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In the paper, there were shown the results of research on the properties of overlay welds consisted of one and three layers deposited by three types of tubular electrodes of the Fe-Cr-C alloy, Fe-Cr-C-Nb-Mo-W-V alloy and composite consist of tungsten carbide particles in the Fe-Cr-C alloy matrix. The study of hardfacing deposits included: test of metal-mineral abrasion resistance, metallographic examinations, analysis of chemical composition, and hardness tests. The test of abrasive usage in metal-mineral friction was made according to the procedure A of the ASTM G 65 standard.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania własności napoin jedno- i trójwarstwowych wykonanych trzema rodzajami elektrod rurkowych ze stopów Fe-Cr-C, Fe-Cr-C-Nb-Mo-W-V oraz kompozytu składającego się z cząstek węglika wolframu w osnowie ze stopu Fe-Cr-C. Badania napoin obejmowały: badania odporności na zużycie ścierne typu metal-minerał, badania metalograficzne, analizę składu chemicznego oraz pomiar twardości. Badanie odporności na zużycie ścierne typu metal-minerał przeprowadzono zgodnie z normą ASTM G 65, procedura A.
Warunkiem przejścia praw majątkowych do utworu na pracodawcę jest jego powstanie w zakresie obowiązków pracownika wynikających ze stosunku pracy. Nadto do przejścia tych praw koniecznym jest wytworzenie dzieła w granicach wynikających z celu umowy o pracę i zgodnego zamiaru stron.
The condition of the transfer of property rights to a work on an employer is the creation of a work within the scope of the employee's obligations arising from the employment relationship. In addition, it is necessary to produce the work within the limits of the contract of employment and the intent of the parties to pass these rights.
Ochrona praw własności intelektualnej opiera się na regulacjach z zakresu prawa autorskiego i prawa własności przemysłowej. W działalności gospodarczej wykorzystuje się również nabytą w trakcie wieloletniej praktyki wiedzę określaną jako know-how. Także ona stanowi element własności intelektualnej i powinna być chroniona. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak chronić tę wartość, szczególnie w świetle problematyki wykorzystywania jej przez inne podmioty. Pozbawione ochrony dobre praktyki czy idee mogą łatwo zostać przejęte przez przedsiębiorstwa konkurencyjne.
Protection of intellectual property rights is established in regulations on copyright and industrial property rights. In the course of business there is also used knowledge known as know- how. That derives from long-lasting practice. This term is also within the scope of intellectual property and should be protected. This article attempts to answer the question of how to protect that right. Practice and ideas deprived of the legal protection can be easily taken over by competitors.
The impact of biological invasions should be considered from ecological and economic perspective. To understand the influence of the invader, both its range and abundance should be known. Even if the range of invaders is well-known, the problem of assessing their abundance still occurs very often. In this study we report the results of an assessment of the area covered by stands of alien Solidago species in Silesia (Central Europe, south-western Poland, area ca. 30 000 km2), and estimated costs of the invaded areas recultivation. The results of field survey show that the stands of invasive Solidago species cover an area of about 130 000 hectares in S-W Poland, which is ca. 4.5% of the total area of the studied region. It was also found that the cadastral data and Corine land cover maps underestimate the area of fallowed agricultural lands. The cost of removing stands of invasive Solidago species in S-W Poland ranges from 123.24 to 266.17 million PLN, depending on the method. The method that balances reasonable costs, low environmental impact and efficiency of grassland establishment costs 180.7 million PLN for S-W Poland.
The development of electronic commerce over the past several years has progressed very rapidly. On 25 December 2014 the Consumer Rights Act, which applies, among others, to e-commerce, came into force. The act introduces new rules for consumer protection as a consequence of the implementation of the Directive 2011/83/EU into the Polish legal system. This implementation resulted in, among others, changes in the formulation of rules and regulations of electronic services, intensification of the information obligation and abolition of legal barriers to crossborder e-commerce. The need to adapt websites is often troublesome for entrepreneurs, however the increase in the catalogue of consumer rights should increase the number of electronic transactions.
The aim of this study is to characterize the habitat preferences of Wild garlic (Allium ursinum), determine the potential environmental threats and possibilities of protection of this species and also, to show the possibility of its use as a natural element in landscape planning. The palace park in Korytów (Kłodzko Valley, Lower Silesia) was selected as a model area for the study. The research has shown that bear garlic is a highly demanding plant in terms of soil conditions. The threat to this species is soil eutrophication related to the influence of anthropogenic factor and excessive cutting of forest trees. In order to protect the wild garlic population it is recommended to reduce the felling of trees and remove competitive species like Impatiens parviflora and Urtica dioica.
Celem pracy jest charakterystyka preferencji siedliskowych czosnku niedźwiedziego (Allium ursinum), określenie potencjalnych zagrożeń i możliwości ochrony tego gatunku oraz pokazanie możliwości jego wykorzystania jako elementu naturalistycznego w kształtowaniu krajobrazu. Jako modelowe stanowisko wybrano park przypałacowy w Korytowie (Kotlina Kłodzka, Dolny Śląsk). Czosnek niedźwiedzi wykazuje duże wymagania w stosunku do warunków glebowych. Zagrożeniem dla tej rośliny są eutrofizacja gleb związana z wpływem czynnika antropogenicznego i nadmierne prześwietlenie drzewostanów. W celu ochrony czosnku niedźwiedziego zaleca się ograniczenie wycinki drzew oraz usuwanie roślin z nim konkurujących takich jak niecierpek drobnokwiatowy (Impatiens parviflora) i pokrzywa zwyczajna (Urtica dioica).
Zapewnienie pełniejszej ochrony oraz bezpieczeństwa żywności w ostatnich latach stało się głównym celem działań legislacyjnych na gruncie regulacji prawa żywnościowego. Dla jak najpełniejszego zabezpieczenia produktów żywnościowych wprowadzono wiele instytucji mających za zadanie zapewnienie gwarancji dostatecznej jakości i standardów żywności. Wśród nich wymienić należy oświadczenia żywnościowe i zdrowotne. Znajomość zasad znakowania produktów w tym zakresie jest szczególnie ważna, bowiem wystąpienie błędu w zakresie tego rodzaju specjalnego oznakowania powoduje najczęściej dotkliwą szkodę po stronie konsumenta.
Better protection and food safety in recent years has become the main object of the legislative action on regulation of food law. There are many legal institutions whose task is to ensure a guarantee of sufficient quality and food standards. Among them are the food and health claims. Knowledge of the rules of marking products in this regard is especially important, because an error of this kind of special marking causes the damage on the side of the consumer.
Coppicing is uncommon in Poland; however, some remnants of a previously coppiced oak forest persist in the foothills of the Sudety Mountains (southern Poland). Some of these forests are considered as a kind of thermophilous oak forest, classified as habitat 91I0 in the European programme Natura 2000. As an example of previously coppiced sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) forest in Poland, the vegetation and environmental factors in the "Wąwóz Lipa" reserve (area 101 ha, altitude ca. 400 m a.s.l.) were surveyed. Canonical correspondence analysis showed a basic compositional gradient of vegetation related to the content of coarse fragments in the soil, light availability and soil pH. The number of species per plot was not correlated with any particular environmental variable; in general, the plant species number and cover decreased in the most exposed sites, where the heat load was highest. We hypothesize that the higher number of species in some plots was the results of an edge effect: this occurred in transitional zones between the most exposed sites, which work as refuges for light-demanding, drought-tolerant species, and less exposed sites, with vegetation typical of acidophilous oak forests. The land relief also allowed the spread of species typical of mesophilous forests, which found refuge in the shaded, wet gorges. Thus, the specific land relief, along with previous coppice management, allowed the coexistence, probably temporally, of species of plants considered typical of different habitats.
The vegetation adjacent to watercourses is an important component of the agricultural landscape due to its influence on water quality, biodiversity and landscape permeability. The structure of the vegetation and the influence of different kinds of usage of adjacent land and watercourse maintenance has been intensively studied in an attempt to establish the most effective management system to maintain biodiversity. In the eastern part of Central Europe however, studies considering those problems are rare. In this research, the vegetation on the banks of ditches in an agricultural landscape in the southwest of Poland was examined, on the floodplain of the Odra River. The land reclamation system consisted of ditches and channels has been neglected since the period of socio-economic transformation in 1990s. The watercourses were divided into homogeneous segments with respect to the adjacent vegetation, watercourse morphology and water depth. Vascular plants species with the cover higher than 5% were noted. A total of 134 km of watercourses were divided into 536 segments, the segments were mapped with GPs receiver. The quantitative participation (QP) of each species was calculated as the sum of percentage cover multiplied by the length of the segment, and was expressed as a percentage of the sum of the QP of all species. The typology of the vegetation was created on the basis of hierarchical clustering method, using TWINSPAN software, the species - environment relations were explored by multivariate statistics (DCA and DCCA). The results showed that a few species, such as Calamagrostis epigejos, Urtica dioica, Quercus robur, Phalaris arundinacea, Prunus spinosa, Phragmites australis, and Alnus glutinosa covered more than 60% of the investigated banks. These species were able to dominate the vegetation and create distinctive assemblages. 8 vegetation types were distinguished: four of them, dominated by grasses, could be connected with the management of ditches, whereas remaining types, consisted woody plants and common reed (Phragmites australis) were results of ditch management cessation. Such cessation leads to widespread of typical forest plants species along watercourses into the areas of open fields, whereas the species typical of open habitats avoid forest neighbourhood. The influence of differed kind of agricultural usage (arable land, grassland, fallow land) was less important than the general difference between watercourses place next to forests and those in the open surrounding. The ditches morphology as well as the presence of water influenced the species composition significantly, nevertheless they were not a crucial factor influencing the surveyed vegetation.
The increase of interest in golf playing, observed in recent years in Poland, is a reason for the growing demand for building new golf courses. It generates the need for creating an assessment methodology for the solutions used when designing and realizing golf courses. Turf value is a crucial component that affects games quality, therefore valuation of turf is very important (Turgeon, 2004). However, for many players also important are landscape values, which create a setting for playing golf. For this reason, creating a separate, universally used methodology of valuation the golf course landscape is an important aspect. The present paper shows the methodology of golf course landscape assessment by the example of the Toya Golf & Country Club – Wroclaw at Krzyżanowice. The assessment presented includes five aspects: compatibility of the golf course with the surroundings (compatibility of trees and water plants, architectonics and influence on surroundings), the harmony of design and performance (analysis of the landscape dominants used, of view axis, selection of colors and use of helioplastics), the vertical and habitant variety that includes an assessment of distribution of obstacles on a golf course, functionality (play safety and universality) and originality of solutions applied in a golf course. The aspects mentioned are assessed using a point scale and the final value is the sum of partial values.
Najważniejszym aspektem rekultywacji biologicznej jest dobór odpowiedniej roślinności do trudnych warunków siedliskowych. Przedstawiona praca prezentuje wyniki analizy roślinności oraz erozji wietrznej i wodnej na obwałowaniach zbiornika "Żelazny Most". Stwierdzono dużą bioróżnorodność roślinności na zbiorniku pomimo niekorzystnych warunków siedliskowych. Obecność roślinności na skarpie zbiornika redukuje procesy erozyjne oraz przyczynia się do stabilności skarp. Występowanie roślinności na skarpach jest wynikiem procesów sztucznego ich wprowadzania, jak również spontanicznej sukcesji.
The key problem of ecological restoration is choosing proper vegetations to difficult breeding-ground facilities. Current study presents results of analysis of vegetations as well as wind and water erosion of dams of tailings pond "Żelazny Most". The study reveals high biodiversity of plants in spite of unfavorable breeding- ground facilities. Vegetations presence on slopes is a result of affected processes of introducing it as well as spontaneous succession. We also found that presence of vegetations reduces the erosion progress and helps to stabilize the slopes.
Content available remote Waloryzacja krajobrazowa pola golfowego w Krzyżanowicach
Wzrost zainteresowania grą w golfa, obserwowany w ciągu ostatnich lat w Polsce jest przyczyną zapotrzebowania na budowę nowych pól golfowych. Przedstawiona praca prezentuje wyniki waloryzacji krajobrazowej pola golfowego Toya Golf & Country Club - Wrocław w Krzyżanowicach. Wszystkie oceniane w trakcie waloryzacji krajobrazowej cechy pola wykazywały najwyższe wartości, co pozwala na stwierdzenie, że realizacja pola golfowego została wykonana w ścisłej harmonii z projektem. Stwierdzono prawidłowe wkomponowanie pola golfowego w krajobraz oraz odnotowano obecność gatunków drzew i krzewów rodzimych, zgodnych z roślinnością naturalną danego obszaru. Nie stwierdzono ponadto ujemnego oddziaływania nowopowstałego obiektu na środowisko przyrodnicze.
The result of increasing interests of golf last years is building of a new golf course. Presented paper shows the results of landscape assessment of a golf course Toya Golf & Country Club - Wrocław. The valuated golf course features point out the highest values. It is the basis of stating, that the golf course realization was made exact balance with project. A right putting of golf course into landscape composition was affirmed. On full size TG & CC golf course the presence of native, compatibles in most cases with natural potential vegetation trees and scrubs species was described. The negative influence of object on natural environment was not noted.
Parks are a specific form of area management, built up with natural and artist-architecture elements. They are related territorially with that place where villagers live and work; herefore they should realize a social and scientific function. However, as tourist objects, they should carry out cultural, didactic, ecological, sanitary and aesthetic functions. Most of the parks were formed in the 18th century in place of older ensembles, sometimes as a result of their transformations. The appearance of parks is a result of economical development of society and changes in aesthetic taste, e.g. in Gorzow park, where the garden parterres were transformed into flower meadows and glades. English style fashion introduces the idea of landscape style and park. Signs of that style can be found in the park ensembles in question, where the beauty of natural forms like solitary trees e.g. European ash in nodding variety, a weeping willow which solitarily grows over a pond, or oak and beech which grow in groups. Irregularities in the terrain, such as naturally shaped waterfronts and ponds. Avenues and paths are forming arches, avoiding symmetry, e.g. on Park Mountain in Międzygorze. Rural parks, the younger ones, which were created in the 19th century had a typical, naturalistic character. They are the most valuable ones from the naturalists point of view, however poor in relation to architecture and composition. They form structural arrangements, similar to forests and have a heterogeneous composition of trees and scrub species. Trees which grow there are usually well adapted to regional soil conditions, they have a shapely form, high height and are characterized by high development dynamics. The presented results apply to the valuation of conservation of composition arrangement and floristic composition of rural parks in Bystrzyca Kłodzka district. Projects of two cycling paths based on the landscape value of the area and the attractiveness of catalogued objects. There exist eighty tress and scrubs taxa, within which sixteen are gymnosperms and sixty four are angiosperms, forty five taxa (56% of the whole investigated plants) belong to native species.
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