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Badania zawartości wybranych pierwiastków przenośnym spektrometrem XRF (p-XRF) są obecnie jedną z najbardziej rozwijających się instrumentalnych metod badawczych. Jego niewielkie rozmiary i waga, łatwość obsługi i szybkość wykonywania analiz umożliwiają zastosowanie spektrometru zarówno w laboratorium, jak i w pracach terenowych. Metodę wykorzystano do oznaczenia zawartości wybranych pierwiastków w glebach z rejonu góry Strużnej w Krajnie (Góry Świętokrzyskie). Do oznaczenia zawartości badanych pierwiastków zastosowano spektrometr OLYMPUS Delta X Premium (anoda tantalowa 4W, 40 kV, natężenie 200 μA, tryb ”soil”, 135 sekund). Przed rozpoczęciem analiz p-XRF był standaryzowany z użyciem materiałów referencyjnych NIST 2710a i NIST 2711a. Mapy zawartości otrzymanych dla: K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As i Pb wykonano w programie SURFER 7.0 z wykorzystaniem procedury krigingu. Zarówno dobra zbieżność średnich zawartości uzyskanych dla badanego obszaru w porównaniu ze średnimi wartościami dla gleb Gór Świętokrzyskich, uzyskanymi wcześniej przez różnych autorów z zastosowaniem standardowych wówczas metod analizy chemicznej, jak również dobra zgodność rozkładu zawartości badanych pierwiastków z budową geologiczną rejonu góry Strużnej pozwalają stwierdzić, że wybrana metoda fluorescencji rentgenowskiej jest odpowiednia dla tego typu badań. Wysoka dokładność uzyskanych oznaczeń z użyciem spektrometru p-XRF Olympus Delta X dowodzi, że urządzenie to jest efektywnym narzędziem zarówno dla prac środowiskowych, jak i geochemicznych.
The analysis of chemical composition using the portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (p-XRF) is recently rapidly developing instrumental research method. This method was applied to analyze the content of selected elements in soil samples from the Strużna region of the Holy Cross Mountains. The Olympus Delta Premium p-XRF spectrometer (4W Ta anode X ray tube, 40 kV, 200 μA current beam, “soil” mode, 135 seconds) was used. Prior to analyze the soil samples, the NIST 2710a and NIST 2711a reference standards were utilized in order to calibrate the p-XRF spectrometer. The maps showing obtained results of K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, As and Pb were constructed using the SURFER 7.0 software with kriging procedure. The obtained results show arithmetic means similar to the previously obtained using traditional methods of chemical analysis for the soils of Holy Cross Mountains. These results combined with the high accuracy of measurements obtained by using the p-XRF Olympus Delta X spectrometer proved this device to be the effective tool for environmental and geochemical studies.
The Carboniferous alkaline intrusions, which cut the Precambrian basement of East European Platform are known only from drillings. The massifs are covered by Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments (600–800 m) and their borders were defined by extensive geophysical investigations. The Tajno alkaline-carbonatite complex, the Ełk syenite massif, the Pisz gabbro-syenite complex as well as alkaline rocks recognized as Mława or Olsztynek anomaly are the subject of systematic and complex analyses. All of them could be the potential sources for rare earth elements. The massifs were explore by several boreholes (about 12,000 m of drill core material; e.g. Ełk IG 1-4, Tajno IG 1-12, Prostki 1-2, Klusy-1, Grajewo IG-1). Thus, the main aim of our study is to precisely identify the perspective drill-core intervals within the Ełk IG4 borehole materials for better defining of locations for detailed sampling and further laboratory analysis. For this purpose we had applied handheld XRF DELTA 50 Premium spectrometers equipped with a 4W Ta anode X-ray tube (50 kV). The parameters of spectrometers (higher voltage and multi-beam system) are optimized for rare earth elements (REEs) such as Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd. Handheld XRF nondestructive analyses allowed the identification of mineralized trends and anomalies within the drill-core material at the ppm level. The previous testing analyses enabled to optimize times of acquisition for each beam and provide fast field analyses (about 100 per day).The contents of La and Ce were chosen as indicators of the REE-bearing minerals occurrence in analyzed rocks. The XRF analyses were performed for each meter of drill core. The graph of these elements content vs. depth of the samples from Ełk IG4 borehole exhibited high differentiation. The highest and lowest content of La was 17 ppm and 3241 ppm, respectively (average 167 ppm for 1185 samples, without 78 below the level of detection) and Ce – 24 ppm and 4313 ppm (average 294 ppm for 1214 samples, without 49 below the level of detection). The higher content of REE elements seems to be related to concentration of minerals such as pyroxene, mica, titanite, monazite, zircon, f luoro-carbonate as well as t he presence of secondary veins in smaller amounts.
Celem badań z użyciem podręcznego spektrometru XRF była ocena zawartości metali ziem rzadkich (REE) występujących w obrębie karbońskiego syenitowego masywu Ełku, usytuowanego w obrębie prekambryjskiego podłoża kratonu wschodnioeuropejskiego. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analiz chemicznych z użyciem podręcznego spektrometru XRF (p-XRF) dla alkalicznych skał magmowych pochodzących z wiercenia Ełk IG 3. Analizy chemiczne in situ rdzenia wiertniczego wykonano z użyciem podręcznego spektrometru XRF Olympus Delta Premium (anoda tantalowa o mocy 4 W i napięciu 50 kV). Warunki pomiaru zoptymalizowano dla wybranych pierwiastków ziem rzadkich, takich jak: Y, La i Ce, jak również dla pierwiastków im towarzyszących (Zr, Hf, Th i U). Nie-inwazyjna analiza z użyciem podręcznego spektrometru XRF pozwala na identyfikację stref wzbogaconych w pierwiastki ziem rzadkich i wyznaczenie miejsca pobrania próbek do dalszych szczegółowych badań mineralogiczno-petrograficznych.
The main aim of this study is to determine the contents of rare earth metals, using p-XRF, in the Carboniferous Ełk syenite massif that cuts the Precambrian basement of the East European Platform. The paper presents the results of drill core study in the Ełk IG 3 borehole. In situ chemical analyses of borehole materials were performed using the portable XRF Olympus Delta 50 Premium spectrometer (4 W Ta anode X-ray tube, 50 kV). Prior to analyses of natural rock samples the spectrometer parameters were optimized for selected rare earth elements, such as Y, La and Ce, as well as other elements ,such as Zr, Hf, U and Th. Handheld XRF non-destructive analyses have allowed the identification of anomalies of rare earth elements and places for further detailed petrographic and mineralogical analyses.
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę mineralogiczno-petrograficzną mineralizacji septariowej z Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. Szczeliny i kawerny karbońskich konkrecji syderytowych wypełniają węglany szeregu izomorficznego syderyt–magnezyt, kalcyt, dolomit, a także siarczany, minerały ilaste, apatyt i kwarc. Towarzyszy im polimineralne okruszcowanie pirytem, brawoitem, ­millerytem, chalkopirytem, sfalerytem i galeną.
The article presents the mineralogical and petrographic characterization of septarian mineralization in the Lublin Coal Basin. Cracks and caverns in Carboniferous siderite concretions are filled with crystalline carbonates: siderite–magnesite solid solution series, calcite and dolomite as well as clay minerals, sulphates, apatite and quartz. The accompanying ore minerals such as pyrite, bravoite, millerite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena are also present.
The 15th International Conference of Young Geologists was held in the Polish Outer Carpathians, in Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, located in the Beskid Mały Mts. All participants were hosted in Niagara resort. The conference was organized by the AGH University of Sciences and Technology (AGH), Krakow (PL), Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University (CU), Bratislava (SK) and the Faculty BERG of Technical University (TUKE), Kosice (SK). For several years the members of the scientific committee have been Prof. Dusan Plasienka (CU), Julian Kondela (TUKE) and Prof. Maciej Manecki (AGH). The conference was organized by Ph.D. students from AGH and the members of the Geological Club from Bratislava. This year 70 young scientists from Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Russia participated in the conference. They presented over 50 talks covering a very wide spectrum of Earth science disciplines such as: tectonics, sedimentology, mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, geophysics, geoengineering and geoinformatics. The best student presentation in English was awarded with the Rudolf Mock Award. This year, the award went to Karolina Kośmińska, Ph.D. student from AGH, for excellent presentation in petrology on blueschists from Svalbard. The award was presented during closing ceremony by Professor Maciej Manecki. An important part of the meeting was "evening dinner discussion", where Professor Jan Golonka (AGH) presented his lecture on evolution of the Outer Carpathians. Topic of the lecture was also an introduction to the geological excursion. On Saturday, the participants visited pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant in Porąbka and unique outcrops of cieszynity in Cieszyn area. A guided tour in Brewery Museum in Żywiec ended the excursion. The next conference will return to the original location, Her'lany, Slovakia.
The purpose of this study is to determine the role of metamorphism and thereby identify the preserved magmatic signature in metavolcanics from Wedel Jarlsberg Land in southwestern Svalbard. Samples have been collected from late Precambrian metavolcanics occurring within metasedimentary rocks of the Sofiebogen Group, as well as dikes cutting older metasedimentary rocks of the Deilegga Group. The volcanic rocks were metamorphosed under greenschist facies conditions during the Caledonian Orogeny. To investigate the role of metamorphism, we present petrography, major and trace element geochemistry, and use factor analysis as a tool to identify correlations that correspond to primary magmatic signals. The metavolcanics are classified as subalkaline basalt to basaltic andesite and they contain relicts of primary clinopyroxene and plagioclase. The metamorphic minerals are actinolite, secondary plagioclase, chlorite and minerals belonging to the epidote group. Major element variations are highly scattered with no obvious trends observed. The HFSE and REE show strong trends attributed to fractional crystallization. The LILE, Th and La show elevated contents in some samples. Factor analysis shows that the HFSE and REE are well correlated. The LILE form a separate well correlated group, while the major elements are not correlated, except for Na2O, Fe2O3 and CaO. The lack of correlation for major elements, as well as the lack of observed fractional crystallization trends between these elements suggests that they were modified by metamorphism. The strong correlation of HFSE and REE reflects the original geochemical signal generated by magmatic processes. The correlation of the LILE is consistent with their elevated composition implying the influence of crustal contamination processes, and though some variability is likely superimposed due to metamorphism, the primary magmatic record is not completely destroyed. We conclude that the HFSE and REE are not influenced by metamorphic processes and therefore provide robust records of magmatic processes.
The XIV International conference of young geologists was organized in Svaty Jur near Bratislava from 4 to 6 April 2013. Conference was traditionally organised by members of Geological Club in Bratislava and by team from AGH University of Sciences and Technology in Krakow and Faculty BERG of Technical University in Kosice. Scientific guarantee of the conference this year took over Prof. Dusan Plasienka from Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava (SK), Prof. Maciej Manecki from AGH, University of Sciences and Technology in Krakow (PL) and Dr. Julian Kondela from Faculty BERG of Technical University in Kosice (SR).
W Kopalni Węgla Kamiennego "Bogdanka" w Lubelskim Zagłębiu Węglowym (LZW), wciąż problemem pozostaje kwestia kompleksowego wykorzystania wszystkich odmian kopalin wydobywanych podczas eksploatacji węgla. Ze względu na ekologię - ilość składowanych na hałdach odpadów - jest to bardzo istotny w dzisiejszych czasach problem. W skład kopalin eksploatowanych wraz z węglem wchodzą mułowce, iłowce, piaskowce oraz syderyty i tonsteiny. Utwory syderytowe występują w obrębie iłowców, mułowców oraz piaskowców w różnorakiej postaci. Są spotykane w formie przeławiceń, nagromadzeń sferoidalnych (w tym także septarii) oraz spoiwa w skałach okruchowych. Utwory syderytowe występujące na obszarze górniczym KWK "Bogdanka" charakteryzują się bardzo dużym zróżnicowaniem form zalegania, składu mineralnego oraz składu chemicznego. Również ich obecność w skałach spągowych i stropowych obu eksploatowanych pokładów wykazuje duże zróżnicowanie. Z map rozkładu przestrzennego można zaproponować perspektywiczne do wykorzystania syderytów obszary kopalni. Potrzebne i wskazane jest poza tym poszukiwanie możliwych dróg utylizacji tych kopalin. Selektywne składowanie odpadów pogórniczych, poeksploatacjnych i przeróbczych , a także ciągły monitoring własności fizykochemicznych utworów syderytowych może bardzo ułatwić ewentualne wykorzystanie.
The problem of using all variants of associated raw materials which are brought out during the exploitation of coal is still an important issue in a "Bogdanka" Coal Mine in Lublin Coal Basin. It is very important nowadays problem on account of ecology - among others amount of waste stored on slag heaps. Mudstones, claystones, sandstones, siderites and tonsteins occur together with coal in exploited ore. Siderite rocks are appearing in clays, mudstones and sandstones in the different forms. They were described as siderite layers, siderite concretions (in it also septaria) and cement in clastic rocks. Siderite rocks are characterized by very big diversifying forms, mineral and chemical composition. Also their presence in surrounding rocks in both exploited coal seems has big diversifying. On the base of the spatial maps is possible to suggest perspective areas for using siderites. Selective storing waste as well as continuous monitoring of the physical and chemical properties of siderite rocks can be very useful for possible using.
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