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Zero-valent iron (ZVI) represent a promising agent for environmental remediation. The research was aimed to determine the influence of copper in doses of 0, 80, 150, 300, and 600 mg Cu·kg–1 of soil as well as ZVI, and lignite additives on the content of macroelements in the Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). The average accumulation of analyzing elements in Indian mustard grown in copper contaminated soil were found to follow the decreasing order Mg > Na > P > Ca > K > N. Soil contamination at 600 mg Cu·kg–1 of soil led to the highest increase in P, Mg, N, and Ca content. The application of ZVI had a positive influence on the average phosphorus and potassium content of Indian mustard. Moreover, the application of ZVI and lignite had a positive influence on the average Mg and Ca content in the above-ground parts of Indian mustard. From the analyzed reactive materials, the application of lignite was shown to be the most effective resulting in the decrease in the average nitrogen and calcium content when compared to the control crop. Calcium content in plants from the control group, without the addition of zero-valent iron, and powered lignite (control), was positively correlated with increasing doses of copper.
Zakres badań obejmował określenie wpływu zanieczyszczenia gleby miedzią (0, 80, 150, 300 i 600 mg Cu·kg–1) oraz dodatku żelaza elementarnego (ZVI) i węgla brunatnego na zawartość wybranych makroelementów w gorczycy sarepskiej (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.). Średnia zawartość analizowanych makroskładników w gorczycy rosnącej na glebie zanieczyszczonej miedzią kształtowała się następująco: Mg > Na > P > Ca > K > N. Gleba zanieczyszczona w dawce 600 mg Cu·kg–1 spowodowała zwiększenie zawartości P, Mg, N i Ca. Dodatek żelaza elementarnego (ZVI) wywarł pozytywny wpływ na średnią zawartość fosforu i potasu w Brassica juncea. Ponadto ZVI i węgiel brunatny wpływały pozytywnie na średnią zawartość Mg i Ca w częściach nadziemnych analizowanej rośliny. Spośród dodawanych do gleby analizowanych materiałów reaktywnych węgiel brunatny spowodował największy wzrost zawartości azotu i wapnia w częściach nadziemnych analizowanej rośliny. Zawartość wapnia w roślinach rosnących w grupie kontrolnej (bez dodatku żelaza elementarnego i węgla brunatnego) była dodatnio skorelowana ze wrastającym zanieczyszczeniem gleby miedzią.
Reactive materials represent a promising agent for environmental co-remediation. The research was aimed to determine the influence of hexavalent chromium in doses of 0, 25, 50, and 150 mg Cr(VI).kg-1 of soil as well as zero valent-iron, and lignite additives on the content of macroelements in the Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). The average accumulation of the analysed elements in Indian mustard grown in Cr(VI) contaminated soil were found to follow the decreasing order Mg>Na>P>Ca>K. Soil contamination at 150 mg Cr(VI).kg-1 of soil led to the highest increase in magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium content in Indian mustard. The application of zero-valent iron had a positive influence on the average Na and K content of the tested plant. The application of lignite had a positive influence on the average magnesium, sodium and calcium content in the above-ground parts of the studied plant. In the non-amended treatments (without reactive materials), the increasing rates of chromium (VI) had an explicitly positive effect on the content of phosphorous and sodium in Indian mustard.
Content available Measures for soil water control in Poland
Polish water resources depend on precipitations, which are variable in time and space. In dry years the water balance is negative in central parts of Poland but sudden thaws and downfalls may result in periodical water excess and dangerous floods almost in the entire country. The retention capacity of artificial reservoirs in Poland permits to store only 6% of the average annual runoff, which is commonly considered insufficient. Another method to increase retention is soil water control. About fifty percent of soils in Poland consist of light and very light sandy soils with low water capacity. Loams and organogenic soils cover approximately 25% and 8.5% area of the country, respectively. Almost half of agricultural lands (48%) have relatively good water conditions, but the rest requires soil water control measures. An increase of the soil water content could be achieved by changes of soil properties, water table control and soil water management. Modernization and reconstruction of drainage and irrigation systems, which were built mainly in the period 1960-1980, is needed.
W pracy scharakteryzowano główne problemy związane z zasobami wodnymi w Polsce oraz koniecznością regulacji stosunków wodnych na obszarach rolniczych i leśnych. Problemy ilościowe gospodarki wodnej w Polsce, związane z występowaniem trwałych lub okresowych deficytów względnie nadmiarów wody, są skutkiem zmienności czasowo-przestrzennej opadów atmosferycznych oraz stanu infrastruktury wodnej. Opady charakteryzują się dużą zmiennością zarówno w okresach wieloletnich, jak i w ciągu roku. Sumy średnich opadów rocznych w latach mokrych mogą być ponad 2-krotnie większe od opadów w latach suchych. Częstym zjawiskiem jest występowanie susz, powodujących klęski nieurodzaju, wzrost zagrożenia pożarowego lasów, wysychanie studni itp. Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne opadów natomiast sprawia, że w centralnej części Polski bilans wodny, zwłaszcza w latach suchszych, jest ujemny. Z drugiej zaś strony gwałtowne roztopy i zjawiska ekstremalne w postaci opadów nawalnych powodują okresowe nadmiary wód i powodzie. Z tych niekorzystnych zjawisk wynikają podstawowe zadania gospodarki wodnej na terenach niezurbanizowanych, do których należą: zapewnienie zaopatrzenia w wodę ludności i poszczególnych gałęzi gospodarki narodowej, ochrona przed powodzią, regulacja stosunków wodnych na obszarach użytkowanych rolniczo, zapewnienie trwałości ekosystemów przyrodniczych, w tym lasów. Wyrównanie okresowych braków lub nadmiarów wody osiąga się w różny sposób, generalnie poprzez zmagazynowanie wody w zbiornikach powierzchniowych naturalnych i sztucznych, a także w glebie i w podziemnych warstwach wodonośnych. Pojemność retencyjna sztucznych zbiorników wodnych w Polsce umożliwia zmagazynowanie jedynie 6% średniego rocznego odpływu i jest powszechnie uznawana za niewystarczającą. Obieg wody w zlewniach, zdolności produkcyjne gleb, a także szkody erozyjne zależą w dużej mierze od urządzeń melioracji szczegółowych. Obecnie ponad 20% wykonanych urządzeń w okresie powojennym uległo dekapitalizacji i przy obecnym poziomie inwestycji w najbliższych 10 latach osiągnie wielkość około 30%. Oznacza to znaczne ograniczenie wykorzystania potencjalnych zdolności produkcyjnych gleb oraz powiększanie strat w okresach ekstremalnych, zarówno susz, jak i powodzi. Jest to jedno z większych zagrożeń racjonalnej gospodarki wodnej na obszarach rolnych i leśnych. W dużym stopniu, zarówno na terenach rolniczych, jak i leśnych, są one zużyte i wymagają odbudowy, a najczęściej modernizacji. W pracy podkreślono konieczność uwzględniania wymogów ochrony zasobów wodnych i pozostałych elementów środowiska i to zarówno w fazie projektowania urządzeń melioracyjnych, jak i ich eksploatacji.
The paper presents the analyses of the effectiveness of the process of pollutant removal on the experimental plants of the hydrophilic extra-purifying system. We are presenting the results of scientific research from 2002 and 2003 concerning pollution concentration , also the effectiveness of water extra-purifying process and finally - the comparison of the results within last two years.
The paper presents the characteristic of the sewage treatment plant in Sierpc and the study analysis of the effecctiveness of pollutant removal from sewage with great load of brewery pollutant. We performed analysis of study: the flow of sewage in 1999-2003, concentrations and load parametres of pollutions (BZT5, ChZT, nitrogen, phosphorus and suspension) contained in sewage discharge and supply, reduction of concentration and reduction of load of all the parameters in 1999-2003.
The posibilities of the development of agricultural production and non-agricultural kinds of farming on rural areas depend mainly on the state of infrastructure equipment. The condition of the technical infrastructure in these areas is very important, causes the preservation of environment (eg. Sewerage system and waste water treatment plants). This paper shown changes in the equipment of infrastructure of rural areas situated on 16 voivodships in 2000. Target of work is show, that place of province in ranking depends from used methods.
Content available remote Syntetyczna ocena stanu infrastruktury technicznej na obszarach niezurbanizowanych
Infrastructure may be treated as an element of the country’s economy , as well as an integral constituent of the spatial structure of a given area. Infrastructure therefore constitutes the basis, the base, inseparably connected with a given area. It undergoes transformations in time and space as the area transforms. Technical infrastructure elements are diverse. That is why it is difficult to assess its state in a given administrative unit. Taxonomic m thods and multi-dimensional comparative analysis techniques, which make a synthetic normalization of given infrastructure elements possible, can be applied; according to a „development measure”. Received as a result of these calculations, the synthetic development measure value varies from 0 to 1. The more developed a given administrative unit, the closer it is to 1.
Content available remote Ocena skuteczności doczyszczania wód z miejskiej oczyszczalni ścieków
The paper presents examination and analyses of the effectiveness of the process of pollutant removal in the reed beds (filters) with the vertical and horizontal direction of flow. We built the sewage plant in the form of eight reed filters of the 1,2 m3 daily efficiecy. The filters was supplied with the mechanically-biologically-chemical treared sewage. We perfomed the cycle of thorought study in the experimental plant. What we did was mainly the laboratory analysis of sewage samples before and after filtration and the measurement of sewage discharge and supply. In the future we are planning the laboratory study which will refer to the material used as the reed filter filler.
The quality of irrigation water has an impact on operation of irrigation system and influence on system efficiency. The main objective of the experiments was to examined the performance of drip system under conditions of low quality recycled water irrigation from tobacco manufacture. The results of uniformity coefficients were higher then 90% and performance of the drip system can be evaluated as acceptable.
Content available remote Infrastruktura wsi na terenach chronionych gmin kampinoskich
The impact of technical infrastructure on the level of life and the economic activity in the rural areas is undoubtedly beneficial. Infrastructure constitutes one of the most important economic development constituents in a given administrative unit. Its level is crucial for the conditions of life, attractiveness and modernity of a given region, chances and barriers of development, effectiveness of agricultural production, process of transformation and modernizing the countryside, development of other types of activity, population dynamics and environmental protection. Interpreting the relationship between the level of infrastructure development and the conditions of life in the countryside in terms of causal relationships, we are dealing here with a system of back couplings. Technical infrastructure constitutes the primary stimulus, rather than a feedback to better conditions of life. First of all, it is itself a very important element of the improvement, secondly, an indispensable condition for increasing the income.
The paper presents the characteristic of the sewage-treatment plant in Sierpc. We performed the cycle of thorough study in the sewage treatment plant: the flow of sewage in 1999-2002, concentrations and load parameters: BZT5, ChZT, nitrogen, phosphorus and suspension contained in sewage discharge and supply, reduction of concentration and reduction of load of all the parameters.
W ciągu ostatnich lat na rynku systemów komputerowych pojawiło się kilka produktów, dając możliwość wyboru optymalnego systemu dostosowanego do rodzaju, wielkości i specyfiki każdego laboratorium.
Content available remote Przyrodnicze i techniczne problemy odwadniania terenów rekreacyjnych i sportowych
Recreation fields demands the soil-waterair system regulation by drainage. A systematic pipe drainage is usually applied in this case. Parks and stand density recreation fields require such a construction of the drainage system that would prevent the roots of the trees and bushes from the drain pipes and water headers damage. In the case of stadiums it is recommended to apply a dense but relatively shallow drainage network. The network systems can different: parallel to the length of the sports ground, diagonal, or the so-called „envelope". The sod subsoil demands preparation. The bottom layer of the subsoil should be characterised by a high permeability of water. Spacing of the drains in parks, recreation and sports fields should be assessed separately for each object as soon as a given scheme of calculations is chosen. The schemes and methods can be found in professional handbooks. Drainage of the running trucks and rostrums can be performed by means of flumes placed on the outside. The flumes are connected with drain wells. The following example of calculations for the sports stadium MOS „AGRIKOLA” can serve as an illustration to the problem s stated above.
Content available remote Nawadnianie terenów rekreacyjnych i sportowych
In order to ensure a good condition of recreation and the grass surface of sports fields, cultivation and irrigation are necessary. Irrigation under our conditions is necessary intervention. This results from our climate (frequent and long-lasting droughts and the properties of draining layer, which ensures a quick rain water discharge and has no water capacity, i.e. the possibility of absorbing and storing water). Under such conditions the only and reliable way to avoid water deficiency is irrigation. In the case of sports and recreation fields, sprinkler irrigation systems are recommended. Belt sprinkler machines are the most common. These are typical, modern devices used for a quick intervention sprinkler in a moderate climate. The advantages of a sprinkler machine are: concise construction, which allows for transport on a bicycle landing gear without a preliminary loading, readiness for use, full mechanisation, or even semiautomatic irrigation, suitability for sprinkler all crops and for all kinds of landscape. The right amount of irrigation application rate dose is assessed on the basis of operating pressure in the hydrant and the speed of pipeline with sprinkler. Another solution can be an automatic sprinkler system with a pop up sprinkler and computer controllers. The paper presents some schemes of recreation and sports fields irrigation.
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