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Providing safety and maintaining high quality of dry cargo, transported by sea, is associated with the necessity of taking into consideration their specific property, which is hygroscopicity. Susceptibility to the impact of water, which also occurs in vapour state, concerns mainly dry cargo, which are organic matter, containing carbohydrates and protein in their composition. This is because these substances have strong connection with water. The example of a bulk cargo often transported by sea is soybean meal, which is mainly produced in the USA, Brazil and Argentina. Due to its economic importance, the quality of soybean meal, which is globally used in the animal nutrition (poultry and swine), remains an important research issue. This product is obtained by subjecting the soybeans to cracking and dehulling processes, in order to facilitate the extraction of the oil. Water absorption of soybean meal causes reactions taking place in it, which leads to the changes in its chemical composition and, consequently, also in its nutritional values. Moreover, increasing the water content, leading to the increase of water activity, may significantly deteriorate the microbiological safety of the meal. Therefore, the research was undertaken to determine whether the sorption properties of soybean meal will change due to the influence of a static, homogeneous magnetic field. This aim has been achieved by determining and comparing the water vapour adsorption isotherms. The comparison of the isotherms determined under normal conditions and under the influence of a static, homogeneous magnetic field with an induction of 10 mT has been made on the basis of empirical data. Furthermore, using the Brunauer, Emett and Teller equation (BET), the monolayer and the energy constant of the sorption process have been estimated. The isotherms were determined at 20°C. The study lasted 9 days. Desiccators with aqueous supersaturated solutions of substances and a generator of a static magnetic field were used in the research. The obtained results have indicated that the influence of the magnetic field is a factor that causes the differentiation between the sorption properties of soybean meal expressed in the volume of the monolayer and the energy associated with the sorption phenomenon. The inferred findings show, that the magnetic field has an impact on the course of the sorption phenomenon in organic samples, and may determine the stability of the cargo during long-term maritime transport.
Modern technologies provide the optimization, the management, and the automation of the port operation and the logistics processes, hence they create an effective advance which strengthens the port's position among the maritime communities. If it is not enough, they also improve the integration of governing bodies to standardize and harmonize the reporting formalities. Ports have been especially challenged during the COVID - 19 pandemic. The port enterprises, which had dynamically introduced innovative solutions, have maintained their position on the market. This means that innovation is the only way to maintain a high position in the international economy. The aim of the study is to present a review of port technologies, which is based on literature. The article was written in accordance with the method of literature analysis.
In order to provide quality and safety of liquid cargo carried by sea, it is necessary to obey the rules of its protection. During maritime transport edible oils are prone to detrimental influence of many external factors such as supply of oxygen, of water, of metal ions and of pollution, as well as changes of temperature and mixing caused by ship movement. Due to them, they could undergo oxidation reactions, hydrolysis, polymerization and various types of physical transformation. On account of them the deterioration of nutritional, health and sensory qualities of fat could occur. The aim of the study was the assessment of the dynamic of changes with oxidative character (peroxide value and TBA index) which could appear in edible oils depending on their storage conditions. The analysis, which lasted 12 weeks, concerns rapeseed oil. Oxidative changes were registered every two week. The storage conditions in the atmospheric air induced danger connected with oxygen presence, whereas nitrogen blanketing eliminated this risk factor. The assessment also includes the influence of temperature of storage (indoor temperature 20˚C or refrigeration temperature 4˚C) and mixing of the fats. The results indicate that nitrogen blanketing, lowering the temperature and eliminating the mixing during storage of oil have highly positive impact on reduction of oxidative changes in fats.
Organization of the dredging works is a multi-faceted issue. The management of the dredging process varies according to the location and it mostly depends on local conditions (Żak, 2014). The paper presents the results of the expert survey which was structured on a questionnaire concerning the dredging techniques in harbours. Respondents, that take part in the research, were experts from different nations, working at the management levels in the enterprises associated with the dredging branch. The aim of the proposed research was to support the selection of the appropriate dredger, the preparation of optimal work technology and the verification of strategic decisions affecting entire project. Taking everything into consideration the author proposes to use the expert survey as a technique to support the decision-making process. It enables to take advantage of the wide knowledge and experience of experts to create the most suitable dredging project.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the length of time that ships spend in the Port of Gdansk. It is based on the examination of the time when ships come into and leave the port. Source of data used in the study is public web platform - Marine Traffic. Analysis which was conducted, enables to get information about duration of ships servicing in the port with a division into dimension, load capacity and type of the ship. Due to that information, it is possible to observe the duration of complete service for each vessel, including entering the harbour, reloading and the departure. Gained knowledge would allow to forecast, plan and model future development operations more properly. In addition, due to the method based on counting the number of hours that ships spend in the harbour, it is possible to estimate the amount of pollution emitted to the air.
One of the main determinants of the international status of a seaport is its capacity to handle the largest possible quantities of cargo carried by the largest vessels. A successful seaport is one where trans-shipments are handled by qualified personnel and where excellent facilities are available to ensure that the cargo delivered to the port can be delivered to its destination using the largest possible selection of various modes of transport. A successful seaport should be extended in size to be able to cater for an increasing number of ships at the same time. All these factors can help make seaports more competitive. The largest of Poland’s seaports, namely the Port of Gdańsk and the Port of Gdynia, are trying to reach the status of being ranked among Europe’s best ports. This goal can only be achieved through new ideas and new investment projects. Two projects are planned as a way to stimulate the development of Poland’s seaports: the Central Port at the Port of Gdańsk and the External Port at the Port of Gdynia. These projects will help strengthen the position of Tricity’s seaports in the international arena.
Jedną z głównych cech determinujących pozycję portu na arenie między­narodowej są jego parametry umożliwiające przeładunek jak największej ilości ładunków przewożonych przez jak największe jednostki pływające. Największe z polskich portów – Gdańsk i Gdynia – walczą o status jednych z najlepszych w Europie. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, każdy z portów wymaga nowych koncepcji, co prowadzi do szeregu inwestycji. Powstały dwa projekty umożliwiające portom rozwój. W porcie gdańskim powstanie Port Centralny, natomiast w Gdyni – Port Zewnętrzny. Zrealizowanie tych projektów wzmocni pozycję portów trójmiejskich na arenie międzynarodowej.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przeanalizowanie wpływu innowacyjnych rozwiązań IT na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Przedstawiono tu systemy optymalizujące operacje na poszczególnych etapach transportowego łańcucha dostaw.
The following study is to underline the influence of innovative IT solutions on enterprises to be more competitive on marketplace. Systems that are presented optimize various operations on subsequent steps of the supply chain.
Przeanalizowanie oraz rozpowszechnienie zagadnienia ekologicznego problemu, występującego przy pracach pogłębiarskich. Sposoby minimalizowania negatywnych oddziaływań prac pogłębiarskich na ekosystemy. Przegląd konkretnych projektów i technologii, jakie zostały już zrealizowane, bądź są w trakcie realizacji w ramach ochrony środowiska podczas prac czerpalnych.
The analysis and dissemination of the ecological problem of dredging. Ways to minimize negative impacts of dredging on ecosystems. Overview of specific projects and technologies that have already been implemented or are being implemented as part of environmental protection during dredging.
Since there is a tendency that new build vessels are increasing in size, dredging has become an important part of the development and maintenance strategy for ports serving the largest ships. The increase in the technical depth of vessels drives additional development of the entire port. However, the effectiveness of this type of project depends heavily on unrestricted traffic and uninterrupted operation of the terminal. This paper presents a modelling of various type of dredging activities in ports based on an existing work schedule. A tool used to queue work activities with a vacation was used in this effort. The methodology of creating a dredging time schedule in the port area depended mainly on disentangling interference caused by the ship traffic and dredgers trying to work at the same time.
Weryfikacja wstępna wszelkich elementów projektu pogłębiarskiego ma duże znaczenie dla efektywnego przeprowadzenia prac. Badania z zakresu oceny i hierarchizacji poszczególnych czynników wpływających na organizację prac czerpalnych mogą stanowić narzędzie wspierające tworzenie dogodnych scenariuszy robót czerpalnych pod względem ekonomicznym i technicznym. W artykule zaprezentowano i oceniono metodą analizy hierarchizacj i poszczególne czynniki wpływające na organizację inwestycji pogłębiarskich na obszarach portowych.
The initial verification of all elements of dredging project is very important to conduct the works efficiently. Evaluation and hierarchisation of each factor influencing the dredging works' organisation could be a supporting tool for creating economically and technically suitable works' scenarios. In this article the factors influencing the dredging works' organisation in ports' area have been presented and evaluated by using the hierarchy analysis method.
Problem transportu ropy naftowej i gazu, wydobytych z arktycznych złóż. Rozwój koncepcji systemu logistycznego wykorzystującego podwodne statki transportowe o napędzie nuklearnym do transportu tych zasobów. Krótki opis tych koncepcji i analiza przyczyn, dlaczego nie wdrożono żadnej z nich.
Problem of the exporting vast Arctic natural resources including natural gas. Development of the concepts of a logistic system utilising nuclear submarines for such purpose. Their short description and analysis of reasons for which none of them came into existence.
Content available remote Ocena założeń rozwojowych trójmiejskich terminali kontenerowych
Analiza planów rozwojowych oraz inwestycji infrastrukturalnych trójmiejskich terminali kontenerowych w aspekcie stale zwiększającego się wolumenu przewozu towarów drobnicowych. Tendencja występująca w przepływie kontenerów przez trójmiejskie terminale kontenerowe.
The analysis of plans for development and investments of the Tri-City container terminals in the aspect of constantly growing container throughput. The tendency in the transshipment of containerized goods.
Content available remote Wpływ prac czerpalnych na bezpieczeństwo żeglugi i funkcjonowanie portów
Prace czerpalne jako inwestycje konieczne dla dalszego rozwoju polskich portów. Długoterminowość tych przedsięwzięć powodująca uciążliwości w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu żeglugi i pracy terminali portowych. Rodzaje prac czerpalnych. Wpływ robót pogłębiarskich na pracę portu oraz na bezpieczeństwo ruchu statków. Możliwości poinformowania innych jednostek o pracach odbywających się na danym akwenie.
Dredging works as the investments necessary for further development of maritime systems in Polish ports. The long lasting projects influenced strongly on port operations. Types of dredging works. The influence of the dredging works on the port operations and the safety of the vessels traffic. The possibilities of informing other units about the dredging works in the basin.
Content available remote Modeling of dredging works and marine traffic interference assessment
This article introduces a model providing an assessment of interdependence of the marine traffic and dredging activity in a port’s areas. This assessment in turn enables to optimize the time schedule of dredging works by coordinating them with a given schedule or with the random pattern of ship’s arrivals. The effectiveness of this type of project (dredging works) depends to a great extent on the proper analysis of the factors hindering the implementation of the project, such as: the vessels traffic, and uninterrupted operation of port terminals. For a better understanding of the problem, the article describes only correlation between dredging works and vessels calling at the harbor. Full form of this issue should describe the interference of the total ship's traffic in port areas, i.e. arrivals and departures. That model is currently under construction and will be described in the following article.
Artykuł przedstawia model oceny wzajemnej zależności ruchu jednostek morskich i działalności prac pogłębiarskich na kanale portowym. Analiza ta ma na celu umożliwienie doboru czasu prac pogłębiarskich i koordynacji ich ze stałym harmonogramem lub losową strukturą zawinięć statków. Skuteczność tego typu przedsięwzięcia zależy w dużej mierze od prawidłowej analizy czynników utrudniających realizację projektu, tj. głównie ruchu statków i nieprzerwanego działania terminali portowych. Optymalny harmonogram prac pogłębiarskich, szczegółowo dopasowany do funkcjonowania portu, pozwala zarówno na efektywne wykonywanie zaplanowanych prac, jak i na ograniczenie strat finansowych armatorów i terminali portowych. Dla wstępnego lepszego zrozumienia problematyki artykuł opisuje zaledwie zakres prac pogłębiarskich wobec jednostek morskich wpływających do portu. Pełna forma niniejszej problematyki powinna opisywać wpływ całkowitego ruchu statków na obszarach portowych, tj. wejścia i wyjścia. Taki model jest obecnie tworzony przez autorów i będzie opisany w kolejnym artykule.
Content available remote Współczesne techniczne tendencje rozwoju konteneryzacji
Charakterystyka współczesnych trendów rozwojowych konteneryzacji. Przykłady zmian i ulepszeń technicznych w konteneryzacji. Ukazanie potrzeb kreowanych poprzez wzrost skonteneryzowanej masy ładunkowej.
The characteristics of modern trends in containerization development. Examples of changes and technical improvements in containerization. The indication of needs created by increase of cargo volumes carried in containers.
Rodzaje sprzętu pogłębiarskiego: pogłębiarki ssąco-nasiębierne, ssąco-skrawające, czarpakowe. Przykłady współczesnych projektów prac pogłębiarskich w Holandii, Francji, Polsce i Niemczech.
Types of dredging equipment: sand pump-hopper, suction cutter and bucket dredgers. Examples of contemporary project of dredging works in the Netherlands, France, Poland and Germany.
Content available remote Innowacyjne rozwiązania współczesnych technik pogłębiarskich
Praca przedstawia współczesne tendencje rozwojowe robót czerpalnych, metody prac pogłębiarskich, charakterystykę funkcjonowania oraz podział innowacyjnych jednostek pogłębiarskich. Wyszczególniono przykłady nietypowych projektów technologicznych z zakresu prac czerpalnych i podwodnych. Artykuł prezentuje światowej klasy przedsiębiorstwa pracujące nad nowoczesnymi technikami pogłębiarskimi.
The article presents current development trends of dredging works. It explains methods of dredging and characterizes the new dredging units. It contains a presentation of a world-class companies working on the innovative techniques of dredging, as well as examples of unique technological projects in the field of dredging and underwater works.
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