Na Białorusi duża liczba cennych obiektów historyczno-kulturowych znajduje się w małych miastach. Większość z nich jest w bardzo złym stanie technicznym, niszczeje i nie może być dalej wykorzystywana. Z tego powodu rekonstrukcja, ochrona i racjonalne wykorzystanie pomników historii i kultury, jako obiektów turystyki, jest problemem aktualnym, którego rozwiązanie może pomóc w aktywizacji życia społeczno-ekonomicznego małych miast i miasteczek. Odbywać się to może poprzez stworzenie nowych miejsc pracy, zwiększenie dochodów, a tym samym lepszych warunków życia mieszkańców. Jednak rozwój turystyki w takich miastach potrzebuje zmian urbanistycznych, takich jak stworzenie infrastruktury, rozwój transportu itd.
There is a number of buildings that are of high historical and cultural value still existing in small towns in Byelorussian. Unfortunately most of them are in a very bad condition and cannot be in use any more. That is why it is so important to revitalize, re-construct and protect the architectural and historical monuments. These buildings can be used as the basis for the tourism centers and the development of such centers can help to activate the social and economic aspects of life in small towns. On one hand it is closely connected with the process of improvement of living conditions but on the other hand with the need of creation of the new communication system, infrastructure and some changes in urban composition.
The paper deals with the problems of planning recreation areas according to functional, spatial, ecological, financial and other aspects. The main aim is to show the way of setting the infra-structure elements and to improve their communication accessibility. It is important to create adequate conditions for the development of recreation functions. There are two ways of distinguishing functional areas by the analysis of functional zones. The recreation complexes could be created either as the concentrated centers or as the linear ones. The first system is better to in providing good access to concentrated functions, and the second one while appearing along the river, for instance. Each of these two systems has advantages and disadvantages. There are a lot of different actions that could be taken to improve the attractiveness of the recreation areas like changing the shape of the ground, making artificial hills or lakes. But it is worth being accentuated that the most significant, in creation of such areas, is the way of combining the existing structures with new elements. It has to be done in order to reach harmonious composition of the separate architectural elements and the natural surrounding.
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