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This study briefly describes raising of reaction time on students while using HTC Vive virtual-reality device for extensive period of time. Device itself is properly tested and described. Many advantages of HTC Vive were revealed during testing. This paper includes a description of the device as well as proper testing method. The result consists of a measured time reactions in a specific period of time.
Wykorzystano technikę dwuwymiarowej chromatografii gazowej (GC×GC) do identyfikacji zapachowych związków chemicznych w próbkach analitów z powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych z obszarów przyległych do zakładu produkcji nawozów fosforowych, rafinerii i składowiska odpadów komunalnych, zlokalizowanych na terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej. Zastosowany tok postępowania analitycznego zapewnił możliwość wykrycia i identyfikacji związków chemicznych należących do 12 klas chemicznych oraz wyodrębnienie substancji wchodzących w skład mieszaniny odorowej, powodujących uciążliwość zapachową w pobliżu źródeł emisji odorów.
Air samples collected near the P fertilizer prodn. plant, refinery and municipal waste landfill were analyzed sep. by using an integrated system of 2-dimensional gas chromatog. coupled with mass spectrometry to est. the content of odorants. Approx. 150 odorants were identified. Their content in the air strongly depended on the source of emission.
This paper discusses Classicist escritoire from 18th century, currently in the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. The condition of the escritoire was assessed and possible causes of damages were identified. This process inspired discussion of its conservation problems in light of its examination. A study of its construction and materials revealed that earlier conservation work introduced far-reaching modifications to the escritoire. Powers of observation were used to investigate the extent of changes made to the construction and materials, and original elements were separated from those added subsequently.
Obiektem analizowanym w artykule jest klasycystyczna sekretera pochodzące z XVIII w., znajdująca się w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie. Zbadano stan zachowania sekretery i ustalono możliwe przyczyny zniszczeń. Stan zachowania mebla stał się podstawą rozważań o jego problemach konserwatorskich w świetle identyfikacji mebla. Przeprowadzone badania konstrukcyjno -materiałowe udowodniły wysoki stopień przekształcenia mebla pod wpływem wcześniejszych prac konserwatorskich. Za pomocą metody dedukcji prześledzono zakres zmian konstrukcyjno-materiałowych oraz rozwarstwiono elementy oryginalne i wtórne.
The object characterised in the hereby paper is a classicistic escritoire (secretary desk) from the 18th century, from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. The text provides a description of the piece of furniture, its form, construction, materials, the decorative techniques and state of preservation. It provides an identification of the furniture type, together with a functional analysis. For the purpose of identification, the furniture style, structure, materials, decorations and functionality were analysed. The paper specifies individual features of the escritoire in question. On the basis of the above-mentioned analyses, conclusions concerning the furniture attribution have been drawn.
Obiektem charakteryzowanym w artykule jest klasycystyczna sekretera pochodzące z XVIII w., znajdująca się w Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie. Opisywane jest pochodzenie mebla, jego forma, konstrukcja, materiał z jakiego został zbudowany, użyte w nim techniki dekoracyjne, oraz stan zachowania. Zidentyfikowano typ mebla i przeprowadzono analizę jego funkcjonalności. Dla identyfikacji mebla przeprowadzono także analizę stylistyczną, konstrukcyjną, materiałową, zdobniczą i funkcjonalną. Wyodrębniono indywidualne cechy mebla. Na podstawie wymienionych analiz sformułowano wnioski odnośnie atrybucji mebla.
This study describes linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithm. The most significant aspects of the algorithm are discussed and properly tested with an application made in C++ specifically for this study. Quantitative study revealed many different advantages about the LDA algorithm.
Zastosowana metoda oceny jakości oleju jadalnego z wykorzystaniem ultraszybkiej chromatografii gazowej umożliwia przeprowadzenie tak zwanych „szybkich analiz” oraz pominięcie etapu przygotowania próbek do analizy.
Content available remote The Appearance of Non-Spherical Systems. Application to LMXB
We study the appearance of the neutron star-accretion disk system as seen by a distant observer in the UV/X-ray domain. The observed intensity spectra are computed assuming non-spherical geometry of the whole system, in which outgoing spectrum is not represented by the flux spectrum, the latter being valid for spherically symmetric objects. Intensity spectra of our model display double bumps in UV/X-ray energy domains. Such structure is caused by the fact that the the source is not spherically symmetric, and the proper integration of intensity over emitted area is needed to reproduce observed spectral shape. Relative normalization of double bump is self consistently computed by our model. X-ray spectra of such a type were often observed in LMXB with accretion disk, ultra luminous X-ray sources, and accreting black hole systems with hot inner compact corona. Our model naturally explains high energy broadening of the disk spectrum observed in some binaries. We attempted to fit our model to X-ray data of XTE J1709-267 from XMM-Newton. Unfortunately, the double intensity bump predicted by our model for LMXB is located in soft X-ray domain, uncovered by existing data for this source.
We present a simulation of an X-ray spectrum of a hot neutron star, as would be seen by the LAD detector on board of LOFT satellite. We also compute a grid of theoretical spectra corresponding to a range of effective temperatures Teff and surface gravities log g with values corresponding to compact stars in Type I X-ray bursters. A neutron star with the mass M=1.64 ,M☉ and the radius R=11.95 km (which yields the surface gravity log g=14.30 [cgs] and the surface redshift z=0.30) is used in simulation. Accuracy of mass and radius determination by fitting theoretical spectra to the observed one is found to be M=1.64+0.16 -0.02 M☉ and R=11.95+1.57 -0.40 km (2σ). The confidence contours for these two variables are narrow but elongated, and therefore the resulting constraints on the EOS cannot be strong. Note, that in this paper we aim to discuss error contours of NS mass and radius, whereas discussion of EOS is beyond the scope of this work.
This study briefly describes the simplicity and ease of use of the Leap Motion Controller based on students' opinions and tests. The most significant aspects of the device are discussed and properly tested with the Leap Motion Controller and standard computer keyboard. Quantitative study revealed many different advantages about the Leap Motion Controller and gesture recognition.
One of the numerous examples of fortifications placed on the territory of Poland is Warsaw Fortress. It is a ring-shaped fortress where the Citadel forms its central part and where there are two rings of forts. In the inner ring there is P-Parysów Fort also called Bem's Fort which is the subject of the present work. The purpose of this article is description of problems resulting from protection of cultural heritage connected with Warsaw Fortress. They are exemplified with concrete works referring to Bem's Fort. It is a fort relatively well preserved, having a big historical value and as such is subject to a complex conservator's protection. However, is the fact of legal conservator's protection sufficient for its real protection?
Content available Folwark Wilanowski - zapomniane miejsce historyczne
Area of the former Wilanów manorial economy is localized to the south of the Wilanów residence (pres-ently a seat of the Wilanów Pałace Museum) and historically constitutes its integral compositional element. Only recently spatial arrangement of the manorial economy, in a great measure, was still visible. Still today exists a large part of farm buildings. The manorial economy terrain is legally protected only as a part of the monumental urban complex of Wilanów. The area is not separately included in the monuments register. Despite still visible spatial values of the manorial economy, recently, construction of the new apartment house complex within the area was authorized. The new housing buildings were introduced to the terrain between the Wilanów Lake, constituting a water axis of the Wilanów landscape park and the Stanisław Kostka Potocki's street, historical road conneeting the Wilanów residence with the manorial economy, eneroaching on the former manorial economy court-yard. Introducing the new apartment house complex destroyed historical spatial composition of the manorial economy. Furthermore, multi-storey apartment houses dwarf historical farm buildings. Although the existing monumental buildings are planned to be preserved and adapted, their present technical condition and threats evoked by the new neighborhood are alarming. The article is aimed to briefly outline problems of conservator's protection of the Wilanów manorial economy which resultfrom insufficient legal protection and complicated structure of landownership. It also tries to analyze how we can counteract negative transformations in its spatial structure.
Content available remote Studzianna-Poświętne. Maryjne Sanktuarium w relacji z krajobrazem
Kompleks religijny w Studziannie to założenie, którego obecna postać jest wynikiem przemian, których początek sięga XV wieku. Barokowy zespół sakralny we współczesnym krajobrazie wiejskim gminy Poświętne stanowi czytelną dominantę. Usytuowanie głównego zespołu klasztornego na wyniesieniu nazwanym Panieńskim Wzgórzem czyni tę obecność jeszcze silniejszą. Istotne i - co ważne - nadal obecne jest występowanie powiązań panoramicznych całego założenia z krajobrazem wielkiej bezleśnej polany, w centrum której znajduje się zespół. Nie mniej ważna jest wewnętrzna relacja krajobrazowa, bowiem zespół składa się z trzech ważnych obiektów: bazyliki z klasztorem filipinów, kościoła św. Anny i najdalej na zachód wysuniętego kościoła św. Józefa. Niestety związki przestrzenne pomiędzy tymi obiektami, choć nadal czytelne, uległy w ostatnich latach osłabnięciu poprzez rozrastającą się współczesną zabudowę.
The Studzianna Sanctuary is an arrangement whose present-day shape results from changes which can be dated back to the XV century. The Baroque sacral complex has become a clear dominant in the contemporary countryside landscape of the Commune of Poświętne. Placement of the main cloister complex on a hill called Maiden Hill makes its presence even stronger. It is important that there are still panoramic links of the whole arrangement to the landscape of a vast forestless meadow where in the centre the complex is situated. Not less important is the inside landscape relation as the complex consists of three important objects: a basilica with the cloister of the Oratorians of Philip Neri, St. Anne Church and the farthest westbound St. Joseph Church. Unfortunately, the spatial relations between these objects, though still legible, have become weaker due to growing contemporary buildings.
The Pilica River-a left tributary into the Vistula River - directing its water from piedmont terrains to Mazovia plain stands out from various landscapes connected with the river and its tributaries. One of the most interesting landscape parts of the Pilica valley are its fragments near Przedborze, Sulejów and Inowłódz. The towns lost their important position in the course of time - at present they are small but charming centers offering plenty of relics of the past with their beautiful silhouettes reflecting in the river. The landscape of the valley and the areas of upland surrounding it are enriched by woodlands, which are remnants of the old Pilicka primeval forest with all its wealth preserved as numerous nature reserves. In order to get complex protection of the Pilica valley landscape a Group of the Pilica Landscape Parks was set up in the 1980s which includes the Przedborski, Sulejowski and Spalski Landscape Parks. In the area of the parks and the surrounding terrains there are plenty of valuable non-natural objects which form a cultural heritage of the region. The objects are important places of tourism, one should not also forget about a tourist attraction that is the Sulejowski Zalew (Lake). The areas are visited by numerous tourists, on the other hand they are under protection, recently widened on quite large Nature 2000 areas. The situation causes spatial and social conflicts. In the article some ideas concerning protection of the group of three landscape parks are presented and some chosen problems connected with including the protection of these parks in the region's life.
W pracy scharakteryzowano dialityczne procesy membranowe - dializę dyfuzyjną, elektrodializę monopolarną i elektrodializę bipolarną oraz przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania tych procesów do odzyskiwania wartościowych składników ze ścieków przemysłowych. Przeprowadzono analizę ekonomiczną odzyskiwania kwasów nieorganicznych (siarkowego oraz azotowego i fluorowodorowego) ze ścieków po trawieniu metali oraz soli niklu z wody z płukania po galwanizacji. Określono koszty związane z wprowadzeniem technologii membranowej do układu technologicznego oczyszczania ścieków w trawialni i galwanizerni i porównano je z kosztami klasycznej technologii oczyszczania opartej na neutralizacji ścieków. Stwierdzono, że w każdym z analizowanych przypadków koszt wprowadzenia nowej technologii (tj. technologii membranowej) jest niższy od kosztu technologii klasycznej. W procesie odzyskiwania kwasu ze zużytej kąpieli trawiącej metodą dializy dyfuzyjnej osiąga się czas zwrotu inwestycji (3-5 lat) nawet przy niskiej wartości rynkowej kwasu. Elektrodializa bipolarna, jako metoda odzyskiwania kwasu ze stężonych ścieków potrawiennych, jest korzystna ekonomicznie w przypadku kosztownych kwasów. Procesem szczególnie atrakcyjnym ekonomicznie jest odzyskiwanie metodą elektrodializy monopolarnej soli niklu z wody z płukania po galwanizacji. Z powodu wysokiej wartości rynkowej soli niklu, poniesione nakłady zostają zwrócone już po jednym roku eksploatacji instalacji do elektrodializy. Ponadto w procesie tym otrzymuje się wodę o obniżonym stężeniu soli niklu, która jest ponownie wykorzystywana w procesie płukania po galwanizacji.
The paper includes a characterization of dialytic membrane processes, i.e. diffusion dialysis, monopolar electrodialysis and bipolar electrodialysis, and presents potential applications of these processes to the recovery of valuable substances from industrial effluents. Cost analysis was carried out for the recovery of inorganic acids (sulfuric, nitric and hydrofluoric) from metal-etching effluents, and the recovery of nickle salt from post-electroplating wash water. The costs involved in the implementation of the membrane technology into the treatment trains for the effluents from etching and electroplating plants were assessed and compared with the costs of the conventional treatment technology involving the neutralization of the effluents. In every instance the costs of implementing the membrane technology were found to be lower than those of applying the conventional neutralization technology. As for the process of acid recovery from spent etching bath by diffusion dialysis, the repayment of the investment takes from 3 to 5 years even if the market price of the acid is low. Bipolar electrodialysis as a method of acid recovery from concentrated etching effluents is cost-effective when the market price of the acids is high. Of the membrane processes analyzed, monopolar electrodialysis was found to be particularly attractive (in economic terms) when used for the recovery of nickel salt from post-electroplating wash water. Owing to the high market price of nickle salt, relevant expenditure is repaid after only one year of operation of the electrodialysis system. What is more, the process yields water of a reduced nickle salt concentration and thus enables its reuse for rinsing purposes after electroplating.
The creation of Sanctuarium Studzannae is connected with the cult of a miraculous painting of the Holy family and is closely linked with the history of Philippine priests, who were almost from the beginning guardians of the holy painting and curators of the Sanctuary. From the preserved historical transmissions it is known that at the end of 1664 there already existed a cult of Studzianna painting, which has at its source the so called miraculous adventure of a mason called Wojciech Lenartowicz, who fell gravely ill while repairing a stove. Then the Holy Mary from the picture manifested herself to the sickly stove fitter, promising him a return to health in exchange for special reverence to her image. She asked him to build a shrine, also presaging widening of her cult in this place. After this event, numerous groups of pilgrims started to pour into Studzianna, paying homage to the Holy Mary in the painting which was situated in the court chapel. By special decree on the 16th March 1671 the church declared the painting of the Holy family miraculous, allowing it public cult. In 1968 the painting of the Holy Family was capped with Papal crowns, and in 1973 the temple in Studzianna received the title of basilica minor. Studzianna and Poświętne are two places situated at Opoczynska grounds, north of Opoczna, among cultivated fields separated by lines of midfield stand density and surrounded by woods on the River Pilica. Administrative relics are situated in Poświętne settlement but the name of the neighborhood village Studzinna is linked with it. That is why both names are usually given. The sanctuary existing for over 300 years has influenced the shaping and development of Studzianna and Poświętne towns. The specifics of the cult determined functional - spatial set of this area which is also perfectly visible today. The pilgrimage movement and actions by the Philippine fathers are still factors which continue to create the development of Studzianna and Poświętne. Actions which tended to sustainable development of Studzianna - Poświętne, should nowadays be proceeded bi-directionally. The first direction is broadening the Philippine priests actions for fuller use of pilgrimage back-up and also enrichment and diversity of tourist, educational and cognitive activities. The second direction is protective actions which aim at preventing degradation of the antique cultural landscape of Studzianny-Poświętne.
Do usuwania azotanów z wody zastosowano metody elektrodializy klasycznej i monoselektywnej. Stwierdzono, że elektrodializa monoselektywna (z membranami monoanionoselektywnymi) była korzystna do usuwania azotanów z roztworów zawierających siarczany lub wodorowęglany. Usunięcie azotanów z roztworów o wysokim stężeniu siarczanów (8 val/m3) było większe o 70%, w porównaniu z efektami uzyskanymi w procesie elektrodializy klasycznej. Jednocześnie zaobserwowano większą o około 40% retencję siarczanów. W roztworze o wysokim stężeniu wodorowęglanów (8 val/m3) usunięcie azotanów było większe o 20%, przy zwiększonej o 20% retencji wodorowęglanów. W przypadku roztworu zawierającego azotany, chlorki, siarczany i wodorowęglany elektrodializa monoselektywna pozwoliła osiągnąć wyższe o około 10% usunięcie azotanów, przy jednoczesnej wyższej o około 20% retencji siarczanów. Stwierdzono, że wzrost gęstości prądu zwiększył skuteczność usuwania jonów, jednak zarazem zmniejszyły się różnice w usuwaniu poszczególnych składników roztworu. Toteż dla uzyskania efektu monoselektywności wskazane jest prowadzenie procesu przy niższych gęstościach prądu, tj. 15 A/m2 (dla roztworów dwuskładnikowych) i 25 A/m2 (dla roztworów czteroskładnikowych).
The electrodialysis process (classical and monoselective) was used to remove nitrates from water solutions containing two or four polluting species. Monoselective electrodialysis (with monoanionselective membranes) was found to be useful for the removal of nitrates from sulfates or bicarbonates containing solutions. The process was particularly effective when the solution displayed a high sulphate concentration (8 eq/m3), yielding nitrate removal and sulfate retention by 70% and 25%, respectively, higher than those obtained with classical electrodialysis. A similar pattern was observed with solutions of a high bicarbonate concentration, where the removal of nitrates and the retention of bicarbonates were by 20% and 12%, respectively, higher as compared to the classical electrodialysis process. With four-component (nitrates, chlorides, sulfates and bicarbonates) solutions, monoselective electrodialysis yielded a higher removal of nitrates (by 10%) and a higher retention of sulfates (by 20%) than the classical process. It was found that the efficiency of ion removal increases with increasing current densities, but this increase was concomitant with a decrease in the difference between the removal efficiencies for particular components of the water solution. Thus, in order to achieve the monoselective effect, it is necessary to carry out the process with lower current densities, i.e. 15 A/m2 for two-component solutions and 25 A/m2 for four-component solutions.
In the article entitled Experience and module in shaping buildings in the Warsaw suburban zone it raised the issue of specific conditions which shaped the conception of city planning foundations in Warsaw. The author stresses that the medieval arrangement of the city did not differ from commonly accepted modules and that such a state lasted and included the 16th century. Only in the next centuries namely in the 1 7th and 18th century did the situation change. The old Warsaw situated behind medieval walls lost its significance and prestige. Relocation of the capital to Warsaw created a new situation for development (mostly town-planning) of the city, exactly, together with the King's residence, splendid residences of nobility, magnates, churches and monasteries began to be built. Demand for new building areas increased and as there were no spare plots within the limits of medieval Warsaw, buildings started to be erected in the suburbs. In the 19th century forts engirdling the city with a double ring were a barrier to the natural development of a suburban zone. The growing number of Warsaw inhabitants and also fast developing industry exacted densification of the buildings inside the fortification. The result of it was town-planning chaos and lack of proportion between city and suburban zone After regaining independence attempts were made to repair the town-planning setting of the city and improvement of its appearance. The short period of relative political stabilization of the interwar era brought many interesting town-planning solutions which the author discusses in her article in more detail.
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