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zdjęć optycznych i radarowych do uzyskania charakterystyk roślinno-wilgotnościowych wpływających na wymianę węgla. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz opracowano modele szacowania NEE, w których zastosowano opracowane na podstawie danych satelitarnych następujące parametry: wilgotność gleby (WG), zawartość wody w roślinach (WR). Do analizy WG i WR został zastosowany współczynnik wstecznego rozpraszania (σº) obliczony z sygnału zarejestrowanego w zakresie mikrofalowym przez urządzenia SAR (ang. Synthetic Aperture Radar) dla różnych polaryzacji fal. Prace badawcze zmierzające do określenia wielkości wymiany węgla oraz jego zróżnicowania przestrzennego i czasowego, przeprowadzone z uwzględnieniem informacji o pokrywie roślinnej i wilgotności gleby uzyskanych z danych satelitarnych, są ważne dla monitorowania ekosystemów bagiennych.
assessment of vegetation-moisture conditions influenced carbon exchange has been performed. The impact of soil moisture and type of vegetation habitat on CO2 flux in wetland ecosystems has been analyzed to develop NEE models. Soil moisture (WG) and vegetation water content (WR) have been correlated with backscattering coefficient (σº) calculated from the signal registered by microwave satellites in different wave polarization. The research was focused on the assessment of carbon balance in time and space taking into account vegetation cover and soil moisture derived from satellite data. The research is important for monitoring wetland ecosystem.
basis of Sentinel-2 satellite data for vegetation in the end of growing phase and the DTM (Digital Terrain Model) derived from the SRTM mission. The stages of development of the designed model are presented together with the assumptions and thesis applied. The applicability of the method used and further steps to be performed are explained. The comparison of the results of land-soil units delimitation derived on the basis of the proposed model with the results of in-field electromagnetic scanning measurements (EM-38) is demonstrated. The model is proved to be applicable for the demarcation of soil managements zones in the fields and the need for its further validation is stated.
zarejestrowanego przez satelitę Sentinel-2, wskaźnika NDVI obliczonego na podstawie obrazu satelitarnego Sentinel-2 dla uprawy pod koniec okresu wegetacji oraz Numerycznego Modelu Terenu DTM, pozyskanego z misji SRTM. W artykule przedstawiono krótki przegląd literatury dotyczący zastosowania teledetekcji satelitarnej dla szacowania parametrów gleby. Ponadto w artykule zaprezentowano etapy opracowania modelu, przyjęte tezy i założenia, jak również dalsze kroki rozwoju modelu i jego zastosowania w operacyjnym serwisie ASAP.
national, regional and field grassland scales. Remote sensing gives the possibility to estimate the grassland growth conditions what have been achieved applying NOAA.AVHRR and Terra.MODIS. Identification of grasslands throughout the country have been done using Corine Land Cover (CLC) database. Vegetation index (NDVI) and surface temperature (Ts) have been calculated from satellite data. Meteorological data for Poland have been collected: i) for years 1997–2015, ii) for the period 1985–2014 to find the trends of climatic changes. There have been found: significant trends in air temperature (Ta) in NUTS1 in Poland; significant trend of increasing grassland surface temperature (Ts) in Poland based on satellite data; comparable results between Ts – Ts_mean and Ta – Ta_mean for the years 1997–2015; significant positive relationship between the (April-September) standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and grass yields in Poland. In Norway, a trend towards earlier growth start in spring and increasing temperature sum in the growing season for the last ten years have been found, however, with large variation between years. Also, trends towards warmer springs and autumns since 1991 in Northern Norway has been observed. Climate changes may affect positively and negatively the grassland productivity. Proposed new and efficient methods based on satellite observations, can be used to monitor the productivity of grasslands to understand trends and anomalies that are likely to continue into the future, can help in planning for agricultural practices, can be an efficient tool in decision support system of grassland management and offsetting financial risks on large scales.
Metody teledetekcji umożliwiają ocenę warunków wzrostu roślin na podstawie danych satelitarnych NOAA. AVHRR i Terra.MODIS. Rozmieszczenie użytków zielonych w Polsce zostało pobrane z bazy Corine Land Cover (CLC). Wskaźnik zieleni NDVI oraz temperatura powierzchni czynnej Ts zostały obliczone z ww. danych satelitarnych. W celu określenia trendów zmian klimatycznych zebrano dane meteorologiczne dla obszaru Polski i) z lat 1997–2015 oraz ii) 1985–2014. W wyniku przeprowadzonych analiz otrzymano: znaczące trendy temperatury powietrza (Ta) dla regionów statystycznych (NUTS2); znaczący trend rosnący temperatury powierzchni czynnej (Ts). Dla lat 1997–2015 otrzymano porównywalne wyniki pomiędzy Ts i Ts_mean oraz Ta i Ta_mean oraz znaczącą zależność dodatnią pomiędzy wskaźnikiem (z okresu kwiecień-wrzesień) standaryzowanego klimatycznego bilansu wodnego (SPEI) a produkcyjnością użytków zielonych. Dla obszaru Norwegii otrzymano trend wcześniejszego startu wegetacji na wiosnę i rosnący trend sumy temperatur powietrza w sezonie wegetacyjnym w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu, z tym, że z dużymi wahaniami w poszczególnych latach. W północnej Norwegii zanotowano również od roku 1991 trend coraz cieplejszych wiosen i jesieni. Zmiany klimatyczne mogą wpływać zarówno pozytywnie jak i negatywnie na produkcyjność użytków zielonych. Proponowane nowe metody bazujące na danych satelitarnych mogą być zastosowane do monitorowania produkcyjności użytków zielonych w celu rozpoznania trendów i anomalii klimatycznych, które mogą się zdarzyć w przyszłości, jak również mogą pomóc w planowaniu produkcji rolniczej w celu uniknięcia strat finansowych na dużą skalę.
one wykorzystania metod teledetekcyjnych do kartowania powierzchni ziemi i monitorowania różnych elementów środowiska geograficznego. Zostały zaprezentowane prace dotyczące kartowania pokrycia terenu na podstawie zdjęć satelitarnych, tworzenia systemów informacyjnych dla rolnictwa, służących ocenie stanu upraw i prognozowaniu plonów, wykorzystania obrazów radarowych dla potrzeb leśnictwa do oceny biomasy leśnej i zawartego w niej węgla, zastosowania technik teledetekcji do monitorowania zagrożeń środowiska (pożary, powodzie, susze), wykorzystania technik radarowych do śledzenia zmian deformacji gruntu, zastosowania zdjęć satelitarnych dla planowania przestrzennego do monitorowania zmian klimatu na obszarach miejskich.
sensed data for land cover mapping and monitoring of various environmental components, have been presented. They are concentrated on the following topics: use of satellite images for preparation of land cover maps, creation of information systems for agriculture, aimed at crop condition assessment and yield forecasting, use of radar images for estimating forest biomass and carbon content, application of remote sensing techniques for monitoring environmental hazards (forest fires, floods), application of radar interferometric techniques for monitoring ground deformations, use of satellite data for spatial planning to monitor climate changes within urban areas.
wintering for fauna. Data from microwave and optical satellite images and soil-vegetation ground measurements were analyzed to develop methods for monitoring and mapping biophysical parameters. Satellite data applied for the study included: ENVISAT.ASAR, ENVISAT.MERIS, ALOS.PALSAR, ALOS.AVNIR-2, and NOAA.AVHRR data. Optical images were used for classification of wetlands communities and calculation of vegetation index NDVI. Also, latent heat flux has been calculated using NOAA.AVHRR data and meteorological data. Microwave images acquired in different modes (ASAR IS2 and IS6, ALPSR.FBD) and polarizations (HH, HV, VV) were used for assessment and mapping of Leaf Area Index (LAI) and soil moisture (SM) for every habitat classified from optical images. Backscattering coefficient calculated from ALOS.PALSAR HV and ENVISAT.ASAR IS6 VV was applied for assessment of vegetation bio-parameters. Backscattering coefficient calculated from ALOS.PALSAR.FBD HH and ENVISAT.ASAR HH IS2 was used for SM assessment. The study was conducted in the framework of ESA PECS project No 98101 and ESA PI projects: C1P.7389 and AOALO.3742.
sensing is more often used in monitoring and researching Environment. Testing GIS and remote sensing to actualize and preparing maps gave very good effects. That was the reason for using this solution for shape researching and creating geomorphological maps. The purpose of research was to create detailed geomorphological map of Narew National Park and its buffer zone in scale 1:25 000 using remote sensing (spectroscopy images), GIS programs, available maps and fi eld research carried out in the National Park. Narew National Park is located in Podlaskie Voivodeship, in North-Eastern Poland, traversed by the Narew River. The total area of the Park is 73.5 square kilometres of which only 20.57 km² is state-owned. Narew National Park was created in 1996. The area covered by the park is the Upper Narew Valley, a very swampy area. The methodology of map preparation was composed from 3 stages: Stage 1 – introductory geomorphologic sketch Stage 2 – preparing geomorphologic map in scale 1:25000 Stage 3 – Composition of map – preparing for printing The methodology of research didn’t include stereographic images. The alternative solution was interpretation of mosaic of spectroscopy images putted on DTM with 10 times superiority. Superiority was essential because height differences on the research area are rather small (only 50 m between the highest and the lowest point). The interpretation of boundaries between forms was carried out on DTM products, which were: hypsometric map, slopes and shaded relief. New solution was also the usage of color infrared images which was until this research used only in investigating plants and their diseases and also in hydrology. Interesting solution was the development of photointerpretaion key in which 3-D images were used (generated from DTM). This was great opportunity to visualize shape and spatial relation between geomorphologic forms. It was also very helpful in stating the origin of the forms. What is more authors examined new form of presenting geomorphologic content. The impression of mallable picture was achieved by putting geomorphological map on the image of slopes, generated from DTM. After the research few conclusions were made. 1. Color infrared images are very useful in relief exploration, mainly because: convex form, in which water table is deeper, are brighter on the satellite image than concave forms, in which water table is lower, emphasis of the shadow is very useful for distinguishing excavation, the absorption of infra-red radiation by water caused that every water body is very well seen, for example water in Narew riverbed, oxbow lake and other lakes. 2. DTM and maps which can be generated from it can replace topographic map and long and expensive terrain studies. 3. GIS offers programs which are useful not only in map preparation but also in the process of its composition. Literature studies and presented research lead to the statement that relief of researched area was formed in the close of Wolstonian Stage (in Polish: Zlodowacenie Środkowopolskie) and it was denudated in latest time of Pleistocene and Holocene.
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