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Content available remote Wpływ składowiska odpadów chemicznych na zanieczyszczenie wód podziemnych
Przedstawiono ocenę zmian jakości wód podziemnych odpływających z rejonu składowiska odpadów chemicznych. Ocenę tę wykonano na podstawie analizy zmian w wodach podziemnych wybranych wskaźników chemicznych, a także warunków geologicznych i hydrogeologicznych występujących w rejonie badanego składowiska odpadów. W latach 1998-2017 stwierdzono znaczne zmniejszenie zawartości głównych zanieczyszczeń w wodach podziemnych, takich jak aniony chlorkowy i siarczanowy, kation amonowy (jako N-NH4 +) oraz fenole.
Changes in concns. of Cl, S and NH4 ions as well as PhOH in groundwater flowing out from a region of chem. waste landfill located near Tarnów city, PL, were analyzed in 1998-2017 in accordance with the relevant stds. Purfn. of waters from the landfill in a sewage treatment plant as well as cessation of the storage of new waste resulted in improved purity of the analyzed waters.
Zakłady chemiczne emitują z procesów technologicznych i spalania paliw znaczące ilości ditlenku węgla. Roczna emisja z produkcji amoniaku, kwasu azotowego, kwasu adypinowego, karbidu i innych wyrobów w 2015 r. wynosiła ok. 5100 Gg CO2 (ok. 27% emisji krajowej CO2). Zaproponowano, by struktury geologiczne (antykliny w poziomach wodonośnych oraz złoża węglowodorów) wykorzystywać jako potencjalne składowiska CO2 dla zakładów chemicznych emitujących CO2 w ilości powyżej 100 Gg/r. Porównując pojemność składowania tych struktur oraz roczną emisję zakładów, oceniono, że możliwe jest ograniczenie emisji CO2 z tych zakładów poprzez geologiczne składowanie tego gazu.
The data on the capacity of geol. structures (anticlines and hydrocarbon deposits) located less than 100 km from chem. plants, which emitted CO2 (more than 105 Mg/year) were used to est. the possibilities of reducing CO2 emissions from the plants. Capacity of geol. structures, esp. anticline, was many times higher than the annual CO2 emissions from the plants.
Industrial pipelines are used as a low-cost method of transport of various types of substances. In the last decades the number of transmission and distribution pipelines increased considerably, leading to an increased number of failures and rising the need for better and more accurate non-destructive methods of their detection and prevention. Leakage in pipeline networks causes a loss of valuable resources in the form of oil and gas. Repairing the infrastructure requires significant additional financial resources. Therefore, any damage to the pipeline network must be detected and repaired as soon as possible. Indirect methods for leak detection and localization uncover the presents of leaks from outside the pipeline by visual observation or by using appropriate equipment. Pipelines are often underground installations or run for many kilometers in areas where there are no roads, and access is extremely difficult or impossible. The underground occurrence of pipelines makes regular inspection difficult. It is also not possible to examine all pipeline sections simultaneously. Pipeline preventive maintenance or replacement program should be conducted based on detailed assessment of its technical and environmental conditions. Thus, safe and non-destructive techniques are needed, which would allow for pipeline periodical inspection without disturbing their operation.
Modelling experiment was used to investigate the abilities of using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to detect oil leaks in the underground pipeline system. Leaks not only waste precious natural resources but also create substantial damage to the transportation system within urban environments. Surface geophysical methods are noninvasive tools used to characterize the changes in the physical properties of the subsurface material. This characterization, in consequence, is used to interpret the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the strata. GPR is a reflection-based technique which uses high frequency electromagnetic waves to acquire subsurface information. GPR responds to changes in electrical properties, which are a function of soil and rock material and moisture content. A simple experiment was conducted to determine the validity and effectiveness of GPR technology in detecting leakage in metal pipelines. Initially, a prototype model was designed to simulate a pipe leak. A 1.5 GHz antenna modeling mode was used to collect GPR data. The test was modelled using sandy soil material that is representative for pipelines construction. Also model simulations are being used to select an appropriate equipment configuration (frequency band, type of antenna and real-time imaging software) prior to data acquisition.
Content available Fractal analysis of sandstone pore space geometry
Fractal analysis is currently one of the fastest evolving branches of science. Numerous objects in nature exhibit a fractal structure. Additionally, the vast majority of rocks – especially reservoir rocks – take the form of a fractal. Computer image analysis based on thin-section images has been used for examining the fractal structure of pore spaces, directly applying the definition of the fractal box-counting dimension. For the examined sandstone sample, thin sections were made and photographed, and the corresponding values of the fractal dimension and lacunarity were calculated. Each of the photos was encompassed by porosity that was calculated based on the number of pixels. Furthermore, the volatility of the fractal dimension and lacunarity were studied as well as their relationships with the porosity. A correlation analysis between the fractal parameters and the porosity was carried out. The results were compared with the data obtained from a mercury porosimetry of the same sample of sandstone.
Opisano wcześniej wykonane badania polowe w obszarze gruntowo-wodnym, na podstawie których określono dynamikę procesu migracji wybranych substancji ropopochodnych (benzyny bezołowiowej, oleju napędowego oraz nie rafinowanej ropy) w fizycznym modelu gruntu piaszczystego. Omówiono też geologiczne i topograficzne aspekty warunkujące spływ zanieczyszczeń z wodami powierzchniowymi oraz opracowano metodykę doboru miejsc szczególnie zagrożonych kumulacją związków ropopochodnych, z eterem metylowo-tert-butylowym (MTBE) włącznie. Wskazano na konieczność prowadzenia długoterminowego monitoringu.
Field tests were performed in the soil-water area to det. the dynamics of migration of lead-free gasoline, diesel oil and unrefined crude oil in a sandy soil. Geol. and topog. aspects of conditioning the flow of pollutants from surface water were presented. A long-term monitoring in the highway areas was recommended.
Oil and natural gas exploration is performed using geophysical methods and drilling works. In areas initially identified as prospective for the occurrence of accumulation oil or natural gas based on the analysis of geological data carried out geophysical surveys. The aim of this works is to identify geological structures that could constitute hydrocarbons traps. In the case of finding the appropriate structures, the next stage of exploration work is drilling well for further recognition of the structure. These works allow to explore not only the geological profile but also the physico-chemical properties of drilled rocks and reservoir fluids. Geophysical (mainly seismic) surveys and drilling works can affect the individual elements of the environment: the atmosphere, underground and surface water, ground surface and land and rock environment in different degrees. In order to estimate the risks, threats to all elements of the environment related to the prospection of hydrocarbon deposits have been analyzed (seismic and drilling works). Environmental risk is estimated based on a modified methodology contained in the norm PN 18002. For risks associated with the exploration referred to the consequences of adverse events in relation to the individual elements of the environment and the frequency thereof (by determining the probability of their occurrence). The risk was estimated by multiplying the weight of the likelihood of adverse events weights and consequences. Risk evaluation, indicating danger tolerated, acceptable and unacceptable was also evaluated
Decision-making problem with assessing of the suitability of geological structures located in aquifers in terms of their use for carbon storage, natural gas storage or waste injection is mainly connected with the necessity of taking into consideration a large number of criteria and analyze a lot of parameters. It also connected with making many independent decisions concerning geological, environmental, social, political, technical or legal issues. This article shows the possibility of using the AHP method, ie. multi-criteria hierarchical methods to analysis of decision problems in assessment the potential of aquifers. AHP method allows to take reasonable decision. The article was divided into three parts. The first one includes a characteristics of geological structures located in aquifers, special attention was paid to the criteria describing these structures. In the second part, the basis for decision-making system based on the method of AHP, which was used to carry out the hierarchical scoping assessment of potential structures. Validation of decision-making system was realized on selected geological structures located on the Polish Lowlands. An assessment of the possibilities to use the two anticline in the Mesozoic aquifers was made. As a result, received the criteria ranking, rankings of decision variants to all criteria and global ranking of variants. Based on the results obtained can be determine which decision represents a priority way of use structure.
The criteria worked out on the basis of the literature study were used for indicating oil fields, where carbon dioxide can be injected for the purpose of storing or to enhance the production of oil. The preliminary selection of oil fields, where the miscible CO2-EOR method can be applied was based on the following criteria: depth of deposition, density of oil, reservoir temperature and oil saturation. From among 68 analyzed oil fields, 35 were used for the analyses: 3 fields in the Carpathians, 6 in the Carpathian Foredeep and the remaining 26 fields in the Polish Lowland. The statistical analysis methods were used for analyzing reservoir parameters of fields preselected for the CO2-EOR method, i.e. depth of deposition of the roof of the horizon, average thickness, initial reservoir pressure and reservoir temperature. The reservoir properties of these fields were also analyzed, i.e. average permeability, average porosity and average saturation with oil.
Praca przedstawia efekty reinterpretacji archiwalnych wyników badań laboratoryjnych współczynnika filtracji gruntów spoistych wykonanych pod kierunkiem prof. Ryszarda Kaczyńskiego w Zakładzie Geologii Inżynierskiej Wydziału Geologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w Warszawie. Obejmują one ponad 200 niezależnych oznaczeń uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem sześciu różnych metod laboratoryjnych, w tym czterech bezpośrednich obejmujących badania z wykorzystaniem sakedometru (zmodyfikowanego edometru), przepuszczalnościomierza kompresyjnego norweskiej firmy GEONOR, klasycznego edometru oraz aparatu trójosiowego ściskania TRX, a także dwóch metod pośrednich reprezentowanych przez konsolidometr oraz metodę SEM/STIMAN. Badane były próbki sześciu rodzajów gruntów spoistych, w szczególności glin oraz iłów. W celu oceny dokładności, w tym zarówno poprawności, jak i precyzji stosowanych metod pomiarowych wykorzystano dwuczynnikową analizę wariancji w wersji modelu III rodzaju, tzw. mieszanego, który uwzględnia w analizie zarówno czynnik stały, jak i losowy. Zasadniczym celem pracy była analiza porównawcza analizowanych metod laboratoryjnych i ocena możliwości ewentualnego, zamiennego wykorzystania ich w praktyce. Uzyskane rezultaty przeprowadzonej analizy porównawczej świadczą przede wszystkim o porównywalności wyników pomiarów uzyskanych z wykorzystaniem czterech, wymienionych powyżej, bezpośrednich metod laboratoryjnych i możliwości ich zamiennego wykorzystania w praktyce. Pośrednie metody badawcze dają natomiast z reguły wyniki znacznie zawyżone.
This paper presents the results of reinterpretations of archival laboratory measurements of the filtration coefficient in compact soils carried out under the direction of Prof. Ryszard Kaczyński at the Department of Geological Engineering, University of Warsaw. The analyses covered over 200 independent measurements made with the use of 6 different laboratory methods, including four direct methods using a sakedometer (modified edometer), a compression permeameter (Norwegian company GEONOR), a classic edometer, and a triaxial compression apparatus TRX. Two indirect methods included a consolidometer and an SEM/STIMAN method. Samples of six types of compact soils, silts, and clays were tested. The accuracy, with a focus on the correctness and precision of the applied measurement methods, was evaluated with the use of a two-component analysis of variance (III-type mixed model accounting for the fixed and random effects). The basic objective of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the analyzed laboratory methods and to evaluate them for their potential interchangeability use in practice. The analysis indicated primarily that the measurement results obtained using the four, above-mentioned direct laboratory methods were indeed comparable, whereas the indirect laboratory methods usually gave considerably inflated results.
In the years 1993-1994 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) introduced to the metrology the fundamental changes of basic character, involving - in addition to the traditional concept of measurement error - the use of new fundamental term of uncertainty of measurement. In consequence, this has led to currently undisputed axiom of metrology, that the measurement result has a form of a section on dimensional axis. These rules of presenting measurable physical values should be reflected in the of practical procedures of mathematical modeling. Presented work relates to this particular problem. It discusses the principles of mathematical modeling together with the assessment of the results. Particular attention was paid to the identification of possible systematic errors (i.e. the load of model) and to estimating the uncertainty of the statistical and deterministic modeling.
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