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Recent trends in manufacturing such as Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing have brought the researchers' attention to the smart intralogistics in production facilities. Automated guided vehicles (AGV), especially mobile robots play a vital role in this development. On the other hand,
industrial internet technologies offered new possibilities for the information exchange between devices, data integration platforms and communication interfaces to advance and facilitate the intralogistics for effective material handling and transportation. In order to analyse the feasibility and effectiveness of the mobile robots in the production area, 3D visualization should be combined with simulation, which provides a comprehensive possibility to evaluate and review the potential solution performance and its consistency before implementing practically into the production floor area. This paper describes a conceptual model based on 3D visualization and simulation and experimental study which help to make the decision according to the input data from the factory environment of the movement of mobile robots in production logistics. Moreover, the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined to analyse the use-case's process improvement in terms of the time reduction, which leads to increase productivity and cut-down the workers' fatigue.
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