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Dressing materials are an important element in the wound healing process. They form a physical barrier protecting them from infection (or superinfection) and further mechanical damage. The ideal dressing should provide a moist wound healing environment, thereby promoting fibroblast
proliferation, accelerating the process of re-epithelialization, reducing the sensation of pain, discomfort, and the likelihood of infection. Other important characteristics are tissue compatibility, non-toxicity, biodegradability at a rate compatible with wound healing, adequate antimicrobial activity, mechanical strength, sterility, and ease of use (including seamless removal after healing) [1,2,3]. Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) is a cellulose derivative used in a variety of industries. It has been selected for use in the production of hydrogels as wound dressings due to, among other things, its ability to adapt easily to irregularly shaped wounds, absorb exudates, keep the wound moist, and promote autolytic wound debridement. CMC improves wound healing in in vivo models. Nevertheless, it does not meet all the requirements considering all phases of healing such astunable mechanical properties(like stiffness, flexibility, and elasticity) as well as lack of antimicrobial activity (desirable in dressings) [3,8,10]. That’s why it does not constitute a dressing material on its own and additions of other substances (not necessarily polymeric), as well as functionalization of the composite, are necessary. In this article, an attempt is made to detail modifications of carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel composites that are considered prospective. Modifications using biomolecules, polymers, inorganic materials, as well as crosslinking agents were considered.
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