW blach ze stopu aluminium EN AW-7075-T6 Alclad pod wpływem obciążeń statycznych oraz dynamicznych. Jednopunktowe połączenie zakładkowe blach o różnej grubości co odpowiada połączeniom stosowanym w konstrukcjach kadłubów lotniczych tj. górna blacha o grubości 1.6 mm oraz dolna blacha o grubości 0.8 mm, poddano analizie mechanizmu zniszczenia w próbie statycznego ścinania. Wykazano, że poprawnie wykonane połączenie ulega zniszczeniu na skutek rozciągania dolnej blachy. Dolna blacha przy krawędzi zgrzeiny jest osłabiona strukturalnie przez strefę wpływu ciepła, ale także geometrycznie poprzez deformację plastyczną powstałą podczas procesu zgrzewania, co wykazano na podstawie badań metalograficznych jak również przy użyciu modelu numerycznego MES. Jednorzędowe połączenia zakładkowe poddano badaniom udarności. Badano połączenia zgrzewane RFSSW o różnym rozstawie zgrzein oraz połączenie nitowane. Wykazano, że połączenia zgrzewane charakteryzują się większą sztywnością, która jest tym większa im mniejszy rozstaw zgrzein.
The article presents the study of mechanical properties of welded steel from which the hull of a modern mine destroyer was made. Keeping the tightness of ship compartments during operation depends on the strength of these joints. The results of testing the mechanical properties of 1.3964 steel and its welded joints subjected to a static tensile test were presented, and a Johnson – Cook material model was proposed. The material model can be used in CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) simulations related to hull strength analysis.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości mechanicznych połączeń spawanych stali, z której zostało wykonane poszycie kadłuba współczesnego niszczyciela min. Od wytrzymałości tych połączeń zależy utrzymanie szczelności przedziałów okrętowych w czasie eksploatacji. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań właściwości mechanicznych stali 1.3964 i jej połączeń spawanych poddanych statycznej próbie rozciągania oraz zaproponowano model materiałowy Johnson – Cook. Model materiałowy może zostać wykorzystany w symulacji komputerowej CAE obciążenia kadłuba okrętu wykonanego z badanej stali.
The paper presents the results of experimental studies on distortion of the fixed plate edge due to formation of a butt joint. This is a hidden form of weld distortion present in structural nodes and identified at the ship hull pre-fabrication stages. The investigations were performed according to a design of experiment (DoE) approach in laboratory conditions resembling those encountered in the shipbuilding industry. The presented analysis includes the technological‒construction parameters influencing the evaluated distortion shape. The implemented method of experimental results evaluation allows the utilisation of the approximation dependence to predict the fixed plate edge distortion in large-scale steel structures.
The article presents the results of tests of impact properties of steel 1.3964 used on the construction of modern mine destroyers. Ships of this type, like any other military unit, may be exposed to small-calibre projectiles. Firing can be done, for example, from aircraft, drones or pirate units. The thickness of the plates used in the ship’s construction does not guarantee effective resistance to the projectile calibre 7.62 mm for all compartments of such ships. Thus, it is possible to modify the existing structure or apply additional solutions that will ensure a certain level of ballistic resistance. Solutions of this type are necessary in order to maintain the stability and buoyancy of the ship at the current level. During the tests, a stress-strain curve for steel 1.3964 was obtained, then the Johnson-Cook plasticity and damage model was proposed, which was used in the FEM simulation. The task was modelled as non-linear considering the deformation of both the sample and the projectile. The simulation was prepared in the CAE program, and then verified by an experiment on the shooting range. The results were presented in the form of diagrams and deformation figures, and were compared with photographs of samples and velocities after the specimen.
Content available remote Technical aspect concerning vessels halt safety upon terrorist hazard
The article presented and analysed the reliability of water barriers as one of the methods of securing naval technical facilities against the terrorist attacks (motorboats with explosive materials) from the sea. Water tests of FOXX barriers were described as a means of protection against such a threat. The reliability of the barrier was modelled and simulated with the use of Finite Element Method (FEM).
W artykule przedstawiono i przeanalizowano wytrzymałość barier pływających jako jednej z metod zabezpieczenia morskich obiektów technicznych przed działaniem terrorystycznym (motorówki z ładunkiem wybuchowym) od strony morza. Opisano testy pływającej bariery FOXX jako środka ochrony przed takim zagrożeniem. Zamodelowano i przeprowadzono symulację wytrzymałości bariery wykorzystując metodę elementów skończonych.
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