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Content available The Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland
The Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland marks the Central Carpathian-North European plate suture zone. The strictly tectonic present-day confines of the Pieniny Klippen Belt are characterized as (sub)vertical faults and shear zones. A strong reduction in the space of the original sedimentary basins took place. The strike-slip-bounded tectonic blocks, thrust units, toe-thrusts and olistostromes are mixed together, resulting in the present-day mélange character where individual tectonic units are difficult to distinguish. The sedimentary rocks of the Pieniny Klippen Belt were deposited in the paleogeographic realm known as the Alpine Tethys that was divided into two basins separated by the Czorsztyn Ridge. The accretionary prism formed in front of the advancing Alcapa (Central Carpathians) terrane had overridden the Czorsztyn Ridge during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene. The destruction of the Czorsztyn Ridge supplied huge amounts of coarse-clastic material, including olistoliths, into the Magura Basin during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene. The rotation of the Alcapa caused the strike-slip motions which led to the deformation of the previously created nappes and development of the flower structure. Two parallel faults delineate the southern and northern limits of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. The stops in Sromowce (Macelowa and Sobczański Gorge area) allow the observation of the southern marginal zone of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the overturned position of the rotated counterclockwise deformed rock as well as the diapiric uplift of the Pieniny rocks in a transpressional strike-slip regime. The Zawiasy (Krościenko area) stop is located in the northern marginal zone (Hulina Unit) of the Pieniny Klippen Belt along the major dextral strike-slip Dunajec Fault.
The Kamyanyi (Kaminnyi) Potik Unit (Nappe) is the most internal and structurally-highest unit of the Fore-Marmarosh units, and in many places is directly covered by the Marmarosh Nappes of the Marmarosh Crystalline Massif. Chyvchyn Mount is built of this unit and forms a separate tectonic cap (Chyvchyn Mt. Klippe). It consists of the Upper Jurassic/lowermost Cretaceous Chyvchyn Formation, composed mainly of basic volcanic rocks, and the Tithonian-Early Cretaceous Kamyanyi Potik Formation, represented by calcareous and/or turbiditic deposits containing volcanic material. Geological mapping showed that this complex forms a tectonic klippe, which consists of four small tectonic thrust slices. Structurally, the lowermost one is represented by thin-bedded micritic limestones with cherts, and is interbedded with coarse/fine-grained calcareous pyroclastic turbidites (flysch). The second thrust slice is composed of calcareous-pyroclastic breccia with blocks of limestone, basalt, and chert (radiolarite?), which occur within a pyroclastic matrix and of coral limestones with basalt fragments and pyroclastic intercalations. The third thrust slice is constructed of breccia with a pyroclastic and volcanic matrix and clasts of effusive rocks and limestone. The fourth thrust slice – the highest – is represented by massive basaltic pillow lavas. Sedimentologically, the volcano-sedimentary complex represents a whole spectrum of marine mass-movement deposits, from debris flows through proximal turbidites to distal ones, which were formed during latest Jurassic/earliest Cretaceous time in the Outer Dacide-Severinide part of the Carpathian basins.
The main aim of this paper is presentation of the most characteristic outcrops/geological monuments, which occur in Szczawnica spa vicinity and are perfect geotouristic objects. These objects are presented with short geological/geomorphological remarks about their origin, development and significance in natural sciences. They provide the excellent inanimate natural monuments (geotourist trail in Pieniny Mountains from Szczawnica to Červený Kláštor, Palenica Mountain, Zawiasy area, Bryjarka Mountain, Jarmuta Mountain and Zaskalnik Waterfall), which can be used for better understanding of the history of our Earth and numerous geological processes, which „sculptured” its surface, especially very complicated geological story of the Pieniny Klippen Belt.
The oldest flysch deposits are the leading theme of the planned "Silesian-Moravian-Żywiec Beskid" Geopark. The geopark is located in the area of Beskid Śląski Mts. and Beskid Żywiecki Mts. in the territory ofPoland. This is a region of the occurrence of a number of tectonic units of the Outer Carpathians, including Pieniny Klippen Belt, Magura Nappe (with Krynica, Bystrica, Raca and Siary tec- tonic-facies zones), Fore-Magura Unit, Silesian Nappe and Subsilesian Nappe. Geodiversity of this area is defined by well-exposed sections ofrocks. They were the sites ofclassical geological work in the 19th century. Within the geopark boundaries, there are the type localities of the following tectonic units: Silesian Nappe, Fore-Magura, Bystrica and Raca units, as well as Jaworzynka, Bystrica, Vyhylovka, Vendryne and Cieszyn Limestone formations, Malinowska Skala Conglomerate, Mutne Sandstone, and Cisownica Shale members. Landslides, attractive geomorphologic landforms (e.g., highest peaks of the Beskidy Mts., providing magnificent views), waterfalls, diversified river valleys, tors, caves as well as places associated with the history and tradition of this region represent geotouristic attractions with a high potential. They will be included in the network ofgeosites protected within the planned geopark. Analysis ofthe geopark area indicates a high degree of variability of natural values, especially its geodiversity and richness of the historical-cultural heritage. The preservation and protection methods are also diversified. This region represents unique geoenvironmental and historical values on the European scale, therefore offering good chances for establishment of geopark. The documentation of geosites has already been gathered at this stage of work. The information requires only updating, minor additions and construction ofa unified database. The evaluation ofthe current touristic infrastructure have also brought very positive results; the area isfrequented by millions oftouristsfrom Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries.
The Jurassic deposits which crop out in the quarries at Priborzhavske, Perechin and Novoselitsa in the Transcarpathian Ukraine comprise fairly similar successions, allowing their interpretation as corresponding to a single palaeogeographic zone in the Pieniny Klippen Basin. To the same zone belong also deposits from Beňatina quarry in eastern Slovakia. The following main stratigraphic units may be recognized: terrigenous and fleckenkalk-fleckenmergel deposits (Sinemurian-Pliensbachian), highly diversified and condensed deposits (uppermost Pliensbachian-Aalenian), crinoidal limestones (Bajocian, with a stratigraphical gap covering a lower part of the Lower Bajocian), nodular limestones of ammonitico-rosso type (uppermost Bajocian to Oxfordian with a possible gap covering the Callovian and Lower Oxfordian), well bedded micritic limestones (Kimmeridgian to Upper Tithonian), and bedded limestones with cherts of the maiolica type (from the uppermost Tithonian). Two rifting phases, well developed in the successions, took place: (1) Devín phase during latest Pliensbachian-Toarcian-and at least earliest Aalenian, and (2) Krasín phase during the Bajocian. The onset of pelagic deposits overlying the rift strata took place during the latest Bajocian, and corresponds well with the general subsidence and development of a more uniform facies pattern during the post-rifting time as everywhere in the Pieniny Klippen Basin. Selected ammonite taxa of the Lower and lower part of the Middle Jurassic are illustrated and discussed.
The geological position and geochemistry of the basaltic sill and tuffs occurring within the Berriasian–?Albian pelagic limestones of the Czorsztyn Succession are described. The volcanic rock succession of the Velykyi (= Veliky) Kamenets’/Vilkhivchyk (= Vulkhovchik, Vulhovchik, Olkhivchyk) sites is related to intra-plate submarine volcanism, which took place at the southeastern termination of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. This volcanism was probably associated with the Early Cretaceous opening of the Magura/Fore-Magura basinal system, bounded by the Silesian/Marmarosh and Czorsztyn palaeoridges to the north and south respectively. The alkaline volcanic rocks from the Velykyi Kamenets’/Vilkhivchyk sites are geochemically similary to the basaltic block from Biała Woda (Małe Pieniny Mts., Poland), which is an olistolith a few metres across within the Jarmuta conglomerates (Maastrichtian/Paleocene). This basaltic block was eroded from the frontal part of the Czorsztyn Nappe and was deposited in the uppermost part of the Grajcarek Succession at the southeastern margin of the Magura Basin.
The Veliky Kamenets section in the eastern part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in the Ukrainian Carpathians shows a well exposed, 83 m thick succession composed of Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous (Berriasian) deposits. The terrigenous part of the section includes: gravels with a sandy matrix (unit 1A), massive grey-green sandstones (unit 1B) and shales with intercalations of siltstones/sandstones and oyster/gastropod lumachelles (unit 2). Organic-walled dinoflagellates document the Toarcian-Aalenian age of the siliciclastic deposits of unit 2. The carbonate part of the succession embraces: stromatactis mud-mounds interfingering with crinoidal limestones (unit 3A), lower nodular limestones (unit 3B), cherty limestones (unit 3C), upper nodular limestones (unit 3D), pink pelitic limestones (unit 3E), limestones with a volcanogenic bed (unit 5) and limestone breccia limestones (unit 6). This succession has yielded abundant ammonites from the Bathonian, Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian (with a stratigraphical hiatus covering the Callovian and Lower Oxfordian), as well as calcareous dinoflagellates (from the Upper Oxfordian towards the top of the succession), and calpionellids (in the Tithonian and Berriasian). Detailed stratigraphical study of the succession based both on ammonites and microfossils has resulted in the recognition of biostratigraphical units and their correlation with the chronostratigraphical scale.The microfacies recognized in the pelagic part of the succession include: the “filament” (Bositra) microfacies (Bathonian), the planktonic foraminifer microfacies (Oxfordian), the Saccocoma microfacies (Kimmeridgian to Upper Tithonian), and the calpionellid microfacies (Upper Tithonian–Berriasian). The volcanogenic rocks (lava flows and volcanic ash) appear in the topmost part of the succession (units 4 to 6) and this volcanic event is very precisely located in the Elliptica-Simplex chrons of the Middle and Late Berriasian.
According to the present authors the decline of the Bajocian crinoidal limestone sedimentation in the Pieniny Klippen Basin corresponded to a general subsidence of the Czorsztyn Ridge which promoted the appearance of nodular limestones of the pelagic Ammonitico Rosso facies (Czorsztyn Limestone Fm., Niedzica Limestone Fm.). As proved by ammonite faunas recognized in the Czorsztyn, Niedzica and Czertezik successions, this replacement of the facies (sometimes related with hiatus) took place during the latest Bajocian. A different interpretation of stratigraphy of the crinoidal limestones is given by Birkenmajer (1977, 2007) who postulates a wider stratigraphical range of these deposits, in the Czertezik Succession, but also in the Czorsztyn Succession, from the Bajocian up to base or even end of the Callovian. According to this author the crinoidal limestones span in these two successions a large stratigraphical interval of the Middle Jurassic being partly a lateral equivalent of the nodular limestones of the Niedzica Limestone Fm. of the Niedzica Succession. The present authors investigations, based on new findings of ammonites (parkinsoniids—Parkinsonia (Parkinsonia) parkinsoni (Sow.), Parkinsonia cf. bomfordi Arkell), in the typical area of occurrence of the Czertezik Succession, indicate the presence of the uppermost Bajocian–lowermost Bathonian red nodular limestones of the Niedzica Limestone Formation, and along with older ammonite datings from the Czorsztyn Succession prove that the onset of sedimentation of the nodular limestones was almost coeval in the Czertezik Succession, the Czorsztyn Succession and the Niedzica Succession. Additionally, the ammonite fauna indicates that sedimentation of the crinoidal limestones in the Czertezik Succession took place during the Bajocian, similarly as in other successions of the Pieniny Klippen Belt. These new findings show that differences between the Czertezik Succession, and other successions of the Pieniny Klippen Belt are much smaller than hitherto proposed (Birkenmajer, 1959), and confirm an earlier interpretation of the present authors (Wierzbowski et al., 2004).
The proto-Silesian Basin was well developed within the Alpine Tethys during the Late Jurassic times and existed as undivided entity until the significant Late Cretaceous reorganization. The deposits originated within this basin were incorporated into different structural units: Silesian, Subsilesian and Skole. The calciturbiditic Cieszyn Limestone Formation is the oldest Cretaceous flischoidal sequence of the proto-Silesian Basin. This calciturbiditic sedimentation passed gradually into younger siliciclastic deposition.
Sedimentological development of the Verovice Formation (Czech Moravia) is presented, according to Early Cretaceous geotectonic-eustatic changes in the proto-Silesian Basin. Those processes were a consequence of a gradual rebuilding the architecture of the Alpine-Carpathian realm. The geological events well correspond with the global sequence stratigraphy.
The organic-rich sediments were deposited during the marly stage of the proto-Pieniny basin evolution (Early Jurassic-beginning of Middle Jurassic) when this basin was relatively narrow, before the origin of Czorsztyn Ridge. After the ridge uplift sedimentation changed from anoxic to oxic, calcareous. The Rock-Eval pyrolytical analysis revealed that the Aalenian-Early Bajocian black spherosyderitic shales of the Skrzypny Shale Formation are enriched in the organic matter, but the character of kerogen and TOC content indicate the lack of good source rocks within the Middle Jurassic of the Pieniny Klippen Belt.
The separation of Laurasia and Gondwana, which was initiated by the Triassic break-up of Pangea, continued during Early-Middle Jurassic times. The origin of the narrow sea strait. so-called "Hispanic Corridor", took place between these two continents and connection of the Panthalassa Ocean (Proto-Pacific) and western (Alpine) Tethys gradually started in Early Jurassic, most probably in Sinemurian-Pliensbachian times. Recovery of marine fauna after Triassic/Jurassic mass extinction event was mainly marked by world-wide distribution of Lithiotis-type bivalve buildups. They indicate mainly shallow-marine/lagoon-type carbonate sedimentation and palaeogeographic/geodynamic regimes during break-up of Pangea in Pliensbachian-Early Toarcian times.
Olistoliths of various ages, provenance and dimensions are known in all of the higher-rank tectonic units of the Outer Carpathians. Their occurrences at various stratigraphic levels (Late Jurassic - Early Miocene) are related to different stages of development of the flysch basins, from the stage of rifting to post-rifting, through the orogenic phases, and further to the post-orogenic period.
Middle to Upper Jurassic of the Zamkowa Mt (Trzy Korony massif) in the Pieniny Klippen Belt show special development of the Czertezik Succession. The section reveals very thick units of crinoidal limestones: the Smolegowa Limestone Formation grainstones abruptly laterally replaced by crinoidal-spiculitic grainstones of the Flaki Limestone Formation; these are overlain by strongly condensed pelagic limestones - in their uppermost part rich in planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians - with abundant detrital grains of quartz and dolomite, fragments of crinoidal limestones, and the glauconitic nodules (glaucony). Both the development of attaining large thicknesses of strongly facies contrasted crinoidal units supplied from overhanging "crinoid gardens", as well as the appearance of abundant grains in younger pelagic limestones, prove the synsedimentary faulting which produced an active tectonic scarp during the Bajocian and at the turn of Callovian and Oxfordian.
Przedstawiono główne etapy wczesnopaleozoicznej ewolucji perygondwańskich płyt litosferycznych w nawiązaniu do historii superkontynentu Rodinia, a zwłaszcza efektu neoproterozoicznego ryftowania, które doprowadziło do izolacji Gondwany, Laurencji, Syberii i Bałtyki. Wskazano z kolei na wczesnopaleozoiczne (późny kambr-wczesny ordowik) ryftowanie terranów awalońskich, które objęło m.in. północno-zachodnią i południową Polskę. Na tym tle zobrazowano również wczesnopaleozoiczne wydarzenia geotektoniczne w dalekowschodniej Azji.
The Jurassic crinoidal limestones in the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Poland consist of three formations (Smolegowa, Flaki and Krupianka Limestone formations), and constitute an important segment of the Middle Jurassic sequence in the Czorsztyn, Niedzica and Czertezik successions. The onset of the crinoidal sedimentation, as proved by ammonite faunas, took place during the Early Bajocian and it was preceded by a marked stratigraphical hiatus. This hiatus corresponds to the origin and uplift of the Czorsztyn Ridge. The evidences of condensation event at the beginning of crinoidal limestones sedimentation are marked by numerous sedimentological features in the lowermost part (10-20 cm in thickness) of these limestones (e.g. phosphatic concretions concentration, pyrite concretions, large clasts of green micritic limestones). Occurrence of such important correlation horizon indicates primary thickness of investigated crinoidal limestones (from ca 10 m up to 100 m), and suggests origin of synsedimentary tectonic blocks and troughs, which influenced on their original, not recently tectonically reduced, differentiation of their thickness. This Bajocian tectonic activity within Pieniny Klippen Basin corresponds very well with others Middle Jurassic Western Tethyan geodynamic reorganizations.
Thirty-six Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous regions were evaluated to obtain the Source Rocks Predic- tion Value (SRPV). We focused on three major processes, which control the organic richness in a specific paleogeographic, climatic and tectonic setting. These three processes are biologic productivity, background sedimentation rates with non-dilution of organic richness by clastic sedimentation, and preservation of organic matter. A high or increased level of primary biologic productivity supports an increased flux of organic carbon to the sediments of the sea floor. When sedimentation rate increases, especially of fine-grained sediment, the organic matter content of the sediment also increases. Preservation of organic matter depends on domination of anoxic conditions during periods of stagnation of Carpathian basins. The debate over which of the three primary pro- cesses is the most important control on the accumulation of organic-rich facies is inconclusive. We assume that the three processes are equally important, and that the balance between them has the overriding control. The amount and richness of organic matter buried in marine sediments then depends on the balance between production and destruction, where the latter includes consumption, decomposition, and dilution. The modeling of the Source Rocks Prediction Value has placed the marginal Tethyan Ocean (Carpathian basin) among the basins, which contain the richest Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous source rocks in the world. Using the semi-quantitative Delphi method for 36 Late Jurassic regions, which represents a single tectono-depositional province in this time, we evaluated the assessment of SRPV for each of these. The south-Caspian and Central Asia basin was ranked eighth, while the Carpathian basin ninth. The paleogeographic and paleoclimatic settings are indicated as main factors in distribution by basins of known organic-rich rocks. The high organic productivity of the Carpathian basins was caused by upwelling, as well as restricted conditions in the narrow rift basins. The Upper Jurassic organic-rich Mikulov marls representing world-class source rocks (in the southeastern Czech Republic and north-eastern Austria) and Upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous Vendryně Formation rocks were used as local example in analysis of oil source deposits within West Carpathian arc. The average measured Source Potential Index (SPI) for both investigated Upper Jurassic organic rich formations is around 10 and this value fits very well the SPI pre- dicted for Carpathian Upper Jurassic using Source Rocks Prediction Value method.
The primary aim of this paper is note the attention to geological phenomena in the Podhale Flysch region, and especially lithological differentiation of flysch rocks, their sedimentological features, tectonic structures, stratigraphical and palaeontological aspects, and all of these according to recent regional position of Podhale and its palaeogeographical history in wider geodynamic context. Authors summarized the newest knowledge about geological history of the Podhale Flysch region and presented its geotouristic potential in one of the beautiful place in southern Poland. Short reviews of several aspects of geological works have been made according to: sedimentology, biostratigraphy, petrography and mineralogy, structural geology, organic geochemistry, palaoentology and palaeoecology, palaeogeography and basin analysis, geophysics, geothermy, Quaternary geology and geomorphology, inanimate nature protection and geotourism. In fact, the Podhale Flysch region is good place for geological education and promotion of Earth sciences.
Podstawowym celem niniejszej pracy jest zwrócenie uwagi na geologiczne fenomeny fliszu podhalańskiego, a szczególnie zróżnicowanie utworów fliszowych regionu, ich sedymentologicznych cech, struktur tektonicznych, aspektów stratygrafii i paleontologii, a one wszystkie w nawiązaniu do dzisiejszej, regionalnej pozycji Podhala i jego paleogeograficznej historii w szerszym geodynamicznym kontekście. Autorzy podsumowali najnowszą wiedzę na temat geologicznej historii fliszu podhalańskiego i zaprezentowali jego geoturystyczny potencjał w jednym z najpiękniejszych miejsc Polski południowej. Przedstawiono krótki przegląd wielu aspektów prowadzonych tutaj prac geologicznych z sedymentologii, biostratygrafii, petrografii i mineralogii, geologii strukturalnej, geochemii organicznej, paleontologii i paleoekologii, paleogeografii i analizy basenów, geofizyki, geotermii, geologii czwartorzędu i geomorfologii, ochrony przyrody nieożywionej i geoturystyki. Zdecydowanie, rejon fliszu podhalańskiego jest dobrym miejscem dla edukacji geologicznej i promocji nauk o Ziemi.
The main aim of this paper is presentation both general history of the Pieniny Klippen Belt and two famous sites in this region: Dunajec River Gorge and Homole Gorge. According to such general introduction the authors explain also palaeogeographical position of the Pieniny Klippen Belt Basin within Mesozoic Tethyan Ocean, and especially stratigraphical position and palaeoenvironmental conditions of Middle Jurassic black shales and their significance in geodynamic reconstruction of this basin. Both the Dunajec River Gorge, one of the most popular geotouristic object within Pieniny Mts. and Homole Gorge, one of the best place to geological study of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, are most attractive natural phenomena of this geological region.
Głównym celem niniejszej pracy jest prezentacja zarówno generalnej historii pienińskiego pasa skałkowego jak i dwóch słynnych miejsc tego regionu: przełomu Dunajca i wąwozu Homole. W nawiązaniu do takiego generalnego wprowadzenia autorzy przedstawiają również paleogeograficzną pozycję basenu pienińskiego pasa skałkowego w obrębie mezozoicznego oceanu Tetydy, a szczególnie stratygraficzną pozycję i paleośrodowiskowe warunki powstawania środkowojurajskich czarnych łupków oraz ich znaczenie w geodynamicznych rekonstrukcjach tego basenu. Zarówno spływ Dunajcem, jeden z najbardziej popularnych obiektów geoturystycznych w Pieninach, jak i wąwóz Homole, jedno z najlepszych miejsc do studiowania geologii pienińskiej, są najbardziej atrakcyjnymi obiektami przyrodniczymi w tym regionie geologicznym.
Middle and Upper Juras siclime stones from the Polish part of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (PKB) were palaeomagnetically studied at six localities. The Middle Jurassic redcrinoidal lime stones of the Krupianka Lime stone Formation and Oxfordian radiolarites of the Czajakowa Radiolarite Formation, sampled in the eastern part of the Polish section of the PKB, were ei ther unsuitable for palaeomagnetic studies (Krupianka Klippe) or remagnetized in the Neogene (Baba and Zaskalskie-Bodnarówka klippen). The Czorsztyn Lime stone Formation was investigated at the localities of Krempachy (up per Mid dle Jurassic: upper most Bajocian?-Callovian?), Obłazowa (mid dle Oxfordian) and Rogoźnik (Rogoża Coquina Member- Kimmeridgian). A pre-folding, mixed polarity component of magnetization was revealed, which was interpreted as primary. Palaeoinclinations differ slightly, but not significantly, between localities. The palaeolatitude of the Polish sector of the PKB, averaged for the Middle/Upper Jurassic, amounts to 22°N (± 5°). It corresponds to the estimated palaeolatitudes of the northern margins of the Adriatic microplate and indicates a significantly large distance from the European plate. There is a growing evidence for a northward drift of the PKB in the Late Jurassic up to the earliest Cretaceous: from the palaeolatitude of 22°N in the Late Jurassic up to 28°N in the western part, in Po land/W Slovakia, and from 28° up to 36°N in the eastern part of the PKB in Ukraine. Systematically lower palaeolatitudes in the west combined with exsting palaeogeographic and geotectonic scenarios would account for a NE-SW orientation of the Czorsztyn Ridge in the Late Juras sic/earliest Cretaceous.
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