Problemy zagospodarowania i utrzymania obiektów zabytkowych oraz zaadaptowania ich do nowej funkcji wiążą się między innymi z dostosowaniem do aktualnych wymagań funkcjonalnych, ale w znacznej mierze do spełnienia szeregu współczesnych wymagań technicznych, warunków wytrzymałościowych, ochrony p.poż, przepisów BHP. Przedstawiona koncepcja adaptacji zabytkowej willi w Zielonej Górze jest próbą połączenia tych wymagań przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu historycznego charakteru budynku.
The problems of managing and maintaining historic buildings and adapting them to their new function involve, among other things, adapting them to meet current functional requirements, but also to meet a number of contemporary technical requirements, strength conditions, fire protection and health and safety regulations. The presented concept for the adaptation of a historic villa in Zielona Góra is an attempt to combine these requirements while preserving the historic character of the building.
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W artykule poruszono tematykę modernizacji obszaru zabudowanego na przykładzie przebudowy układu komunikacyjnego wraz z infrastrukturą towarzyszącą na terenie Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Zielonej Górze. Chronologicznie przedstawiono zakres zmian zachodzących w układzie drogowymi jego infrastrukturze w obrębie budynków szpitalnych na przestrzeni lat. Zaprezentowano rodzaje wykonanych prac oraz etapy realizacji przedsięwzięcia modernizacyjnego, które poprzedzono analizą aktualnego systemu komunikacyjnego. Naświetlono istotne problemy powstałe od procesu projektowania przez procedurę uzyskania wymaganych zgód i pozwoleń, aż po aktualny stan realizacji inwestycji. Omówiono również zagadnienia logistyki powiązań układu wewnętrznego z zewnętrznym układem komunikacyjnym miasta.
The article deals with the modernization of the area built on the example of the reconstruction of the communications system along with the accompanying infrastructure on the territory of the University Hospital in Zielona Góra. Chronologically, the scope of changes occurring in the road system and its infrastructure within hospital buildings over the years is presented. The types of work carried out and the stages of implementation of the modernization project were presented, which was preceded by an analysis of the current communication system. Important problems arising from the design process through the procedure for obtaining the required approvals and permits to the current state of implementation of the investment were highlighted. Issues of logistics of the connections of the internal system with the external communication system of the city were also raised.
Poland is among the top ten countries in the world in terms of lignite resources (including reserves). With respect to lignite mining, its position is even higher at sixth in the world, fourth in Europe and second in the European Union (EU). The role of lignite in the Polish energy mix is crucial because ~27% of electricity was generated in lignite-fired power plants in 2022. However, there are countries in Europe where the dependence on lignite is much greater and currently in the range of 40-96%. Both the national and EU climate energy policy assumes the abandonment of lignite as a source of ‘dirty’ electricity within the next two decades. This ambitious goal is achievable but it may be threatened by the geopolitical situation. However, after 2040-2044, a large number of lignite deposits will remain in Poland. The deposits are well recognized and the detailed geology is well documented, with the estimated reserves intended for exploitation amounting to 5.8 Gt. These deposits, like the five which are currently mined, are stratigraphically diverse and characterized by a complex geology, representing different genetic types. In the context of a coal-free energy policy in the EU, the problem of the legal protection of lignite deposits remains. Thus, the question arises of what is next for Polish lignite deposits. They may be managed in the coming decades by using improved unconventional methods, such as in situ or ex situ gasification. Lignite deposits will constitute a strategic reserve in the event of a deep energy crisis caused by an unstable geopolitical situation. Finally, we suggest the urgent introduction of more precise legal changes that would protect at least part of the lignite resources in Poland for future generations.
Polska znajduje się w pierwszej dziesiątce krajów na świecie pod względem zasobów i rezerw węgla brunatnego. Pod względem wydobycia węgla brunatnego jej pozycja jest jeszcze wyższa, tj. szósta na świecie, czwarta w Europie i druga w Unii Europejskiej (UE). Rola węgla brunatnego w polskim miksie energetycznym jest kluczowa, gdyż w 2022 roku w elektrowniach nim opalanych wytworzono ~27% energii elektrycznej. Zarówno krajowa, jak i unijna polityka klimatyczno-energetyczna zakłada w ciągu najbliższych dwóch dekad odejście od węgla brunatnego jako źródła „brudnej” energii elektrycznej. Ten ambitny cel jest możliwy do osiągnięcia, jednak może mu zagrozić sytuacja geopolityczna. Z drugiej strony, po latach 2040-2044, w Polsce pozostanie duża liczba złóż węgla brunatnego. Złoża są dobrze rozpoznane, szczegółowa budowa geologiczna dobrze udokumentowana, a szacowane zasoby przeznaczone do eksploatacji wynoszą 5,8 Gt. Złoża te, podobnie jak pięć obecnie eksploatowanych, są zróżnicowane stratygraficznie, charakteryzują się złożoną geologią oraz reprezentującą różne typy genetyczne. W kontekście bezwęglowej polityki energetycznej w UE pozostaje problem prawnej ochrony złóż węgla brunatnego. Rodzi się zatem pytanie: co dalej z polskimi złożami węgla brunatnego? Można je w nadchodzących dziesięcioleciach zagospodarować, stosując udoskonalone metody niekonwencjonalne, takie jak zgazowanie in situ lub ex situ. Złoża węgla brunatnego będą stanowić rezerwę strategiczną na wypadek głębokiego kryzysu energetycznego spowodowanego np. niestabilną sytuacją geopolityczną. Zatem sugerujemy pilne wprowadzenie bardziej precyzyjnych zmian prawnych, które chroniłyby przynajmniej część zasobów węgla brunatnego w Polsce dla przyszłych pokoleń.
The thickest lignite seams in Poland are located in tectonic depressions such as the Kleszczów, Złoczew, and Lubstów grabens, as well as the Zittau (Żytawa) Basin. Their depth ranges from 220 m to 550 m, while the maximum lignite thickness ranges from approximately 90 m to over 250 m. The areas selected for this study include two Miocene lignite seams that have been exploited or prepared for mining, i.e. the third Ścinawa lignite seam (ŚLS-3) and the second Lusatian lignite seam (LLS-2). Currently, more than 95% of the Polish lignite production comes from the exploitation of these seams. Both lignite seams are accompanied by siliciclastic sediments that are lithologically very diverse. The lignite-rich grabens examined in this study form isolated structures and their individual geology is complex. Hence, apart from the Lubstów Graben, local lithostratigraphy is applied for each case, an approach that makes it difficult to compare the lithological units and their stratigraphic position with the Paleogene and Neogene lithostratigraphy used for the Polish Lowlands area. Therefore, it seems appropriate to present an outline of the geology of the Polish regions bearing most of the lignite seams, including a brief overview of their lithological and palaeotectonic characteristics. However, it is first necessary to clarify and compare the lithostratigraphy of the Cenozoic sediments that fill the studied grabens.
The article presents an overview and a classification of X-ray detection methods. The main motivation for its preparation was the need to select a suitable and useful method for detecting signals from a currently developed miniature micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) X-ray source. The described methods were divided into passive and active ones, among which can be distinguished: chemical, luminescent, thermo-luminescent, gas ionization, semiconductor, and calorimetric methods. The advantages and drawbacks of each method were underlined, as well as their usefulness for the characterisation of the miniature MEMS X-ray source.
The article presents the results of experiments on a detection system used for detecting signals from a miniature, low-energy micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) X-ray source. The authors propose to use a detection based on luminescence phenomena occurring in luminophore and scintillators to record the visual signal on a CMOS/CCD detector. The main part of the article is a review of various materials of scintillators and luminophores which would be adequate to convert low-energy X-ray radiation (E < 25 keV - it is a range not typical for conventional X-ray systems) to visible light. Measurements obtained for different energies, exposure times, and different targets have been presented and analysed.
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Adaptacja budynku zabytkowego zobowiązuje projektanta do bardzo starannego przygotowania dokumentacji remontowej. Projektowane nowe funkcje nie mogą niszczyć zabytkowych detali, charakteru obiektu lub wnętrza. W artykule przedstawiono problemy adaptacyjne zabytkowego budynku kordegardy w barokowym zespole pałacowo-parkowym zlokalizowanym w Bojadłach. Nowa funkcja budynku ma być dostosowana do wymagań dotyczących pomieszczeń przeznaczonych na cele mieszkalne z zachowaniem historycznego charakteru budynku.
Adaptation of a historic building obliges the designer to very carefully prepare renovation documentation. Designed new functions may not destroy the historic details, character of building or interior space. The article presents the problems of adaptation of the historic guardhouse in the baroque palace and park complex located in Bojadla. The new function of the building will be adapted to the requirements of rooms intended for residential purposes, while maintaining the historical character of the building.
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W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe elementy systemu zarządzania eksploatacją pomp głębinowych w odwadnianiu złóż surowców eksploatowanych metodą odkrywkową, na przykładzie KWB „Bełchatów”. Zaprezentowano nowoczesny system automatycznej eksploatacji odwodnienia wgłębnego oraz system obsługi technicznej urządzeń zabudowanych w setkach układów pompowych. Artykuł obejmuje prezentację rozwiązań sprzętowych oraz informatycznych systemów nadrzędnych zarządzających pracą obiektów i ich obsługą.
In the Tomisławice opencast mine, owned by the Konin Lignite Mine, a relatively widespread (>1.5 km2) and thick (up to 80 cm) layer of clay occurs within the first mid-Polish lignite seam. These fine-grained sediments are interpreted as deposited in a long-lasting lake that existed in the mid-Miocene backswamp area. Due to the exploitation of this seam forelectricity production, interbeddings of clastic sediments significantly reduce the quality of lignite. Currently, lignite is mined together with the clays in the Tomisławice opencast mine. Such procedure in extreme cases, where the maximum. thickness of the clay layer is up to 80cm, increases/may increase the ash content of the entire lignite seam almost twice. Therefore, selective lignite mining would be recommended, i.e. without clays, which unfortunately is not practiced due to technological and financial reasons.
The present study focuses on alternative methods of exploiting lignite in comparison to conventional opencast mining and combustion in power plants for the generation of electricity. In Poland, opencast lignite pits cover large areas, creating social and environmental conflicts. In order to stabilise the production level of electricity and reduce the negative effects of opencast mining, alternative ways of exploiting lignite are suggested, one of these being underground gasification in situ. The Złoczew lignite deposit, which will most likely be exploited in the near future, provides an opportunity to discuss the unconventional method of underground coal gasification (UCG). On the basis of technological and geological criteria that have been established to determine the suitability of Polish lignite for underground gasification, resources to be used this way have been estimated. Through gasification, over 15 million tonnes of lignite can be utilised, which is about 2.5 per cent of resources of the Złoczew deposit intended for opencast mining. With this in mind, we suggest to take action by starting a pilot installation, to be followed by a commercial one for underground gasification after completion of superficial mining. Naturally, any future application of this method will be preceded by assessment of geological conditions at the Złoczew opencast pit.
The present study focuses on the upper Neogene deposits, called the “Poznań Clays”, that cover more than 75,000 km2 of Poland. They are situated between the first midPolish lignite seam and the glaciogenic deposits of the Pleistocene age. Lithostratigraphically, the “Poznań Clays” belong to the uppermost portion of the lignite-bearing Grey Clays Member and the whole Wielkopolska Member (Poznań Formation). The examined fine-grained sediments include mud-rich floodplain deposits with palaeosol remnants and large sandy-muddy or muddy palaeochannel bodies. Therefore, taking into account facies analysis, cross-sectional geometry, and the planform of the palaeochannels, it can be stated that the “Poznań Clays” formed in the environment of a late Neogene anastomosing river.
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