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Certain critical infrastructure networks show some interconnections, relations and interactions with other ones, most frequently when located and operating within particular areas. Failures arising within one critical infrastructure network, can then negatively impact not only on associated systems, societies and natural environment, but also on mutual critical infrastructure networks. Therefore, interdependent critical infrastructure networks can be determined as network of critical infrastructure networks (network of networks approach). The paper presents safety analysis of the network of critical infrastructure networks, taking into account interconnections, relations and interactions between particular ones. Critical infrastructures networks as multistate systems are considered, by distinguishing subsets of no-hazards safety states, and crisis situation states, and by analysing transitions between particular ones. Issues introduced in the article are based on the assumption that one key critical infrastructure network impacts on functioning of other critical infrastructure networks - can reduce their functionality and change level of their safety and inoperability, furthermore, other networks can impact each other, too. Safety characteristics of network of critical infrastructure networks: safety function, mean values and standard deviations of lifetimes in particular safety state subsets, are determined, taking into account interdependencies between particular networks. The results are related to various values of coefficients defining the significance of influence of interdependencies among networks.
The article presents the impact of electromagnetic interferences of low frequency range, on transport security systems used in wide transport areas. Intended and unintended (stationary and mobile), electromagnetic interferences, impacting on items and components constituting transport system at wide area (seaport, railway, etc.), cause changes of its vulnerability, resistance and durability. Diagnostics of interferences sources (amplitude, frequency range, radiation characteristics, etc.), appearing within transport environment, and usage of appropriate technical solutions of systems (i.e. shielding, reliability structures), allows for safe implementation of safety surveillance of human beings, properties and communication means.
The main aim of the paper is analysis of safety of the Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks (GBNCIN), taking into account interactions among particular critical infrastructure networks this network consists of. The safety function and other safety characteristics: the risk function and mean values and the standard deviations of the lifetimes in the safety state subsets are determined assuming the particular critical infrastructure networks have exponential safety functions. Finally, the coefficients of cascading effect impact on the intensities of degradation of the GBNCIN, and the indicator of that network resilience to cascading effect impact, are presented.
The paper presents a method of the GBNCIN operation and safety, with considering the climate-weather change process, safety optimization. Basic characteristics of the critical infrastructure operation process related to climateweather change process are shown. Then, optimal transient probabilities of the GBNCIN Operation Process at Operation States Related to Climate-Weather Change Process, and the GBNCIN optimal safety and resilience indicators, are introduced. By defining unconditional multistate safety function of the GBNCIN, and corresponding optimal risk function, the optimal coefficients of the operation process related to the climateweather change impact on the GBNCIN intensities of degradation, have been determined. Finally, optimal sojourn times of the GBNCIN operation process at operation states, related to climate-weather change process and operation strategy, are presented.
The paper presents a method of the GBNCIN operation and safety, with considering the climate-weather change process, safety optimization. Basic characteristics of the critical infrastructure operation process related to climateweather change process are shown. Then, the GBNCIN operation cost related to climate-weather change is introduced. Furthermore, by analysis of the operation cost of the GBNCIN impacted by the operation process, related to the climate-weather change process, and its conditional safety functions, mean values of the total sojourn times at particular operation states during certain sufficiently large GBNCIN operation time are fixed. Finally, the GBNCIN operation cost related to climate-weather change minimization, and cost analysis of the GBNCIN operation impacted by climate-weather change, are presented.
The main aim of the paper is to present the safety model for Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks. To achieve this, the basis of the multistate ageing approach to safety modelling is introduced. Following, the basic parameters important for the safety and risk prediction are presented. Next, the particular elements of the Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks are defined and described. Finally, the safety and risk analysis of the network of networks are presented.
The purpose of the paper is to present the impact model for Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks (GBNCIN), related to its operation process. At first, basic issues regarding the GBNCIN operation at variable conditions have been described. Then, aspects regarding safety of the multistate GBNCIN at Variable operation conditions have been pointed. Finally, safety characteristics of multistate GBNCIN, consisting of exponential BCIN Networks at variable operation conditions are presented.
The paper presents essential critical infrastructure terminology. The terms and definitions have been outlined, in respect to critical infrastructure systems, that are analysed within the scope of the EU-CIRCLE project. Moreover, taxonomy regarding terminology and methodology related to critical infrastructure safety, is presented.
The paper presents an approach to modelling operation process of critical infrastructure networks located within certain area. The approach has been conducted basing on networks located within the Baltic Sea area, being however also general concept of network of critical infrastructure networks operational process analysis. Operation process of particular critical infrastructure network has been defined, and then its characteristics described, by applying a semi-Markov processes modelling approach. Further, similar approach has been conducted to model operation process of network of critical infrastructure networks. On the base of models of operation processes of certain critical infrastructure network, and network of critical infrastructure networks, general approach to Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks modelling is presented as well.
In the paper we present the gas pipeline network as a critical infrastructure. The basic definitions concerned with gas pipeline critical infrastructure are given. Moreover, the climate and weather change impacts on gas pipeline critical infrastructure safety, resilience and resilience strengthening to climate change are described. Next, the specific notions and terminology in the climate change context for Baltic Gas Pipeline Critical Infrastructure Network (BGPCIN) are described
The paper presents issues concerning identification of climate related hazards at the Baltic Sea area and their exposure for the Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Network. As a result, possible natural hazards coming from following climate/weather change are distinguished: sea water temperature changes, change in ice cover, sea level rise/ decrease, coastal erosion, precipitation, storm surges and winds, and air temperature change, for particular critical infrastructure networks operating within the Baltic Sea area.
Content available Gas pipelines critical infrastructure network
The liquid natural gas (LNG) will be commonly used by shipping and industry in the future. In this paper we present existing and planned natural gas networks in the Baltic Sea region, installed through the Baltic Sea. These gas pipeline installations create the Baltic Gas Pipeline Critical Infrastructure Network (BGPIN) that is one of eight critical infrastructure network of the Global Baltic Network of Critical Infrastructure Networks (GBNCIN).
The paper presents the principle aspects of key European Union legislation concerning critical infrastructure protection. Fundamental definitions and assumptions covered by the respective documents, with a special focus on critical infrastructure, its identification and protection, are also included. Basic outcomes of the regulations, reflecting other acts of law concerning the rights and obligations of States within their territorial sea and exclusive economic zone, regarding specific matters related to the Baltic Sea area and EU member states located around it, have also been introduced. Some approaches to the modelling of ECI identification is also given, and analysis of the latest EU activities, associated with the adaptation of critical infrastructure systems to climate change predictions, is introduced. As the vulnerability to the impact of climate change is of key importance for systems operating within the Baltic area, essential findings that apply to them are also covered.
W publikacji przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z autostradowymi systemami telematyki transportu. Zwrócono szczególna uwagę na autostradowe systemy łączności alarmowej. Opisano ich budowę oraz funkcjonowanie. Zaprezentowano także ich ogólny model niezawodnościowo-eksploatacyjny. Umożliwia on wyznaczenie wartości prawdopodobieństw przebywania systemu w wyróżnionych stanach eksploatacyjnych.
This paper presents the issues connected with highway transport telematics systems. The particular attention is paid to the highway emergency communications systems. There is described their structure and functioning. It also presented the general reliability-exploitation model. It allows to determinate the probability of staying of the system in the distinguished operating states.
Streszczenie W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zagrożeń w systemach transportowych w aspekcie zagadnień i uregulowań prawnych związanych z zarządzaniem kryzysowym i ochroną infrastruktury krytycznej. Zawarto analizę wymagań prawodawstwa polskiego i unijnego, dających systemom transportowym szczególne miejsce w ramach infrastruktury krytycznej i europejskiej infrastruktury krytycznej, determinujących specjalne, dodatkowe wymagania dla instytucji i przedsiębiorstw zarządzających transportem. Jednym z podstawowych nowych wymagań jest analiza zagrożeń, które w przypadku ich wystąpienia, mogą mieć negatywny wpływ na funkcjonowanie systemów infrastruktury krytycznej. W artykule, na bazie katalogu zagrożeń systemów transportowych, dokonano ich analizy pod kątem możliwości oddziaływania na prawdopodobieństwo ich wystąpienia, oraz możliwości oddziaływania na przyczyny zakłóceń funkcjonowania systemów transportowych dla zahamowania rozwoju sytuacji kryzysowej, w przypadku jej wystąpienia. Wymienione aspekty analizy zagrożeń wchodzą w skład pierwszej i trzeciej fazy zarządzania kryzysowego. Wszystkie fazy zarządzania kryzysowego, najczęściej precyzowane w opracowaniach go dotyczących, także przedstawiono w niniejszej publikacji.
The article describes issues related to threats to transport systems, concerning aspects and law regulations connected to crisis management and critical infrastructure protection. It includes also the analysis of Polish and EU legislation requirements, placing transport systems in a very special place within critical infrastructure, and European critical infrastructure, determining special additional requirements for institutions and enterprises performing transportation. One of fundamental new requirements is threats analysis, that in case of their appearance, can cause negative influence on critical infrastructure systems functionality. Basing on transport systems’ threats catalogue, their analysis concerning possibilities of influencing on probability of their appearance, and possibilities of influencing on sources of transport systems functioning disruptions, aiming to moderate crisis situation expansion, in case of its appearance. Mentioned above threats analysis aspects are included in the first and the third phase of crisis management. All crisis management phases, often mentioned in elaborations concerning it, have been also described.
Content available Critical infrastructure systems modelling
The article is showing some concept of critical infrastructure system’s safety states model. Model construction is basing on popular technical systems’ safety states models, and notions specified in acts of law related to crisis management and other studies concerning it. Implementation of crisis management issues and problems into technical systems’ safety states model, resulted with formulating of critical infrastructure system’s safety states model, illustrating processes concerned with their transitions, related to particular crisis management phases. Then, probabilistic description of critical infrastructure safety states transitions process have been presented, that, if further evolved, can lead to support works connected to critical infrastructure protection.
The article is showing a concept of critical infrastructure systems’ safety states model. Model construction is basing on: popular technical systems’ safety states models, and notions specified in acts of law and other studies concerning crisis management. Paper is including some concept of proposed model usage possibilities ‐ methods and procedures for estimating unknown basic parameters of safety states transitions process: identifying the distributions of its conditional lifetime at safety states, estimating probabilities of its staying at safety states at the initial moment, probabilities of its transitions between safety states and parameters of the distribution for the description of its conditional lifetimes at safety states.
Content available remote Katalog zagrożeń systemów transportowych
W referacie przedstawiono podstawowe założenia i normatywy aktów prawnych dotyczących zarządzania kryzysowego i ochrony infrastruktury krytycznej, której bardzo ważnym elementem są systemy transportowe. Zaproponowano kodyfikację zagrożeń dla systemów transportowych, która będąc bardzo istotnym elementem pierwszej fazy zarządzania kryzysowego, warunkuje poprawną realizację całokształtu pozostałych działań z nim związanych.
The article describes basic assumptions and standards of law acts concerning crisis management and critical infrastructure protection, covering one of its more important parts – transport systems. Transport systems’ threats codification has been proposed, which, being significant part of crisis management essential phase, is demanded for proper performance of all activities concerned with it.
Content available remote Threats to transport systems catalogue
The article describes basic assumptions and standards of law acts concerning crisis management and critical infrastructure protection, covering one of its more important parts – transport systems. Transport systems’ threats codification has been proposed, which, being significant part of crisis management essential phase, is demanded for proper performance of all activities concerned with it.
W referacie przedstawiono podstawowe założenia i normatywy aktów prawnych dotyczących zarządzania kryzysowego i ochrony infrastruktury krytycznej, której bardzo ważnym elementem są systemy transportowe. Zaproponowano kodyfikację zagrożeń dla systemów transportowych, która, będąc bardzo istotnym elementem pierwszej fazy zarządzania kryzysowego, warunkuje poprawną realizację całokształtu pozostałych działań z nim związanych.
The paper presents principle aspects of law acts concerning crisis management, currently in force in the Republic of Poland. Fundamental definitions and assumptions included in them, with a special focus on critical infrastructure and its protection, have been also shown. The paper presents also latest alterations of Polish legislation relating crisis management, inspired by respective changes of European Union directives. Article is also mentioning tasks of newly established public administration institutions, appointed on the basis of crisis management related legislation implementation, plus, concerned with them, new obligation of so called: sole and dependent owners of critical infrastructure systems.
Artykuł przedstawia zasadnicze założenia aktualnie obowiązujących w RP aktów prawnych w zakresie zarządzania kryzysowego. Przedstawiono podstawowe definicje i założenia w nich zawarte, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na problematykę infrastruktury krytycznej i jej ochrony. Omówiono także przebieg zmian w prawodawstwie RP dotyczącym zarządzania kryzysowego, inspirowanych zmianami w normach pranych Unii Europejskiej. Publikacja wymienia także zadania nowopowstałych organów administracji publicznej, powołanych w związku z wprowadzaniem ustawodawstwa związanego z zarządzaniem kryzysowym, a także związane z nimi nowe zobowiązania tzw. właścicieli samoistnych i zależnych systemów infrastruktury krytycznej.
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