This article presents three independent concepts of use high-level technique with it adaptation and implementation concerning overhead travelling crane device type. The main objective of this statement applies a solution for device workspace mapping, payload anti-sway control techniques strategy use and possibility of reliable steel construction health monitoring. In the first chapter, the vision system technology for obstacle in workspace visualization was presented. The main idea depends on use stereovision system with sets of camera mounted under the crane’s trolley which movement with the crane shifts. The stereo pictures, after digital processing, were used for develop so-called dense disparity map. The described architecture allows achieving information about device surroundings and obstacle position in the workspace. As the final result was presented three-dimensional map of the device workspace with obtained result accuracy discussion. The second type of described problem developed in chapter two concern the crane control methodology of designing the anti-sway system for payload stabilizing during the crane movement. The oscillation of a payload adversely affects the accuracy of performed transportation tasks and may present a safety hazard to employees, transferred payload and surrounding objects. The invented and described method mainly base on so-called soft computing methods. The next part of the article-focused attention of problem concerning health monitoring cranes construction as other equipment’s as well. The problem concerns usually the large industrial cranes carry out transportation operations in the presence of a large impact load and mechanical stresses acting overall crane’s structure. The safety and efficiency of crane operations can be improved through providing the continuous structural health monitoring as well in on-line and off-line mode. The main idea allows using Metal Magnetic Memory technique for supervising and estimating steel construction actual condition. All tests and considerations were conducted on the scaled physical model of overhead travelling crane with hosting capability 150 kg
Transport has always been a fundamental impulse for the development of civilization. The first fully automatically controlled vehicles for industrial application (previously called driverless vehicles) was design in 1954 year. This has been achieved more than 60 years ago. Unmanned Ground Vehicles are a whole family of autonomous vehicles use modern tools with all power today available electronics for navigation task and decision making process on the base artificial intelligence and (AI) algorithms. At present time a problem of the realization a fully reconfiguration navigation system working in real time mode for UGV vehicles is the subject of the research for many scientific units of the entire scientific world. The object of the statement constitute AGV short historical outline with actual trends marking. The special authors' attention was focused on the solutions dedicated for so-called e-tools functionalities implementing in modern AGV vehicles. The main purpose of the article was focused on the set of issues involving the most problems in the whole material handling (MHD) family devices with any autonomous factor. The article is focused on the localization problem, trajectories founding, path planning, scheduling, workspace with environment mapping and AGV control issues. Described methods and tools are connected with chosen artificial intelligence solutions dedicated or adapted for autonomous vehicles' needs.
The problem of multi-camera system, in which the synchronization was a priority issue, has been raised in the beginning of the 20th century. It was caused by significant growth of application, in which computer vision technology realized in real-time, mode play the major role. Lately multi-camera synchronization problem is related to threedimensional reconstruction. It is estimated that 3D imaging market was worth 16.6 billion USD by 2020 year (in 2015 this market was worth only 4.9 billion USD). This constitute raise at 27.64% calculated as CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) indicator. However, presently there exists many issues disturbing in develop full functional 3D imaging systems wherein robust and mapping accuracy are not related with the system total price. Multi-camera imaging (MCI) technology is a perfect candidate to obtain 3D imaging, moreover the systems contains this type of solution already existed but they possess limitation. First of all, MCI are perfect for reconstruction static objects. This paper describes the common known problem concerning multi-camera system in which correlation between independently taken images from the multiple viewpoints must be extremely high in the time domain. However, some kinds of application do not require perfect snapshot synchronization but time delay must be exactly known. Generally, camera synchronicity issue can be achieved through hardware or software solution. Hardware triggering usually ensures high synchronicity precision and is robust but it is always associated with expensiveness. In turn of software triggering the application architecture in hardware point of view are simpler and inexpensive although they are uncertainty as hardware solution. Additionally, in the paper author's main attention was focused on possibility of synchronization pentadruple cameras system with GigE interface with hardware and software triggering and estimation software solution average time delay in comparison with hardware triggering.
Contemporary handling operation efficiency and safety in cargo transportation realized by the cranes mainly depends on counteractions taken against undesirable phenomena’s such as payload swing. The research problem connected with anti-sway problem has been extensively researched over the past decades. Generally the proposed solutions can be classifying as an open and closed-loop control system. The close loop sway angle control system are strongly connected with necessity of physical measuring the angle of the swinging rope. The paper was focused on the non-contact method of measuring the angle of swinging payload with the image analysis technique use. However, in the statement the authors attention was focused on the issue related to the verification that infrared light illuminator can be used in built a non-contact vision sensor for the sway measure insensitiveness on actual exposure light conditions. All experiments and tests were conducted on the scaled physical model of overhead travelling crane with hosting capability of 150 kg.
Techniczne utrzymanie urządzenia to szereg podjętych wszystkich niezbędnych działań o charakterze technicznym, administracyjnym oraz organizacyjnym wykonywanych w trakcie trwania cyklu życia obiektu - urządzenia technicznego, w których nadrzędny cel stanowi utrzymanie gotowości urządzenia do pełnienia wymaganych funkcji. Współcześnie bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji maszyn, a zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do układów antropocentrycznych, ma istotne znaczenie w eliminowaniu zagrożeń w miejscu pracy oraz tworzeniu bezpiecznego środowiska pracy zarówno dla ludzi, jak i urządzeń. W artykule przedstawiono analizę przyczyn degradacji wybranych środków transportu technologicznego. Szczególna uwaga została skoncentrowana na incydentach związanych z utratą zdrowia i życia człowieka. Analizą objęto dane z ostatniego dziesięciolecia.
Reliable operate of any technical device require all necessary essential action connected with technical, adnninistrative and organizational activity. In our times safety of the machines, especially in anthropocentric approach are significance for eliminating the threats for creating the safety environment both for people as well as devices. The article focused on the primary operational properties decline problem of chosen material handling devices. The special authors attention was concentrated on the various incidents associated with dangerous accidents and machines failure, connected with serious injury as well as man health loss including human life loss. Final remarks was based on the analysis on the last decade data obtained from Polish Office of Technical Inspection.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd ewolucji układów napędowych stosowanych w dźwignicach w odniesieniu do sposobów sterowania prędkością obrotową elementów wykonawczych poprzez zmianę prędkości obrotowej źródła mocy mechanicznej. Uwaga autorów została skoncentrowana na specyficznej grupie dźwignic, do jakiej zalicza się suwnice pomostowe, oraz systemach wspomagających ich eksploatację, opartych na nowoczesnych układach napędowych. Przedstawiono również współcześnie używane układy napędowe z wbudowanymi przemiennikami częstotliwości.
The object of statement is a discussing about cranes power transmission systems evolution. The main authors attention was focused on the rotation speed control system of the slip ring and squirrel-cage rotor motors of the peculiar group of the cranes like a overhead travelling crane. The article also describe novel power transmission systems with inverters use and all kind of benefits of this device associate.
Przedmiot artykułu stanowi test ośmiu metod obliczania miary podobieństwa zaimplementowanych w postaci algorytmu porównującego blokami dla potrzeb obliczania mapy dysparycji ze wzorcowej stereopary. Przyjęte przez autorów kryteria oceny uzyskanych wyników pod względem ich przydatności w głównej mierze uwzględniają zarówno kryteria jakościowe wygenerowanej mapy dysparycji oraz kryteria ilościowe uwzględniające czas przetwarzania przyjętej za wzorzec stereopary.
The article focus on the eight methods of the similarity measures, implementing in the region matching algorithms for the needs of disparity calculation. The authors establishes quality and quantitative criteria for the final results examine. Each posses dense disparity map was tested under her outward appearance and computing time. All tests was realized on the example stereo pair photos.
The problem of ensuring the safe and efficient cranes operations in automated manufacturing processes involves the needs of the operating workspace identification, especially in the automation mode. However, this paper describes the problem of overhead travelling crane's workspace identification with the stereovision. Main authors’ attention was focused on the stereo pictures matching problem through optimization exist disparity computation methods with algorithms optimization by completion with implement correlation matching algorithms. The stereo system is based on the single camera localized under the crane trolley that allows obtaining the sequences of stereo snapshots of crane workspace during the crane or trolley movement. Typically, disparity was produce by calculating the displacement of each pixel of the stereo image along an epipolar line. The disparity software optimization was based on matching algorithms architecture. In this article, the disparity optimization procedure achieved by produce disparity on the ROI (Region of Interest) method is described. Disparity was obtained with the help of sets homologous pixels collections. These sets were determinate with variety kind of similarity measures, which was implemented to disparity search algorithm. Each disparity map (based on the separate similarity measure) was tested under outward appearance and computing time criteria.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zastosowania technik wizyjnych w procesach nadzorowania eksploatacji suwnic hutniczych, a w szczególności system nadzoru wizyjnego przestrzeni roboczej suwnic, system wizyjnego nadzorowania wybranych parametrów operatora, bezstykową metodę pomiaru kąta wychylenia liny w suwnicach. Prezentowane rozwiązania istotnie mogą zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo eksploatowanych suwnic w praktyce.
The paper presents selected video techniques in the operation process monitoring of metallurgical cranes, in particular video surveillance system operating space overhead, video surveillance system operator parameters, non-contact method of measuring the angle of the rope swing in cranes. The presented solutions can significantly increase the safety of cranes operating in practice.
W artykule przedstawiono adaptację urządzenia wejścia z trójwymiarowym układem odniesienia - kontrolera znanego pod nazwą kinect dla potrzeb sterowania laboratoryjną suwnicą pomostową. Przedmiotem pracy jest realizacja koncepcji wkomponowania w układ C-OT-O nowego typu interfejsu komunikacyjnego opartego o niewerbalny bazujący na gestach układ przekazywania informacji do środowiska cyfrowego.
The paper presents the conception of adaptation a new three-dimensional input device under the kinect name. Authors focused their attention on realization the concept of design the new kind of the HMI interface. In this type of interface, communication was based on the non-verbal gestures system. As a reference transport devices was use a laboratory double girder crane.
Popularność wbudowanych systemów operacyjnych jest wyznacznikiem postępu technologicznego i znakiem współczesnych czasów. Systemy wbudowane umożliwiają implementację cech inteligencji (ang. smart feature) zarówno do urządzeń specjalizowanych jak i codziennego użytku. Główną cechę urządzeń inteligentnych stanowi autonomiczność w wykonywaniu powierzonych działań. Wypowiedź koncentruje uwagę na roli i funkcjonalności wbudowanych systemów operacyjnych (ang. embedded) dla procesów nadzorowania wizyjnego. W artykule przedstawiono i porównano systemy wbudowane skompilowane na bazie rodziny systemów Windows oraz Unix. Porównanie systemów wbudowanych zostało przeprowadzone na podstawie otrzymanych funkcjonalności systemu wizyjnego z zastosowaniem inteligentnej kamery.
At present time embedded software is a sign of time. This type of software enable intelligence implementation feature (so called smart feature) to the variety kind of the devices. The devices enrich by the embedded software systems are more effectiveness. Especially vision methods in automatic identification processes are determining by the embedded software functionality. The software linking hardware possibility with the methods for example tag scanning. The main target of statement is role and the functionality of embedded system software compiled on MS Windows and Unix platform, dedicated for machine vision support and automatic identification method.
Realizacja ruchów roboczych urządzenia transportowego przemieszczającego ładunek z użyciem stalowego cięgna wymaga eliminacji możliwych niekorzystnych zjawisk takich jak wychylenia ładunku od stanu równowagi. Dąży się w praktyce do minimalizacji skutków oddziaływań dynamicznych wywołanych wahaniem ładunku obciążających dodatkowo podsystemy wykonawcze i wspomagające urządzenia transportowego. W artykule opisano wybrane stykowe i bezstykowe metody pomiaru kąta wychylenia zawieszonego na linie ładunku oraz odkształcenia cięgna stalowego dla suwnic pomostowych.
Cranes' operation process focused on goods fixed to a elastic rope requires elimination of possible negative phenomena such as load deflection from equilibrium. Tends in practice to minimize the effects of interactions of dynamic load fluctuation caused selected subsystems of the crane. The paper describes selected the contact and contactless methods of measuring the angle of the rope swing suspended load (goods) and his possible deformation in overhead travelling cranes.
The object of the paper is navigating of the automated guided vehicles (AGV) problems. The special authors attention were focused on the solutions dedicated for the container terminals. The paper is focused on the UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) localization problem, trajectories planning, work space mapping and AGV control problem. Described methods and tools for control problems are connected with chosen artificial intelligence solutions dedicated for autonomous vehicles working in container terminal.
Advances development of visual sensor technology, digital communications and networking technique has enabled the deployment of a growing number of high-tech varied kind visual systems. One of this advances vision systems are smart cameras. Smart cameras refer to the new generation cameras with high capabilities. Image sensors combined with processors create a new vision solution of all-in-one type. The objects of statements were a test of intelligent camera functionality on the computing power benchmark. The authors tested other hardware pieces like a memory or storage functionality. All possesses results was compare with stand alone PC tower in variety kind. The piloted test may give answer about smart cameras suitability in application for material handling devices. The tested SmartCam is ideal devices for built vision application for monitoring material handling devices or types non standard vision application or operation parameters. Small dimension (tested camera dimension is only 110 x 55 x 55 [mm] and low level of power consumption with relatively enough computing power are ideal for use with non standard vision application, especially for material handling devices in variety usage. Small dimension (tested camera dimension is only110 x 55 x 55 mm) and low level of power consumption with relatively enough computing power are ideal for use with non standard vision application, especially for material handling devices in variety usage.
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Przedmiot artykułu stanowi próba syntetycznego zebrania wiedzy z zakresu rozwoju technik pozyskiwania obrazu 3D przy pomocy pojedynczego urządzenia rejestrującego obraz. W artykule przedstawiono także koncepcję systemu pozyskiwania możliwie pełnej informacji o przestrzeni roboczej środka transportu bliskiego na przykładzie fizycznego modelu laboratoryjnej suwnicy pomostowej i jego przestrzeni roboczej.
The object of statement is an attempt of synthetic collecting the knowledge about acquiring 3D data form 2D image. The paper summarizes the methods of use single camera for the possibility of obtain the 3D information about work space of material handling devices, especially double girder bridge crane. The described methods was tested on the physical model of laboratory bridge crane.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przegląd środków technicznych i metod wspomagających proces przemieszczania i składowania ładunków w terminalach z użyciem kontenera jako intermodalnej jednostki transportowej.
Object of the statement is review of devices, methods supporting the process of transferring and storing charges in terminals with using the container as the intermodal transport unit.
Przedmiotem wypowiedzi są wybrane metody budowy przestrzeni roboczej automatycznych środków transportowych, w szczególności typu AGV/ ALV oraz projektowania ich trajektorii ruchu. Dokonano analizy wybranych narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w sterowaniu pojazdami autonomicznymi.
The paper focus attention on the selected methods helping design operation space of automated transport devices, particularly AGV/ ALV types, as well as their movement trajectory planning. Also analysis of selected so-called intelligent control tools in automated devices has been discussed base on known references.
W artykule przedstawiono współczesne trendy i kierunki rozwoju przewozów intermodalnych jednostek transportowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem jednostek kontenerowych. Autorzy skoncentrowali uwagę na przewozach kontenerowych drogą morską, zwracając uwagę na powstające ograniczenia oraz niedogodności związane z samą konstrukcją jednostek nawodnych oraz przewożeniem ładunków droga morską. Dodatkowo w artykule przedstawiono alternatywne metody będące obecnie w fazie testów, bądź opracowania, które za kilka lat mogą stanowić część rynku przewozu intermodalnych jednostek transportowych.
The paper was focused on the contemporary trends and the directions of the development transport mode of the Intermodal Transport Unit - UTI (Unités de Transport Intermodal). The special consideration was focused on the container units. Authors fixed their attention on container transports with sea route and main attention was focused on the cargoes limitation and container ship construction. Additionally this article described alternative methods for containers transport being at present in the tests phase. On the base described project potential, we can expect in the next decade a change in transport mode of the container.
W pracy sformułowano w rezultacie analizy dostępnej literatury obszary prac ukierunkowane na eksploatację terminali kontenerowych. Scharakteryzowano środki transportowe stosowane w terminalach oraz przedstawiono model funkcjonalny terminala kontenerowego zorientowany na zagadnienia transportowe.
The paper is reviewing today problems that were undertaken regarding to container terminals operation. Used in terminals transport devices were described, as well as the functional model of the container terminal focusing on transportation problems have been discussed.
Przedmiotem wypowiedzi są rozwiązania w zakresie reprezentowania (i gromadzenia) użytecznej dla człowieka informacji dla celów decyzyjnych przez kody graficzne. W szczególności uwagę skoncentrowano na dwuwymiarowych matrycowych kodach kreskowych o zmiennej długości. Prezentowane rozwiązania mogą być użyteczne w procesie identyfikacji przemieszczanych ładunków i środków transportowych.
The paper is focusing on solutions based on data collection and presentation processes supporting man decisions. Special attention has been paid on twodimensional variable-length matrix barcodes. Presented solutions can me used in identification processes in transportation, both replaced loads and transport devices.
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