The article presents research aimed at determining the effect of adding rare earth elements to near-eutectic Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni alloys on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the obtained products. Material for the research was prepared using a melt spinner - a device used for rapid crystallization, casting thin ribbons, which were then subjected in subsequent stages to fragmentation, consolidation and plastic working. The ribbons and extruded rods cast were described in terms of their structure and their strength properties were determined at different measurement temperatures. It was shown that the lightweight materials produced from aluminium alloys using the rapid solidification process have an ultra-fine structure and good strength properties. Analysis under a microscope confirmed that the addition of rare earth alloys Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni causes fragmentation of the microstructure in the tapes produced. The presence of rare earth elements in the alloys tested has an impact on the type and the morphology of the particles of the microstructure’s individual components. In addition to the change in particle morphology, the phenomenon of the separation of numerous nanometric particles of intermetallic phases containing rare earth elements was also observed. The change in microstructure caused by the addition of rare earth elements in the form of a mischmetal increases the mechanical properties.
For seed production of sugar and fodder beet, the creation of machines and working bodies for planting root crops on testes and pollinators is of current importance. It was found out that the seed-and-water production was spreading with the use of ”schteklings” [sugar beet roots]. In the countries with minus temperatures between the vegetation seasons it is necessary to dig out beets and plant them again at the beginning of the vegetation season. Advantages and disadvantages of machines and apparatus for disembarking the schteklings were determined. Under the conditions of applicability, we chose a design scheme and a type of landing gear. With the use of mathematical expressions and standards for the labor intensity of the operator of the above machine, the optimal parameters of its planting apparatus were determined. It was determined that the work of the operator of the schteklings planting machine's stem will meet the safety standards for the intensity of labor if the planting unit of this machine is a rotor-type. It should be equipped with planting cones and a charging device, a conveyor type. The number of holders of landing cones should be 6-8 pieces, and the radius of the rotor is within the range of 0.344 ... 0.382 m. Such a scheme, type and parameters of the landing gear will allow operators to work at the speed of the planter of up to 1.2 m·s -1.
Dla produkcji nasion buraków cukrowych i pastewnych aktualnie znaczenie ma stworzenie maszyny do wysadzania wysadek. W krajach, w których między sezonami wegetacyjnymi panują ujemne temperatury konieczne jest wykopanie buraków i ponowne ich posadzenie na początku kolejnego sezony wegetacyjnego. Zaobserwowano rozprzestrzenianie się technologii upraw nasiennych buraków wykorzystujących wysadki. Analizując warunki sadzenia wysadek wybrano konstrukcję i rodzaj aparatu wysadzającego. Z wykorzystaniem matematycznych wzorów i norm intensywności pracy operatora danej maszyny dokonano charakterystyki optymalnych parametrów aparatu wysadzającego. Aparat wysadzający powinien być wyposażony w stożki (uchwyty) do sadzenia i ładowarkę. Ilość stoż- ków (uchwytów) do sadzenia powinna wynosić 6-8 sztuk, a promień wirnika w granicach 0,344…0,382 m. Parametry te pozwolą pracować operatorowi sadzarki z prędkością do 1,2 m·s-1.
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Rynek apteczny jest elementem systemu gospodarczego kraju w znacznym stopniu podlegającym kontroli organów państwowych. Regulacje odnoszą się głównie do lokalizacji, cen, odpłatności za leki, liczby aptek posiadanych przez jednego przedsiębiorcę, a także działań promocyjnych. Pomimo wielu ograniczeń przedstawiana branża jest w sytuacji stabilnego wzrostu. Artykuł prezentuje charakterystykę rynku po wprowadzeniu nowelizacji ustawy Prawo farmaceutyczne, uwzględniając aktualne trendy, zagrożenia i możliwości rozwoju.
A method of analyzing strengths, weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats was used to assess the tested market after the amendment of the new Pharmaceutical Law. Despite the limitations related to the ban on running pharmacies by people without a pharmacy education, the tested market was in a stable growth phase.
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Wielokryterialną analizę skuteczności procesów logistycznych zastosowano do naturalnego 2-fenyloetanolu. Rozpatrzono procesy związane z dystrybucją, produktem, lokalizacją i czasem dystrybucji wytworzonego związku chemicznego.
Logistic costs of distribution of PhCH2CH2OH were estd. to maximize the prodn. profitability.
The article describes: design methods for exhaust systems, calculation of the noise characteristics of a silencer, optimization of the technical characteristics of the exhaust system.
Greenhouse gas control it is key aspect for climate protection. The positioning of corporations concerning greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) has changed profoundly in the past two decades. As climate regulation became inevitable, companies started adopting more proactive strategies. One of the effective methods for greenhouse gas emission calculation is based on life cycle analysis. A carbon footprint is defined as the sum of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event, or product and is expressed in terms of CO2 equivalents (CO2-e). Our investigations were devoted to greenhouse emission assessment during life cycle of willow wood production from short rotation coppice plantations. In accordance with results about 48% of carbon dioxide gas from all life cycle of willow was emitted during wood harvesting and transportation to energy plants. It is necessary to optimize the logistic scheme of willow wood harvesting and transportation for decreasing of greenhouse gas emission. The substitutions of fossil fuel by willow wood enable to save 11733 ton CO2-e from 30 hectares of willow plantation. The carbon tax for instance in Australia starting at AU$ 23 a ton of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (tCO2e). Thus, the substitute of fossil fuel by willow wood may have profit as for regional so and for local level of production.
The geological setting of the Bug-Pripyat interfluve and the close proximity of the source of the Pripyat River to the well-developed Middle Bug River valley suggest that these rivers may have been connected in the past. Analysis of geological cross-sections around the Polish-Ukraine-Belarus cross-border areas together with study of associated Pleistocene palaeoflora shows that buried alluvial deposits of the proto-Bug and proto-Pripyat clearly represent the Preglacial (MIS 103-23), Podlasian/Turskian-Donian/Brest Interglacial (Cromerian I-II; MIS 21-17) and the Mazovian/Likhvinian/Alexandrian Interglacial (Holsteinian; MIS 11c). Their elevated position in mid-eastern Poland suggests the possibility of accumulation by proto-Bug waters flowing eastwards, which determined the formation and development of the lower-lying proto-Pripyat valley system in northwestern Ukraine at those times. The occurrence of the Ponto-Caspian species Lithoglyphus naticoides (C. Pfeiffer, 1828), Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845) and Corbicula fluminalis (O.F. Müller, 1774) in the mollusc assemblages of the Mazovian/Likhvinian/Alexandrian Interglacial implies that the main watershed between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea drainage basins might have been situated in the northern part of the area studied. Presumably its main part was drained by the waters of the proto-Bug catchment connected with the proto-Pripyat and flowing farther to the east towards the Dnieper River entering the Black Sea.
This malacological analysis was conducted at a site with peat and calcareous tufas in Łapsze Niżne, Podhale (southern Poland). The study was carried out in 6 main and several complementary sections, in which 37 mollusc species were recognized represented by almost 11 000 specimens. The study enabled the reconstruction of environmental changes during the accumulation of the Holocene deposits (from the Boreal Phase till present). Conclusions drawn from these reconstructions were compared with results of malacological and palynological studies from other sites in Podhale. As a result, regional environmental reconstructions for the Holocene of the area were made. The specific composition, ecological structure and succession of molluscan assemblages from Łapsze Niżne indicate a significant role for local factors, thus demonstrating the variability of environmental conditions within a geographic region.
A research was conducted on the Holocene lake sediments from the full-cored FA-1 drilling at the southern shore of the Qarun Lake in the Faiyum Oasis in northern Egypt. Altogether 10 taxa of molluscs and 8 taxa of ostracods were identified in the examined deposits, with total amounts of 768 and 2872 individuals, respectively. The fauna was investigated with palaeoecological purpose and allowed for preliminary reconstruction of sedimentary environment in the lake. The occurrence of Valvata nilotica Jickeli, 1874 and Gomphocythere sp. in the lower part of the core and a low proportion of carapaces (2.4–28%) indicated freshwater and higher-energy conditions, respectively. Rapid expansion of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) at a depth of 18 m could point to very short saline episode in the lake. The increase in salinity and drop of water level were evidenced in the uppermost part of the core (4–3.5 m), when the lake was dominated by Hydrobia ventrosa (Montagu, 1803), Cerastoderma glaucum (Poiret, 1789) and C. torosa. The steady sedimentation in a shallow lake was also supported by considerable amount of complete ostracod carapaces (45%). The faunal assemblage and smooth valves of C. torosa suggested salinity of 14–25‰.
This study evaluates changes in the environmental and climatic conditions in the Faiyum Oasis during the Holocene based on diatom analyses of the sediment FA-1 core from the southern seashore of the Qarun Lake. The studied FA-1 core was 26 m long and covered the time span ca. 9.000 cal. yrs BP. Diatom taxa were abundant and moderately to well-preserved throughout the core sediments. Planktonic taxa were most abundant than the benthic and epiphytic forms, which were very rare and sparsely distributed. The most dominant planktonic genera were Aulacoseira and Stephanodiscus followed by frequently distribution of Cyclostephanos and Cyclotella species. The stratigraphic distribution patterns of the recorded diatoms through the Holocene sediments explained five ecological diatom groups. Thesegroups represent distinctive environmental conditions, which were mainly related to climatic changes through the earlyand middle Holocene, in addition to anthropogenic activity during the late Holocene. Comparison of diatom assemblages in the studied sediment core suggests that considerable changes occurred in water level as well as salinity. There were several high stands of the freshwater lake level during humid, warmer-wet climatic phases marked by dominance of planktonic, oligohalobous and alkaliphilous diatoms alternated with lowering of the lake level and slight increases in salinity and alkalinity during warm arid conditions evident by prevalence of brackish water diatoms.
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Zaprezentowano wyniki eksperymentalnych badań cech fizycznych żeli otrzymanych z mieszanki pektyny z nanododatkiem w postaci gliny kaolinowej. Badania przeprowadzono dla 6 różnych kombinacji, wyznaczając podstawowe parametry fizyczne (gęstość, aktywność wody, barwa, zwilżalność) termiczne (analiza DSC) oraz reologiczne (profilowa analiza tekstury TPA). Stwierdzono istotny wpływ zarówno zawartości pektyny, jak i dodatku kaolinu. Wykonana analiza korelacji wykazała istnienie związku pomiędzy zmierzonymi parametrami fizycznymi a wyznaczonymi cechami TPA.
Low-ester pectin was mixed with various amts. of kaolin clay to obtain hydrous gels. The addn. of clay resulted in an alteration of phys. parameters of gels, esp. d. and colour. Performed texture profile anal. revealed an increase of hardness, adhesiveness and flexibility of the kaolin-enriched gels.
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Metodą ekstruzji wytworzono folie polimerowe ze skrobi i glicerolu z dodatkiem poli(alkoholu winylowego), po czym eksponowano je na działanie promieniowania UV-C przez okres do 14 dni. Oceniono wpływ fotooksydacji UV na zwilżalność powierzchni, przepuszczalność pary wodnej oraz barwę folii. Stwierdzono, że czas ekspozycji wpływał istotnie na wszystkie analizowane parametry. Z kolei wzrastające stężenie poli(alkoholu winylowego) w mieszance zwiększało hydrofilowość oraz przepuszczalność pary wodnej.
Starch films were produced after addn. of poly(vinyl alcohol) by extrusion, exposed to UV irradn. and studied for wettability and water vapor permeability. An increase in hydrophilicity and permeability after exposition was obsd.
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For quantitative estimation of past water temperature of four Holsteinian (MIS 11) palaeolakes from eastern Poland, the oxygen isotope palaeothermometer was applied to shells of the aquatic gastropods Viviparus diluVianus and Valvata piscinalis. The δ18O composition of their shells demonstrated the average growth-season water temperatures during the mesocratic stage of the interglacial (Ortel Królewski Lake), during its climatic optimum – the Carpinus–Abies Zone (Ossówka-Hrud, Roskosz and Szymanowo Lakes), and in the post-optimum (Szymanowo Lake). The calculation was based on δ18O Shell values and the δ18O Water assumed for the Holsteinian from the modern oxygen isotope composition of precipitation and the expected amount of evaporative enrichment. The mean oxygen isotope palaeotemperatures of Ortel Królewski lake waters were in the range of 18.1–21.9°C and were uniform for the Taxus and Pinus–Larix zones. Ossówka-Hrud and Roskosz Lakes had mean temperatures of 17.4–21.0°C during the climatic optimum, whereas the temperature of Szymanowo lake waters was estimated at 20.6–21.7°C at that time. These values are concordant with the pollen-inferred July air temperatures noted during the Holsteinian in eastern Poland. Relatively high values of ~25°C in the post-optimum noted at Szymanowo were connected with the presence of a shallow and warm isolated bay indicated by pollen and mollusc records.
The Lake Qarun (Faiyum Oasis, northern Egypt) is a relic of the much larger Holocene lake. Past lake levels and extensions were reconstructed, based on setting of archaeological sites scattered along northern paleoshores of the ancient lake. However, geoarcheological works did not yield enough data to establish continuous environmental history of the lake. A deep drilling FA-1 on the southeastern shore of the lake, performed in 2014, supplied with a core, 26 m long that is the one of the longest lake sediment cores in northeastern Africa. The basal section of the core consisted of thin-laminated diatom marly deposits, underlain at the Late Pleistocene/Holocene boundary by coarse-grained sands. The sediment lamine were quite well developed, especially in the lower part of the core. Preliminary results indicated annually deposited sediment sequence with seasonality signals provided by microlamine of diatoms, calcite, organic matter and clastic material. Early Holocene varved sediments from the Faiyum Oasis supplied with exceptional paleoenvironmental data for northeastern Africa, which enriched a record from previous logs drilled at the southwestern margin of the Qarun Lake.
The paper presents work analysis of active digging unit in the form of two symmetrical, oscillating shares, designed for machine harvesting carrots. The use of the proposed unit allows to effectively cultivate soil near the roots of carrots, which significantly reduces the force required to pull the roots from the soil. Key words: active digging unit, deformation of soil, soil stresses distribution
W publikacji przedstawiono analizę pracy aktywnego zespołu podkopującego w postaci dwóch symetrycznych wahliwych łap, przeznaczonego do maszynowego zbioru marchwi. Zastosowanie zaproponowanego zespołu pozwala skutecznie spulchnić warstwy gleby w pobliżu korzeni marchwi, co znacznie obniża siłę potrzebną do wyciągnięcia korzeni z gleby.
The article includes the rules and mechanisms of creating logistics clusters in economy and agriculture. The transport systems and logistic areas were analyzed and their impact on the country’s economic condition and development of its regions was discussed. Considering the perspective economic development of selected region, the clusters' creation stages were determined.
W publikacji przedstawiono mechanizm tworzenia logistycznych klastrów w gospodarce. Poddano analizie systemy transportu i logistyczne obszary. Rozpatrzono ich wpływ na stan ekonomiczny gospodarki kraju oraz rozwój jego regionów. Określono etapy tworzenia klastrów w wybranym regionie z uwzględnieniem jego perspektywicznego rozwoju ekonomicznego.
W publikacji przedstawiono analizę wyników badań eksperymentalnych wibracyjnego zespołu podkopującego. Analizie poddano wpływ amplitudy, częstotliwości drgań podkopujących łap oraz prędkości roboczej na zapotrzebowanie mocy. Przeprowadzono optymalizację parametrów deformacji gruntu.
The paper presents an analysis of experimental study results of vibrating digging unit. The impact of amplitude, frequency of vibrating digging shares and the operating speed on power consumption were analyzed. The soil deformation parameters were optimized.
In connection with the depletion of fossil fuel resources and negative impact of their combustion products on the environment, there is a need to search for renewable energy sources. Biomass of plant origin that can be used e.g. for the production of solid biofuels in the form of briquettes or pellets is one such source. The article presents an analysis of qualitative characteristics of briquettes made from the selected plant materials using a hydraulic piston briquette machine. The study used the following materials: wheat straw, rape straw and camomile waste. During the briquetting process the adopted moisture of the crushed material was: 10.0; 13.0 and 16.0%, while the operating pressure of the briquetting piston: 6.0; 8.0 and 10.0 MPa. During the study the following values were determined: particle size distribution, length and mass of the produced briquettes as well as their specific density and mechanical strength. Depending on the briquetted raw material and studied factors, the specific density of the pellets and their mechanical strength increased with the increasing moisture and briquette machine's pressure. There was a statistically significant effect of the raw materials moisture and briquetting pressure on the qualitative properties of briquettes under study.
W związku z wyczerpywaniem się zasobów paliw kopalnych oraz negatywnym wpływem produktów ich spalania na środowisko naturalne, istnieje konieczność poszukiwania odnawialnych źródeł energii. Jednym z takich źródeł jest biomasa pochodzenia roślinnego, którą można wykorzystać do produkcji biopaliw stałych w postaci brykietów lub peletów. W artykule przedstawiono analizę jakościowych cech brykietów wytworzonych z wybranych surowców roślinnych w brykieciarce hydraulicznej tłokowej. Do badań wykorzystano następujące surowce: słomę pszenną, słomę rzepakową i odpady rumiankowe. Podczas procesu brykietowania przyjęta wilgotność rozdrobnionych surowców wynosiła: 10,0; 13,0 i 16,0%, natomiast ciśnienie robocze brykieciarki - 6,0; 8,0 i 10,0 MPa. W trakcie badań określano skład granulometryczny surowców oraz długość i masę wytworzonych brykietów, a także ich gęstość właściwą i trwałość mechaniczną. W zależności od rodzaju brykietowanych surowców i badanych czynników, gęstość właściwa brykietów i ich trwałość mechaniczna zwiększała się ze wzrostem wilgotności i ciśnienia roboczego brykieciarki. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotny wpływ wilgotności surowców i ciśnienia roboczego brykieciarki na analizowane cechy jakościowe brykietów.
Though the stratigraphical and palaeogeographical framework of the Quaternary in Poland is still to be completed, several crucial points have been confirmed recently. The preglacial series, accepted for years as belonging to the Lower Pleistocene, is undoubtedly of Early Pliocene age, with a huge hiatus above almost until the uppermost Lower Pleistocene. The earliest glaciation in Poland (Nidanian) occurred at about 900 ka BP when the ice sheet reached the mid-southern part of the country. The following Podlasian Interglacial embraced the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary in the middle, in a similar fashion to the corresponding Cromerian Complex in Western Europe. The late Early and early Middle Pleistocene interglacials in Poland comprised 2-3 optima each, whereas every one of the younger interglacials was characterised by a single optimum only. The Late Vistulian ice sheet was most extensive in the western part of Poland (Leszno Phase) whereas the younger Poznań Phase was more extensive in the central and eastern part of the country. This was due to the varied distance from the glaciation center in Scandinavia, making the ice sheet margin reach a terminal position in different times. Palaeoclimatological research in the Tatra Mountains has provided new evidence for the atmospheric circulation over Europe. During cold phases of the Pleistocene in Poland a continental climate extended further westwards, quite the opposite that occurring during warmer intervals.
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