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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy oddziaływania przepustu, zlokalizowanego na głównym rowie „R” systemu odwadniającego stopnia wodnego Łączany na rzece Wiśle, na warunki hydrauliczne przepływu wody w tym rowie. Analiza przepustowości rowu w przekroju powyżej badanego przepustu wykazała, że przegrodzenie koryta przepustem znacząco wpływa na warunki przepływu wody w korycie. Wykazano, że istniejące światło przepustu nie jest wystarczające do przeprowadzenia przepływu miarodajnego wynoszącego 3,35 m3·s–1. Przepływ ten wyznaczono dla zlewni o powierzchni 3,62 km2, a nie 0,67 km2, jak wynika z projektu melioracji, ponieważ uwzględniono dopływy z obszaru nieobjętego projektem melioracji, skierowane do rowu opaskowego stawu Kasztelan zasilającego rów „R” w jego początkowym biegu. Przepływy większe niż 2,27 m3·s–1, w tym przepływ miarodajny, nie mieszczą się w analizowanym przekroju i powodują występowanie wód z koryta rowu. Na podstawie informacji uzyskanych od mieszkańców i pracowników obsługi systemu stwierdzono, że zjawisko takie występuje w okresie nawalnych deszczy i powodzi.
The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of the culvert on the hydraulic conditions of water flow in the “R” ditch. The culvert was located on the main ditch in drainage system of Łączany barrage on the Vistula river. The research on ditch’s capacity in analyzed cross-section showed that the capacity decreased. The changes of cross-section caused by construction of the culvert substantially affect the flow conditions of water in the channel. The calculations showed that the existing dimension of culvert is not enough to pass the reliable discharge. The reliable flow was set for catchment area of 3.32 km2, not 0.67 km2, which is bigger than catchment area estimated in drainage project. It includes watercourses leading water to ditch with surrounds Kasztelan Pond, and then to “R” ditch. Discharges larger than 2.27 m3·s–1, particularly reliable flow, reach banks of the ditch “R” and flows out the channel. Discharges larger than the reliable discharge do not fit into the analyzed cross-section causing pouring out the water from the channel. On the basis of information taken from the locals and serving the system it is known that such a phenomenon occurs during the periods of heavy rains and floods.
Kontrolowanie przepływów niskich, w tym przepływu nienaruszalnego, jest szczególnie ważne w przypadku intensywnego poboru wody z cieku. Celem pracy była weryfikacja krzywej natężenia przepływu opracowanej dla przekroju wodowskazowego zlokalizowanego w km 37+257 rzeki Uszwicy, poniżej jazu stałego piętrzącego wodę dla potrzeb pobliskiego browaru. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów geodezyjnych i hydrometrycznych wykonanych jesienią w okresie 2009–2011. Wyniki te porównano z wynikami badań z okresu 2006–2008. Pomiary geodezyjne wykazały brak stałości przekroju poprzecznego. Wyznaczone natężenia przepływu pozwoliły na opracowanie krzywych natężenia przepływu według równania Bubendeya. Zmiany przekroju poprzecznego, spadku lokalnego dna i zmiany położenia zera wodowskazowego wpłynęły na zmianę równania krzywej natężenia przepływu. Określono wpływ zmian morfologicznych koryta rzeki na rejestrację przepływu nienaruszalnego i opracowano nowe krzywe natężenia przepływu. Wykazano tym samym, że krzywa natężenia przepływu powinna być systematycznie uaktualniana dla każdego posterunku wodowskazowego.
Low flow controlling is particularly important in the case of heavy water uptake from a watercourse. The aim of this research was to verify a rating curve in a gauge cross-section located on the Uszwica River, below the weir damming water for the nearby brewery. The paper presents the results of land surveying and hydrometric measurements conducted in autumn in the period 2009–2011, which were compared with the results from the period 2006–2008. The land surveying measurements showed lack of the crosssectional stability. Changes in the cross-section, local bottom slope and changes in the gauge zero position altered the equation of the rating curve. The effect of morphological changes of the riverbed on the recording of inviolable flow was determined and new rating curves were developed. It was therefore demonstrated that the rating curve should be regularly updated for each gauge post.
Zużycie energii przez samochód jest zależne od warunków ruchu oraz od właściwości samochodu. Zużycie energii jest zdeterminowane przebiegiem prędkości samochodu oraz warunkami zewnętrznymi, np. oporami toczenia, wzniesieniami, wiatrem itp. Z tego powodu zarówno zużycie paliwa, jak i emisję zanieczyszczeń, ocenia się dla klasycznych samochodów w testach jezdnych. Oczywiście, aby wiedza o właściwościach samochodu nie dotyczyła wyłącznie testów homologacyjnych, jest konieczne wykonywanie badań w wielu testach odpowiadających różnym warunkom ruchu. W artykule przedstawione zostały badania zużycia energii przez samochód osobowy w testach zarówno homologacyjnych: europejskich - NEDC, amerykańskich - FTP jak i specjalnych np.: Stop and Go. Oprócz tego wykonane zostały badania w warunkach trakcyjnych w czasie jazd rzeczywistych. Pomiary przeprowadzone zostały na samochodzie osobowym marki Zilent model Courant wyprodukowany przez chińską firmę Shandong Baoya New Energy Vehicle Co.,ltd. Jest to samochód elektryczny, którego jedynym źródłem zasilania są akumulatory, czyli spełnia on warunki do zakwalifikowania jako „pure electric vehicle” zgodnie z punktem 2 Regulaminu 101 EKG ONZ.
The energy consumption of the car is dependent on traffic conditions and the car properties. The energy consumption in the vehicle is dependent on vehicle’s speed and resistance motion such as rolling resistance, the angle of travelled hills, wind speed, etc. It is necessary to perform the research in a number of tests corresponding to the different traffic conditions for increase knowledge beyond type-approval tests. The article presents energy consumption studies of electric passenger vehicle in both approval test: European – NEDC, American – FTP as well as special tests, for example Stop and Go. In addition, tests under actual conditions of traffic on the big city streets were prepared. The measurements were performed on a passenger car brand Zilent model Courant, produced by Chinese company Shandong Baoya New Energy Vehicle Co. ltd. This is an electric vehicle, with the only energy of battery, which meets the conditions to qualify it as a “pure electric vehicle” in accordance with section 2 of the ECE Regulation no. 101.
Currently produced diesel engines of different manufacturers, used for the same applications, have comparable specific fuel consumption. Therefore, the laboratories measuring fuel consumption, especially in comparative tests, require the use of more accurate methods of measurement. The Environmental Protection Centre of Motor Transport Institute has recently implemented the fuel consumption measurement method using KMA Mobile flow meter produced by AVL company. This device allows to carry out measurements by both volumetric and mass method, thanks to builtin device for measuring the fuel density. Due to some customers requirements the laboratory began with preparations for obtaining accreditation of the Polish Centre of Accreditation for the procedure of measuring fuel consumption by volumetric and mass method. One of the requirements of the Polish Centre for Accreditation is carrying out the validation of the new method. It can be done by comparing the results obtained with new method with the results of the method already validated. The validated method is described in the regulation. This is the carbon balance method described in UN-ECE Regulations No. 101. The calculation of fuel consumption according to this method is based on a measurement of pollutants emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (THC). This paper describes the fuel consumptions measuring procedure using two methods: mass method using a AVL KMA Mobile flow meter and carbon balance method using the AVL AMA i60 analyzers. To verify measurement results additionally there was fuel consumption measured with using a scale, as a difference of the external fuel tank mass change, from which the vehicle was fuelled during the tests
Operation of vehicles equipped with combustion engines is a source of pollution. That is why the emissions from this source are restricted. The emissions reduction system consists of several steps, whose basic component is a typeapproval of vehicle in terms of emissions level and admission to the registration of vehicles that meets the requirements for emissions. It is assumed, that the gradual reduction of emissions limits will improve the emission properties of the vehicles, and gradual withdrawal of used vehicles, will reduce of emissions growth. The basis for issuing opinions on a vehicle's exhaust emissions is the measurement of emissions performed in the laboratory on a chassis dynamometer in reproducible conditions of preparing the vehicle for testing, test replication, fuel for the engine, and the procedure for collecting the exhaust gas analysis. Motor Transport Institute conducts the type approval tests, as well as the research on emissions from vehicles in the real traffic conditions, which are used to determine the actual emission from the vehicle population. Emission tests for applications, that go beyond the application of type approval show, that there are vehicles whose emissions in operation is substantially different from the emissions measured during type approval. It is a natural phenomenon in the case of used vehicles and vehicles with engine malfunctions or exhaust aftertreatment system defect. However, there are vehicles whose emissions under specific operating traffic conditions are significantly different from the values obtained in the course of type approval tests, despite the good properties of emission measured under the conditions provided by the type-approval procedure. The article discusses the results of the emissions from vehicles, obtained in the tests used to determine the emission factors for vehicles used in real traffic conditions, thus taking into account emissions from vehicles, made under different conditions than the type approval tests, which show that, in terms of driving cycles, which are not covered by the emission test procedure, can multiply and exceed the approved values.. This is particularly true for modern diesel engines.
The test procedure for the pollutant emissions from light-duty vehicles is currently under verification carried out at the international level. For this purpose, GRPE (Groupe des rapporteurs sur la pollution et energie) – the body developing UNECE regulations proposals - has set up a task group WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure) which is supposed to prepare a new GTR (Global Technical Regulation) relating to this procedure. The development of light-duty vehicles, leading to the reduction of pollutants emissions, caused the increase of the requirements for their test procedure. A large number of factors associated, inter alia, with the test equipment affects its accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility. In the ongoing analysis attention is paid even to factors, which affect test results in a relatively small way, and which have been overlooked yet. One of the problems to which attention is paid is the impact of pollutant concentration in the dilution air in the CVS (constant volume sampler) system on test results. The CVS principle is accepted as the standard method to determine light-duty vehicle exhaust emissions on chassis dynamometer test cells worldwide. It was introduced in the early 1970s. One of its drawbacks is that it introduces an error resulting from the fact that the contractual DF dilution factor, rather than the actual dilution ratio DR, is used for the correction of concentration measurement results. The article discusses this error for different type of engines used in light-duty vehicles and different pollutants subject to measurements.
Modern spark-ignition engines used for the propulsion of low emission vehicles are fuelled by injection systems in which the fuel is individually metered to each cylinder by a single injector (multipoint injection). For the proper engine operation, it is necessary that the injectors are similar to each other and stable in respect of the fuel dosage during the whole engine operation. This requirement is satisfactorily met by petrol injectors used by OEM. In contrast to petrol injectors, gas injector used in LPG-fuelled vehicles, in particular for the retrofit, are still in the development phase and therefore their quality and production consistency are often regarded as unsatisfactory from the standpoint of view of the proper engine operation. The injector-to-injector variation in the fuel dosage results in air-fuel mixture maldistribution in the cylinders, which, in turn, affects vehicle emission characteristics. The paper presents results of an investigation of inconsistency of gas injectors used in LPG vehicles in respect of their dosage. The method of measurement of the dosage uniformity is described. On the basis of the measurement, three sets of injectors differing in respect of injector-to-injector variation were selected for further vehicle tests. Tests were conducted on a passenger Euro 4 car. The emissions of limited pollutants were measured over the NEDC type-approval cycle and cycle's representative for the real world driving under Polish driving conditions. The paper presents results of the conducted tests and discusses the effect of injector-to-injector variation on the pollutant emissions.
The UN / ECE 115 Regulation concerns technical requirements and methods of measurements for retrofit LPG systems to be installed in the motor vehicles already in operation In Poland, the 115 Regulation was adopted in 2004 but has not been observed. Regulation 115 is used in other countries, which created the need for tests. ITS has been conducted tests according to R115 since 2006. The technical requirements imposed by 115 Regulation include emission test, OBD testing, testing of maximum power at the wheels and testing the methods of the system elements installation in the vehicle. The article presents the requirements of the Regulation and the conclusions of the tests conducted at ITS on over 100 vehicles equipped with LPG systems. The paper presents: vehicle equipped with LPG systems tested at ITS as part of the statutory ITS work, time of switching over from running on petrol to LPG fuel during the driving test following a cold engine start, onset of the emission during the EUDC test following a cold start in respect to the value of the total emission in the emission test in accordance with the Regulation 83.05 during the first 780 seconds of the driving test, registered signals controlling the operation of the petrol and LPG injectors operation in the engine of a spark ignition and direct petrol injection, operating in the gas mode with a periodical switch over of the supply type, an example of determining power criterion for the family of vehicles.
ITS's Environment Protection Centre has for many years been involved in estimating pollutants emission on Poland's territory and preparing official state data. Completing this task required conducting in-depth analysis of the emission from the low emission vehicles, i.e. those which are equipped with at least one lambda probe and catalytic converter. The vehicles are type approved as EURO 2, EURO 3 and EURO 4 vehicles. Emission testing in the vehicle type approval process is conducted according to strictly defined test procedures, requiring simulation of standard driving cycles on the chassis dynamometer in precisely defined conditions. At the same time it is possible to observe drastically worse emission characteristics, outside the engine type approval operating regime, in the case of some vehicles. This generates a question about the co-relation between the tests results, which are used to admit the vehicle to the market and emission in real traffic conditions, thus also the effectiveness of pro-ecological activities. The proposed method was developed following the analysis of momentary emissions from the exhaust system, during vehicle running on the chassis dynamometer. The measurement of momentary emissions after warming up the roadworthy vehicle to the normal operating temperature in the constant velocity conditions is on the border of detection by the measuring method and often only carbon dioxide concentration in the sample is a proof of the fact that it is not an air sample being analysed. With this in mind, the significantly increased emission stands out, being the result of engine warming up, gear shifting or engine loading up after engine braking thus changes in the engine loads. The result of this work is an implementation and development of methodology to establish vehicles emission characteristics and constantly growing emissions data base.
Centrum Ochrony Środowiska ITS zajmuje się od szeregu lat szacowaniem emisji na terenie Polski i opracowywaniem oficjalnych danych państwowych. W celu realizacji tego zadania niezbędne było dokonanie głębokiej analizy zjawiska emisji z pojazdów niskoemisyjnych, za które uważa się pojazdy wyposażone w co najmniej jedną sondę lambda oraz reaktor katalityczny. Pojazdy te są homologowane jako pojazdy EURO 2, EURO 3 oraz EURO 4. Kontrola emisji w procesie homologacji pojazdu jest prowadzona w oparciu o ściśle zdefiniowane procedury badawcze wymagające odtworzenia znormalizowanych cykli jezdnych na hamowni podwoziowej w ściśle określonych warunkach. Zarazem obserwuje się w niektórych pojazdach rażąco gorsze własności emisyjne poza polem pracy silnika, objętym badaniami homologacyjnymi. Rodzi to pytanie o korelację wyników pomiarów służących do dopuszczenia pojazdu do sprzedaży z emisją w rzeczywistych warunkach ruchu drogowego a zatem i skuteczność działań proekologicznych. Proponowana metoda powstała po analizie emisji chwilowych badanych gazów z układu wydechowego w trakcie jazdy pojazdu po rolce hamowni podwoziowej. Pomiar emisji chwilowych po nagrzaniu sprawnego pojazdu do temperatury pracy w warunkach prędkości stałej sprawnego pojazdu jest na granicy wykrywalności metody pomiarowej i nieraz jedynie stężenie dwutlenku węgla w próbce jest dowodem na to, że analizie nie jest poddawana próbka powietrza. Na tym tle zwraca uwagę znacząco wyższa emisja, będąca efektem nagrzewania silnika bądź zmiany biegu w pojeździe, obciążenia silnika po hamowaniu silnikiem, a zatem ze zmianami obciążenia silnika. Wynikiem prac jest wdrożenie i rozwój metodyki wyznaczania charakterystyk emisyjnych pojazdów oraz wciąż poszerzana baza danych o emisji.
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