Submitted article deals with the effect of selected technological parameters on the quality and dimensional accuracy of prototype castings made by Patternless process technology. During experiments were used two types of molding compounds (foamed gypsum and compound based on silica sand and resin). Experiments were focused on optimization of cutting parameters in terms of efficiency, accuracy and possibilities to minimize tool wear. Article deals also with the dimensional and shape accuracy of the castings made by Z-Cast technology. The main aim of the research is to optimize Patternless process technology to such an extent, that achieved dimensional and shape accuracy will be comparable to castings made by the Z-Cast technology.
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych parametrów technologicznych, które wpływają na jakość i dokładność wymiarową odlewów prototypowych wykonanych technologią bezmodelową. Podczas eksperymentów wykorzystano dwa rodzaje form (spienionego gipsu i mas do formowania na bazie piasku kwarcowego i żywicy). Badania maja na celu optymalizacje parametrów cięcia w zakresie wydajności, dokładności i zminimalizowania zużycia narzędzi. Artykuł zajmuje sie również dokładnością wymiarów i kształtem odlewów wytwarzanych za pomocaąZ-cast. Głównym celem tego badania jest bezmodelowa technika optymalizacji tworzenia do takiego stopnia, aby osiągnąć dokładność wymiarów i kształtu odlewu wytworzonego z pomocą Z-cast.
The present article deals with the possibility of using the reverse engineering method for the production of prototype molds by Patternless process technology. Article describes method how to obtain virtual model by using a 3D scanner. Article also explains principle of the Patternless process technology, which is based on the milling mold cavity using CNC machining equipment. The aim of the research is the use of advanced technologies that speed up and facilitate the process of production prototype mold. The practical result of the presented experiment is bronze casting, which serves as a foot rest bracket on historic bike.
This paper deals with production of safety inlay for steam locomotive valve by the Patternless Process method. For the moulds creation was used moulding mixtures of II. generation, whereas binder was used a water glass. CNC miller was used for creation of mould cavity. Core was created also by milling into block made of moulding compound. In this article will be presented also making of 3D model, setting of milling tool paths and parameters for milling.
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