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Scraper chains are the main transport cables of scraper conveyors. Problems related to the processes of destruction of link chains used in these conveyors are described. Design of scraper chains and their division into different types for use in scraper conveyors are presented. The most
common damages to chains used in scraper conveyors are presented and the reasons of their wear are discussed.
The article presents a study of the dynamic forces occurring in the chain of a rescue scraper conveyor during its steady operation. It describes the characteristics of the test stand in the form of a scraper conveyor for investigating dynamic forces in the chain, moreover, the results of
these tests are presented. Based on the values obtained during the dynamic tests, the characteristic parameters of the above mentioned measurements were determined.
The article presents the concept of a test stand for laboratory comparative tests of the multifactorial wear of chain links used in scraper conveyors, the aim of which will be to improve the durability of chains by using more favourable materials from which the chain links are made. The tests
will focus on the zones of links cooperation under load. The concept was preceded by a theoretical introduction illustrating the nature of the wear of chain links and the synergy of wear processes. 3D model of the test stand and proposals for technical solutions of each component were discussed. The test stand will enable testing the environmental factors increasing the intensity of the wear process in several arrangements. These include, among others mineral abrasive, mine water and dynamic forces acting on the chain. The method of verifying the concept of the test stand using the simplified prototype made in the 3D printing technology was also presented.
Powszechnie stosowane w krajowym górnictwie chłodzenie maszyn wyposażonych w napędy elektryczne dużych mocy wodą z magistrali ppoż. odprowadzaną po zużyciu do kanału ściekowego, generuje duże problemy technologiczne i ekonomiczne związane z jej ponownym odprowadzeniem na powierzchnię. W
artykule przedstawiono koncepcję otwartego i zamkniętego układu chłodzenia górniczych maszyn dużych mocy. Stanowią one alternatywę dla metody powszechnie wykorzystywanej. Porównano wady i zalety omawianych układów w zależności od warunków zastosowania.
Cooling of the machines used in the mining industry, equipped with high-power electric drives, by water from the mine fire system generates technological and economic problems associated with re-transportation of water to the surface. The concept of open and closed system for cooling the
high-power mining machines is presented. This is an alternative to the commonly use method. Advantages and disadvantages of the discussed systems are compared.
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