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The subject of the paper is the analysis of the relationship between spontaneous vegetation diversity and soil respiration in novel post-coal mine ecosystem. In the natural and semi-natural ecosystems, soil respiration process (Rs) is a crucial ecosystem function regulating terrestrial ecosystems’ carbon cycle. Soil respiration depends on the quality and quantity of the soil organic matter (SOM), the soil microbes’ activity, and root metabolism. The listed factors are directly related to the composition diversity of vegetation plant species (biochemistry). For many years, soil respiration parameters have been studied in natural and seminatural vegetation communities and ecosystems. However, there still need to be a greater understanding of the relationship between vegetation plant species diversity and soil respiration as a crucial ecosystem function. Plant species diversity has to be analysed through both the taxonomic diversity and the functional diversity. These approaches reflect the composition, structure, and function of plant species communities. We hypothesise that the diversity of the spontaneous vegetation species composition shapes the amount of soil respiration in a post-coal mine novel ecosystem. The soil respiration differs significantly along the vegetational types driven by habitat gradients and is significantly higher in highly functional richness and dispersion vegetation patches. Contrary to our expectation, soil respiration was the highest in the less diverse vegetation types - both taxonomical and functional evenness were non-significant factors. Only functional dispersion is weakly negative correlated with soil respiration level (SRL).
Any newly created area includes human-created habitats such as the mineral material of post-coal mining spoil heaps undergoing natural colonization and ecosystem development during the succession processes of vegetation colonization. The study of the factors that influence the succession dynamics, and the mechanisms behind this, have a long history (including the species-area relationship or Arrhenius equation). Nevertheless, the list of scientific questions is increasing. One of the significant issues in the study of these processes is the relationship between factors influencing the Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning (BEF) relationships. The main prerequisite is the relationships between the plant species' assemblage mechanisms including diversity and the variety of assembly rules concerning the environmental abiotic habitat processes and these properties are not straightforward. At the large scale, parameters such as age and area of the colonized sites are considered to be important. These relationships are more complicated in newly established post-mineral excavation habitats where novel ecosystems are developing. Regardless of the degree of disturbances, vegetation re-establishes in such environments, as a result of spontaneous succession, by the colonization and establishment of the best-adapted organisms. In the habitats of post-coal mining spoil heaps with pure oligotrophic mineral conditions, the non-analogous, newly formed composition of flora, fauna, and saprophytes has been stated in many previous field studies. This study aimed to explore the biodiversity versus area size relationships, in particular, it investigated the species composition and diversity found in the development of the spontaneous vegetation formed during primary succession on mineral substrate habitats of postcoal mining spoil heaps of different area sizes. We tested the hypothesis: species diversity of the vegetation patches on coal mine spoil heaps becomes more diverse on larger sites over time. These results indicate that the area size of the spoil heap significantly affects the diversity of the vegetation. Regardless of which of the characteristics of the vegetation type (dominant species) is compared, the vegetation on the heaps differs depending on its area size.
W pracy podjęto próbę ukazania różnorodności roślinności zwałowisk karbońskiej skały płonnej z dominującym udziałem traw i roślin zielnych, a także rozpoznanie preferencji uziarnienia podłoża wraz z biomasą powstającą w płatach roślinności zdominowanych przez różne gatunki traw i roślin zielnych. Skład florystyczny zbiorowisk opiera się głównie na dominacji jednego gatunku czy współdominacji gatunków rodzimych zielnych tj.: Chamaenerion palustre, Daucus carota, Centaurea stoebe, Lotus corniculatus, Tussilago farfara, Melilotus alba lub obcych: Erigeron annuus, Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora, Solidago gigantea oraz gatunków traw tj.: Calamagrostis epigejos, Solidago gigantea, Poa compressa, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Phragmites australis. W poszczególnych zbiorowiskach odnotowano od 23 do 55 gatunków roślin. Do najbardziej różnorodnych gatunkowo należą zbiorowiska z wysokim pokryciem takich gatunków jak: Poa compressa (H'–1,89), Daucus carota (H'–1,82), Festua arundinacea (H'–1,45), Calamagrostis epigejos (H'–1,42), natomiast najmniejszą różnorodnością odznacza się zbiorowisko z udziałem Phragmites australis (H'–0,91). Analiza uziarnienia podłoża na zwałowiskach karbońskiej skały płonnej wykazała zależność między gatunkiem dominanta, a składem granulometrycznym oraz zawartością materii organicznej w podłożu.
The study attempts to show the diversity of vegetation of Carboniferous waste dumps with a predominant proportion of grasses and herbaceous plants, as well as recognition of soil grain preferences with biomass arising in patches of vegetation dominated by various species of grass and herbaceous plants. The floristic composition of the communities is based mainly on the dominance of one species or co-dominance of native herbaceous species i.e.: Chamaenerion palustre, Daucus carota, Centaurea stoebe, Lotus corniculatus, Tussilago farfara, Melilotus alba or aliens: Erigeron annuus, Matricaria maritima subsp. inodora, Solidago gigantea and grass species, i.e. Calamagrostis epigejos, Solidago gigantea, Poa compressa, Festuca arundinacea, Festuca rubra, Phragmites australis. In individual communities from 23 to 55 species of plants were recorded. The most diverse species include communities with high coverage of such species as: Poa compressa (H'–1.89), Daucus carota (H'–1.82), Festua arundinacea (H'–1.45), Calamagrostis epigejos (H'–1.42), while the smallest variety is characterized by the community with the participation of Phragmites australis (H'–0.91). Analysis of the grain size of the subsoil on the Carboniferous waste dumps showed a relationship between the dominant species and the granulometric composition as well as the content of organic matter in the subsoil.
W pracy przedstawiono relacje między ilością fauny glebowej w zróżnicowaniu roślinności na zwałach pogórniczych. Dotychczas, badacze wiele uwagi poświęcali rozwojowi i zróżnicowaniu zespołów roślinnych na terenach poprzemysłowych uwzględniając hałdy skały płonnej. Znacznie słabiej poznano ilościowy i jakościowy udział wybranych grup mezo-fauny (nicienie i wazonkowce), w podłożu glebowym terenów poeksploatacyjnych. Poznanie tych zależności może mieć duże znaczenie praktyczne w planowaniu i realizowaniu prac zmierzających do odtwarzania siedlisk na terenach powstałych w związku z eksploatacją surowców mineralnych. Jednym z czynników warunkujących wzrost roślin oraz ich odporność na stres, jest aktywność organizmów glebowych. Stwierdzono marginalnie istotną zależność między różnorodnością gatunkową płatów roślinności, mierzoną wartością wskaźnika Shannona-Wiener’a a liczebnością wazonkowców (rs=0.31, p=0.05). Procentowe pokrycie gatunku dominującego, jego obfitość, jak również, łączne procentowe pokrycie roślin i mszaków, wielkość suchej masy oraz pokrycie ogólne roślin zielnych istotnie wpływa na liczbę wazonkowców.
The work analyzes the relationship between the amount of soil fauna in the diversity of vegetation on post-mining dumps. Until now, researchers have devoted a lot of attention to the development and diversity of plant communities in post-industrial areas, including heaps of gangue. The quantitative and qualitative participation of selected meso-fauna groups (Nematoda, Enchytraeidae) in the soil base of post-mining areas was much less known. Understanding these relationships can be of great practical importance in planning and implementing surveying works to restore habitats in areas created in connection with the exploitation of mineral resources. Activity of soil organisms is one of the factors conditioning plant growth and their resistance to stress. A marginally significant relationship was found between the species diversity of the patches of vegetation, measured by the value of the Shannon-Wiener index, and the abundance of vase vessels (rs=0.31, p=0.05). The percentage coverage of the dominant species, its abundance, as well as the total percentage coverage of plants and bryophytes, dry matter volume and general coverage of herbaceous plants significantly affects the number of vassels.
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