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Conducting research on the quality of service and customer satisfaction is currently necessary for the proper and effective functioning of any organization. One of the organizations that have changed in recent years is petrol stations. In this paper, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is used to measure the quality of services and customer satisfaction. This research was carried out with the use of a proprietary questionnaire in which the respondents assessed the level of service at petrol stations. The obtained results allowed identifying the most important areas for the customers of petrol stations. In addition, the developed quality map indicated areas that should be given special attention, improved and those that are least important to customers. The conducted analyzes indicate that the CSI method used in this study is a tool that enables the assessment of customer satisfaction in a complex organization such as a petrol station.
Cel: Celem niniejszego artykułu było przedstawienie znaczenia problematyki obsługi klientów korzystających ze stacji paliw. Tego typu obiekty nie są jedynie punktami zajmującymi się sprzedażą paliwa. Obecnie ich działalność rozwinęła się na tyle, że dostępność różnorodnych usług przez nie realizowanych jest bardzo bogata i zróżnicowana. Stąd też potrzeba weryfikowania jakości usług, szczególnie w kontekście obsługi tam świadczonej i zadowolenia konsumentów. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Badania zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety, który skierowany był do osób korzystających ze stacji paliw. Wyniki/wnioski: Przeprowadzone badania ankietowe umożliwiły ocenę stopnia zadowolenia z obsługi oraz wskazanie najbardziej frustrujących czynników podczas tego procesu w opinii respondentów stacji paliw. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika jednoznacznie, że problem jest ważny, a konsumenci, wybierając konkretną stację paliw, kierują się wieloma różnymi czynnikami. Do jednych z ważniejszych zaliczyć należy jakość obsługi klienta. Ograniczenia: Przeprowadzone badania odnosiły się do klientów stacji paliw z obszaru Polski południowo-wschodniej, z uwagi na ograniczone możliwości rozpowszechniania kwestionariusza ankiet. Autorzy zamierzają jednak, w następnych etapach badawczych, rozszerzyć zakres badań do respondentów pochodzących z innych regionów Polski. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Badania jakości usług oferowanych przez stacje paliw są istotnym zagadnieniem ze względu na stale poszerzaną ofertę usług świadczonych przez te obiekty, a także rosnące wymagania klientów. Stąd też wyniki uzyskane z badań mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w doskonaleniu strategii działań implementowanych przez stacje paliw. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Z przeglądu literatury związanej z podjętym tematem badawczym wynika, że istnieje ograniczona ilość danych dotyczących tej problematyki. Stąd też uzyskane wyniki badań ankietowych uzupełniają wiedzę poznawczą z zakresu analizy i oceny satysfakcji klientów stacji paliw ze świadczonych przez nie usług.
Purpose: The purpose of this article was to present the importance of the issues of servicing customers using petrol stations. These types of facilities are not only points that sell fuel. Currently, their activities have developed so much that the availability of various services provided by them is very rich and varied. Hence the need to verify the quality of services, especially in the context of the service provided there and consumer satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted with the use of a proprietary questionnaire, which was addressed to people using petrol stations. Findings/conclusions: The conducted questionnaire survey made it possible to assess the level of satisfaction with the service and to identify the most frustrating factors during this process, in the opinion of the respondents of the petrol stations. The conducted research shows unequivocally that the problem is important and that when choosing a particular petrol station, consumers are guided by many different factors. One of the most important ones is the quality of customer service. Research limitations: The conducted research related to the customers of petrol station from south-eastern Poland, due to the limited possibilities of disseminating the questionnaire. The authors intend, however, in the next research stages, to extend the scope of the research to respondents from other regions of Poland. Practical implications: Research on the quality of services offered by petrol stations is an important issue due to the constantly expanded offer of services provided by these facilities, as well as the growing requirements of customers. Hence, the results obtained from the research can be used to improve the strategy of actions implemented by petrol stations. Originality/value: A review of the literature related to the research topic undertaken shows that there is a limited amount of data in this area. Hence, the obtained results of the questionnaire surveys supplement the cognitive knowledge in the field of analysis and assessment of the satisfaction of petrol station customers with the services provided by them.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to assess the role of business simulations in shaping entrepreneurial skills at a university, where simulation games are used as a tool to support the teaching process. Therefore, the article presents the effectiveness of their use in academic conditions in a practical context, based on scientific research. Design/methodology/approach: For the purposes of this article a survey was conducted among students who participated in classes using simulation games. Findings: The introduction of innovative teaching methods at universities seems necessary due to the changing economic needs, and thus the need to acquire new competences in the labour market by employees (university graduates or students working during the course of study). One of the most difficult problems results from the discrepancy between the goals of the educational system and the insufficient preparation of lecturers to work in the present conditions, and the low level of development of their skills. Research limitations/implications: It is advisable to carry out further scientific research in the field of using of simulation games due to the fact that they are increasingly used as a tool to support the process of practical learning. Practical implications: Not without significance for the learning process is also the emotional involvement of participants who acquire knowledge more easily if they are interested in the given issue and understand the benefits resulting from it. Social implications: Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine didactic activities carried out only in a conventional way. Currently implemented didactic processes at universities are often supported by active and modern teaching methods which include, among other things, simulation games. Their main advantage is that they facilitate the transfer of knowledge in an interesting way, teach creative problem solving, arouse interest and allow to gain new experiences, including interpersonal ones. Originality/value: Active learning tools such as collaborative learning and problem-based learning can partly replace the traditional lecture-based method that continues to dominate in higher education. Advocates of active learning show that these innovative teaching strategies are more effective in increasing student motivation, knowledge acquisition, and general academic achievement.
Purpose: The article presents the essence, characteristics and types of simulation decision games, as well as the effectiveness of their use in academic conditions in the theoretical context. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based of analysis of research results published in national and world publications. Findings: The didactic process carried out at universities with the use of direct forms of teaching can be supported by additional tools, including simulation decision games, because it brings many benefits in different areas. By playing we are able to learn many issues in a natural way, to refer to the mechanisms of the organization's functioning, and to use – sometimes dormant – soft competences of game participants. Research limitations/implications: It is advisable to carry out further scientific research in the field of using simulation games due to the fact that they are increasingly used as a tool to support the process of practical learning. Despite its popularity, the assessment of the effectiveness of using simulation games as an educational or training tool is still unclear. Social implications: Game-based learning (GBL) is used not only in higher education (especially in a wide range of economic and management disciplines, such as: marketing, economics, international business, project management, strategic management or human resources management), but also in other fields, including: army, education, advertising, trade, medicine and employee training. Originality/value: The work is theoretical. However, the problem raised in the article, in the context of new challenges posed by teachers in the teaching process, is an inspiring introduction to further research.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to make an attempt at evaluating factors that affect the choice and, consequently, purchase and consumption of selected brands of cola-type beverages by students of Lublin universities. Design/methodology/approach: The study was followed by testing sensory recognition of a selected brand of a cola-type beverage. The applied research tool was a survey containing closed-ended and open-ended questions regarding the subject related to the beverage market in Poland. The study was conducted among 100 students of Lublin universities, both male and female, at various age. Findings: The collected results were processed using statistical analysis tools. The drink that was most often selected among the students proved to be Coca-Cola. In the chosen market segment, consumers also show a strong attachment to the brand. At the end of the study, selected cross analyses were performed, which provided an answer to how smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption affect sensory sensitivity in the study group of students. Originality/value: A novelty in the work is the use of a question in the survey regarding sensory recognition that eliminates the subjectivity of surveys. The respondent may recognize the brand or not.
Jednym z podstawowych działań realizowanych na rynku TSL jest usługa transportowa, która pełni bardzo ważną rolę w całej gospodarce. Umożliwia bowiem sprawne i efektywne funkcjonowanie wszystkich jej działów. Dlatego zasadne staje się zapewnienie odpowiedniej jakości usług transportowych, definiowanej jako spełnienie przez przewoźnika określonych wymagań i potrzeb klientów (pasażerów). Spośród szerokiej gamy narzędzi i instrumentów badawczych, wykorzystywanych do oceny poziomu jakości usług, warto zwrócić uwagę na koncepcję SERVQUAL, która jest ciągle doskonalona. Aktualnie nie ma zgodności co do liczby, nazw i charakterystyki poszczególnych wymiarów, na których opiera się idea SERVQUAL. W pracy przedstawiono kilka wybranych koncepcji, a w konsekwencji efektów badań realizowanych przez różnych autorów za pośrednictwem metody SERVQUAL. Celem artykułu jest określenie roli i możliwości zastosowania metody SERVQUAL przy badaniu jakości usług transportowych, która jest najczęściej wykorzystywana w przypadku oceny usług niematerialnych, nietrwałych i różnorodnych.
One of the basic activities carried out on the TSL market is a transport service that plays a very important role in the entire economy. It enables efficient and effective functioning of all its departments. Therefore, it is reasonable to provide the appropriate quality of transport services, defined as meeting the specific requirements and needs of customers (passengers) by the carrier. Among the wide range of tools and research instruments used to assess the level of service quality, it is worth paying attention to the concept of SERVQUAL, which is constantly being improved. Currently there is no agreement as to the number, names and characteristics of individual dimensions on which the idea of SERVQUAL is based. The work presents several selected concepts, and consequently the effects of research carried out by various authors through the SERVQUAL method. The aim of the article is to determine the role and the possibility of using the SERVQUAL method when examining the quality of transport services, which is most often used in the assessment of intangible, nondurable and diverse services.
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