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The described research dealt with the viability of insecticidal nematodes contained in the spray liquid flowing through filters used in spraying machines. Steinernema feltiae entomopathogenic nematodes were used in the research. The liquid was filtered using two filters mounted in spraying machines with 50 and 100 mesh number. Concentration of nematodes in the liquid was: 1 million and 2 million in 1 dm3 water. The liquid flowed at three pressure values: 1x105, 2×105 and 4×105 Pa. Significance of nematodes loss with the following liquid flow was observed: through 50 mesh filter (at pressure 4×105 Pa) and through 100 mesh filter (at all flow pressure values).
Opisano badania nad zmianami przeżywalności owadobójczych nicieni zawartych w cieczy opryskowej przepływającej przez filtry stosowane w opryskiwaczach. Do badań użyto nicieni owadobójczych gatunku Steinernema feltiae. Ciecz filtrowana była za pomocą dwóch filtrów montowanych w rozpylaczach o liczbie mesh 50 i 100. Koncentracja nicieni w cieczy wynosiła: 1 mln i 2 mln sztuk w 1 dm3 wody. Przepływ cieczy odbywał się przy trzech wielkościach ciśnienia: 1x105, 2×105 i 4×105 Pa. Stwierdzono istotność strat nicieni przy przepływie cieczy: przez filtr mesh 50 (przy ciśnieniu 4×105 Pa) i przez filtr mesh 100 (przy wszystkich wartościach ciśnienia przepływu). Wyniki pokazały, że na straty nicieni istotny wpływ miały: numer siatki filtra i ciśnienie cieczy wewnątrz instalacji.
Content available Pojazdy do transportu drewna wielkowymiarowego
W artykule omówiono podstawowe warunki transportu drewna wielkowymiarowego oraz wyposażenie zestawów do przewozu kłód drewnianych. Przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych naczep i przyczep kłonicowych stosowanych przez wiodących producentów na rynku europejskim. Głównymi kierunkami rozwoju drogowego przewozu drewna jest obniżenie ciężaru własnego środków transportu poprzez zastosowanie lżejszych materiałów konstrukcyjnych oraz zwiększenie możliwości spedycji różnego rodzaju ładunku poprzez regulację elementów nadwozia.
The article discusses the basic conditions for transporting long-wood timber and equipping sets for transporting timber logs. An overview of the structural solutions of trailers and stanchions used by major manufacturers on the European market is presented. The main directions of development of road timber transport is to reduce the own weight of means of transport through the use of lighter construction materials and increase the possibility of carrying various types of cargo by adjusting the trailer elements.
Content available Elektryczne pojazdy transportowe
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd modeli samochodów ciężarowych o napędzie elektrycznym. Głównymi zaletami tych pojazdów jest niski poziom emitowanego hałasu, brak emisji gazów spalinowych oraz mniejsza awaryjność zespołów napędowych. Ograniczenie stanowi krótki dystans przejazdu na jednym ładowaniu baterii oraz długi czas ładowania akumulatorów.
The article presents an overview of truck models with electric drive. The main advantages of these vehicles are the low level of noise emitted and the lack of exhaust gas emissions as well as less failure of the drive units. The limitation is a short travel distance on one battery charge and a long battery charging time.
The article presents the results of measurements of gravity performed in the Astronomical and Geodetic Observatory Józefosław. Time series have been verified for parameters related to celestial bodies, atmospheric pressure changes and metrological factors. The analysis of these changes includes geodynamic and hydrological aspects taking into account global and local changes in groundwater levels. The aim of the article is to indicate the interpretation of contemporary measurements of gravity field against the contemporary accuracy of such measurements and to indicate the need for information on the level of groundwater (collected by the Polish Hydrogeological Survey) in procedures for the elaboration and interpretation ofgravimetric measurements and supportfrom hydrogeologists. Contemporary the gravity measurements with use of absolute gravimeters gives possibility determination of gravity value with uncertainty of the order 10-8 ms-2. Such accuracy corresponds to a vertical displacement of a point of less than 1 cm or a change in the water level of 2.5 cm. Use of gravimetric methods in the broadly understood Earth sciences must be supported by information related to changes in mass distribution around the measuring station, mainly related to the groundwater level changes. This allows to see the role of hydrogeological information related to the monitoring of groundwater as an indispensable information describing changes in the Earth’s gravity field.
This year the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology celebrates its 95th jubilee, which provides an opportunity to present the Faculty’s rich traditions in polar research. Employees and students of the faculty for almost 60 years have taken part in research expeditions to the polar circle. The article presents various studies typical of geodesy and cartography, as well as miscellany of possible measurement applications and geodetic techniques used to support interdisciplinary research. Wide range of geodetic techniques used in polar studies includes classic angular and linear surveys, photogrammetric techniques, gravimetric measurements, GNSS satellite techniques and satellite imaging. Those measurements were applied in glaciological, geological, geodynamic, botanical researches as well as in cartographic studies. Often they were used in activities aiming to ensure continuous functioning of Polish research stations on both hemispheres. This study is a short overview of thematic scope and selected research results conducted by our employees and students.
The article presents current issues and research work conducted in the Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography at Warsaw University of Technology. It contains the most important directions of research in the fields of physical geodesy, satellite measurement techniques, GNSS meteorology, geodynamic studies, electronic measurement techniques and terrain information systems.
Geodynamical investigation in the Pieniny Mountain (south of Poland) were carried out since the 1960s. They contained levelling, gravimetric measurements and distance observations in horizontal network. The results reveled vertical and horizontal movements of the crust and periodic changes in gravity. In 1994-1995 horizontal network was adapted to perform GPS observations and they were carried out with leveling, gravimetric and EDM observations. In 1990s, the Dunajec river dam and the water resorvoirs in Czorsztyn and Sromowce Wyżne have been built. This has a new aspect in investigations releted to the effect of tectonic movements on the dam. Taking that into account, the study was revived, after six year break, in 2001. The investigations, which contain GPS, gravimetric and leveling observations, have been carried out every year. In this paper the result of horizontal displacement obtained from GPS measurement as well as gravity changes in 1994-2010 period are presented and yields linear trend in north-east direction less than 1 mm/year.
Preliminary processing of relative g measurements, including height, tidal, drift corrections and error analysis, was possible inthe field by use of GRAW22 software. Program has been developed at the Warsaw University of Technology in nineties of previous century in OPL language to PSION microcomputer (Pachuta at all, 2001). Newer field computers, enabled more computational power and modern programming languages, allowing wider programming possibilities. New software to field operations connected with relative gravity measurements has been developed on WindowsCE platform – by GRAVANALYSER. Software can be used on different palmtops and supports every steps connected with gravimeter reading, computation of corrections and strategy of processing. In this paper short description of such software is presented. Differences between selected strategies of drift and tidal corrections computation are also presented.
Content available remote Geodezja na biegunach
Gravimetric investigations of the long-standing, not tidal variations of the absolute gravity using ballistic FG - 5 No. 230 gravity meter, bought by Warsaw University of Technology at 2005, were performed on four stations outside the Teisseyre - Tornquist Zone (T - T Zone) as well as at Józefoslaw Astro - Geodetic Observatory of the Warsaw University of Technology, located near Warsaw, near the northern edge of T - T zone on Precambrian Platform. Raw results of observations were corrected by Earth's tide influences, loading effects of the Earth's crust and ocean, by polar motion influence to the gravity as well as from the reason of gravitational and deformation influences of the atmosphere. Monitoring of the gravity on Józefosław station, during three years once a month, pointed out quasi-periodic non-tidal variations. Absolute gravity determinations in previous campaigns (1992 - 2001) on Polish territory were performed using various ballistic gravity meters, many types and quality, as well as there were spread in time. In epochs since 2006 to 2008 with our instrument FG - 5 No. 230 there were obtained the gravity values minor on all investigated stations. It was about 17 žGal on Satellite Lamkówko station, near Olsztyn, and 12 žGal in Borowiec Astro Geodynamical Observatory of the Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences with comparison to the results from 8 - 10 y earlier obtained using Polish absolute gravity meter ZZG, Italian IMGC and two FG-5 instruments from Austria and USA. The variation since 1996 to 2006 on Giby (station of the gravity national fundamental net) was appeared as only 7.5 žGal. On very stable station Ojców (Seismic Observatory of the Polish Academy of Sciences) located on Świętokrzyskie Mts. craton, the decrease of gravity equal to 9 žGal has been noticed after 9 years. Recovered variations of gravity on Poland territory might have the sources in gravity global or regional variations in the hydrological influences in the vicinity of stations as well as in incorrect earlier determinations of the gravimetric corrections, mainly in vertical gradient of gravity above absolute stations.
W latach 2006–2007 założono na obszarze Polski sieć punktów bezwzględnych pomiarów grawimetrycznych stanowiącą system grawimetrycznego odniesienia polskich stacji permanentnych GNSS i poligonów geodynamicznych. Dolnośląska część tego systemu składa się z pięciu punktów położonych w miejscowościach: Wrocław, Kłodzko, Janowice Wielkie, Lubiąż i Świebodzice. W niniejszej pracy szczegółowo omówiono położenie punktów Wrocław, Kłodzko, Janowice i Lubiąż, sposób ich stabilizacji oraz wyniki pierwszych pomiarów zrealizowanych na tych punktach.
In years 2006–2007, at the area of Poland there were established a network of the absolute gravity measurements points for definition gravity reference system of the Polish Permanent GNSS network and geodynamic networks. Lower Silesian part of the system consist of five points situated in places: Wroc"aw, K"odzko, Janowice Wielkie, Lubi#$ i &wiebodzice. The paper contain detailed description of location of the points Wroc"aw, K"odzko, Janowice and Lubi#$, methods of monumentation and first results of measurements made at the points.
The obtained results of the field experiments fully confirmed the feasibility of applying ATR systems in trigonometric levelling. In the tested span experiment at Józefosław, the value difference of height differences obtained with precise geometric levelling and the mean value of all measurements differed by a mere 2.7 mm, and for midnight measurements - it did not exceed 1 mm. The measurements made in the Pieniny Range were also successful in the case of observation compatibility and limiting the impact of atmospheric refraction on measurement results. Unfortunately, the comparison of the obtained height differences with those of 5 years ago showed considerable discrepancies stemming from benchmark subsiding rather than technological accuracy of trigonometric levelling. To verify this thesis it is planned to repeat trigonometric measurements on the testing ground in the Pieniny and to carry out control measurements by means of precise geometric levelling. Summing up, one can note that the use of tacheometers along with ATR enables to automate measurements and related quasi-continuous observations. These traits enable moreover: - to increase the number of observations, and what follows, increase accuracy and reliability of the zenithal length determined, - to average measurements made over a long period, which enables to undermine the influence of atmospheric refraction on the value of height difference measured, - to make observations in different atmospheric conditions, including nighttime when the atmosphere is stable, - to eliminate personal errors of the observer, - to analyze conducted observations in real time.
The results or seven GPS observational campaigns have demonstrated mutual approaching trend or the Magura Nappe and the Podhale Flysh. Such a trend was disturbed during the period or 1995-2001 when the dam on the Dunajec-river was constructed and artificial lake was created. A hypothesis saying that the filling or the lake resulted in temporarily driving apart the Magura Nappe and Podhale Flysh has been presumed. After 2001 the tectonic structures "started to approach each other". The control points within the Iimits or the Pieniny Klippen Belt have demonstrated oscillatory changes or coordinates in the range of ±15 mm. The results or the last observation epoch show a disturbance or above mentioned trend. It would be due to earthquake in November 2004 that happened near the test field. This hypothesis should be verified next years by the following observational campaigns.
The aim of the expedition organized in the summer 2004 by the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology was determination positions of chosen points of the Hans glacier. Based on the data received from the Polar and Marine Department, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Science the displacements of the ablation poles and surface ice velocity have been determined using GPS methods.
The water plant effects on the hydrological conditions in the river valleys are intensity especially in the vegetation period. The riverbed shape changes in time. These changes are periodical (annual) and long term ones. Conditions of plant communities with Sparganium erectum (Burreeds) flowing on riverbed form and velocity distribution are the aim of this paper. The Sparganium erectum localization and estimation of river overgrowing for some hydraulic parameters was the object of the study. This problem can be solved by the GPS-RTK method.
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