Rapid development of many scientific and technical disciplines, especially in material science and material engineering increases a demand for quick, accurate and cheap techniques of materials investigations. The EPR spectroscopy meets these requirements and it is used in many fields of science including biology, chemistry and physics. For proper work, the EPR spectrometer needs a microwave source, which are reviewed in this paper. Vacuum tubes as well as semiconductor generators are presented such as magnetron, klystron, traveling wave tube, backward wave oscillator, orotron, gyrotron, Gunn and IMPATT diodes. In this paper main advantages of gyrotron usage, such as stability and an increased spectral resolution in application to EPR spectroscopy is discussed. The most promising and reliable microwave source is suggested.
The presently applied desulfurization technologies require a supply of air through centrifugal compressors realizing the pressure increment on the level of 150–200 kPa. Taking the necessary mass flow rate of the processed air into account it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the compression process realized in these machines. The paper will include the results of the works related to the analysis of the gas flow in the compression stage operating with two impellers. The first one has been described with a mathematical function preserving the condition of ruled surface and the geometry of the other impeller has been modeled according to the shape of the meridional velocity profile in the inlet section thus forming leading edge. The common feature of both impellers is the same mathematical function that describes the meridional section and the profile of the blade. The outer diameter of each of the impellers is 200 mm and the blade angle in the outlet section 45◦. The compression stage reaches the pressure ratio of 1.4 at the nominal mass flow of 0.73 kg/s maintaining the impeller rotational speed on the level of 24 400 rpm. For the evaluation of the operating parameters and the nature of the gas flow in the compression stage operating with two impellers computational fluid dynamics simulations were carried out and experimental research has been performed using laser Doppler anemometry for impeller of ruled surface.
The paper presents results of the research related to the analysis of the thermodynamic and flow processes occurring in a prototype VC 20.96 two-stage liquid-cooled reciprocating compressor. The compressor has been developed and manufactured by H. Cegielski Poznan metal works in collaboration with the Poznan University of Technology. The research related to the VC compressor was realized within the KBN 3127/C.T07-6/2002 project titled “Development of design of type-series of reciprocating compressors and their implementation in production”. The basic task of the project was to develop two type-series of liquid- and air- cooled reciprocating compressors of the V- and W- arrangement, designed to serve as marine engine starters. The result of the design work was the manufacturing of two compressors: the VC 20.96 liquid-cooled compressor and the WP 18.80 air-cooled one. The main aim of the research described in this paper was to evaluate the efficiency of the cooling system which uses inter-coolers integrated with the compressing stages and the cooperation of the compressing stages in terms of pressure ratio distribution. Owing to the cooling method, the applied design assumptions enabled to develop a compact compressor fulfilling the assumed operating parameters.
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Designing a leading edge in an radial impeller of DA200 blower, one-dimensional method was used, which assumes constant value of absolute velocity along the height of the impeller blade cm(r) = const. This method makes design calculations much easier and enables selection of the right blade angle and, at the same time, assumes the condition of ruled surface, which considerably facilitates the production of impellers with the use of a milling method. Consideration of one-dimension model of flow contributes to the occurrence of differences between the actual flow angle and blade angle, which may lead to the deterioration of the compression process. Unfortunately, distribution of velocity right before the impeller additionally influences, e.g., the confusor shape of the inlet sleeve and cap. The latter two factors may influence the efficiency of the blower as well as shift the maximum efficiency into the area of positive and negative angles of the inlet whirl. The obtained results will be presented in this study.
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The paper presents analyses constituting a part of design works connected with development of series of types and structures of radial compressors. Radial compressors are multi-stage and multi-shaft flow machines with unshrouded radial impellers. Preliminary analyses based upon the theory of flow similarity related to a concept of series of types of compressors and were aimed at establishment of particular sizes of series of types of the machines as well as sizes of particular stages. The analyses aimed at determination of various sizes of rotor diameters and rotational speeds used in particular stages. The analysis was aimed at standardization of elements that may be used in structures of stages of machines of various sizes with maintenance of the high level of compression efficiency.
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Multi-stage blowers have a wide scope of applications in terms of pressure increment of up to 1 bar and capacity of 50.000 m3/h. They have a series of strong points and are competitive for other blowers. As part of research and development works very comprehensive analyses of variants of solutions are conducted for the purposes of determining of a concept of series of types, which involves indication of diameters and number of stages, which should be used for obtaining of set values of efficiency and pressure. Preliminary proposals have been established. A program of experimental and theoretical tests was also established.
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The work provides results of analyses in order to extend indications necessary for designing of rotors on the basis of Cordier line derived from numerous tests. Literature provides relationships between rapidity indexes, diameter, isentropic increment of enthalpy and efficiency. This work suggests approximate relationships between leakage, fanning, operation and rapidity indexes, rotor width and flow angle and rapidity index. The indications are to facilitate selection of the values for the designer and, in particular, values relating to geometry and flow at the rotor outlet.
W pracy podano wyniki analiz w celu poszerzenia wskazań potrzebnych do projektowania wirników w oparciu o linię Cordiera, wywodzącą się z wielu badań. W literaturze podaje się zależności między wskaźnikami szybkobieżności, średnicy, izentropowego przyrostu entalpii oraz sprawności. Zaproponowano tutaj przybliżone zależności strat przecieku i brodzenia, wskaźników pracy i prędkości, szerokości wirnika i kąta przepływu od wskaźnika szybkobieżności. Wskazania mają ułatwić konstruktorowi wybór tych wielkości, a szczególnie geometrii i przypływu na wylocie wirnika.
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This study presents results of tests on the structure of gas flow through a compressing stage of a radial blower. The tests conducted used LDA laser anemometer enabling measurement of velocities in diversified geometries such as, among others, geometries of the compressor rotors. The presented measurement results relate to a half-open axial and radial rotor, for which velocity field s were obtained in two control cross-sections, i.e. in the inlet cross-section and outlet cross-section. The obtained results enabled an evaluation of the effectiveness of the adopted design solutions.
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Prezentowana konstrukcja sprężarki jest jedną z wielkości typoszeregu sprężarek promieniowych obejmującego zakres wydajności od 2.500 do 50.000 m3/h oraz ciśnień od 2 do 20 bar. Są to sprężarki dwuwałowe typu Demag - 2, 3 i 4-stopniowe z chłodzeniem międzystopniowym. Zastosowano w nich wirniki osiowo-promieniowe typu półodkrytego z łopatkami odgiętymi do tyłu. Stopnie sprężające mogą być wyposażone w układy regulacji kierownicą wstępną i nastawialnym dyfuzorem łopatkowym. W referacie przedstawione są wyniki badań prototypowej sprężarki trzystopniowej.
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Problematyka zawarta w referacie dotyczy kształtowania się charakterystyk pracy prototypowej dmuchawy DA 200 wyprodukowanej i poddanej badaniom przepływowym oraz mechanicznym w Fabryce W-5 H. Cegielskiego Poznań S.A. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań sporządzono zbiór charakterystyk uwzględniający przyrost ciśnienia całkowitego, przebieg sprawności politropowej oraz mocy wewnętrznej procesu sprężania w funkcji strumienia objętości. Ze względu na uniwersalną konstrukcję dmuchawy DA 200 istniała możliwość prowadzenia badań dla zróżnicowanej geometrii stopnia oraz wykorzystując różne układy regulacji dmuchawy. W niniejszym referacie zwrócono szczególnie uwagę na kształtowanie się charakterystyk dla trzech różnych sposobów regulacji dmuchawy pod względem przepływowym. Pierwszy sposób regulacji ograniczał się do stosowania kierownicy wstępnej, drugi sposób związany był z zastosowaniem wyłącznie dyfuzora łopatkowego o zmiennej geometrii łopatek, natomiast ostatni sposób, charakteryzujący się najszerszym zakresem regulacji dotyczył stosowania jednocześnie kierownicy wstępnej i nastawialnego dyfuzora łopatkowego.
The problems presented in this paper concern the operating parameters, efficiency and flow effects experienced in the impellers of the centrifugal blower DA 200 manufactured at HCP Poznań S.A. The centrifugal blower DA 200 operates equipped optionally with three different impellers, and in case of two propellers the different geometries of splitter blades have been used. Based on the performed experimental research work the obtained results for each of three impellers are presented in a form of the compression process efficiency. Moreover, the distributions of pressure are subject to the relevant analysis with respect to the impeller. The distributions of pressure obtained in the experiments are compared with the results of the numerical analysis calculations carried out with use of the REFlux code.
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The problems presented in this paper concern the operating parameters, efficiency and flow effects experienced in the impellers of the centrifugal compressor DA 200 manufactured at HCP Poznań S.A. The centrifugal compressor DA 200 operates equipped optionally with three different impellers, and in case of two propellers the different geometries of splitter blades have been used. Based on the performed experimental research work the obtained results for each of three impellers are presented in a form of the compression process efficiency. Moreover, the distributions of pressure are subject to the relevant analysis with respect to the impeller exit width. The distributions of pressure obtained in the experiments are compared with the results of the numerical analysis calculations carried out with use of the REFlux code.
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Selected results of experimental investigations of prototype centrifugal blower with impeller diameter D²=200mm are presented in this paper. This researches carried on by Chair of Thermal Engineering are the part of designing work on family of blowers for small flow rates. Performance characteristics of blower equipped with adjustable inlet guide vanes and adjustable vaned diffuser are presented. Investigations was performed on three impellers: one with 24 blades and two with 12 main blades and 12 splitters of different length.
Zaprezentowano wyniki obliczeń numerycznych przepływu płynu przez promieniowy stopień sprężający z wirnikiem osiowo-promieniowym typu półodkrytego i dyfuzorem łopatkowym. Obliczenia wykonano za pomocą komercyjnego programu Reflux. Przyjęta geometria obszaru obliczeniowego obejmującego palisady łopatkowe wirnika i dyfuzora jest oparta na geometrii kanałów przepływowych prototypowej dmuchawy zaprojektowanej na potrzeby ZPM H. Cegielski S.A. Przedstawiono rozkłady ciśnienia i prędkości w wybranych przekrojach kanałów wirnika i dyfuzora.
The computation results of flow through centrifugal compressor stage with the un-shrouded, axi-centrifugal rotor and adjustable vaned diffuser are presented in this paper. For carrying out computations Program Reflux written by S. Yershow and A. Rusanov (Institute Of Mechanical Engineering Problems; Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) was applied. Geometry of computed area was assumed on the basis of the geometry of flow passages of the prototype blower designed for H. Cegielski S.A. Computed distributions of pressure and velocity vectors in particular sections of the stage are presented.
Norma PN-B-03002:1999 „Konstrukcje murowe niezbrojone" wprowadziła tzw. model ciągły jako nowy sposób sprawdzania nośności konstrukcji murowych poddanych ściskaniu, poza dotychczas stosowanym modelem przegubowym. Tok obliczeń według obydwu schematów, jak również przedstawione wykorzystanie nośności ukazują różnice w stosowaniu tych modeli. Obliczenia przeprowadzono na przykładzie ścian z elementów wapienno-piaskowych. Przedstawiono również wyniki obliczeń maksymalnej liczby kondygnacji budynków ze ścianami wykonanymi z silikatów.
Polish Standard PN-B-03002:1999 "The unreinforcemented wall constructions" introduced new methodology of proving the load capacity of squeezed brick constructions - the "continuous" model, along with the hitherto employed "joint" model. The differences in application of those calculation methods are shown on examples of calculation results of load capacity utilization, and comparative analysis of both calculation processes. The calculations were conducted on example of walls made of lime-sand elements. Paper also presents the calculations results determining maximal number of stories for buildings with walls constructed of silicate elements.
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