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W pracy przedstawiono metodyczne podejście do rozwiązania problemu projektowania wózka inwalidzkiego spełniającego więcej potrzeb niż zazwyczaj. Zdekomponowano zadanie projektowe. Zbudowano hierarchię funkcji oraz podano wymagania podstawowe i dodatkowe dla wózka inwalidzkiego. Przedstawiono dwa koncepcyjne warianty rozwiązania zadania projektowego.
The paper presents a methodical approach to solving the problem of designing a wheelchair that meets more than the usual needs of users. The design task was decomposed. A hierarchy of functions was built and the basic and additional requirements for a wheelchair were presented. In the paper, two conceptual variants of solutions to the design task are presented.
The purpose of the publication is to present a holistic approach to architectural design of a home that promotes longevity and supports independent, satisfying life of the elderly. The proposal is to integrate universal design methodology, home automation, sustainable design and contextualism to support a sense of belonging. An important thread is the presentation of kitchen design and modular cupboard design - the gold medal winning design at innovation fairs in Pittsburgh, USA and Euroinvent 2014 in Romania.
Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie holistycznego podejścia do projektowania architektonicznego domu, który sprzyja długowieczności i wspomaga samodzielne, satysfakcjonujące życie osób starszych. Postulatem jest integracja metodologii projektowania uniwersalnego, wykorzystanie automatyki domowej, zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju i kontekstualizmu wspierającego poczucie przynależności. Istotnym wątkiem pracy jest prezentacja autorskich projektów kuchni oraz szafy modułowej – projektu nagradzanego na wystawach innowacyjności w Pittsburgu, USA oraz Euroinvent 2014 w Rumunii.
Samodzielne przemieszczanie się ma istotny wpływ na jakość życia każdego człowieka, jest to szczególnie ważne dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami. W artykule przedstawiono wytyczne ergonomiczne dotyczące techniki przystosowywania indywidualnych samochodów do potrzeb niepełnosprawnego kierowcy i pasażera. Opisywane rozwiązania osobno ujęto dla indywidualnych samochodów osobowych oraz osobno dla uniwersalnych samochodów do przewożenia dowolnego użytkownika wózka inwalidzkiego. Podsumowanie artykułu stanowi skonfrontowanie wytycznych z zasadami ergonomii.
Independent mobility is significant for everybody's quality of life it is especially important for people with disabilities. This article presents ergonomics guidelines for adapting individual cars to meet the needs of drivers with disabilities and their passengers. The solutions have been described for individual cars and for universal cars for transporting any user of a wheelchair. This article ends with a confrontation of the guidelines with the principles of ergonomics.
Współczesne środki transportu zbiorowego powinny uwzględniać potrzeby wszystkich ich użytkowników. W artykule przedstawiono wytyczne techniczne zgodne z wymaganiami ergonomii, dotyczące środków transportu publicznego. Przytoczono prawne wymogi dostępności transportu publicznego dla osób o specjalnych potrzebach. Opisano główne obszary problemowe, a następnie zestawiono ich opis z zasadami projektowania uniwersalnego. Powołano liczne aktualne źródła wiedzy przydatne do identyfikacji potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. Artykuł zamyka otwarty katalog przykładowych rozwiązań ergonomicznych.
Modern means of public transport should consider the needs of all users. This article presents ergonomics guidelines and legal requirements for the accessibility of public transport for people with special needs. It defines the main problem areas, and then compares them with the principles of universal design. Numerous sources helpful in identifying the needs of people with disabilities are presented. An open catalog of sample ergonomic solutions ends this article.
W pracy opisano problemy związane z dostosowaniem samochodu osobowego do możliwości kierowcy z niepełnosprawnościami motorycznymi. Zaproponowano skład zespołu ekspertów, którzy współuczestniczą w procesie doradztwa. Opracowano zbiór wytycznych umożliwiających osobie z niepełnosprawnością dokonanie wyboru samochodu. Omówiono dofinansowanie zakupu samochodu i jego oprzyrządowania.
The paper discusses issues related to the adaptation of passenger vehicles and the capabilities of drivers with a motor disability. The paper proposes a team of experts, consulting specialists, who participate in the decision-making process. Guidelines are created that will aid a person with a disability to select a passenger vehicle. Finally, subsidies for the purchase of a vehicle and the required equipment are discussed.
Many studies have demonstrated that agent-based distributed computing improves quality of distributed computations. In this paper, self-aware software agents are used to manage the distributed computations in order to improve effectiveness of investment decisions. A distributed time series forecasting approach based on the modified Group Method Data Handling (GMDH) method and agent oriented programing is proposed. The forecasted results computed by agents are used to make an investment decision. To assess the effectiveness of the system, we used the time series of EUR/USD currency pair stock prices. The empirical results with a real data set clearly suggest that the system can be deployed on the trading platform to automate process of the prediction of financial markets.
Content available remote Development of designing of technical resources for elderly and disabled persons
This paper discusses some selected problems associated with the development and design of technical means for disabled persons and senior citizens. Domestic market for these products was characterised. Moreover, areas of possible development of domestic products as well as causes of poor development of products were examined and problems linked with communication within a designing team and member selection of such a team were indicated. Selected development trends in the global market of technical resources for disabled and senior persons were discussed.
W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem i rozwojem środków technicznych dla osób niepełnosprawnych i starszych. Scharakteryzowano rynek krajowy tych produktów. Podano obszary możliwego ich rozwoju oraz przyczyny słabego rozwoju. Wskazano na problem porozumiewania się w zespole projektowym i doboru takiego członków zespołu. Omówiono wybrane tendencje rozwojowe światowego rynku środków dla osób niepełnosprawnych i starszych.
This work is an overview of the state of art of distributed computing in scope of the new trends in artificial computational intelligence. Grid computing as main ingredient of cloud computing is most vulnerable to the positive effect of connection with multi-agent systems. The Web Semantic Language (OWL) can help to provide structured semantic description of the existential environment for agent and support them in processing knowledge which gives agent better ability to reasoning and acting in intelligent manner.
Niniejsza praca jest próbą zobrazowania stanu techniki obliczeń rozproszonych pod kątem nowych trendów w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji. Grid jako główny składnik Chmury obliczeniowej jest najbardziej podatny na pozytywny efekt połączenia z systemami wieloagentowymi. Język opisu Semantycznej Sieci (OWL) może przyczynić się do zapewnienia strukturyzowanego opisu środowiska egzystencjalnego dla agentów, przez co wesprzeć ich w efektywniejszym rozumowaniu i działaniu w inteligentny sposób.
Obecnie, aby nadążyć za coraz szybciej zmieniającym się światem, społeczeństwo niezależnie od wieku musi nieustannie dokształcać się i samodoskonalić. W artykule zaproponowano sposób kształcenia ratowników z wykorzystaniem innowacyjnej metody szkoleniowej, jaką jest cykl Kolba. Cykl ten traktuje proces uczenia jako ciąg opierający się na doświadczeniach jednostki i ich analizie, w którym w wyróżniono cztery etapy -doświadczenie, refleksję, teorię i praktykę. Meritum szkolenia a jest to, że uczestnicy mają na podstawie doświadczeń wysnuwać teorie, które następnie p potwierdzają. Aby wzbogacić i urozmaicić program szkolenia, a tym samym zachęcić kursantów do dalszej, bardziej wydajnej edukacji, w metodzie tej stosowanych jest wiele uzupełniających technik szkolenia, takich jak burza mózgów, case study, prace zespołowe czy twórcza dyskusja. Taki sposób szkolenia ratowników umożliwia lepsze przyswojenie wiedzy teoretycznej oraz maksymalizuje zrozumienie tematu, ponieważ w tej metodzie najważniejsze jest praktyczne w wykorzystanie wiedzy i doświadczeń życiowych ratowników.
Currently, in order to keep up with the ever faster changing world, society, regardless of age, must constantly improve his education and self-improvement. The article proposes a method of education rescuers using an innovative method of training, which is the Kolb cycle. This cycle treats learning as a sequence based on the experiences of individuals and their analysis, which identifies four stages -the experience, reflection, theory and practice. The merits of the training is that participants are based on experiences deduce theories, which are then confirmed. To enrich and diversify of the training program, and thereby encourage trainees to further, more efficient education in this method there are complementary training techniques such as brainstorming, case studies, team work and creative discussion. This method allows for better training of paramedics to acquire theoretical knowledge and maximizes understanding of the subject, because the most important is the practical application of knowledge and life experiences of rescuers.
In recent years, a large number of cameras have been installed in public spaces as a part of intelligent video surveillance systems. Such systems are being continuously developed due to the advancements in the Video Content Analysis algorithms. In this paper, some of the latest state-of-the-art intelligent video surveillance systems will be presented in the context of their most desirable characteristics and features. Due to the variety of the solutions the following categories have been taken into consideration: systems based on object detection, tracking and movement analysis, systems able to warn against, detect and identify abnormal and alarming situations, systems based on vehicle detection and traffic or parking lots analysis, object counting systems, systems based on multiple integrated camera views, privacy preserving systems and systems based on cloud environment. The paper describes several solutions for each category and underlines main functionalities of the current intelligent surveillance systems.
Sektor OZE od momentu wstąpienia Polski do UE zaczął się rozwijać. Jednak podczas wielu procesów inwestycyjnych napotykane są trudności administracyjne, prawne oraz coraz częściej społeczne. Brak jednolitych norm prawnych i przepisów administracyjnych hamuje rozwój OZE w Polsce. Aby w pełni wywiązać się z podpisanego w 2009 roku zobowiązania, polski rząd musi podjąć szereg inicjatyw wspierających rozwój OZE. Aktualnie zaledwie 8–9% energii pochodzi ze źródeł odnawialnych. W 2020 roku udział energii ze źródeł odnawialnych w końcowym zużyciu energii brutto powinien wynieść 15%.Wprowadzana w tym roku tzw. „nowa ustawa o OZE” stwarza pole do rozwoju energetyki odnawialnej w kraju. Zaplanowane w niej mechanizmy wsparcia powinny wesprzeć inwestorów planujących inwestycję w energię zieloną. Jednak cały czas należy pamiętać, że oprócz ustaleń na szczeblu krajowym, które zagwarantują jasne ramy funkcjonowania systemu wsparcia OZE, należy przeprowadzić szeroko zakrojoną akcję edukacyjno-informacyjną, która wskaże społeczności lokalnej szereg zalet wynikających z odnawialnych źródeł energii.
In conclusion, the renewable energy sector has been developing in Poland since the country acceded the European Union. However, this development is hampered by the lack of unified laws and regulations, and administrative, legal and recently also social obstacles aremet during a number of investment processes. In order to meet the EU commitmment signed in 2009, Polish government needs to undertake numerous initiatives promoting renewable energy sources. Currenly, merely 8–9% of energy comes from renewable sources, while by 2020 the share of energy from renewable sources should be incresed to 15% of gross final energy consumption. Introduced this year, the new regulation on renewable energy sources creates conditions necessary to develop Polish renewable energy industry and supports, through a number of mechanisms, investors willing to invest in green energy. Although the state regulations guarantee the efficient functioning of the support system for the renewable energy sector, it cannot be forgotten that also a large-scaled education and information campaign is needed to show local communities the numerous benefits of using renewable energy sources.
Celem badań jest opracowanie nowych wytycznych dotyczących projektowania/przeprojektowania przestrzeni samochodu dla niepełnosprawnego użytkownika. Systemy przechwytywania ruchu MOCAP wraz z programami do komputerowo wspomaganej analizy ergonomii pozwalają na szczegółową analizę procesu wsiadania i trajektorii poszczególnych części ciała i ich prędkości kątowych. Opisane pomiary ruchu dotyczyły wsiadania i wysiadania niepełnosprawnego użytkownika z pojazdu samochodowego oraz załadunku i wyładunku wózka inwalidzkiego przez użytkownika siedzącego za kierownicą samochodu.
In the presented article is presented the part of research work which is leaded with using the motion capture system (MOCAP) and computer aided ergonomic. In this work authors concentrate on discussion about advantages and disadvantages of MOCAP systems, in reference to proper choice type of hardware. Criterion of selection is application MOCAP system to measurements of movements of disabled driver getting into the car process, and loading process of the wheelchair.
The possibility of utilisation of an individually adjusted personal motorcar is one of important preconditions to undertake professional activities by persons with a considerable locomotive disability. This refers, in particular, to persons who move with the assistance of wheel chairs. Typical, serially manufactured personal motorcars are adapted to the requirements resulting from a disability. The original construction of such cars usually does not take into consideration specific needs of disabled persons. The objective of this study was to elaborate a list of specific car design requirements for a driver with a locomotive disability. The object of the performed analyses was the process of car driving (problems associated with independent loading and unloading of a foldable wheelchair were omitted). Furthermore, the authors did not study ergonomic issues associated with the maladjustment of individual devices adapting the car. The analysed data were obtained following interviews based on questionnaires submitted by disabled users of personal cars. All respondents moved about with the aid of wheelchairs and their disability was the result of injuries of the spinal cord (paraplegia and tetraplegia). The result of the investigations is a catalogue of specific ergonomic requirements regarding the operating space of the personal car driver.
The emulsion is a mixture of two or more insoluble liquids. Microemulsion is the emulsion with particles dimension in a range of one micrometer and smaller. Such a microemulsion of water and diesel fuel will create a novel quality and allows one to simultaneously achieve environmental and economic effects, as well as eliminate the adverse impact of normal emulsions, or adverse effects of water injection into the engine intake system or directly into the combustion chamber, as well as the sequential injection of water directly into the combustion chamber. Application of microemulsion of water and diesel to fuel diesel engine positively affects the combustion process through the catalytic impact of microparticles of water and to improve the process of preparation of the microemulsion injection into the combustion chamber as a result of water microparticles microexplosions. This article presents the investigation results of an internal combustion engine fuelled by an emulsion of water and diesel fuel and also fuelled by emulsion of FAME and water. It therefore seems appropriate to a strong increase in the degree of dispersion of water droplets in the emulsion by applying the methods to obtain the size of water droplets on nanometric range. This should dramatically improve both the stability of emulsion and its influence on the chemical effects of combustion in diesel engine. The performed analysis and investigation is the first stage of work, which is aimed to reduce emissions of PM and NOx simultaneously. It seems that the simultaneous reduction in emissions is possible through the usage of a stable emulsion, i.e. water-fuel microemulsion.
The study presents results of investigations carried out in the course of driving a motorcar by a person with a locomotive disability. Driving tests were conducted in road conditions, The scope of the performed analysis covered investigations concerning somatic and receptor relationships in the man - technical means system and, to a lesser extent, dealt with the psychological aspects of vehicle driving. The investigations employed selected methods of identification of expectations from direct users - questionnaire and interview. Initial investigations were carried out for one person with a locomotive disability (paraplegia). The authors used tests for the determination of subjective sensations during motorcar driving (comfort test and seat comfort). The employed questionnaire tools used verbal and point scales. The final result of initial experiments is a description of the adjustment of the vehicle with equipment (manually-operated accelerator - brake device) to the requirements of the driver with a locomotive disability on the basis of the driver 's subjective sensations of discomfort. This type of Information obtained in the form meeting the wishes or demands of the user provides the basis for the elaboration of design requirements. The results indicate that a typical driver's space designed for an able-bodied person does not fully meet the requirements of a person with a locomotive disability.
The study discusses results of investigations carried out in the course of driving a motorcar by a person with a locomotive disability. Driving tests were conducted in road conditions as well as on a manoeuvring sąuare. Observations concerned interactions of the disabled person during his/her utilisation of different pieces of equipment situated within the reach of the user's hands. The scope of the performed analysis covered investigations concerning somatic and receptor relationships in the man - technical means system and, to a lesser extent, dealt with the psychological aspects of vehicle driving. The investigations employed selected methods of Identification of expectations from direst users - video registration. Initial investigations were carried out for one person with a locomotive disability (paraplegia). Driver 's positions when performing various manoeuvres were initially compared with standard data (access to the comfort zone or comfort angles). The finał result of initial experiments is a description of the adjustment of the vehicle with equipment (manually-operated accelerator - brake) to the requirements of the driver with a locomotive disability. Moreover, the authors also give a list ofoperations, performed in the car, which require either assistance using technical means or redesigning in the motorcar.
Some results of preliminary engine performances and laser research are presented in the paper. Two kinds of injectors have been tested: the fist one - standard and the second - novel one on the basis of invention applied by M. Zablocki and J. Szymanski (P2944889). Investigations were conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector and on the LDV and POP A laser equipment. The novel research prototype injector has needle, which executes rotational - reciprocal movement. The novel worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that executes a change during the injection process, which enables lo decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at varied rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector in relation to engine performance was not optimised. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a novel injector and their influence on combustion process in different method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimisation. Some results of novel injector concerning brake power fuel consumption, CO emission and HC emission are the same or better than of standard injector. One of the test results are not as good as expected. The reasons of worse test results have been investigated with the laser methods. One of them is leak of the prototype injector. After removing leakage laser test results were much better.
Content available remote Tłokowe silniki spalinowe jako atrakcyjny obiekt studiów i badań
Ekologiczne wymagania ostatnich lat spowodowały pojawienie się opinii o zmierzchu tłokowych silników spalinowych. Treść referatu ma na celu wykazanie, że poglądy takie są nieuzasadnione i obecne silniki mają duże potencjalne możliwości sprostania wymaganiom dotyczącym zarówno czystości spalin, jak i emisji dwutlenku węgla. Adresując część treści do studentów wyższych uczelni technicznych, przedstawiono atrakcyjność studiowania problematyki silników jako specjalności zapewniającej młodemu inżynierowi dobrą elastyczność w zawodowej działalności związanej z budową maszyn. Omówiono ogólnie charakterystyczne cechy, metody i kierunki obecnych badań i rozwoju silników ze szczególnym podkreśleniem znaczenia symulacyjnych metod optymalizacji procesów i konstrukcji silnika. Na zakończenie przedstawiono perspektywy rozwojowe silników w nadchodzących latach wykazując, że będą one nadal bardzo atrakcyjnym obszarem badań, działalności naukowej i inżynierskiej.
In connection with ecological requirements of last years, some opinions are emerging about the twilight of the Internal Combustion Engines. The aiming of this paper is to demonstrate such opinions as unjustified: the present ICE's are possessing great potential to overcome the challenges coming from the requirements regarding cleanliness of exhaust gases and new limits of carbon dioxide emission. A part of the paper is addressed to the students of mechanical engineering faculties, pointing them at attractiveness of the ICE study as a spatiality enabling the young engineer to be more flexible in technical activity. The specific features of present methods and trends in the research and development of ICE are described, with particular emphasis on the importance of simulative methods for optimization of ICE processes and structures. The future trends in development of ICE are treated to demonstrate, that this engines will in coming years, as before, remain an interesting and promising field for research as well as scientific and engineer's activity.
The paper concerns a new idea of fuel injector for Diesel engines on base of invention applied by M. Zabłocki and J. Szymański. Some results of preliminary operating parameters research are presented in the paper. This investigation was conducted on the research Diesel engine equipped with varied cross section nozzle injector. The new-made research injector has needle, which executes rotational reciprocal motion. The new worked-out injector has outflow holes with flow section that undergoes a change during the injection process, which enables to decrease of diameter of fuel droplets. The measurements were performed at varied rpm (from 1000 rpm to 1600 rpm) and maximum fuel doses. The injector was not optimized in relation to engine performance. The objectives of the research were determination either the working quality of a new injector and their influence on combustion process in different method of mixture preparation process. The obtained results show a direction of further researches that impact on system optimization, injector manufacturing improvement, fuel preparation improvement to obtain proper droplet size and both fuel consumption reducing and toxic exhaust gases emissions reducing.
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