W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze założenia metodyczne analizy ryzyka powodziowego z wykorzystaniem map zagrożenia i ryzyka powodziowego udostępnionych przez prezesa KZGW. Analizę tę wykonano na potrzeby przygotowania planów zarządzania ryzykiem powodziowym, będących końcowym etapem procesu wdrażania Dyrektywy Powodziowej UE.
The article presents the most important assumptions of the flood risk analysis, carried out with the use of flood threat and flood risk maps provided by the President of the National Water Management Authority. The analysis was carried out for the purposes of the flood risk management plans preparation, constituting the final stage of the EL) Flood Directive implementation.
Przedstawiony materiał [IMGW PIB 2015] stanowi uzupełnienie analizy i diagnozy problemów zarządzania ryzykiem powodziowym przeprowadzonej w ramach Opracowania planów zarządzania ryzykiem powodziowym dla obszarów dorzeczy i regionów wodnych, realizowanego na zlecenie Krajowego Zarządu Gospodarki Wodnej przez konsorcjum firm w składzie: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Grontmij Polska Sp. z o.o., ARCADIS Sp. z o.o. i DHI Polska Sp. z o.o. (2014).
The presented study [Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, National Research Institute 2015] constitutes a supplement for an analysis and a diagnosis of issues in flood risk management carried out as part of the Elaboration of the flood risk management plants for river basins and water regions, prepared at the request of the National Water Management Authority by a consortium of companies composed of: the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, National Research Institute, Grontmij Polska Sp. z o.o., ARCADIS Sp. z o.o. and DHI Polska Sp. z o.o. (2014).
The objective of the presented paper was the analysis of the effect of embankment culverts P7 and P8, built within the compensation work, on the water management of the Zagorow Polder. Before the year 2009, the polder formed the closed part of Kaminsko-Pyzderska Valley, completely cut off them by the river embankment from the periodically rising of Warta river. For the necessary calculation purposes, a mahematical model has been applied which permits to calculate the transformation of the flood waves. Additionally, the model has been enriched, among others, by a module permitting to calculate the water flow through the water installations like culverts, overflows, pumping stations, or reservoirs. This model has been constructed on the basis of digitalized points of river network and the added to it (through milage expressed in kilometgres) river cross-sections. The points of river network were introduced directly to a digitalized screen of topogtraphic maps of the given area and additionally by the utilization of the data base of XY points from digital vecor layers. All calculations were carried out on a one-dimensional model Mike 11 of a Danish Institute of Hydrology which includes the Saint Venant system of equation continuity and momentum conservation. The performed analyses have shown, that during freshet occurrence in the Warta river bed, it is necessary to open the P7 and P8 culverts in 50%. Then, there will follow a water supply to the Zagorow Polder by the Warta river until the level in the embankment culvert and in the polder will equalize. The emptying of the polder should be supported by the work of the pumping station. A gravitational outflow, after the opening of culverts PW1, PW2, P7 and P8 is not possible before the water level in WArta river descends. The time of polder emptying from the excess of water, according to to the experiments on the model, can be shdortened to about 11 days. In order to fulfill this condition, it is necessary to limit the overfilling of the Zagorow polder by the culverts P7 and P8 5 to the level of 76.2 m a.s.l (above sea level). This limitation results from the actual operating conditions of Zagorow intermediate pumping station. According to the valid operation instruction, the intermediate pumping station works within the following switch on levels of the pumping units: 76.90 m a.s.l. and the level of the switching off of the pumping aggregates: 75.50 m a.s.l.
W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe wymagania oraz ogólny zarys problematyki związanej z budową modelu matematycznego, wykonanego na bazie opracowanego przez Duński Instytut Hydrauliczny pakietu MIKĘ 11. Program ten -jako matematyczny model odcinka Warty - zrealizowano w ramach zadań nałożonych na OKI - RZGW, uwzględniając jednocześnie możliwość dalszej rozbudowy.
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