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The construction of a model and quantitative measures have been presented aimed at improving the efficiency of a production-supply system described by a three-dimensional stochastic process. For this purpose, the laws governing the functioning of the system have been described, corresponding to the three different states of the stock level in the subsystem M. These laws generate the quantitative model of the examined system, which enables the construction of the proposed quantitative measures supporting the managing process of such a system.
This article has been devoted to the key dimensions of decision-making. The main goal of the authors was to point out the role and effect of invariants of nature, logic and conceptual systems of science and management, which are extremely important in decision-making processes. The research hypothesis has been tested that the complexity of decision-making and management are determined by the state of reality (Nature). This hypothesis is related to the fact that in science there is currently no uniform methodology associated with decision-making, just as science is not methodologically uniform. One can even doubt whether it is possible to describe the essential dimensions of decisions undertaken by Man, as discussed in this article. These problems are not a novelty to science, since they have been analysed by many scientists in the past. The authors of the article present the complexity and diversity of concepts defining systems of decision-making and management, based on selected fields of knowledge which are generally relevant to this issue, in particular fields associated with ontology and epistemology. Therefore, the text refers broadly to investigating the reality of basic areas of human knowledge and the overlapping relationships between them. This applies to the so-called circle of the sciences proposed and examined by the psychologist J. Piaget. An additional aim of the authors was to create a text presenting contemporary human knowledge about the reality which surrounds us. To understand reality means to be in relative equilibrium with it.
Key problems in the field of decision-making have been considered. The authors’ aim was to indicate the extremely important for management role of logic and risk in relation to decisions taken under conditions of uncertainty. In the course of the research, the following hypothesis was tested: the complexity of risk is determined by the diversity of reality. The result of this is that in science there is no current study developing a uniform methodology for the assessment of risk. It might even be doubtful whether it can be created. In a certain sense, this is indicated in the article by the discussion about the dimensions of logic and risk apparent in any decisions taken by a man. The paper presents the complexity and diversity of risk assessment on the basis of selected, but essential to the discussed issue, fields of knowledge. This is valid when the numerical or qualitative level of risk is substantial in the context of the analyzed problem.
A new approach to security issues associated with the use of teleinformatics systems in the decision-making process has been presented. There is a discussion of the relationship between the security of informatics systems and the security of the decision-making process in which they are used, in particular regarding the threats resulting from the use of informatics systems and modern teleinformatics technologies. In addition, an overview of the dangers that could have a significant impact on appropriate decision-making has been performed. The paper points out the possible ways to ensure security depending on the type of threats encountered. In particular, threats particularly linked with the security of informatics systems supporting decision-making have been identified.
W pracy zdiagnozowano osiągnięty obecnie poziom rozwoju infrastruktury technicznej w zakresie wodociągów i sanitacji wsi na obszarach wiejskich w poszczególnych województwach w Polsce. Do analizy danych z lat 2000–2012 wykorzystano statystyczne metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej (hierarchiczna procedura aglomeracyjna, korelacja rang Spearmana, analiza głównych składowych oraz analiza korespondencji) i na podstawie uzyskanych wyników określono występujące w tych latach tendencje. Wykazano, że wraz z upływem czasu we wszystkich województwach nastąpiła znacząca poprawa stanu infrastruktury technicznej służącej ochronie środowiska. Ponadto wskazano na coraz mniejsze różnice występujące pomiędzy poszczególnymi województwami w analizowanym zakresie. Otrzymane na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy statystycznej wyniki ilościowe i jakościowe stanowią ważne źródło wiedzy merytorycznej, która może być wykorzystana do podejmowania decyzji o znaczeniu lokalnym i centralnym w zakresie zarządzania rozwojem infrastruktury technicznej na obszarach wiejskich.
Current level of development of technical infrastructure was diagnosed with regard to water supply and sanitation of rural areas in individual voivodships in Poland. Statistical methods of multivariate comparative analysis were applied (hierarchical agglomerative procedure, Spearman’s rank correlation, principal component analysis and correspondence analysis) to analyze the data and identify trends for the period 2000–2012. It was demonstrated that there was a significant improvement with time in the environmental protection infrastructure in all the voivodships. Besides, differences across voivodships were noted to decrease continuously in the analyzed period. The quantitative and qualitative results received on the basis of statistical analysis were an important source of substantial knowledge. It could be applied for taking decisions at both local and central level with regard to the management of infrastructure development in rural areas.
A new approach to threat analysis and management of security understood has been presented. Threats have been analyzed in a wide theoretical-methodological range with particular emphasis on the need for the system-wide analysis of threats in terms of social (sociological), psychological (psychology of the crowd) and religious aspects. A method supporting security management has been proposed, using two-person zero-sum games to model situations of conflict. The matrix, infinite, logical and topological forms of such games are considered.
The normal form in logic has been considered. Any propositional function, i.e. any finite logical expression can be written in such a form. This indicates the possibility of an unequivocal logical representation of many different objects investigated in science and everyday life. The properties of the normal form give a new dimension to the management of processes examined in science. Understanding of the laws of logic and its calculus allows us to obtain this form in a finite number of logical transformations. In addition, this form indicates the cognitive essence and pragmatic dimension of logic. The paper considers axiomatization, and then optimization. Both of these formulations of logic reflect its essence. Shannon’s theorem gives us only a modest signpost that reality has a complex nature, which is confirmed by the richness of logic in the form of its equivalent propositional functions. Knowledge about the behavior of these structures is ambiguous in terms of the complexity of the corresponding logical expressions, that is, two different or identical logical functions may be related to identical (similar) or quite different behaviors in relation to the processes or objects represented by these functions.
W pracy postawiono hipotezą badawczą, że od początku XXI wieku, w miarę upływu czasu, następuje systematyczny rozwój infrastruktury technicznej służącej zaopatrzeniu w wodę i sanitacji obszarów wiejskich w Polsce. Jednocześnie przyjęto, że w osiągnięciu tego celu może pomóc zastosowanie wielowymiarowych metod analizy statystycznej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy 25 zmiennych z lat 2000, 2003, 2005 i 2012 oszacowano ich średnie arytmetyczne, wariancje, odchylenia standardowe oraz wartości współczynników zmienności. Na podstawie analizy statystycznej wykazano, że wraz z upływem czasu wskaźniki określające infrastrukturę techniczną z zakresu wodociągów i kanalizacji na obszarach wiejskich w Polsce ulegają stałemu rozwojowi, czyli w wyraźny sposób kształtuje się świadomość w zakresie konieczności ochrony zasobów wodnych. Świadczą o tym wartości średnich (trend liniowy) w metodzie Hellwiga w odniesieniu do zmiennych centralnych, których łączna wartość, w przypadku ośmiu wyznaczonych poziomów zmiennych, wzrosła z 61 w okresie początkowym (2000 r.) do 67 w najbardziej aktualnym czasie badania (2012 r.). Otrzymane wyniki dostarczają decydentom znaczącą wiedzę ilościową i merytoryczną, niezbędną do podejmowania decyzji o znaczeniu ogólnokrajowym. Umożliwiają one także kompleksowe spojrzenie i bieżącą ocenę sytuacji w zakresie zaopatrzenia w wodę oraz odprowadzania ścieków i zagospodarowania odpadów na danym obszarze. Łączy się to ściśle z podstawowymi współcześnie rozumianymi funkcjami zarządzania w zakresie podejmowania decyzji na szczeblu centralnym (np. przez Ministerstwo Ochrony Środowiska).
A research hypothesis was formulated that since the beginning of the 21st century a systematic progress had been made in technical infrastructure serving water supply and sanitation of rural areas in Poland. Concurrently, it was assumed that multivariate methods of statistical analysis could help achieve the set goal. The analysis of 25 variables from the years 2000, 2003, 2005 and 2012 allowed for the estimation of their arithmetic means, variances, standard deviations and coefficients of variation. In terms of water supply and sewerage systems, the statistical analysis demonstrated a steady development of indicators for technical infrastructure in rural areas in Poland. Thus, awareness in respect of the need for water supply protection clearly increases. The above conclusion is supported by the means in the Hellwig’s method (linear trend) in relation to the central variables. The combine value of the latter, calculated for the eight sets of variables, increased from 61 in the initial period (year 2000) to 67 in the most recent study period (2012). The results received provide the decisionmakers with extensive quantitative and qualitative knowledge, essential for taking decisions at the national level. In addition, they allow for comprehensive approach and on-going evaluation of the situation with regard to water supply as well as sewage disposal and waste management in any given area. This is strictly connected with currently understood fundamental functions of management with regard to decision-making at the central level (e.g. by the Ministry of the Environment).
The paper is dedicated to constructing a method for the probabilistic analysis of the functioning a certain production-supply system. Previously a set of partial differential equations has been derived satisfied by the joint density function of the state of a three-dimensional process characterizing the functioning of the system. The operation of the system at the boundaries of the stock levels is analyzed. Two sets of differential equations have been derived, one describing the operation of the system when the stock level is zero and one describing the operation of the system when the stocks are full.
The paper is devoted to building a probabilistic method of analyzing the operation of a certain production supply system. The analysis is carried out for non-extreme states of the level in store, into which two separate streams of production (the product) are directed. A system of partial differential equations describing this case was derived which is satisfied by the joint density function defining the probabilities of states of the three-dimensional process characterizing the system’s functioning.
W artykule podjęto próbę oceny procesu kształcenia z pozycji teorii użyteczności i teorii społecznego wyboru. Umieszczony on został w kontekście aksjomatyki i pragmatyki. Podkreślona została też rola e-nauczania. Położono także akcent na miary nauczania od strony szeroko rozumianej teorii wartości.
The authors attempt to carry out an analysis of the teaching process from the position of the utility theory and the social choice theory. They also stress the role of the value theory in the analysis of this process. The role of e-learning is also emphasized in the article.
Content available remote Statistical approach to assessing groundwater pollution from gasworks
The primary objective of this work was to ascertain the effectiveness of the Microtox system in assessing the quality of groundwater polluted with by-products of coal pyrolysis. Another major objective was to investigate how biological treatment contributes to the change in water toxicity. Making use of the results of toxicological instrumental analyses, as well as of statistical methods, attempts were also made to specify which particular compound is the main contributing factor in the toxicity of water. When used for assessing the progress of the treatment process, the Microtox test proved very useful for application in the treatment of groundwater polluted by gasworks. The results obtained with this test have provided a reliable description of the course of the technological process, which can be efficiently corrected owing to a quick availability of the results of toxicological analysis. Another benefit offered by the Microtox test is that the use of statistical methods makes it possible to decide which of the compounds being components of the mixture is responsible for the toxicity of an environmental sample.
Content available remote System komputerowy wspomagania zarządzania aktywami i pasywami banku
Zarządzanie aktywami I pasywami banku jest procesem mającym umożliwić osiągnięcie optymalnego wyniku finansowego. W pracy zaproponowano wielookresowy model matematyczny do analizy struktury aktywów i pasywów banku. Model ten posłużył do zaprojektowania systemu informatycznego wspomagającego procesy decyzyjne zarządzania aktywami banku. W systemie szczególny nacisk położono na elementy prognozowania struktury aktywów i pasywów na dowolną chwilę oraz śledzenia poziomu realizacji i podstawowych celów i wskaźników banku, takich jak płynność czy wypłacalność. System umożliwia badanie wielu scenariuszy finansowych.
Strategic assets-liability management is a primary concern in banking environment. The main goal of the assets-liability management is to maximize earnings subject to acceptable levels of interest rate and liquidity risk as defined by management. In this paper we propose a multiperiod stochastic linear planning model to assist in decision-making in the area of asset structure. The model rules were used in a computer system of managing assets and liability (SZAP). The system SZAP comprises several modules. The basic module of the computer system is forecasting of assets and liability structure for certain period of time. The optimizer module's outputs are forecast earnings income from alternative investment under multiple levels of capital ratios and liquidity risk scenarios.
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