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Content available Operations of maritime autonomous surface ships
Advancing technologies create unique opportunities for constructing autonomous ships, which, in turn, raise growing interest of the maritime industry, shipowners in particular. These authors have analyzed actions taken in this field and some aspects related to the operations of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). The presented case study refers to a ship with a skeleton crew on a deep sea voyage, where the ship’s autonomy is narrowed to the fourth stage of transport task – sea voyage and its navigational aspect.
Port approaches are high-traffic areas with limited manoeuvring space. Navigation in such areas requires the analysis of large amounts of information, which can impede decision processes. One solution may be the development of decision support systems dedicated to these areas. This paper presents an attempt to build a navigation decision support system operable in the approach area leading to the port of Świnoujście (Poland), with ship domain implemented as a safety criterion. Assumptions for a decision support system to be used by sea-going vessels in port approach areas are formulated and discussed. Specific features of these areas, such as traffic density, bathymetry, available manoeuvring space and legal limitations are taken into account. The source and scope of information available to the ship have been analysed. The scope of decision support has been defined. A ship domain has been proposed as a safety criterion. Approach areas leading to the port of Świnoujście have been investigated on the basis of real Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Vessel movement processes in the chosen area were analysed. Ship domains in various parts of the area were determined. The first results concerning criteria for navigational safety assessment are presented. The conducted studies showed significant differences in the size of domains. A case study was performed on a decision support system operable in the approach area leading to Świnoujście.
Ship domain is one of navigational safety assessment criteria. Its shape and size depend on many factors, including visibility. This article examines the influence of visibility on the shape and dimensions of ship domain in restricted waters. The research was conducted using a simulator of the ECDIS system with the participation of experts’ navigators. The domains of ships in good and restricted visibility have been compared.
Domena statku jest jednym z nawigacyjnych kryteriów oceny bezpieczeństwa. Jej kształt i rozmiar zależą od wielu czynników, włączając widzialność. W artykule zreferowano badania nad wpływem widzialności na kształt i rozmiary domeny statku na wodach ograniczonych. Badania były prowadzone z użyciem symulatora systemu ECDIS z udziałem nawigatorów ekspertów. Przedstawiono porównanie domen statków w warunkach dobrej i ograniczonej widzialności.
The ship domain is one of the criteria for navigational safety assessment. It is particularly important in restricted areas with high intensity traffic, where the criteria of closest point of approach (CPA) and time to CPA are difficult to apply. This research continues to examine ship domains in Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS). We have analyzed precautionary areas established within TSSs in connection with changed arrangements of vessel traffic. Besides, we have defined ship domains in a precautionary area of a specific TSS, and compared them to domains of vessels proceeding along traffic lanes.
The development of unmanned remotely controlled and autonomous vehicles necessitates seeking new and improving existing systems of communications between such objects themselves and control or monitoring centers. This applies to maritime transport and other areas of transport. The article characterizes communication processes between the navigators on ships taking place via VHF in view of their automation. Some of the issues concerning analysis processes of message reception and generation of outgoing messages resulting from automatic reasoning are discussed. We also consider selected operations: message parsing, interpretation of data concerning the context and generation of outgoing message. An example is given of the analysis of the received message and corresponding answer.
The lack of proper communication between navigators is one of the many causes of dangerous situations in maritime transport. Automation of communication processes, in particular negotiation processes, can help either avoid such situations or, when they do occur, deal with them more promptly and effectively. We have characterized inference processes in maritime communication and the communication subontology used to describe these processes. The negotiating processes involving two or more parties are considered. An example is given of an encounter by three ships that requires communication (including negotiations) between the three navigators. We also present how the described communication processes can be automated using the developed subontology of communication.
Content available Ship domains in Traffic Separation Schemes
Ship movement processes in selected Traffic Separations Schemes (TSS) of Southern Baltic Sea were analyzed. Ship domains in the analyzed water areas were calculated from Automatic Identification System (AIS) registered data. The purpose of investigation was identification of ship domain parameters taking into account different domain determination criteria. The results were compared and discussed. The conclusions were drawn.
One of the most significant phases for automation of communication processes in shipping is building a knowledge base for inference processes. Communication processes include: exchange of information, perception of communication and interaction between navigators. Computing with words has been used to represent inference processes covering imprecise concepts that are characteristic of natural languages. Elements of classical predicate calculus were adopted as a basic form of writing inference rules. Methods for constructing a knowledge base were chosen. The knowledge base architecture was proposed. This article also presents examples of inference rules in a knowledge base for automatic communication in shipping.
The ship domain is a criterion of safety assessment in ship encounter situations. This criterion allows us to identify dangerous situations in open sea and restricted areas, the latter characterized by natural limitations such as the shore line, or artificial ones e.g., boundaries of Traffic Separation Schemes (TSSs). This article analyzes ship domains in TSSs. These schemes, being established in areas where vessel traffic is intensive, as a rule have virtual traffic lanes that indicate the direction of vessel traffic flow. The influence of the ship size and type on domain shape and size in a TSS has been examined. The domains have been defined on the basis of AIS data and statistical methods. The analyzed ship domains have been approximated by ellipses. The authors have determined intervals of changes in domain parameters.
Automatic communication can help reduce errors in communication between navigators, and, consequently, increase the level of navigation safety. This article reviews some methods for the development of an ontology and looks into processes for communication at sea. Three basic elements of ontology can be distinguished: navigational information, communication and interface. The possibility of applying these methods for the construction of ontology was analyzed for a system of automatic communication at sea.
Content available remote Domena statku w identyfikacji incydentów w systemach rozgraniczenia ruchu
Systemy rozgraniczenia ruchu są ustanawiane na podejściach do portów i trasach żeglugowych, charakteryzujących się dużą intensywnością ruchu statków. Porządkują ruch statków poprzez rozdzielenie strumieni ruchu. Ograniczają powstawanie sytuacji niebezpiecznych, ale ich nie eliminują. Część z tych sytuacji może prowadzić do incydentów a nawet do wypadków - kolizji. O ile wypadki nawigacyjne są dokumentowane, to brak jest danych dotyczących wystąpienia sytuacji niebezpiecznych oraz incydentów. Wynika to m.in. z trudności w zdefiniowaniu odpowiednich kryteriów. Identyfikacja sytuacji niebezpiecznych i incydentów może przyczynić się do ograniczenia liczby wypadków poprzez sygnalizowanie tych sytuacji nawigatorowi lub operatorowi VTS - tryb online - lub wskazanie obszarów, na których występują najczęściej - tryb offline. Zaproponowano dwuetapową metodę identyfikacji incydentów z wykorzystaniem kryterium domeny statku. Przedstawiono wyniki badań identyfikacji incydentów nawigacyjnych w wybranym TSS.
Traffic Separation Schemes are established in port approaches and freąuently used shipping routes, characteristic of high intensity of vessel traffic. They organize the traffic by separating vessel flows. These systems reduce the occurrence of dangerous situations, but do not eliminate them completely. Some of these situations may lead to incidents, near-misses, even accidents, i.e. collisions. While marine accidents are documented, data on the occurrence of dangerous situations, near-misses or incidents are not, due to difficulties in defining relevant criteria. The identification of dangerous situations and incidents may contribute to the reduction of accident frequency by online signaling these situations to the navigator or VTS operator, or indicating areas of largest occurrence (offline). The proposed two-stage incident identification is based on the criterion of ship domain, and the results illustrate research on the identification of navigational incidents in a selected TSS.
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie ontologii dla potrzeb systemu automatycznej komunikacji w żegludze morskiej. Opisano ontologie informacji nawigacyjnej, komunikacji i interfejs łączący obie ontologie. Przedstawiono wstępny prototyp systemu automatycznej komunikacji między statkami. Rozpatrzono przykład sytuacji spotkania statków na kursach kolizyjnych. Analizowano proces generowania komunikatów w systemie automatycznej komunikacji z wykorzystaniem opracowanych ontologii.
The article describes the use of ontologies in the automatic communication system for sea shipping. The navigation information and communication ontologies were described as well as the interface used to connect them. A preliminary prototype of the system for automatic communication between vessels was described. The example of the meeting of ships on collision courses was considered. The process of messages generation in the automatic communication system with use of the developed ontologies was analyzed.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia automatyzacji procesów rozwiązywania sytuacji konfliktowych w żegludze morskiej. Analizowano i porównano użytkowane obecnie strategie podejmowania decyzji oraz proponowane protokoły zarządzające interakcjami. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji procesów negocjacyjnych w systemie automatycznej komunikacji na morzu.
The article presents selected issues of the automation of processes related to solving conflict situations at sea. Currently used strategies for decision-making and proposed protocols governing interactions are analysed and compared. The results of the simulation of negotiations in the system of automatic communication at sea are presented.
The paper deals with communication processes between ship navigators based on standard marine communication phrases. The authors consider information exchange, message perception and interactions, e.g. negotiations. For this purpose navigational information and communication ontologies have been complemented by elements of the protoform theory. The considerations include inference processes, related to additional information acquisition and negotiations. Computing with words is applied to the modelling of communication processes.
Jednym z podstawowych zadań nawigacji jest zapewnienie bezpiecznej żeglugi poprzez unikanie niebezpieczeństw w trakcie realizacji podróży morskiej. Dotyczy to m.in. zaplanowania i wykonania manewru antykolizyjnego: wyznaczenia bezpiecznej trajektorii ruchu statku oraz sterowania po niej. Stąd, przy planowaniu trajektorii ruchu należy uwzględnić aktualną sytuację nawigacyjną, kryteria bezpieczeństwa, charakterystyki manewrowe statku oraz panujące warunki hydrologiczno-meteorologiczne. Ze względu na dynamikę procesów ruchu, zmieniające się warunki oraz ograniczenia czasowe dla wypracowania decyzji i jej realizacji, jest to zadanie złożone. W artykule zdefiniowano wymienione zadanie oraz przedstawiono model procesu wyznaczania trajektorii ruchu statku w sytuacji kolizyjnej z uwzględnieniem modelu środowiska. Opracowany na tej podstawie system może stanowić jeden z modułów rozwijanych obecnie nawigacyjnych systemów wspomagania decyzji na statku morskim.
One of the basic navigational tasks is to provide safe navigation by avoiding dangerous situations during the ship voyage. This includes, inter alia, planning and execution of anticollision manoeuvres: a safe ship trajectory determination and ship movement control. Therefore, when planning the ship trajectory, the navigator should take into account several elements: cur-rent navigational situation, safety criteria, ship's manoeuvrability and hydro-meteorological conditions. This task is complex due to the dynamics of traffic processes, changing conditions, time-limits for reaching a decision and its implementation. The authors formulate the mentioned task and present the process model for ship trajectory determination in collision situations, taking into account the ship environment model. The system developed on this basis can be incorporated as a module of navigation decision support systems for sea going ships.
W artykule przedstawiono nawigacyjny system wspomagania decyzji na statku morskim NAVDEC. System realizuje obok podstawowych funkcji informacyjnych zadania typowe dla systemów wspomagania decyzji. Scharakteryzowano podstawowe moduły systemu, w tym pozyskiwania i integracji danych z urządzeń i systemów nawigacyjnych, analizy i oceny sytuacji oraz wypracowania manewru. Przedstawiono wybrane algorytmy zaimplementowane w wymienionych modułach. System testowano zarówno w warunkach laboratoryjnych jak i rzeczywistych - na statku morskim. Działanie systemu w sytuacjach spotkań statków w celu unikania kolizji przedstawiono na wybranych przykładach zarejestrowanych w czasie badań symulacyjnych i rzeczywistych.
This article presents the NAVDEC - navigational decision support system on a sea going ship. Beside basic information functions the system carries out tasks typical of decision support systems. The main modules of the system include acquisition and integration of data from navigation devices and systems, analysis and assessment of navigational situations and the determination of ship manoeuvre to be performed. Some of the algorithms implemented in these modules are presented. The system was tested in both laboratory and real conditions on board a vessel. The use of the system in ship encounter situations was discussed using actual scenarios registered during simulation tests and in a real voyage of a sea-going vessel.
Content available Navigators’ Behavior in Traffic Separation Schemes
One of the areas of decision support in the navigational ship conduct process is a Traffic Separation Scheme. TSSs are established in areas with high traffic density, often near the shore and in port approaches. The main purpose of these schemes is to improve maritime safety by channeling vessel traffic into streams. Traffic regulations as well as ships behavior in real conditions in chosen TSSs have been analyzed in order to develop decision support algorithms.
This paper presents the key assumptions and preliminary research on an integrated system called ESABALT, for enhancing maritime safety, which incorporates the latest technological advances in positioning, e-Navigation, Earth observation systems and multi-channel cooperative communications. The most novel part of the ESABALT concept, however, is a focus on user-driven crowdsourcing techniques for information gathering and integration. The system will consist of a situational awareness solution for real-time maritime traffic monitoring via utilizing various positioning technologies; an observation system of the marine environment relevant to transportation and accidents including assessing the sea ice, oil spread, waves, wind etc.; and a methodology for context-aware maritime communication with cooperative, multi-channel capabilities. The paper presents the intelligent, novel, user-driven solution and associated services developed in ESABALT for enhancing the maritime safety in the whole Baltic area.
Content available remote Modelowanie ryzyka w operacjach offshore
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia analizy i oceny bezpieczeństwa w transporcie morskim. Scharakteryzowano metodologię oceny ryzyka w żegludze morskiej. Zaproponowano metodę oceny ryzyka w żegludze offshore. Przedstawiona metoda może znaleźć zastosowanie w analizie i ocenie ryzyka bezpieczeństwa żeglugi statków do obsługi morskiego przemysłu wydobywczego oraz przemysłu przybrzeżnego.
The authors present selected issues of safety analysis and assessment in maritime transport. The methodology of risk assessment in maritime shipping is described. The authors propose the method of risk assessment in the offshore towing operation. This method can be used in the navigation safety assessment a various type offshore operations.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia analizy i oceny bezpieczeństwa w transporcie morskim. Scharakteryzowano metodologię oceny ryzyka w żegludze morskiej. Zaproponowano metodę oceny ryzyka w żegludze offshore. Przedstawiona metoda może znaleźć zastosowanie w analizie i ocenie ryzyka bezpieczeństwa żeglugi statków do obsługi morskiego przemysłu wydobywczego oraz przemysłu przybrzeżnego.
The authors present selected issues of safety analysis and assessment in maritime transport. The methodology of risk assessment in maritime shipping is described. The authors propose the method of risk assessment in offshore shipping. This method can be used in the navigation safety assessment a various type offshore vessels.
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