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Two low-cost methods of estimating the road surface condition are presented in the paper, the first one based on the use of accelerometers and the other on the analysis of images acquired from cameras installed in a vehicle. In the first method, miniature positioning and accelerometer sensors are used for evaluation of the road surface roughness. The device designed for installation in vehicles is composed of a GPS receiver and a multi-axis accelerometer. The measurement data were collected from recorded ride sessions taken place on diversified road surface roughness conditions and at varied vehicle speeds on each of examined road sections. The data were gathered for various vehicle body types and afterwards successful attempts were made in constructing the road surface classification employing the created algorithm. In turn, in the video method, a set of algorithms processing images from a depth camera and RGB cameras were created. A representative sample of the material to be analysed was obtained and a neural network model for classification of road defects was trained. The research has shown high effectiveness of applying the digital image processing to rejection of images of undamaged surface, exceeding 80%. Average effectiveness of identification of road defects amounted to 70%. The paper presents the methods of collecting and processing the data related to surface damage as well as the results of analyses and conclusions.
The bank client identity verification system developed in the course of the IDENT project is presented. The total number of five biometric modalities including: dynamic handwritten signature proofing, voice recognition, face image verification, face contour extraction and hand blood vessels distribution comparison have been developed and studied. The experimental data were acquired employing multiple biometric sensors installed at engineered biometric terminals. The biometric portraits of more than 10 000 bank clients were registered and stored in the database during the presented study and then verified experimentally. Problem-specific survey was done on the basis of questionnaires completed by the subjects in order to assess the look and feel of the developed biometric system as well as to collect opinions concerning its implementation in banking outlets. A discussion concerning the quality of registered data and results achieved in the study is included.
W artykule przedstawiono system weryfikacji tożsamości klienta bankowego opracowany w ramach projektu IDENT. Opracowano i przebadano pięć metod biometrycznych, w tym: rozpoznawanie dynamicznej reprezentacji podpisu odręcznego, weryfikację głosową, weryfikację obrazu twarzy, rozpoznawanie ekstrahonego konturu twarzy i porównywanie rozkładu naczyń krwionośnych dłoni. Przedstawione w artykule dane badawcze pozyskano za pomocą wielu czujników biometrycznych zainstalowanych w skonstruowanych stanowiskach biometrycznych. Łącznie z wykorzystaniem skonstruowanych stanowisk zarejestrowano próbki biometryczne pochodzące od ponad 10 000 klientów banku. W trakcie badania uczestnicy, tzn. klienci i doradcy bankowi byli proszeni o wypełnienie ankiet w celu ułatwienia oceny wyglądu i sposobu działania opracowanego systemu biometrycznego oraz zebrania opinii na temat jego przyszłego wdrożenia w placówkach bankowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analiz zgromadzonych danych, z uwzględnieniem wzajemnej korelacji poszczególnych modalności oraz semantycznej analizy ankiet wypełnionych przez uczestników badania.
Content available remote Evaluation of face detection algorithms for the bank client identity verification
Results of investigation of face detection algorithms efficiency in the banking client visual verification system are presented. The video recordings were made in real conditions met in three bank operating outlets employing a miniature industrial USB camera. The aim of the experiments was to check the practical usability of the face detection method in the biometric bank client verification system. The main assumption was to provide a simplified as much as possible user interaction with the application. Applied algorithms for face detection are described and achieved results of face detection in the real bank environment conditions are presented. Practical limitations of the application based on encountered problems are discussed.
Content available Sound Intensity Distribution Around Organ Pipe
The aim of the paper was to compare acoustic field around the open and stopped organ pipes. The wooden organ pipe was located in the anechoic chamber and activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external air-compressor. Thus, a long-term steady state response was possible to obtain. Multichannel acoustic vector sensor was used to measure the sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy. Measurements have been carried out on a defined fixed grid of points. A specialized Cartesian robot allowed for a precise positioning of the acoustic probe. The resulted data were processed in order to obtain and visualize the sound intensity distribution around the pipe, taking into account the type of the organ pipe, frequency of the generated sound, the sound pressure level and the direction of acoustic energy propagation. For the open pipe, an additional sound source was identified at the top of the pipe. In this case, the streamlines in front of the pipe are propagated horizontally and in a greater distance than in a case of the stopped pipe, moreover they are directed downwards. For the stopped pipe, the streamlines of the acoustic flow were directed upwards. The results for both pipe types were compared and discussed in the paper.
W referacie przedstawiono wybrane sensory akustyczne i wizyjne i propozycje ich zastosowania do wykrywania i lokalizacji obiektów i zdarzeń z pokładu drona. Opisano pokrótce zastosowane algorytmy analizy strumieni, przedstawiono wyniki badań stworzonych prototypów i metod, zaimplementowanych na wydajnych układach GPU.
The paper presents acoustic and visual sensors and their application to detection and localization of objects and events on board of unmanned aerial vehicles. Developed algorithms and methods are described and evaluated, and power consumption and performance are reported. Several scenarios are proposed.
A system setup for measurements of acoustic field, together with the results of 3D visualisations of acoustic energy flow are presented in the paper. Spatial sampling of the field is performed by a Cartesian robot. Automatization of the measurement process is achieved with the use of a specialized control system. The method is based on measuring the sound pressure (scalar) and particle velocity(vector) quantities. The aim of the system is to collect data with a high precision and repeatability. The system is employed for measurements of acoustic energy flow in the proximity of an artificial head in an anechoic chamber. In the measurement setup an algorithm for generation of the probe movement path is included. The algorithm finds the optimum path of the robot movement, taking into account a given 3D object shape present in the measurement space. The results are presented for two cases, first without any obstacle and the other - with an artificial head in the sound field.
In the paper, a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise is presented. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in the cloud computing environment. In the study, issues related to the noise modelling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a particular focus on traffic noise. Examples of results obtained through a web application created for that purpose are shown. In addition, these are compared to results obtained from the commercial software simulations based on two road noise prediction models. Moreover, the computing performance of the developed application is investigated and analyzed. In the paper, a flowchart simulating the operation of the noise web-based service is presented showing that the created application is easy to use even for people with little experience in computer technology.
The concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical map screating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by the system prototype are depicted. The results in the form of noise maps obtained by a system are compared with some other solutions in order to investigate accuracy.
The paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments, the so-called domain grids, are developed in the mentioned project. For particular domain grids, specialized IT solutions are prepared, i.e. software implementation and hardware (infrastructure adaptation), dedicated for particular researcher groups demands, including acoustics (the domain grid “Acoustics”). The infrastructure and the software developed can be utilized mainly for research and education purposes, however it can also help in urban planning. The engineered software is intended for creating maps of noise threat for road, railways and industrial sources. Integration of the software services with the distributed sensor network enables automatic updating noise maps for a specific time period. The unique feature of the developed software is a possibility of evaluating auditory effects which are caused by the exposure to excessive noise. The estimation of auditory effects is based on calculated noise levels in a given exposure period. The outcomes of this research study are presented in a form of the cumulative noise dose and the characteristics of the temporary threshold shift.
An innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presented in the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid of engineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas. The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climate analysis. Dynamic estimation of noise source parameters and real measurement results of emission data are utilized to create dynamic noise maps accessible to the general public. This operation is performed through the noise source prediction employing a propagation model being optimized for computer cluster implementation requirements. It enables the system to generate noise maps in a reasonable time and to publish regularly map updates in the Internet. Moreover, the functionality of the system was extended with new techniques for assessing noise-induced harmful effects on the human hearing system. The principle of operation of the dosimeter is based on a modified psychoacoustic model of hearing and on the results of research performed with participation of volunteers concerning the impact of noise on hearing. The primary function of the dosimeter is to estimate, in real time, auditory effects which are caused by exposure to noise. The results of measurements and simulations performed by the system prototype are depicted and analyzed. Several cases of long-term and short-term measurements of noise originating from various sources were considered in detail. The presented outcomes of predicted degree of the hearing threshold shift induced during the noise exposure can increase the awareness of harmfulness of excessive sound levels.
Content available Problems of Railway Noise—A Case Study
Under Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method. The Dutch SRM II scheme is suggested for railways. In addition to the Dutch model, this paper describes and discusses 3 other national methods. Moreover, discrepancies between the HARMONOISE and IMAGINE projects are analysed. The results of rail traffic noise measurements are compared with national methods.
The implemented online urban noise pollution monitoring system is presented with regard to its conceptual assumptions and technical realization. A concept of the noise source parameters dynamic assessment is introduced. The idea of noise modeling, based on noise emission characteristics and emission simulations, was developed and practically utilized in the system. Furthermore, the working system architecture and the data acquisition scheme are described. The method for increasing the speed of noise map calculation employing a supercomputer is explained. The practical implementation of noise maps generation and visualization system is presented, together with introduced improvements in the domain of continuous noise monitoring and acoustic maps creation. Some results of tests performed using the system prototype are shown. The main focus is put on assessing the efficiency of the acoustic maps created with the discussed system, in comparison to results obtained with traditional methods.
Results of a performance evaluation of a video object tracking algorithm are presented. The method of moving object detection and tracking is based on background modelling with mixtures of Gaussian and Kalman filters. An emphasis is put on algorithm's efficiency with regards to its settings. Utilized methods of a performance evaluation based on a comparison of the algorithm output to manually prepared reference data are introduced. The experiments aimed at examining the performance achieved with various object detection algorithm parameter settings are presented and discussed.
W referacie przedstawiono wyniki badania algorytmu śledzenia obiektów w obrazie ruchomym pod względem efektywności i wydajności. Metody wykrywania i śledzenia poruszających się obiektów oparte są na modelowaniu tła za pomocą sumy rozkładów Gaussa oraz wykorzystują filtry Kalmana. Zbadano wpływ wybranych parametrów algorytmu na szybkość działania i dokładność uzyskiwanych wyników. Opisano metodę zastosowaną do oceny jakości wykrywania obiektów poprzez ich porównanie z danymi odniesienia. Omówione zostały eksperymenty mające na celu zbadanie jakości detekcji dla różnych wartości parametrów algorytmu i ich wyniki.
The results of long-term continuous noise measurements in two selected schools are presented in the paper. Noise characteristics were measured continuously there for approximately 16 months. Measurements started eight months prior to the acoustic treatment of the school corridors of both schools. An evaluation of the acoustic climates in both schools, before and after the acoustic treatment, was performed based on comparison of these two periods of continuous measurements. The autonomous noise monitoring stations, engineered at the Multimedia Systems Department of the Gdansk University of Technology were used for this purpose. Investigations of measured noise, especially its influence on hearing sense, assessed on ground of spectral analyses in critical bands, is discussed. Effects of occupational noise exposure, including the Temporary Threshold Shift simulation, are determined. The correlation of the above said measurement results with respective instantaneous noise levels is discussed, and concluding remarks are presented. Some additional indicators such as air pollution or video analysis aiming at the analysis of corridor occupancy are also measured. It should be remembered that excessive noise, or air pollution may be evidence of a dangerous event and may pose health risks.
Content available remote Software for Calculation of Noise Maps Implemented on Supercomputer
Investigation results relevant to the implementation of algorithms for calculation of noise maps are presented in this paper. The aim of implementing the algorithms on a computer cluster is explained. Selected implementation details of the software called Noise Propagation Model are described. The software interaction with the data acquisition system is presented. Noise maps obtained using the described software are presented. A comparison between the outcomes of the implemented models and the simulation results of a commercial program is presented. An analysis of the computation efficiency is described. A discussion concerning dynamic presentation of noise maps is also presented.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję i implementację Modelu Dynamicznego Prognozowania Hałasu przeznaczonego do tworzenia map hałasu. Omówiony został cel wykonania powstałej aplikacji. Zawarto krótki opis użytego sprzętu. Omówiono poszczególne elementy Modelu Dynamicznego Prognozowania Hałasu oraz zastosowane metody. Przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z implementacją algorytmów na klastrze komputerowym. Zaprezentowano również rezultaty eksperymentów otrzymanych podczas eksploatacji modelu prognozowania hałasu.
A concept and an implementation of the Dynamic Noise Prediction Model dedicated for noise map creation is presented in the paper. The motivation for creating the application is explained. The overview of the utilized computing hardware is presented. The details of the Dynamic Noise Prediction Model components and employed methods are described. Same specific issues concerning the implementation of algorithms on the computer cluster are discussed. Moreover, experimental results obtained while exploiting the model of noise prediction are presented.
Content available Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu
W artykule przedstawiono Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu. Projekt jest sieciocentrycznym systemem dedykowanym monitorowaniu zagrożeń hałasem. Jego nadrzędnym celem jest zwiększenie skuteczności w zakresie profilaktyki chorób słuchu. Umożliwia pobieranie, gromadzenie, analizę i wizualizację danych dotyczących hałasu, pobieranych ze zdalnych urządzeń pomiarowych oraz elektronicznych ankiet dostępnych przez Internet. Ponadto w artykule przedstawiono autorską koncepcję psychoakustycznego dozymetru hałasowego. Dozymetr ten umożliwia wyznaczenie czasowego przesunięcia progu słyszenia podczas trwania ekspozycji na hałas. Możliwe jest dzięki temu ciągłe monitorowanie progu słyszenia osób przebywających w warunkach szkodliwego oddziaływania hałasu.
A concept and an implementation of a multimedia computer system for monitoring environmental noise threats is presented. The principal aim of the project was to improve the effectiveness of prophylaxis of hearing diseases. The system makes it possible to receive, store, analyze and visualize noise data coming from noise measurement equipment and from electronic questionnaires accessible through the Internet. Moreover a new concept of psychoacoustic noise dosimetry is also presented. The designed noise dosimeter can assess temporary threshold shift (TTS) during noise exposure. In this way it is possible to monitor the hearing threshold shift continuously for people exposed to harmful noise.
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