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Municipal waste management in Poland has continuously changed over the past years regarding collection systems and disposal processes. After joining the EU, the approach to waste management changed dramatically, intensifying selective collection and implementing recovery and treatment processes. Recent years have shown that a further fundamental overhaul in the waste sector is needed to convert the sector to a closed-loop economy. These challenges are appearing in Poland, forcing actions in which the efficiency of the waste stream management system should generate added value in the form of sourced raw materials, materials and products. The waste generated should be managed following the waste hierarchy, in which disposal is the least desirable process. The work aims to analyse the current state of municipal waste management in Poland concerning applicable legal requirements, waste management hierarchy and the use of the best available technologies. The data from the analysis was used to determine where Poland is currently, heading towards transforming to a circular economy in the technological, social, environmental and economic areas. The research results showed the need to reduce the waste generated, including a significant reduction in the amount of waste stored in landfills and a significant increase in the recycling rates of municipal waste. In this context, supporting the transition to a closed-loop economy is essential in creating a low-carbon, recycling and innovative waste management, implementing EU strategies.
The massive emergence of plastics has contributed to their widespread use in everyday life. Unfortunately, the lack of appropriate technologies for processing these materials has contributed to environmental pollution by plastic particles. This study investigated the possibility of obtaining nanoparticles from selected plastics such as polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate. Polyethylene was obtained from plastic bag waste, and polyethylene terephthalate was from crushed plastic bottles of mineral water. The first stage of nanoparticle production was to grind the collected used plastic waste, i.e., plastic bags and plastic bottles, to the smallest possible size using a cutting mill. Next, the waste was ground in a planetary-ball mill and then homogenised in a homogeniser. The particle size distribution of the obtained particles for selected waste plastics was examined using the Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) method. The objective of the work was achieved – as a result of the performed procedures, nanoparticles of waste plastics were obtained. The following average sizes for particular materials were obtained: plastic bottles (PET) 212.81 nm, plastic bags (PE) 208.14 nm, and smaller particles, e.g. 27.74 nm.
The sewage treatment plant, as a producer of renewable energy, should make every effort to ensure that the biogas used as a fuel meets the quality requirements, including those of the manufacturers of cogeneration units. Such measures necessitate the application of a conditioning process of biogas in order to remove harmful compounds, so that its parameters ensure failure-free operation of engines. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of biogas treatment in the A-type installation using the “wet biogas treatment” technology, and in the B-type installation, which is a comprehensive solution comprising sulfur removal as a result of a simultaneous regeneration of the bed with oxygen, removal of siloxanes on activated carbon, cooling and heating of biogas along with its filtration. The analysis of the results of biogas testing for these two installations demonstrated fundamental qualitative differences for the benefit of the installation B, in which the biogas was characterized by a much lower content, mainly of sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, siloxanes and humidity. The introduced pollution indicator of a megawatt hour produced in cogeneration one has confirmed much higher pollution load from the A-type installation. The hybrid solution applied in the work with simultaneous regeneration of the bed has confirmed the efficiency of biogas conditioning. Such a solution contributes to a safe and reliable operation of the cogeneration system for generating energy from a renewable source, which in turn contributes to the optimization of energy.
In this work, we propose a new method for manufacturing busbars in photovoltaic modules for different solar cell generations, focusing on 1st and 3rd generations. The method is based on high-pressure spray coating using nanometric metallic powder. Our focus is primarily on optimizing conductive paths for applications involving conductive layers used in 3rd generation solar cells, such as quantum dot solar cell, dye-sensitized solar cell, and silicon-based solar cells on glass-glass architecture for buildingintegrated photovoltaic. The advantages of the proposed method include the possibility of reducing the material quantity in the conductive paths and creating various shapes on the surface, including bent substrates. This paper examines the influence of the proposed high-pressure spraying technique using metallic particles on the morphology of the resulting conductive paths, interface characteristics, and electrical parameters. Conductive paths were created on four different layers commonly used in photovoltaic systems, including transparent conductive oxide, Cu, Ti, and atomic layer deposition processed Al2O3. The use of high-pressure technology enables the production of conductive layers with strong adhesion to the substrate and precise control of the spatial parameters of conductive paths. Furthermore, the temperature recorded during the deposition process does not exceed 385 K, making this technique suitable for various types of substrates, including glass and silicon. Additionally, the produced layers exhibit low resistance, measuring less than 0.3 Ω. Finally, the mechanical resistance, as determined through tearing tests, as well as environmental and time stability, have been confirmed for the produced paths.
Biogaz stanowi odnawialne źródło energii i jako paliwo gazowe może podlegać konwersji w inne nośniki energii.
As a waste neutralization facility, the landfill is a kind of bioreactor producing landfill gas or (LFG) - biogas, which should be captured and neutralised for environmental reasons. One of the ways of its utilisation is the combined production of heat and electrical energy in combined heat and power (CHP) cogeneration systems. For that purpose, the assessment of the energy efficiency of a cogeneration unit was undertaken in this work on the basis of the unit performance over the last 5 years. The analysis of the CHP system energy performance demonstrated that the ratios range at the lower limits for units up to 0.5 MW. The lower efficiency of fuel chemical conversion in the CHP plant (0.70) stems from the failure to use the rated thermal and electrical power fully (74.2%), which is caused by the insufficient stream of biogas collected from the landfill (161.46 m3∙h-1). The analysis of the generated energy usage, particularly in terms of heat, has shown a surplus which is not used and therefore is a loss. The proposed solutions in this area should optimize the use of heat generated from the renewable source, i.e. landfill biogas.
The aim of the article is focused on assessing the degree of end-of-life for the vehicle front suspension beam. The first stage of the problem taken was represented by a road test of the vehicle at distance expressed by 100.000 km. Following the end of the operation tests, the suspension beam was dismantled and subjected to laboratory tests. The tests demonstrated numerous beam top layer plastic deformations, which came into being as a result of the vehicle driving onto an obstacle on the roadway or onto raised road infrastructure elements. At the point of connection of the stabiliser rod to the beam, surface degradation was noted, which consisted in the considerable change of the surface profile, hardness reduction and the grey and dark brown colour. Corrosion regions and fretting wear traces were noted. Corrosion pits, scratches and material build-ups was observed. The analysis of the chemical composition of wear products demonstrated the presence of elements such as iron, oxygen, chlorine and silicon, as an effect of operational conditions.
In the operation of a wastewater treatment plant, the key challenge for the operator is to obtain parameters of the treated wastewater required by relevant legal acts. Meeting these requirements is possible through the use of an appropriate technology and real-time automation of control and monitoring processes. The paper examines the results of laboratory tests of selected wastewater parameters in terms the content of organic substances and nutrients in order to determine the efficiency of wastewater treatment in a biological bioreactor using the sludge recirculation process. The performed analysis demonstrated that all levels involving the reduction of pollutants, concentrations and load are in compliance with the applicable legal requirements. Ensuring a continuous monitoring of the quality of treated wastewater and the optimization of this process is crucial for the aquatic environment and human health.
Landfills must be constantly monitored in terms of their impact on soils, groundwater and surface water, as well as plants and air quality. Leachate with high content of inorganic and organic substances, heavy metals and toxic compounds pose particular hazard. Release of leachates from the landfill may occur as a result of insulation leakage, leading to the transfer of hazardous substances into the soil and the aquifer. This paper is an attempt to describe the structure of the mathematical model used for the analysis of groundwater flow and possible directions of contaminants migration in the aquifer of an active landfill as a result of leachate release. The models have been assessed, which indicated the necessity of validation and calibration in order to obtain credible results. The analysis of literature has shown that mathematical models are often used as a tool in scientific or industrial studies. Available software products used for modeling migration of contaminants in groundwater are a vital part in landfill management and forecasting its potential environmental impact.
Składowisko odpadów jest obiektem wymagającym ciągłego monitoringu jego oddziaływania na gleby, wody podziemne i powierzchniowe, rośliny oraz powietrze. Szczególne zagrożenie stwarzają odcieki zawierające duży ładunek substancji nieorganicznych, organicznych oraz metali ciężkich i związków toksycznych. Uwolnienie odcieków z bryły składowiska może wynikać z nieszczelności jego izolacji, co skutkuje przedostaniem się do gleby i warstwy wodonośnej substancji niebezpiecznych. W artykule podjęto próbę opisu konstrukcji modelu matematycznego wykorzystywanego do wykonania analizy przepływu wód podziemnych i prawdopodobnych kierunków migracji zanieczyszczeń w warstwie wodonośnej czynnego składowiska odpadów w przypadku uwolnienia odcieków. Wykonano ocenę modeli wraz z koniecznością ich walidacji i kalibracji w celu uzyskania wiarygodnych wyników. Analiza literatury przedmiotu wykazała, że modele matematyczne są często wykorzystywane jako narzędzie w badaniach naukowych oraz branżowych. Dostępne programy komputerowe przeznaczone do modelowania migracji zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych stanowią ważny element zarządzania składowiskiem i prognozy jego potencjalnego oddziaływania na środowisko.
Landfill requires a systematic monitoring of its impact on groundwater and surface waters. The paper presents the modeling of pollution migration for cases when leachate penetrates the aquifer layer. For this purpose, a conceptual hydrodynamic model of the aquifer was developed in the program Visual ModFlow Pro, which is a spatial two-layer model. Chloride ion was used as an indicator defining the rate of pollution migration. The results of calculations and modeling of pollution migration in soil-water conditions demonstrated that it is practically impossible for pollutants to penetrate the aquifer, since a sufficient protection is provided by artificial insulation and a layer of sandy clays. A potential pollution migration to groundwater can only occur after a rupture - damage to the insulation layer. In such a case, vertical infiltration will be taking place in the 4aeration zone for a relatively long period, while the migration of pollutants already in the saturation zone (hydrated) will be taking place at a relatively high speed.
Zakup i eksploatacja pojazdów elektrycznych w bieżącej działalności firm działających w branży komunalnej, stanowi wdrożenie zasad transportu zeroemisyjnego, co nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w przypadku wykorzystania własnej energii elektrycznej wytworzonej w źródle odnawialnym, jakim jest biogaz składowiskowy.
Opracowano polimorficzny model reaktora biologicznego z logiczną reprezentacją wiedzy o obiekcie sterowania i sterowaniu, dla których proces uczenia się polega na sukcesywnej walidacji i uaktualnianiu wiedzy oraz wykorzystywaniu wyników tego uaktualniania do wyznaczania decyzji sterujących. Na podstawie ciągłego pomiaru stężenia fosforu (jako PO4-P) określono ładunki fosforu jako iloczyn przepływu i stężenia. Różnicę pomiędzy fosforem całkowitym a PO4-P określono empirycznie zgodnie z klasyczną analityką. Zastosowany system sterowania, poza efektem energetycznym, pozwalał również na optymalizację.
An advanced model for the optimization of the title processes was developed by using a multi-threaded predictive control system. The activated sludge method was used in 2 biol. reactors, where denitrification and nitrification and removal of org. C compds. and dephosphatation took place. A sewage aeration and movement in bioreactors was generated by using agitators or sludge recirculation. The computer model of the wastewater treatment plant was developed in a com. environment. An activated sludge model was used to model biochem. processes, including org. C and N removal and transformations involving bacteria using the ability to store P in cell biomass. Then, quantitative and qualitative parameters were identified and the model was calibrated by det. the agreement of simulation results with measured data.
Content available remote Analiza bezpieczeństwa jakościowego wody uzdatnionej w ZUW w Starym Sączu
W świetle współczesnych zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych ważnym elementem mającym wpływ na bezpieczeństwo ludności jest zapewnienie ciągłego dostępu do zdrowej, czystej wody. Coraz częściej obserwuje się brak wody podziemnej i powierzchniowej o dobrej jakości. Przedsiębiorstwa wodociągowe poszukują nowych rozwiązań dających gwarancję bezpieczeństwa jakościowego wody zgodnych z zaostrzającymi się przepisami prawnymi unijnymi i krajowymi. Zakład Uzdatniania Wody w Starym Sączu, należący do Sądeckich Wodociągów jest jednym z elementów składowych infrastruktury krytycznej Sądecczyzny. Zaopatruje w wodę mieszkańców Nowego Sącza, Starego Sącza i gmin ościennych. W pracy przedstawiono technologię uzdatniania wody zastosowaną w ZUW w Starym Sączu. Dokonano oceny skuteczności usuwania wybranych parametrów jakościowych wody na podstawie analizy próbek pobieranych w okresie roku kalendarzowego, w których oznaczano: temperaturę, pH, przewodnictwo, mętność, barwę, Abs254, indeks nadmanganianowy, żelazo ogólne, amoniak, bakterie grupy coli, Enterokoki, Clostridium perfringens. Analizę oparto na obserwacjach i badaniach eksploatacyjnych, przedstawionych na tle całego procesu uzdatniania wody.
At the time of shrinking of potable water reserves - being one of the biggest civilizational threats - continuous access to clean and fresh water supply is becoming more and more important factor ensuring health and safety of human population. Water supply companies are constantly looking for new solutions for improving quality and safety of water, in accordance with European and national legal regulations. Supplying Nowy Sącz, Stary Sącz and surrounding municipalities with fresh water, Water Treatment Plant in Stary Sącz, being a part of Sądeckie Wodociągi Sp. z o.o., is one of the critical infrastructural components for entire region. There is the technology of water purification used in water treatment plant in Stary Sącz presented in this paper, focusing mainly on assessment of water purification effectivity based on analysis of water samples collected across a year. Investigated parameters contained: temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, color, Abs254, permanganate index, total iron, ammonia, coliforms, Enterococcus, Clostridium perfringens. The quality analysis of water safety has been based on surveillance and operational tests shown in the picture of entire process of water treatment.
The paper presents the analysis of efficiency and energy economics potential applicability of biomethane as an alternative fuel for powering company owned motor vehicles and public transport vehicles produced by the conversion of surplus biogas generated in municipal sewage treatment plants. Biogas produced at municipal wastewater treatment plants in the process of anaerobic fermentation of sewage sludge is a source of renewable energy used for energy generation. Currently in Poland, the most commonly applied management method of biogas produced from sewage sludge involves the production of energy in a cogeneration system. Having in mind the condition of the natural environment, the search for alternative fuels for motor vehicles is underway. One of the types that can be used is biomethane, produced by the conversion of biogas produced in the fermentation process of organic wastes contained in sewage sludge. The biogas purified to contain about 95% of methane can be used in vehicles designed to burn gaseous fuel. In order to implement the conversion process of biogas to biomethane, it is necessary to work out a balance sheet of biogas produced at the sewage treatment plant, to study its chemical composition and to select the optimal technology to obtain high-energy gas fuel that meets required standards. In the course of the biogas conversion process, carbon dioxide is removed, which is regarded here as the so-called energy ballast. The technology used for powering motor vehicles by means of biomethane has been successfully implemented in many countries of the European Union. In view of environmental considerations, the proposed solution is generally supported because biomethane-powered engines have lower levels of emissions harmful to people and the environment.
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