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Artykuł zawiera opis możliwości wykorzystania Sieciocentrycznej Platformy Teleinformatycznej Jaśmin w systemie zarządzania transportem szynowym. Autorzy odwołują się do doświadczeń wojska z zakresu rozwoju systemów wspomagania dowodzenia, wskazują korzyści wynikające z wykorzystania w Siłach Zbrojnych RP. Szczególny nacisk kładą na prowadzone w Wydziale Zarządzania i Dowodzenia Akademii Obrony Narodowej badania naukowe, które spowodowały, we współpracy z przemysłem krajowym, stworzeniem i rozwojem unikatowych rozwiązań w skali Europy i NATO, a które są wysoce cenionymi na całym świecie narzędziami zbudowanymi w zgodzie z teorią działań sieciocentrycznych oraz architekturą SOA. Autorzy przekonują, że dostępne w wojsku rozwiązanie może bez konieczności ponoszenia dużych nakładów pracy i środków finansowych dostosowane do potrzeb transportu kolejowego – zarządzania jego potencjałem zarówno stacjonarnym, jak i ruchomym.
The article contains the description of the possibility of using the Network-centric Platform Jasmine in rail transport management system. Authors appeals to army experiences (especially the Land Forces) in the field of command supporting systems development. They point out benefits from these tools in military forces of the Republic of Poland. Authors put emphasis on experience assembled in the Management and Command Faculty of National Defence University during their research. Research carried out in cooperation with the domestic industry, contribute the development of unique solutions in the scale of Europe and the NATO, and which are highly valued worldwide tools built in accordance with theory of network-centric action and SOA architecture. Authors convince, that solution available in army can, without the need to incur great workloads and financial means, be adapted for needs of railway transport - for managing both stationary and movable potential.
Organization of a manager’s workday has certain impact on numerous issues. No one needs to be convinced that the thesis is right. It is not only creation of own image but affecting many affairs connected with the functioning of a company or its element. A manager, due to his or her position in an enterprise, is able to significantly influence the activities of subordinates. One should also consider the fact that there is a correlation between a nature of work, specific character of a company and personality of a commander (manager). He or she is the one who choosing style of leadership is many a time determined by nature of work and issues to be decided. Remarkable feedback activity takes place between subculture of the managed and certain personal features and habits of a manager. Practice indicates that it would be good if a boss selected his or her style of leadership with respect to the subculture that can be initially found in an enterprise. There are many considerations affecting organization of a manager’s activity, his vertical and horizontal relations. It is not justifiable for a new boss occupying his or her position to destroy everything established by predecessors. In numerous literature analyses treating of management and the functioning of organization there is no direct reference to a specific company (firm, enterprise). As a rule general issues are presented and the function of a manager is defined in different ways. The subject matter that have briefly been elaborated on above show unambiguously that efficient organization of a manager’s activities is an important factor of an enterprise’s functioning efficiency. Such a statement is a result of, above all, the fact that a manager who irrationally organizes own activities may make many factual errors and have a disorganizing impact on work of direct subordinates and the whole company. A manager’s bad model may lead to a complete breakdown of institution efficiency. Even a traditional proverb, being a generalization of experience centuries old, draws one’s attention to this phenomenon by the following saying: „like master, like man”.
Ronda stają się coraz ważniejszym elementem krajobrazu miasta. Place te lokalizowane są w miejscach zbiegu najważniejszych arterii, w celu ułatwienia komunikacji. O ich atrakcyjności świadczy nie tylko zajmowany obszar czy lokalizacja, ale również pomysł na zagospodarowanie.
Content available remote Operations in the network-centric environment
Network-centric as the idea of action, through the use of the large scale of modern systems to acquire, transfer, and information management has become a fixture of the effective achievement of the objectives of the military action. To understand the situation on an ongoing basis at occurring changes in its development, and in addition to reasonably manage your potential in achieving the purpose of military action.
Sieciocentryzm jako idea działania, poprzez zastosowanie na dużą skale nowoczesnych systemów zdobywania, przesyłania i zarządzania informacją stał się wyznacznikiem efektywnego osiągania celów działań zbrojnych. Umożliwia orientowanie się w sytuacji na bieżąco podczas występujących zmian w jej rozwoju, a ponadto pozwala racjonalnie zarządzać posiadanym potencjałem w osiąganiu celu działań zbrojnych.
Content available Organizacja pracy własnej kierownika
Kluczową sprawą w organizowaniu pracy własnej przez kierownika jest właściwe gospodarowanie czasem, aby go skutecznie rozplanować, zagospodarować i wykorzystać, należy dokładnie poznać swoje możliwości oraz cele, jakie chce się osiągnąć. Kierownik, planując pracę własną, powinien brać pod uwagę czynniki określające wydajną, racjonalną pracę umysłową oraz zasady gospodarowania funduszem czasu osobistego. Należy pamiętać, że efektywne wykorzystanie funduszu czasu osobistego zależy głównie od stylu i przyjętych metod pracy własnej. Planując swoje działanie, kierownik powinien więc uwzględnić podstawowe zasady oszczędnego gospodarowania czasem.
While organizing own activities of a manager, appropriate time management is the key issue. Next step is to point out that one should thoroughly get to know one's capabilities and objectives to be achieved in order to effectively plan, manage and exploit time. Conducted researches show that high percentage of a manager's activities and time of their duration may be quite precisely planned. A lot depends on boss though. Most of them endeavour to comply with a principle of planned relations with subordinates and superiors. They carefully prepare decision (information) collected on the basis of own thoughts and ad hoc information.
Restructuring and reorganization are the notions which National Defence Univiersity experienced in practice due to the transformation of basic organizational units of the university. This article describes the changes having taken place in the way of functioning of the new Management and Command Faculty. The article shows legal basis that make the foundation of new organizational solutions. Moreover, the main premises of changes in education are presented and the educational process is characterized. Through the Faculty’s structure, the tasks and areas of scientific, research and didactic responsibilities are outlined. As far as officers' education is concerned, the main disadvantage of new organizational solutions is reducing to minimum the didactic lessons teaching tactical and operational preparation during extramural studies at the second cycle of university education (Master’s course). However, the offers of postgraduate courses addressed to senior officers have been extended. The curricula (programmes) for civilian courses of study have met new challenges taking into consideration didactic standards. Also, the offer of post-diploma courses and tertiary education courses is very attractive.
Content available remote Wspólny obraz sytuacji operacyjnej a środowisko sieciocentryczne
The article presents the interrelations that appear while creating a common operational picture (COP) while conducting operations in network centric environment. COP means integrating the possibilities of reception, correlation and imagery of common operational tactical picture which includes the application of operations planning, overlapping and generating layers at the theatre of operations and projection of data including selected elements basing on data filtration and aggregation. This facilitates common planning and allows all participants to reach the situational awareness which should be shared by more than one decision-making centre.
Content available remote Modyfikacja systemu walki wojsk lądowych SZ RP : artykuł dyskusyjny
One of the crucial elements in commands’ and forces’ training is the synchronization of the fighting system which allows the coordination of various assets’ and forces’ operation directed to achieve the task of fighting (operations) in a way which agrees with the commander’s decision. The synchronization of this fighting system conducted on armed forces’ operational and tactical level includes carrying out various planning and organizational undertakings aiming to achieve coordinated and efficient operation of assets and forces engaged in combat operations (fighting). The article presents the author’s opinions relating to the new approach to the problem of fighting system synchronizing in new conditions that the Polish Armed Forces face.
Content available Praca kierownika w organizacji zhierarchizowanej
Artykuł opisuje rolę organizacji pracy kadry kierowniczej, najczęściej popełniane przez kierownika błędy i ich wpływ na pracę całego zespołu podległych pracowników.
The article describes the role of organization of manager.s work, the most often mistakes and their influence on work of whole team.
Content available remote Walka sieciocentryczna wyzwaniem XXI wieku
The development of teleinformatic technologies, the Internet and global computer network initiated information revolution involving free access to information gathered in the net and fa st information exchange via the Internet. Commercial sector experiences became the basis to adopt the Information Superiority notion for the military domain needs. Treating armed forces as a net-centric company, military specialists saw the possibility to increase the armed forces effectiveness in a similar way through radical relations’ improvement of engaged forces versus achieved tactical (operational, strategic) effect. The article authors present the network centric origins and idea in a crosssectional and graphic way (numerous pictures) treating Network Centric Warfare as the 21st century challenge. Apart from notions’ explanations, the authors feature the division of Network Centric Warfare space into physical, informational or cognitive domains or in another approach into layers, e.g. command, information layers etc. In the conclusion the capabilities to reach standards required by this concept were stressed and the USA military leading role in this area was shown. It is also worth paying attention to the proposal of measures that the Polish Armed Forces have to undertake in order to implement solutions identified with net-centric operations.
Content available remote Szkolenie wojsk lądowych : doskonalenie systemu. Cz. 2
The political-military situation in Europe, internal conditions o f a country and a new organization and principles of functioning of the armed forces - these are the basic determinants enforcing a permanent verification and update of assumptions as well as forms and ways of training all the elements of defense system, especially the entities commanding the army. Military pragmatists and theoreticians have recently made substantial efforts to study the problem of commands and troops preparation to conduct combat activities. These efforts should result in new, fit for contemporary times, solutions in the training system of the Polish Armed Forces, including the subsystem of the Army training. This service, just like all other components of the armed forces, has been undergoing downsizing and reorganization. The aim of the reform formulated many years ago is still relevant and involves: increasing operational capabilities and mobility, introducing new structures and functional solutions adequate to the requirements of modern warfare, increasing professionalization and modernity. Despite the invariability of the main goal of training, the need for continuous adjusting the content of training to the actual conditions of its realization still exists. The former ideas reflecting the past should be replaced with the relevant new ones. If we do not adjust them, our actions will depart form reality and we will be less able to act effectively. This thesis of Alvin Toffler applied to our armed forces means the process of permanent improvement in every aspect of the army’s existence. Especially today, when the army is being prepared to operate abroad. The joint execution of military and nonmilitary tasks now and in the future requires the introduction of the professional armed forces ready to cope with these tasks. This readiness is possible to achieve only by permanent implementation (improvement) of the training process. Training has always been the main task of the armed forces in time of peace. It has been conducted to prepare the commands and armies to organize and wage operational-tactic actions in case of military conflict or war. All armies use national forms, methods and ways of training that have been worked out through the years and determined by tradition, the wealth of the country, the society’s attitude to military service and training base they have at their disposal. In the article the elements of the army training system in functional and organizational aspects are presented.
Content available remote Szkolenie wojsk lądowych : doskonalenie systemu. Cz. 1
The political-military situation in Europe, internal conditions of a country and a new organization and principles of functioning of the armed forces - these are the basic determinants enforcing a permanent verification and update of assumptions as well as forms and ways of training all the elements of defense system, especially the entities commanding the army. Military pragmatists and theoreticians have recently made substantial efforts to study the problem of commands and troops preparation to conduct combat activities. These efforts should result in new, fit for contemporary times, solutions in the training system of the Polish Armed Forces, including the subsystem of the Army training. This service, just like all other components of the armed forces, has been undergoing downsizing and reorganization. The aim of the reform formulated many years ago is still relevant and involves: increasing operational capabilities and mobility, introducing new structures and functional solutions adequate to the requirements of modern warfare, increasing professionalization and modernity,. Despite the invariability of the main goal of training, the need for continuous adjusting the content of training to the actual conditions of its realization still exists. The former ideas reflecting the past should be replaced with the relevant new ones. If we do not adjust them, our actions will depart from reality and we will be less able to act effectively. This thesis of Alvin Toffler applied to our armed forces means the process of permanent improvement in every aspect of the army’s existence. Especially today, when the army is being prepared to operate abroad. The joint execution of military and nonmilitary tasks now and in the future requires the introduction of the professional armed forces ready to cope with these tasks. This readiness is possible to achieve only by permanent implementation (improvement) of the training process. Training has always been the main task of the armed forces in time of peace. It has been conducted to prepare the commands and armies to organize and wage operational-tactic actions in case of military conflict or war. All armies use national forms, methods and ways of training that have been worked out through the years and determined by tradition, the wealth of the country, the society’s attitude to military service and training base they have at their disposal. In the article the elements of the army training system in functional and organizational aspects are presented.
Content available remote Miejsce i rola kierownika ćwiczenia podczas planowania ćwiczenia
The main task areas for an Exercise Director while exercise planning are the following: analyses of all conditions and limitations that influence the preparation, organization and course of an exercise, mostly its shape, i.e. building the concept assumptions for preparing and conducting an exercise, issuing an order to prepare an exercise and work out guidelines for its authors’ team and controlling the authors’ tam's work. The range of work differs depending on the type, kind, form and momentum of an exercise. Having analyzed all the data, the exercise director makes a synthesis of all conclusions resulting from information analysis that is the basis to prepare an exercise and formulates conception assumptions to prepare and conduct an exercise (thus the so called exercise project), After developing the conception assumptions to prepare and conduct an exercise, the exercise director prepares guidelines for the authors’ team. In order to authorize all organizational and preparatory activities connected with the exercise, an order relating to preparing the exercise is issued.
The article presents characteristics (aim, idea, contents) of tactical training that is the simplest form of command training on the Polish Armed Forces tactical level and points out to its role and place in military exercises and its different variants.
The article presents selected problems of designing functional structure of brigade and division’s command post. Conducting a structural diagnosis of command post structure in a mechanised division, it has to be stated that a general command post structure is acceptable, the changes, however, will relate to the personnel of division’s command post at this centre. Taking into consideration information technology criteria (shortening the time and ways of information flow, data base integrity etc), we should tend to divide command posts into teams and functional sections, created basing on homogenous tactical and operational tasks and not on kinds of services and troops that perform these tasks. If the structure itself does not raise any doubts, then the personnel of particular teams and sections should be considered. The article presents some designing problems that should be taken into account in the time of changes currently taking place in the Polish Armed Forces.
Content available remote Miejsce i rola pułku dowodzenia w systemie dowodzenia korpusu
The article presents the role and place of a command regiment in the command system of a Polish land forces mechanised corps. The authors give some definitions of the command system notion, list its components so as to present the structure of a command regiment divided into organisational units and regimental organic subunits. Moreover the information links between selected command posts organised by a command regiment have been discussed. Their short characteristics and their role and place in the corps have been presented. The article also deals with organisational structure elements of mechanised corps command posts organised by command regiment forces. In the final part of the article there has been presented a sample operational structure of the Command Post, Ancillary Command Post, Forward Command Post of Mechanised Corps worked out for the needs of the exercise coded „Orion-99”.
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