The degradation of flutriafol in aqueous persulfate (S2O82–) system in the presence of selected transition metal ions was investigated. In the presence of Ag+ or Fe2+, flutriafol degradation occurs, whereas in the presence of Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Bi3+ ions, the degradation is less than 15%. The Ag+/ S2O82– aqueous system being the most effective was adopted for experimental and theoretical investigations. It was confirmed that pH of 3.0 is the most suitable, and that both · SO4–and ·OH– radicals are the main active species to afford flutriafol degradation, with the former contributes more than the latter. To elucidate degradation mechanism, molecular orbital calculations were performed and reaction intermediates identified by GC/MS and HPLC/MS/MS analyses. Three degradation pathways are proposed that involve the cleavage of C–N and C–C bonds as a result of ·SO4– attack, as well as the formation of hydroxylated products due to · OH radicals.
In China dry ports enter into a rapid development period now, however for many Chinese dry ports, the operation faces difficulties duo to inefficient logistics networks and cooperation relationship between dry ports and seaports. Focusing on the concession cooperation mechanism of seaports and dry ports, and the environmental constraints (carbon emissions and congestion cost), a bi-objective location-allocation MILP model for the sustainable hinterland-dry ports-seaports logistics network optimization is formulated, aiming at the system logistics costs and carbon emissions to be minimized. Moreover, for the cooperation mechanism of seaports to dry ports, a parameter called cooperation cost concession coefficient is proposed for the optimization model, and a new evaluation method based on the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator is used to evaluate it. Then a location-allocation decision-making framework for the hinterland-dry port-seaport logistics network is proposed. The innovative aspect of the model is that it can proposes a effective and environment friendly dry ports location strategic and also give insights into the connective cooperation relationships, and cargo flows of the network. A case study involving configuration of dry ports in Henan Province is conducted, and the model is successfully applied.
In traditional active vibration control, a single-objective control output is often considered and constrained, but in fact some conflicting performance indexes are always emerging simultaneously and a one-sided method for pursuing only one excellent output is adopted, which may sacrifice other control characteristics. In this paper, a novel active vibration control with multi-objective control output was proposed for machinery equipment and sensitive equipment, and the latest artificial intelligence – multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) was utilized, and the active controller was evaluated by the H∞ criterion, meanwhile an active control with a single-objective control output was also carried out for comparison. Numerical studies demonstrated that a pair of conflicting indexes could be balanced well in the proposed strategy, and thus only one blindly pursued control output was effectively overcome.
We have two motivations. Firstly, semantic gap is a tough problem puzzling almost all sub-fields of Artificial Intelligence. We think semantic gap is the conflict between the abstractness of high-level symbolic definition and the details, diversities of low-level stimulus. Secondly, in object recognition, a pre-defined prototype of object is crucial and indispensable for bi-directional perception processing. On the one hand this prototype was learned from perceptional experience, and on the other hand it should be able to guide future downward processing. Human can do this very well, so physiological mechanism is simulated here. We utilize a mechanism of classical and non-classical receptive field (nCRF) to design a hierarchical model and form a multi-layer prototype of an object. This also is a realistic definition of concept, and a representation of denoting semantic. We regard this model as the most fundamental infrastructure that can ground semantics. Here a AND-OR tree is constructed to record prototypes of a concept, in which either raw data at low-level or symbol at high-level is feasible, and explicit production rules are also available. For the sake of pixel processing, knowledge should be represented in a data form; for the sake of scene reasoning, knowledge should be represented in a symbolic form. The physiological mechanism happens to be the bridge that can join them together seamlessly. This provides a possibility for finding a solution to semantic gap problem, and prevents discontinuity in low-order structures.
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The effect of different organic charge transporting materials on the photoluminescence of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots has been studied by means of steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. With an increase in concentration of the organic charge transporting material in the quantum dots solutions, the photoluminescence intensity of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots was quenched greatly and the fluorescence lifetime was shortened gradually. The quenching efficiency of CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots decreased with increasing the oxidation potential of organic charge transporting materials. Based on the analysis, two pathways in the photoluminescence quenching process have been defined: static quenching and dynamic quenching. The dynamic quenching is correlated with hole transporting from quantum dots to the charge transporting materials.
Vibration control is critically important for engineering equipment, and in modern industrial engineering active strategies with robust performance are often adopted. In traditional studies, a single-objective consideration is often taken into account when robust control is performed, while a simultaneous multi-criterial consideration is ignored. The study outlined in this paper focuses on typical equipment, namely machinery and sensitive equipment. Meanwhile, evaluation of robust performances based on feedback control is considered as the vibration control objective, and performance indexes using H∞ and H2 criterion are regarded as fitness functions. In addition, the latest intelligent algorithm – MOPSO (multi-objective particle swarm optimization) is used and the SPEA2 (strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm 2) is also introduced for comparison as a representative of evolution algorithm. Numerical results show that the Pareto frontier of MOPSO is much smoother and more uniformly distributed than SPEA2, and even more important is that MOPSO can obtain a unique, global and optimal solution gbest, which can avoid having to select just one from a group of equivalent solutions Finally, an analysis of factors which affect the norms is performed, and the numerical verification shows that the disturbance type (single input or multi input) can apparently affect the magnitude of norms, and this finding can provide a broader understanding of robust vibration control. This research proposes a novel multi-objective optimization strategy for robust vibration control, while the traditional approaches can and are still employed. In addition, advanced artificial intelligence plays an important role in vibration detection in engineering application.
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A new kind of FACTS equipment, the multi-functional Flexible Power Conditioner (FPC), is proposed in this paper. The proposed equipment makes use of an advanced synchronous condenser and a flywheel with an AC excitation and vector control technology based power electronics device. It can perform multi--functions including energy storage, active and reactive power generation when used in power systems to enhance the stability of it. A 10kVA excitation control system of FPC was developed. Based on the analysis of control strategy, the start, steady and dynamic performances are studied experimentally. Experimental results show that soft start and various operation states can be implemented. And the excitation control system can be applied to flywheel type FPC system.
Zaproponowano nowy rodzaj urządzenia FACTS - wielofunkcyjny, elastyczny kondycjoner mocy FPC. Kondycjoner wykorzystuje koło zamachowe jako zasobnik energii. Urządzenie umożliwia magazynowanie energii, generację bierną lub czynną do poprawy stabilności systemu. Opracowano system sterowania o mocy 10 kVA. Start, ciągła praca i właściwości dynamiczne systemu były analizowane eksperymentalnie.
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TeO2-Nb2O5 glass is a kind of heavy metal oxide glass with a chain-like network structure, in which Nb5+ ions connect the Te-O chains and adjust the types of [TeOx] (x = 3, 4) coordination polyhedra to stabilize the glass network. (100 - y)TeO2-yNb2O5 (y = 3-20 mol %) glasses were prepared, the crystallization behaviour and their network structural evolution were studied by means of differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectra (FT-IR). The results show that the stabilization of the TeO2-Nb2O5 glass network is greatly influenced by the constitution of Te-O chains and their linkage. The glass structure with lower Nb5+ content is inhomogeneous, it is composed of edge sharing Te-O chains, partly edge sharing chains connected by Nb5+ ions, apical sharing chains and apical sharing chains connected by Nb5+ ions. Crystalline phases of ß-TeO2, Nb2Te4O13, .beta.-TeO2 and Te3Nb2O11 will be formed in turn when the treatment temperature of the glass is increased. When the concentration of Nb5+ ions is sufficient to well connect Te-O chains, the glass network will tend to homogenize, only one crystalline phase, Nb2Te4O13, will be formed. A suitable preheat treatment will also help to homogenize the glass structure and make the glass more stable.
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A tunable diode laser-based sensor for remote sensing of methane (CH4) leakage at a wavelength of 1,65 um was developed. The 1.65 um distibuted feedback (DFB) diode laser has a narrow line width and wide tuning range. It was found that the sensor nac detect a 10 cm3 min -1 city-gas leak with a sensor output equivalent to the range-integrated concentration over 100 ppm m.
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A compact DFB tunable diode laser operating around 1.572um was used to study the cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy of carbon dioxide near 1.572 um. It was experimentally demonstrated that a narrow-band continuous wave laser could be used in combination with a high-finesse optically stable cavity to perform highly sensitive direct absorption spectroscopy using ideas from the field of cavity ring down spectroscopy in a simple experimental setup. Laser radiation was coupled into optical cavity via accidental coincidences of laser frequency with one ofmultitude modes of the cavity. Absorption spectrum of carbon dioxide was obtained, the absorption signals were extracted from the measurement recording only the highest light intensity that leaked out of the optical cavity. A wavemeter was used to record accurate frequency of the laser. An absorption sensitivity of about 3.39x10-7cm-1 has been achieved.
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In this paper, we proposed that using a pair of fiber gratings in a section of the transmission fiber, a gain clamped broadband distributed fiber Raman amplifiers (DRA) can easily be made based on the utilization of the pumps’ interactions and uneven gain property along the fiber in the amplifier
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