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The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) became mandatory for new ships as well as the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships due to the MEPC 62 (July 2011) along with the adoption of amendments to MARPOL Annex VI by the Parties to the MARPOL Annex VI. This was the first legally binding climate change treaty to be adopted since the Kyoto Protocol. The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), which has been obligatory since 2013, did not to cover fishing cutters but triggered the implementation of energy efficiency audits due to fishing limits, high fuel prices, and free freight market. All the above caused that ship-owners started seeking ways for saving money and keep their business profitable. Apart from energy recovery installations, fishing vessels have been furnished with the latest technologies aimed at the reduction of energy consumption and at making ships greener. A research team of the Maritime University of Szczecin conducted energy efficiency audits on several fishing vessels operated on the Baltic Sea and stated that up to 40% of the energy is used during fishing operations by hydraulic devices installed at the fishing vessels. The paper presents the measurement results of energy consumption in typical operational states based on a selected fishing cutter operating at the Baltic Sea. The paper includes also the recommendations in terms modernization of hydraulic installations and the changes of control methods for devices with hydraulic drive. The calculations are also presented herein and they prove that it is possible to reduce energy consumption by a fishing cutter even by 20% while maintaining the unchanged operating parameters of the hydraulic devices.
In recent years lean thinking (also referred as slim) increases its popularity not only in industry, but also in the entire business world. There are many confirmed effects demonstrating the high effectiveness of this philosophy: a clear improvement of economic indicators, an increase in current satisfaction and the acquisition of new clients; better, stable quality of offered products and services; efficient organization of production; more effective management; high productivity of work and production; minimizing the costs of production and storage of stocks. Why is Lean implementation in our domestic conditions not easy and sometimes ineffective? In this study we will try to answer these very important questions.
The search for new polymer processing ways has become necessary due to the rapidly growing technology and market needs. The time of manufacturing products, as well as the impact of process parameters and the design itself on the properties of materials have become very important. Therefore, the creation of assumptions allowing the construction of a compact device whose construction will allow, for example, high process efficiency at low screw rotational speeds or a high degree of material homogenisation, is expected by the market. However, this requires the design of new or continuous modifications and improvements to existing structures.
The BWM Convention (Ballast Water Management Convention) will enter into force on 8 September 2017. This document is a response to a very significant problem such as sea water pollution. Due to the Convention, a huge number of companies will be forced to analyze the matter and implement the required provisions. They shall also assess the technologies applied and the fixed systems for ballast water treatment as well as set the requirements in relation to the selection and installation of same at ships. The paper presents the currently applicable regulations and the review of the technologies used for ballast water treatment. There are 5 ballast water treatment systems described herein that are offered by the top producers. The paper includes also the technical and operational parameters of the systems in question. The analysis shall allow for an assessment that may be valuable during the selection process.
The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) became mandatory for new ships as well as the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships due to the MEPC 62 (July 2011) along with the adoption of amendments to MARPOL Annex VI by the Parties to the MARPOL Annex VI. This was the first legally binding climate change treaty to be adopted since the Kyoto Protocol. The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), which has been obligatory since 2013, did not to cover fishing cutters but triggered the implementation of energy efficiency audits due to fishing limits, high fuel prices, and free freight market. A research team of the Maritime University of Szczecin conducted energy efficiency audits on several fishing vessels operated on the Baltic Sea and provided the results to the shipowners. On their grounds, the shipowners started seeking methods to reduce energy consumption. They began modernizing the vessels using the information collected in the reports on energy audits. Usually, the modernization process is performed in severa stages. Apart from energy recovery installations, fishing vessels were furnished with the latest technologies aimed at the reduction of energy consumption and at making ships greener. The paper presents results of the said process at the selected fishing cutters operating on the Baltic Sea. The paper includes also the recommendations on the directions of the following stages of the audits.
W artykule przedstawiono autorski program komputerowy umożliwiający wykonywanie obliczeń wskaźników ekonomicznych inwestycji na jednostkach rybackich. Procedury obliczeniowe opracowano z wykorzystaniem danych literaturowych oraz metodyki dostosowanej o specyfiki jednostek polskiej floty rybackiej. Dane niezbędne do obliczeń i analiz pochodzą z wyniku finansowego, bilansu oraz danych zewnętrznych. Mogą być wprowadzane przez armatorów i być gromadzone w bazie danych stanowiącej integralną część programu komputerowego. Obliczenia można wykonywać z wykorzystaniem danych uzyskanych podczas eksploatacji kutrów w celu uzyskania wartości rzeczywistych wskaźników ekonomicznych jednostki, jak również symulować i sprawdzać nowe warianty rozwiązań finansowania i opłacalności eksploatacji jednostek rybackich.
The paper presents a proprietary software due to which it is possible to calculate economic indicators for investments at fishing vessels. The calculation process has been developed by the application of literature data and methodology adapted to the specificity of the Polish fishing fleet vessels. The data that is required for calculation and analysis are fed from the financial result, balance sheet and external data. They may be entered by shipowners. The may also be gathered in a database which is an integral part of the software. The calculation may be performed using data obtained during vessels operations in order to obtain the actual results of economic indicators for particular vessels as well as in order to simulate and seek for new options for financial solutions and profitability of fishing vessels operation.
W artykule poruszono tematykę wykorzystania mocy zainstalowanej elektrowni okrętowej zbiornikowców LNG jako jednego z głównych czynników wpływających na efektywność wykonania zadania transportowego statku. Autorzy podjęli próbę oceny energochłonności stanów eksploatacyjnych w jakich znajduje się wspomniany rodzaj statku z turbinowym napędem parowym. Na podstawie obciążeń szczytowych, otrzymanych w wyniku obserwacji dokonanych na zbiornikowcu LNG o pojemności 138 tys. m³, dokonano oceny wykorzystania mocy zainstalowanego okrętowego systemu elektroenergetycznego i zaproponowano dwa warianty rozwiązań konfiguracji elektrowni, mającej na celu poprawienie efektywności wykorzystania wyprodukowanej na statku energii elektrycznej.
The article describes power use of LNG carrier power plant, as one of the main parts affecting the transport task achievement. Authors attempted to evaluate the energy consumption of the vessel with turbine steam dive in different ship operational conditions. Based on maximum peak loads, got in observations of LNG carrier with capacity of 138 000 m³, authors made an assessment of power use in marine power system. They proposed two ways of solution for power plant configuration which aim is to improve an efficiency of using electricity produced on the ship.
This article discusses requirements for the extinguishing systems in the engine room. The sources of fire hazards in engine rooms were characterized. The causes and consequences of selected engine room fires that occurred within the last five years were presented. The basic requirements for the fire-extinguishing systems installed in engine rooms were scrutinized. The most commonly used fire-extinguishing systems in engine rooms are the ones containing a gaseous extinguishing agent. Their main advantages are short response time after agent release and the ability to supply an extinguishing medium to areas that are hard to access. The agent used in such systems does not cause damage and there is no need to remove its residues after fighting the fire, as in the case of other agents such as foams. As an example, a CO2 system was characterized, as it is the most frequently used in engine rooms.
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), in particular, dedicated to the prevention to marine pollution by ships, adopted in 2007 the provisions implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). The EEDI was implemented as an amendment to the MARPOL Annex VI. The index specifies the technical standards and norms imposed on shipyards, which shall be intended to improve the energy efficiency of certain categories of new ships and vessels, consequently leading to the reduction of CO2 emission by around 25-35 percent till 2030. The paper presents the operational factors affecting fuel consumption and energy efficiency indexes of a ship, the algorithm of verification and certification of the EDDI along with exemplary calculations for a container ship.
The paper presents guidelines for the factors affecting the energy efficiency of fishing vessels. A main classification covers operational and structural factors. This classification is due to circumstances under which an opportunity to make decisions affecting the final energy consumption level arises. Under this approach one may distinguish operational and structural methods for energy efficiency management of fishing vessels.
W artykule przestawiono krajowe i międzynarodowe regulacje prawne dotyczące zbierania i transportu odpadów niebezpiecznych. Opisana została Umowa Europejska dotycząca międzynarodowego przewozu drogowego towarów niebezpiecznych (ADR) oraz Zalecenia ONZ które ujednoliciły wymagania techniczne obowiązujące przy organizowaniu transportu. Omówiona również została Konwencja Bazylejska o kontroli transgranicznego przemieszczania i usuwania odpadów niebezpiecznych. Pierwszym ogniwem systemu logistycznego w sferze gospodarowania odpadami niebezpiecznymi jest ich właściwe gromadzenie. Zaraz potem istotne jest zgodne z wymaganiami przetransportowanie odpadów do miejsca ich zagospodarowania. W artykule podano również klasyfikacje oraz oznakowanie odpadów niebezpiecznych.
The article discusses the national and international regulations for the collection and transport of hazardous waste. Describes the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the United Nations Recommendations that have harmonized technical requirements applicable with transportation. Also discussed was the Basel Convention on the Control of transboundary movements of hazardous waste and their disposal. The first link of the logistics system in the field of hazardous waste management is the appropriate collection. Immediately afterwards it is important to comply with the requirements of transporting the waste to the place of their development. The article presents the classification and labeling of hazardous waste.
nr 3
4637--4641, CD 1
The paper presents possibilities regarding the management of electric power and mechanical energy at polish fishing vessels on the example of power, pump and ventilation systems. The aim of the said possibilities is to reduce and limit fuel consumption and to reduce the impact of exhaust gases on the environment.. In both systems there are the possibilities to control the flow volume, to reduce static and dynamic discharge pressure and to manage flow volume on the grounds of volume control instead of throttle control. The identification of the possibilities to manage energy requires detailed assessment of a current method regarding working media application.
W artykule przedstawiano możliwości zarzadzania energia mechaniczna i elektryczna jednostek rybackich, na przykładzie okrętowych instalacji energetycznych, pompowych i wentylacji mających na celu ograniczenie zużycia paliwa i zmniejszenie oddziaływania gazów wylotowych na środowisko naturalne. W obu instalacjach istnieją możliwości sterowania wielkością strumieni, redukcji statycznego i dynamicznego ciśnienia tłoczenia oraz sterowania wielkością strumienia w oparciu o regulację objętościową zamiast dławieniowej. Identyfikacja możliwości zarządzania energią wymaga szczegółowego oszacowania aktualnego sposobu wykorzystania mediów roboczych.
W artykule przedstawiano opis prostych rozwiązań poprawiających efektywność energetyczną układu śruba- kadłub jednostek polskiej floty bałtyckiej wraz z korzyściami wynikającymi z ich zastosowania. Uwzględnione zostały tylko rozwiązania nie wymagające dużych nakładów finansowych, a nie wpływające znacząco na opłacalność działalności oraz opłacalność decyzji inwestycyjnych armatorów.
The paper presents describes the simple solutions that improve the energy efficiency of the hull propeller- Polish Baltic fleet, together with the benefits arising from their use. Included are the only solutions that do not require large amounts of money, and not significantly affecting the profitability of operations and profitability of investment decisions shipowners.
W artykule przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na efektywność energetyczną jednostek rybackich, możliwości jej poprawy wraz z przedstawieniem danych dotyczących zużycia energii związanych głownie przemianą energii chemicznej zawartej w paliwie na efekt użytkowy. Przedstawione działania podnoszące efektywność energetyczną, możliwe do zastosowania na jednostkach rybackich, zostały podzielone na działania technologiczne, eksploatacyjne i logistyczne.
The paper presents factors that affect the energy efficiency of fishing vessles, the possibilities of its improvement together with the presentation of data regarding power consumption related mainly with the conversion of chemical energy in fuel to usefull effect. The activities presented herein aimed at the improvement of energy efficiency, which are possible to apply at fishing vessles, have been divided into technologica, operational and logistics activities.
The analysis of students’ education at the Engineering Department of the Maritime University of Szczecin has been presented in this paper with reference to steam and gas turbine propulsion used in marine industry. Changes in syllabuses have been taken into consideration due to the changes of studies organization at the University and requirements for marine crew education. Laboratory base used for practical training has been presented too.The analysis of students’ education at the Engineering Department of the Maritime University of Szczecin has been presented in this paper with reference to steam and gas turbine propulsion used in marine industry. Changes in syllabuses have been taken into consideration due to the changes of studies organization at the University and requirements for marine crew education. Laboratory base used for practical training has been presented too.
Some possibilities of using computer simulation methods for LNG terminals operators have been presented In this article. A simulator in a training system is a very crucial tool because of practical application of the gained skills and knowledge. Maritime University is the only educational centre in Poland having the teaching base built on modern technical solutions allowing to train operators for LNG terminals.
Due to the lack of legislation specifically referring to the energy efficiency of ships, the following acts and recommendations, which shall be referred to during preparation and conducting the energy efficiency assessment of fishing vessels, have been recalled and briefly characterized in this paper.
The article presented non destruction method and results of using thermal method in diagnostic of marine plant operation of fishing fleet vessel.
The paper presents theoretical analysis of risk assessment of environmental pollution resulting from oil management in the Baltic Sea fishing fleet. Risk assessment is an integral part of safety management, including the environmentally safe operation of vessels. The number of fishing vessels in Polish ports has also been presented. The probability and severity of accidents that could occur has been included as well – based on authors’ experience.
The paper presents an analysis of ecological aspects of oil management in the Baltic Sea fishing fleet based on studies held as part of the project Operational Programme “Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector and Coastal Fishing Areas 2007–2013”. There have been proposed algorithms to the preliminary estimation of oils consumption in the fishing vessel fleet, the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere, the amount of used oils reaching the boat bilges, the quantity of hydraulic used on fishing craft.
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