Niniejsza praca jest poświęcona analizie zmian struktury użytkowania i władania gruntów w powiecie poznańskim. Dotyczy bardzo interesującego okresu w rozwoju Polski tj. lat 1989÷2006 (transformacja ustrojowa, wejście Polski do Unii Europejskiej). Analiza zmian pozwoli określić kierunki i nasilenie tego procesu w poszczególnych latach i gminach co zkolei umożliwi kontrolę tego zjawiska poprzez planowanie na szczeblu gminnym (studium uwarunkowań i kierunków przestrzennego zagospodarowania gminy, miejscowe plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego). Uwzględnić także należy, że relacje między własnością prywatną a własnością publiczną występujące w danej jednostce terytorialnej mają wpływ na kierunki jej zagospodarowania, a także stanowią podstawę do programowania prac w zakresie urządzeń rolnych [3].
The study concerns problems connected with the analysis of changes in the structure of land use and ownership in the Poznań County in the years 1989÷2006. Investigations were based on record data collected at the County Centre of Land Survey and Cartography Records in Poznań. For the purpose of the study 7 communes from the Poznań County were selected (Czerwonak, Murowana Goślina, Pobiedziska, Rokietnica, Suchy Las, Swarzędz, Tarnowo Podgórne). Changes in the structure of land use and ownership in a given commune in individual years were determined and compared with those in the other communes. For this purpose data were subjected to: statistical analysis, analyses on pie and bar graphs, spatial analysis based on thematic maps prepared with the use of the MapInfo version 7.5 software. These analyses made it possible to present the following conclusions:1. In the analyzed communes in the investigated period changes may be observed in the structure of land use (small changes) and ownership (big changes). 2. The structure of land ownership showed a downward trend in the state sector to the advantage of the private sector. The biggest changes in the analyzed period took place in the Czerwonak commune, where the state sector lost over 27% agriculturally used area to the advantage of the private sector. In turn, the smallest changes occurred in the Rokietnica commune, in which this index was below 3%. 3. In the analyzed communes the ownership structure underwent the following changes: ? the area of land administered by the State Treasury decreased; this change was biggest in the Rokietnica commune (by 25.6%), while it was smallest in the Suchy Las commune (by 0.8%), ? the area of land administered by cooperatives decreased, with this trend being biggest in the Rokietnica commune (almost all land properties of cooperatives were transferred to other entities), while it was smallest in the Murowana Goślina commune (by 17.0%),? the area of land held by communes increased, which change was biggest in the Czerwonak commune (by 40.8%), and smallest in the Pobiedziska commune (by 14.1%), ? the area of land owned by physical persons increased (except for the Tarnowo Podgórne commune), the change being biggest in the Czerwonak commune (by 36.2%), and smallest in the Suchy Las commune (by 1.0%), ? the amount of land held by churches and religious associations increased (except for the Suchy Las commune); the change being biggest in the Czerwonak commune (by 121.1%), and smallest in the Tarnowo Podgórne commune (by 1.0%), ? the amount of land held by denominations associations and commercial companies also increased (except for the Murowana Goślina communes) - on the biggest scale in the commune (over 10-fold), and on the smallest scale in the Suchy Las commune (by 21.3%). 4. The following trends could be observed in the analyzed communes in terms of changes in the land use structure: the area of agriculturally utilized land decreased (except for the Pobiedziska and Suchy Las communes), the area of forests increased (except for the Tarnowo Podgórne commune), in case of the other land properties no marked trends could be observed. 5. Spatial analysis concerning changes in the structure of land use and ownership did not show relationships with the neighbouring communes. Spatial changes were of random character.
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