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Content available remote Low cost lasers challenge ultrafast systems in two-photon excitation applications
Although excellent research tools, the ultrafast laser systems are poorly suited for routine laboratory instrumentation, simply due to their high price. Our research group has shown tat application of two-photon excitation need not to be limited to those laboratories that can afford the price
and maintenance of ultrafast laser systems. With certain compromises and well-designed experiments, low-cost lasers can be used in utilizing the positive properties of two-photon excitation. The purpose of this publication is to show examples of bioanalytical applications that are possible using low-cost lasers. A bioaffinity assay using microparticles as bioactive carriers and assay for characterization of cell surface antigens are presented. By direct comparison of the example assays in two instrumental set-ups, a quantity is given to the 'compromises' that are made by replacing an ultrafast system with low cost equipment.
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