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The article discusses the conditions of extracting minerals based on Article 4 of the Act of June 9, 2011 Geological and Mining Law. This provision allows the extraction of minerals without the need to obtain a concession. It is therefore often used by people who need sand or gravel to meet their own needs. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the said act entered into force in 2012, the provision in question still raises many doubts as to its interpretation.
Artykuł opisuje ograniczenia prawne w zakresie prowadzenia wydobywania kopalin metodą odkrywkową na obszarowych (parki narodowe, rezerwaty przyrody, parki krajobrazowe, obszary chronionego krajobrazu, Natura 2000) i obiektowych (ochrona indywidualna oraz ochrona gatunkowa roślin, zwierząt i grzybów) formach ochrony przyrody.
The article describes legal limitations of mineral extraction with the use of open pit method on area (national parks, nature reserves, landscape parks, protected landscape areas, Natura 2000) and local (individual protection and species protection of plants, animals and fungi) forms of nature protection.
Artykuł określa kompetencje organów administracji publicznej w przedmiocie wydawania decyzji w zakresie ochrony środowiska w odniesieniu do działalności górniczej, wynikające z Prawo geologicznego i górniczego, Prawa ochrony środowiska, Prawo przedsiębiorców oraz ustaw o odpadach i o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych. Wskazuje tym samym decyzje wydawane w przedmiotowym zakresie przez organy ochrony środowiska (organ wykonawczy gminy, starostę, marszałka województwa, regionalnego dyrektora ochrony środowiska), organy nadzoru górniczego oraz Inspekcję Ochrony Środowiska. Porusza ponadto kwestię uprawnień organów w zakresie kontroli i nadzoru nad ruchem zakładów górniczych oraz występowania przez nie w roli oskarżyciela publicznego w sprawach o wykroczenia.
The article indicates which public administration authorities supervise and have control rights over the operation of mining plants concerning environmental protection. Therefore, it provides information about environmental protection authorities (decision making authorities of communes, starosta, marshal of a voivodeship, the regional director for environmental protection), mining supervisory authorities and the Environmental Protection Inspectorate. At the same time, it indicates that, among those above mentioned, only the mining supervisory authorities, starostas and marshals of voivodeships have the power to supervise and control the operation of mining plants. All of them can act as subsidiary prosecutor in cases of offence, as well as conduct enforcement proceedings concerning non-cash benefits or can apply to the enforcement authority as a creditor with an appropriate writ of execution. The article highlights the need for individual authorities to respect their subject matter jurisdiction, an example of which is the power of the commune head to issue an order to remove waste from the excavation (a place not intended for storage) based on a special provision regulating issuing the remediation of irregularities in the operation of a mining plant by the mining supervisory authorities.
Content available Ochrona złóż kopalin : wybrane zagadnienia
The aim of the article is to analyze and indicate the basic principles of protecting mineral deposits at the stage of their exploitation. Despite the successively decreasing resources of mineral deposits and the increasing importance of environmental protection, not all aspects of the protection of these deposits have been transparently regulated by law, an example of which may be terms that appear therein which do not have legal definitions, such as rational mining and management of minerals or comprehensive mining and development of a mineral. The article introduces the essence of the mineral deposit, the regulations on the protection of mineral deposits contained in the Environmental Protection Law and the Geological and Mining Law, as well as the related obligations of entrepreneurs engaged in the extraction of minerals from deposits.
Artykuł opisuje fazy (etapy) rekultywacji gruntów po działalności górniczej, podejmując w tym zakresie próbę rozstrzygnięcia, czy likwidacja wyrobiska stanowi element rekultywacji, a także przybliża przepisy prawne, piśmiennictwo i orzecznictwo sądowe odnoszące się do tej tematyki.
The article describes the phases (stages) of post-mining reclamation, attempting to decide whether the liquidation of a mine working is an element of reclamation. Moreover, it presents legal regulations, literature and court jurisdiction regarding this subject area.
Artykuł przedstawia w zarysie ewolucję prawnych regulacji w zakresie ochrony środowiska w górnictwie, koncentrując się w szczególności na zmianach przepisów prawa polskiego.
For millennia, mankind has been trying to regulate various areas of its activity, including mining, which sometimes significantly shapes and transforms the surrounding naturę. In Poland, regulations on mining activities or environmental protection began to be issued as early as in the beginning of its statehood (e.g. a papai buli issued on July 7 1136 by Pope Innocent II or Statutes of Casimir the Great of 1368). However, one had to wait longer for regulations governing these issues morę comprehensively. It was the so-called Ordunek Górny (Mining Ordinance) of 1528. During the Partitions of Poland, different legał regulations were in force in the areas incorporated into the partitioning States. After regaining independence, they were replaced with the Regulation of the President of Poland - Mining Law of 1930. Contrary to the Geological and Mining Law currently in force, it did not regulate the issues of environmental protection and naturę conservation, which were included in the Act on Naturę Preservation of 1934, though indirectly and being associated with mining activities to a smali extent. A similar evaluation should be madę in respect of the status of legał and environmental regulations concerning mining activities in the beginning of the Polish People's Republic, when the Decree - Mining Law of 1953 and the Act on Naturę Preservation of 1949 were in force. Over time, the legislative body began to take morę notę of the need to protect the environment. In 1980, the Act on the Protection and Shaping of the Environment was enacted, which was important in this respect. Environmental protection in the mining industry became a fundamental issue only in present-day Poland, which was reflected in the Act - Geological and Mining Law of 1994. Poland's accession to the EU was also an important stimulus for further development of environmental protection regulations in the mining industry.
Artykuł dotyczy możliwości wykorzystania odpadów przy likwidacji odkrywkowych zakładów górniczych. Porusza kwestie: rodzajów odpadów, które można wykorzystać w tym zakresie, uzyskania przez substancje lub przedmioty przymiotu odpadu, zezwolenia na zbieranie odpadów i prowadzenie przetwarzania odpadów, możliwości wykorzystania odpadów do likwidacji wyrobisk zawodnionych, a także ulokowania w wyrobisku składowiska odpadów.
The article focuses on selected aspects of the use of waste to liquidate open-pit mining excavations. In this respect, the article addresses the issue of defining substances or objects as waste and analyses, in particular, whether the fact that they are used for the liquidation process is the same as their disposal or as the intention of or obligation to dispose of them. Zaistnienie tych przesłanek kreuje bowiem przedmiotowość odpadów. The author rejects this possibility and points out that the use of waste to liquidate excavations usually meets the criteria for "other recovery processes" indicated as one of the the waste management methods specified in their statutory hierarchy. In addition, the article rejects the possibility of filling excavations having water accumulation with waste. It also rejects the possibility of liquidating a mining excavation by locating a landfill site there, indicating that such a site can be established only after the mine liquidation process is completed.
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