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W artykule przedstawiono przegląd badań nad morfogenezą misy jeziornej Jeziora Czechowskiego na Pojezierzu Starogardzkim. W dostępnych odsłonięciach, wkopach i wierceniach o nienaruszonej strukturze przeprowadzono analizę sedymentologiczną osadów glacjofluwialnych, glacjolimnicznych, limnicznych i stokowych. Wyniki tej analizy uzupełniono rezultatami kartowania geologicznego i geomorfologicznego. W efekcie przeprowadzonych prac stwierdzono, że misa jeziora założona jest w głębokiej rynnie subglacjalnej, która do początku allerødu zakonserwowana była bryłami martwego lodu. Ich wytopienie doprowadziło do powstania zróżnicowanej morfologii dna rynny. W najgłębszych miejscach, dzięki ograniczonej miksji, były warunki do zachowania rocznej laminacji osadów dennych. Sedymentacja osadów glacjofluwialnych w otoczeniu rynny była bardzo zróżnicowana i w wielu miejscach wskazuje na warunki przepływu nadkrytycznego. W przypowierzchniowej warstwie osadów sandrowych stwierdzono ślady zapisu procesów mrozowych (gleby mrozowe) oraz wytrącenia węglanowe wskazujące na występowanie warunków peryglacjalnych po zaprzestaniu przepływu proglacjalnego. Osady limniczne są również zróżnicowane w zależności od cech morfometrycznych basenu sedymentacyjnego, a przede wszystkim od głębokości ich depozycji. Osady stokowe pochodzą w większości z ostatnich dwustu lat, a ich depozycja nastąpiła wskutek działalności gospodarczej człowieka.
The paper aims to review the investigations on the genesis of the Czechowskie Lake basin (Starogard Lakeland, north-central Poland). The sedimentological analysis of the glaciofluvial, glaciolimnic, limnic and colluvial deposits have been conducted in the outcrops, pits and boreholes with undisturbed cores. They were supplemented by the results of the geological and geomorphological mapping. Summing up the investigations it can be stated that the lake basin developed within a deep subglacial channel which was preserved by the dead ice blocks till the onset of the Allerød. Their melting led to the emergence of a morphologically diversified lake basin. The conditions in its deepest parts, due to hampered mixing and wave action, favoured the preservation of the annually laminated sediments. The glaciofluvial deposition in the vicinity of the lake was diverse and in many places it indicates the supercritical condition of the water flow. Within the near-surface layer of outwash deposits were recognized the traces of the periglacial processes and calcareous precipitates which indicate short glaciolimnic periods or breaks in sedimentation. The limnic sediments are also diversified and dependent on the morphometric features of the sedimentary basin, mostly the depth of the deposition. Colluvial deposits have originated mostly in the last 200 years as a consequence of the transient deforestation of the surrounding area.
Results of oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Eemian lacustrine sediments from two sites from central Poland are presented. The Besiekierz palaeolake is located about 25 km north of Łódź at 130 m a.s.l. The 4 m thick sediments are represented by silty sands and clayey silts, overlain by gyttja and organic silts and peat. The Studzieniec palaeolake is located near Sierpc at 112 m a.s.l. The sediments above 19 m thick of Studzieniec core were analysed. The succession contains silty sands and clayey silts on the bottom, then gyttja, organic silts and peat in the upper part. Results of pollen analysis document that the sediments from Besiekierz and Studzieniec accumulated during the final part of the Wartanian Glaciation through to the Vistulian Glaciation. Based on the results of stable isotope analyses of sediments the isotopic horizons (Is) were defined and characterized for each succession. Results of isotopic analysis correlated with pollen data enabled reconstruction of both climatic and hydrological processes such: a lake deepening and/or an influx of groundwater enriched in light isotopes (at Besiekierz - Is 3-Be; at Studzieniec - Is 3-St); a warming of climatic conditions (at Besiekierz - Is 3-8-Be; at Studzieniec - Is 3-6-St); an increase of biological activity or existence of methanogenesis (at Studzieniec - Is 7-St). The positive correlation of d18O and d13C curves is characterized for the closed system of lake.
Wykonano oznaczenia składu izotopów trwałych tlenu i węgla dla osadów jeziornych, zawierających węglan wapnia, z dwóch profili: Besiekierz i Studzieniec (centralna Polska). W Besiekierzu (ok. 30 km na północ od Łodzi) pod osadami piaszczysto-gliniastymi występuje seria osadów jeziorno-bagiennych złożona z gytii, mułków organicznych i torfów. W Studzieńcu k. Sierpca (112 m n.p.m.) osady jeziorne wykształcone są: w spągu - w postaci mułków słabo węglanowych, wyżej - gytii, a w stropie - mułków organicznych i torfów. Na podstawie wyników analiz palinologicznych stwierdzono, że badane osady były akumulowane od schyłku zlodowacenia warty, przez interglacjał eemski, do początku zlodowacenia wisły. Uzyskane wyniki oznaczeń izotopowych pozwoliły na wydzielenie i scharakteryzowanie horyzontów izotopowych (Is) dla każdego profilu. Korelacja danych izotopowych i palinologicznych umożliwiła rekonstrukcję zmian klimatycznych i hydrologicznych zachodzących w okresie interglacjału eemskiego, takich jak: pogłębienie zbiornika i/lub dopływ wód bogatych w lekkie izotopy (Besiekierz - Is 3-Be, Studzieniec - Is 3-St), ocieplenie klimatu (Besiekierz - Is 3-8-Be, Studzieniec - Is 3-6-St), wzrost aktywności biologicznej lub występowanie zjawiska metanogenezy (Studzieniec - Is 7-St). Ponadto zaobserwowana współkształtność krzywych izotopowych w obu profilach jest charakterystyczna dla zamkniętych systemów jeziornych.
Results of stable isotope, Cladocera and pollen analyses of lacustrine sediments from Besiekierz (Central Poland) are presented. The Besiekierz palaeolake is located about 25 km north of Łódź (Central Poland) at 130 m a.s.l. The 4 m thick deposits comprise silty sands and clayey silts, overlain by calcareous gyttja and organic silts and peat. Pollen analysis documents that these deposits accumulated during the Eemian Interglacial and the Early Vistulian. Based on the results of stable isotope analyses, nine isotopic horizons (Is) were defined and characterized, and these enabled reconstruction of both climatic and hydrological changes. A positive trend in δ18O values and constant values of δ 13 suggest gradual climatic warming, while constant values of δ 18O and δ 13C indicate stable conditions and/or a fast rate of sedimentation. The fluctuation of isotopic values in the upper part of the succession probably points to a shallowing of the lake due to sedimentary infill. The subfossil cladoceran fauna in the Besiekierz succession is represented by 11 solely littoral species belonging to 3 families. Four zones of Cladocera development were distinguished. The Besiekierz palaeolake was a shallow reservoir. The initial period of its existence probably saw its greatest depth. The Cladocera species present indicate the initial oligotrophic status of the lake and its subsequent increase in trophic status.We compare the results of the isotopic, cladoceran and published palynological analyses, to distinguish and explain the phases of evolution of the lake.
Content available remote Geological value of Biśnik Cave sediments (Cracow-Częstochowa Upland)
The Biśnik Cave is located near the town of Pilica in the central part of the Smoleń-Niegowonice Range (Cracow-Częstochowa Upland). During archaeological excavations a section of clastic sediments above 7 m thick was exposed. Based on sedimentological, mineralogical and archaeological data, the lithology and stratigraphy of the deposits were ducumented. Series I (layers 18-8) accumulated in a dry cave environment in the Tertiary (layer 18), during the Middle Polish Glaciation (layers 17-14), the Eemian Interglacial (layers 13-12) and in the older part of the Vistulian (layers 11-8). Series II (layers 7-5) reflects accumulation under fluvial conditions during the Middle Vistulian. Series III (layers 4-2) consist of aeolian deposits accumulated during the Upper Vistulian. The humus layers (layers 1b-1a) were formed during the Holocene. The composition of the rich palaeontological material was used for reconstruction of the natural environment and the climatic conditions during the accumulations of the sediments. The existence of forest is documented during the time of the accumulation of layers 15, 13, 12. The presence of aquatic species of fauna testifies to the existence of a small river in the neighbourhood of the cave (e.g. layers 11, 6-7). The high proportion of remains of steppe-tundra fauna indicates environment (e.g. layers 14, 8, 2). The results of the investigations of the Biśnik Cave sediments helped in reconstructing the evolution of the relief of the surrounding area.
Pasmo Smoleńsko-Niegowonickie składa się z szeregu wzgórz wapiennych, częściowo przykrytych osadami czwartorzędowymi. Na podstawie szczegółowego kartowania geologicznego oraz wyników analiz granulometrycznych i mineralogicznych, wydzielono i opisano sześć typów osadów czwartorzędowych: gliny zwietrzelinowe, piaski fluwioglacjalne, piaski eoliczne, lessy, osady jeziorne, osady rzeczne. Ponadto opracowano genezę i stratygrafię osadów wypełniających, znajdującą się w centralnej części badanego terenu, jaskinię Biśnik, która jest stanowiskiem paleolitycznym. W jaskini wyróżniono trzy serie osadów akumulowane w czasie zlodowaceń południowopolskich, zlodowaceń środkowopolskich, zlodowacenia Wisły, a także w holocenie. Wydzielone typy genetyczne osadów czwartorzędowych skorelowano z osadami jaskiniowymi. Uzyskane wyniki badań i przeprowadzona korelacja posłużyły do rekonstrukcji morfogenezy tego terenu.
The Smoleń-Niegowonice Range is a chain of limestone hills party covered with Quaternary deposits. On the basis of detailed geological fieldwork, study of the Biśnik cave filling and numerous grain-size and heavy mineral analyses, the stratigraphy of the Quaternary sediments and relief evolution were elaborated. The relief comprises forms of erosional-denudational origin e.g: inselbergs, valleys, gorges (Fig. 2) controlled by tectonic structure and limestone lithology of the bedrock, and purely accumulation forms such as weathering covers, glacifluvial covers, alluvial surfaces, loess covers and dunes. The Quaternary deposits consist of weathering loams, glacifluvial sands, lacustrine sands and silts, loess, dune sands, fluvial sands and silts (Figs. 3 & 4). The origin and stratigraphy of sediments filling the Biśnik cave - an important palaeolithic site were investigated (Mirosław-Grabowska, 1995; Mirosław-Grabowska et al., 1995; Cyrek, 1994). The 5 m thick section of the cave sediments consists of three main series composed of 18 layers identifiable on the basis of geological, archaeological and palaeontological data (Fig. 5). Below the basal series, autochthonous residual clays of terra rossa-type (layer 18) occur. They originated in the Tertiary, probably in the Pliocene. Series I is composed mainly of loams with limestone rubble. Layers 17-14 accumulated during the South and Middle Polish Glaciations. Layers 13-12 are correlated with the Eemian Interglacial. Layers 11-8 accumulated during the Vistulian Glaciation. The overlying series II consist of three layers (7-5) of fluvial sands. Fluvial accumulation in the cave is the result of its low morphological position in the slope of adjacent valley. Series III comprises loess and eolian sands (layers 4-2) accumulated during the Upper Plenivistulian. The uppermost part of the section consist of Holocene humus (layers 1a, 1b). The distinguished genetic types of the Quaternary deposits were correlated with the cave sediments (Fig. 4). The correlation helps to establish the stratigraphy of the Quaternary deposits in the studied area. During the Tertiary this area was exposed to intense chemical weathering and, then, to denu- dational and erosional processes. The limestone inselbergs, valleys and gorges were formed. Weathering loams and residual clays were accumulated at that time (Różycki, 1972). During the South Polish Glaciation, only layers 17-16 in the cave were probably deposited. During the Middle Polish Glaciation the glacifluvial sands were accumulated (Bednarek et al., 1978; Szczypek, 1984) and layers 15-14 in the cave. The Eemian Interglacial is represented only by two loam layers in the cave with strongly weathered limestone debris. During the Vistulian Glaciation this area was exposed to fluvial and eolian processes (Szczypek, 1984). The lacustrine silts, loess covers and dunes were formed (Bednarek et al., 1978). During the Holocene, the alluvial flood-plains and small dunes (Dulias, 1997) were formed and soil processes developed. At present, denudational and erosional processes mainly in the loess covers are observed.
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