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Content available remote Simulation Model of Small Screw-Propelled Vehicle
This paper concerns a simulation model of small screw-propelled vehicle that was a part of master thesis “Design of screw-propelled vehicle”. It begins with introduction which briefly overviews features and applications of screw-propelled vehicles. The second chapter describes basics of mathematical model of screw-propelled vehicle and its implementation in Matlab-SIMULINK environment. The third chapter is aimed to present results of conducted tests. The last chapter summarizes the work done.
This paper shows the result of work of the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics at Warsaw University of Technology and the Length and Angle Division of Central Office of Measures (GUM) [1] in building an automatic multiwavelength interferometric system with extended measurement range for calibration of long (up to 1 m) gauge blocks. The design of a full working setup with environmental condition control and monitoring systems, as well as image analysis software, is presented. For length deviation determination the phase fraction approach is proposed and described. To confirm that the system is capable of calibrating gauge blocks with assumed accuracy, a comparison between the results of 300 mm length gauge block measurement obtained by using other systems from the Central Office of Measures is made. Statistical analysis proved that the system can be used for high precision measurements with assumed standard uncertainty (125 nm for a length of 1 m). Finally the comparison between our results obtained for a long gauge block set (600 mm to 1000 mm long) and previous calibrations made by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) [2] is shown.
Mechatronics is nowadays a dominating concept in design of various kinds of systems and technical devices. High speeds of data processing by control units of mechatronic systems, as well as high dynamics of their actuators allow the systems to be applied in wider fields. This refers to the medicine as well, especially while making attempts to replace lost human motor abilities by means of robots aiding the man. These devices can be divided into three groups: exoskeletons designed to strengthen the natural force of human muscles, orthotic robots that restore lost or weakened functions of human limbs, and prosthetic robots replacing an amputated limb. The first and the third group are known quite well, whereas the orthotic robots are at an initial phase of their development. The authors have worked on a device for aiding the motion of disabled people suffering from paresis of the lower limbs. The paper presents a concept and a structure of the system that has been created, comparing it with similar devices that have already existed. There are indicated some connections and areas where the subunits merge, as well as the rules of their working with the user.
Following paper presents some considerations about modern small high-speed permanent magnet brushless direct current motors and possibilities of testing their mechanical characteristics. Usage of eddy current brake is described as well as a testbed and an experiment. Measured characteristic of tested motor is shown with some remarks about usage and design of eddy current brake intended to work with speed up to 50000 rpm.
Artykuł przestawia rozważania dotyczące możliwości badania charakterystyk miniaturowych silników bezszczotkowych. Przeanalizowano możliwości zadawania obciążenia w czasie takich badań. Analizy te doprowadziły do zaprojektowania stanowiska testowego wykorzystującego hamulec wiroprądowy z magnesami trwałymi. Wyniki badań ilustrują przykładowe charakterystyki jednego z badanych silników. W podsumowaniu podano spostrzeżenia i wnioski na temat wykorzystania hamulców wiroprądowych z magnesami trwałymi do badania silników o prędkościach obrotowych do 50000 obr/min.
Content available remote Making Use of Anthropometric Data while Designing Drive Units of an Orthotic Robot
The paper describes a project whose aim was elaboration and building of original physical models of drives to be applied in a System for Verticalization and Aiding the Motion (SVAM). The system is intended for individuals suffering from paresis of the lower limbs, what refers to the latest trends in the field of bionics (Pons, 2008; Zielińska, 2003). According to the proposed solution a disabled person moves about owing to application of a mechanical system attached to his lower limbs. The system replaces functions of the limbs by a forced motion, reconstructing in a large measure the natural movement of the lower limbs (Bagiński et al., 2011; Jasińska-Choromańska et al., 2010; Wierciak et al., 2011). The paper discusses the problems related to selection of drive units of the system.
Modelling is considered to be an inherent part of design process of mechatronic devices and systems, in particular when solving problems of dynamics and accuracy of actuators and sensors. Mathematical software packages such as Matlab/Simulink are commonly used for this purpose. Engineers and designers who integrate mechanical components of devices under design, usually employ special computer software known as 3D CAD for creating three dimensional images. Typically it is used to generate technical drawings and layouts but its usability is more extensive. The paper presents ability of such software to support simulation where a linear stepping actuator is an example of a device under design.
Celem projektu było opracowanie i zbudowanie oryginalnych technicznych modeli napędów do zastosowania w Systemie Pionizacji i Wspomagania Ruchu (SPiWR).System ten przeznaczony jest dla osób z niedowładem kończyn dolnych, zgodnie z najnowszymi tendencjami występującymi w dziedzinie bioniki[8,9]. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu osoba niepełnosprawna porusza się dzięki zastosowaniu mechanicznego układu do którego mocowane są kończyny dolne, zastępującego ich funkcje poprzez wymuszony ruch odtwarzający w znacznym zakresie naturalny ruch kończyn dolnych [2,3,4]. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę doboru układów napędowych systemu.
W artykule przedstawiono modułowy system do wyznaczania charakterystyk częstotliwościowych silników skokowych. Pomiar momentu może być prowadzony bezpośrednio "na wałku" silnika (momentomierzem obrotowym serii OPM lub poprzez pomiar reakcji stojana (momentomierzem dynamometrycznym z piezoelektrycznym czujnikiem siły. Oprócz badań konkretnych silników i sterowników stanowisko umożliwiło weryfikację metod badawczych i doskonalenie opisu formalnego mikromaszyn i procedur sterowania.
The paper presents a modular test system designed in the Division of Fine Mechanics Design - the Institute of Micromechanics and Photonics, intended for setting frequency depended characteristic curves of a stepper motors. There is a possibility of measurement of two kinds of characteristics (pull-in and pull-out), both according to two different methods (see Fig. 1). During determination of characteristics the torque metering can be taken directly from a motor shaft with use of optoelectronic OPM series rotary torque meters or it can be processed also as a stator reaction force measurement made with use of a dynamometric torque meter equipped with a piezoelectric force transducer. Figs. 2-5 present possible configurations of a test bed and a set of transducers. The photo of the selected configuration is shown in Fig. 6 and view of the electronic module in Fig.7. Control and measurements can be made by a data acquisition card installed in a personal computer. The tested motor can be driven in full-, half- and micro-step modes, depending on its own driver. The main window of a control program (see Fig .8) allows a user to select the desired test method and its parameters. Algorithms of the test bed working modes are shown in a synthetic way in Figs. 9 and 10 (for pull-in curve). The experiments results, despite its utilitarian use (tests of particular motors), can be applied to scientific research - comparison of different methods for determination of characteristics. The exemplary results are presented in Figs. 11-13.
Mechatronika, jako koncepcja budowy urządzeń jest obecna niemal we wszystkich działach techniki. Rozwój mikroprocesorowych układów przetwarzania danych, a także postęp w dziedzinie budowy układów wykonawczych i pomiarowych stwarzają możliwości realizowania przez urządzenia funkcji, które jeszcze do niedawna pozostawały jedynie w sferze marzeń. Postęp nie ominął również medycyny, a ściślej wyposażenia technicznego pracującego na rzecz osób chorych. Roboty ortotyczne, których szybki rozwój następuje w wielu ośrodkach naukowych na całym świecie, zastępują u ludzi utracone funkcje ruchowe. Autorzy pracują nad urządzeniem do pionizacji i wymuszania chodu osób z bezwładem nóg. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu sterowania opracowywanego urządzenia.
Mechatronics seems to be nowadays the leading idea of design of machines and devices. Integration of mechanic devices with the powerful microelectronic technology forced synergy effects resulting in new applications also in medical domain. Here, wearable robots are most spectacular examples. They are person-oriented robots that may be defined as those worn by human operators, whether to support the function of a limb or to replace it completely. The authors focussed their attention on the development of an orthotic robot suited for people with paresis of lower limbs (Fig. 1). The role of the robot is to improve standard of life of handicapped people. However, for safety reasons, its usage needs additional assistance of third party persons. It leads to a conclusion, that control system of the device should be designed in such a way that movements of limbs are allowed only and only in cases when all safety conditions are fulfilled. Upon this statement, the device under design can be classified as a self optimising system. The general structure of such a system is shown in Fig. 2. This system consists of: knowledge base, multi- control subsystem, communication ports and inference machines. The block diagram of automatic control system is depicted in Fig. 3. The main purpose of knowledge base is to store and update reference data for decisions upon the device performance. This data contains records of values of selected signals, collecting information about the state of the device and a robot user, in order to detect non-safety behaviour. Tilt of the user's body and acceleration of its certain parts, as well as reaction forces between feet and crushes against ground can be considered as signals useful for decision making. A structure of the control system meeting the above considerations is presented in Fig. 4. A brief survey of data transmission protocols was carried out. A survey was focused on systems used for industrial applications taking into considerations its approved high immune against electromagnetic field transients and easiness of building redundant structures of communication networks and controllers. Finally, CAN standard was proposed as a communication protocol for the device broadly used in automotive industry (Fig. 5). In the conclusions future works are presented together with the risk analysis.
Content available remote Wykorzystanie systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu w pojeździe PRT
Projekt ECO-Mobliność zakłada powstanie szeregu nowych rozwiązań technicznych ułatwiających przemieszczanie się zarówno w ramach transportu zbiorowego (PRT) jak i indywidualnego (eco-samochód, wózek inwalidzki z napędem, system pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu). Zakład Konstrukcji Urządzeń Precyzyjnych, jednostka Wydziału Mechatroniki Politechniki Warszawskiej, realizująca jeden z podtematów projektu podjął próbę określenia kompatybilności opracowywanego systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu z pozostałymi elementami systemu ECO-Mobilność. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono koncepcję współpracy systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu z wybranym urządzeniem systemu ECO-Mobilność, z pojazdem PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) wraz z jego możliwym otoczeniem i wyposażeniem technicznym.
ECO-Mobility research project is granted to design new types of transportation devices or system. There will be solutions dedicated for public transport such as Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) or for individual transportation: eco-car, articulated wheelchair or orthotic wearable robot for aided standing and walking. Division of Fine Devices Design of Faculty of Mechatronics which is developing wearable orthotic robot has made some effort to determine possible compatibility and cooperation of his design with other devices. Following paper present concept of cooperation between orthotic robot being used by a passenger of Personal Rapid Transit within its vehicle and possible surroundings.
Współcześnie mechatronika jest dominującą koncepcją budowy różnego rodzaju systemów technicznych. Duże szybkości przetwarzania danych w jednostkach sterujących urządzeń mechatronicznych i wysoka dynamika ich układów wykonawczych umożliwiają poszerzanie obszarów ich zastosowań. Takie zjawisko ma miejsce także w medycynie, w szczególności przy próbach zastępowania utraconych funkcji ruchowych człowieka za pomocą robotów wspomagających. Autorzy pracują nad urządzeniem do wspomagania chodu osób z bezwładem nóg. W artykule przedstawiono strukturalną koncepcję opracowywanego systemu.
Mechatronics is presently the dominating concept of designing machines and devices. High speeds of data acquisition and processing achieved in microprocessor controllers used in such systems make possible to employ mechatronic devices in quite new fields. This also refers to the medical domain. Wearable robots are one of the most spectacular examples. They are person-oriented robots that can be defined as those worn by human operators, whether to supplement the function of a limb or to replace it completely. The authors have recently started with a large project aimed at development of orthotic robot for people with paresis of lower limbs. In the paper there is a functional structure of such device proposed as well as review of similar systems being developed around the world.
Osoby niepełnosprawne z niedowładem kończyn dolnych mają ogromną potrzebę pionizacji i poruszania się, tak jak osoby w pełni sprawne. To zagadnienie jako projekt systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu osób z niedowładem kończyn dolnych jest między innymi podtematem projektu ECO-Mobilność. Stąd w ZKUP, jednostce PW, realizującej ten podtemat, podjęto próbę określenia kompatybilności opracowywanego systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu o nazwie VENI z pozostałymi elementami systemu ECOMobilność. W niniejszym referacie przedstawiono wstępną koncepcję współpracy systemu pionizacji i wspomagania ruchu z wybranym urządzeniem systemu ECO-Mobilność, a mianowicie z PRT (Personal Rapid Transit).
Patients with sick limbs connected with moving impossibility are persons which should try to move. Wearable robot dedicated to this patients is one of ECO-Mobility system, which will be design in Faulty of Mechatronics WUT. Scientific destription of cooperation between wearable robot device with PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) is one of most important and this paper presents this.
Content available remote Czterowirnikowy śmigłowiec inspekcyjny
Artykuł przedstawia wstępne założenia, dotyczące projektu czterowirnikowego latającego pojazdu obserwacyjnego. Projekt jest realizowany jako praca dyplomowa na Wydziale Mechatroniki PW. W artykule przedstawiono wstępne założenia, dotyczące projektowanego śmigłowca, przyjęty schemat i algorytm przetwarzania sygnałów sterujących.
The paper presents brief foredesign of a surveillance quadrocopter. The project is realized as a master thesis of Mr. Piotr Skałowski, a student of the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology. There are described the basics of a quadruple structure of the rotorcraft as well as the idea of steering and signal processing.
Actuators often does not fulfil user's requirements, so there is a need of improvement in many different cases. Following paper presents some ways of modifying actuator to reach desired aims. Besides making modifications, there are additional requirements to simulate and to evaluate influence of changes to received characteristic. Mathematical apparatus that are useful to it are following. First - integral methods of calculating area - boarded by both axis and curve of characteristic, inertia of this area, and placement of its centroid. It allows us to estimate growth of useful area on plane described by frequency and force. Second useful method is differentiation of function that describes force-frequency characteristic.
Characteristics of electric stepping micro-machines could be changed or shaped by using other methods than simple re-design of their electromagnetic circuit. Many possibilities of characteristics forming give us idea of using special methods of steering. I am presenting here few ways of modification that are useful to reach desired aims. Planning and placing modifications creates requirement to be able simulate and to evaluate influence of changes, that were made to received characteristic. It is essential to be in possession of apparatus or method for objective and quantitative estimation of such changes. Proposals of such mathematical apparatus are presented with comments about its possible way of use.
Możliwe jest wpływanie na charakterystyki skokowe mikromaszyn elektrycznych na innych drogach niż tylko zmiana konstrukcji ich obwodu elektromagnetycznego. Duże możliwości takiego wpływu daje stosowanie odpowiednich procedur sterowania maszyną skokową. W artykule przedstawiam kilka propozycji modyfikacji umożliwiających osiągnięcie zakładanych, pożądanych efektów. Planowanie i dokonywanie modyfikacji wymusza potrzebę symulowania i określania wpływu dokonanych zmian na otrzymane charakterystyki. Istotnym jest posiadanie do tego celu metody do obiektywnej i ilościowej oceny takich zmian. Propozycję zastosowania wybranego aparatu matematycznego przedstawiam razem z komentarzem dotyczącym sposobu jego stosowania.
Content available remote System pomiarowy do wyznaczania mechanicznych charakterystyk silników skokowych
W artykule zaprezentowano nowo opracowywany skomputeryzowany system pomiarowy służący do wyznaczania charakterystyk: rozruchowej (start-stopowej) oraz mechanicznej granicznej (synchronicznej) małych silników skokowych.
At present worked out is new measuring system for evaluation of dynamic properties of stepping motors. In projected stand founded executing of following measurements dynamic characteristics - pull-in torque and pull-out torque. These characteristic have to be determinate both during work in mode full step, how and half and micro steps. Range of Chapter 1 and 2 embraces: - proposition of methods and general algorithms of marking of pull-in and pull-out characteristics (Fig. 1), - presentation of subassemblies (Tab. 1) and parameters of set of torque transducers, used in the station (Tab. 2). There is a possibility of use a set of specially designed in IMiF WUT torque meters: dynamometric type wit piezoelectric transducers, OPMZ type optoelectronic rotary torque meters [4] and special micro-range optoelectronic stationary meter. To load applying practical are electromagnetic powder brakes (IEI Międzylesie or VIBROMETER) with specialized control units. Computer-based data acquisition system with PC-based card enable the registration of the torque signal during the number of examinations. The view and possible structure of equipment is presented on Fig. 2, and exemplary results of determination of both characteristic of small PM stepping motor - on Fig. 3. The influence of additional mass M.I. is presented on Fig.4 and pull-in characteristics in 1/2 and 1/32 microstep mode are presented on Fig. 5. During preliminary testing PM type stepper motor we notice possibility of causing uncontrolled oscillations or even resonance of all parts used in testing station, this effect is bring about by bellow coupling used in test equipment and slightly incorrect ratio of motor and equipment mass M.I. Authors plan to use presented equipment for an analysis of the influence of research methods on the measuring results. The goal of that work is proposition of "Quality factor" of pull-in and pull-out characteristics.
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