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W artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania współczynnika tarcia pomiędzy materiałem zgarnianego obiektu i materiałem zastawy, bezpośrednio na przenośniku taśmowym, który następnie wprowadza się jako parametr w programie MES (LSDyna) dla symulacji procesu zgarniania w sortowni zautomatyzowanej. Pomija się w ten sposób konieczność stosowania dodatkowego stanowiska laboratoryjnego do wyznaczania współczynnika tarcia. Ze względu na występującą równowagę sił tarcia, model zjawiska można traktować jako statyczny, w związku z czym pomiar jest bardzo prosty i nie zależny od czasu.
In this paper presents friction coefficient determination method between scraped object's material and fence material, determined directly on the conveyor belt, which then is introduced in the FEM program (LSDyna) for simulation of the scraping process in the automated sorting plant. In this case, the necessity of using an additional laboratory stand to determine the coefficient of friction is omitted. Due to the existing balance of friction forces, the model of the phenomenon can be treated as static, therefore the measurement is very simple and does not depend on time.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję metody wyznaczania położenia węzłów mechanizmu czworoboku przegubowego realizującego dwa zadane skrajne kąty nachylenia członów. W metodzie tej zastosowano optymalizację numeryczną, w której funkcją celu jest minimalizacja długości członów, a ograniczenia wynikają z zadanych kątów nachylenia tych członów w wybranych położeniach czworoboku przegubowego. W analizie geometrycznej mechanizmu zastosowano podejście, w którym czworobok traktowany jest jako zamknięty wielobok wektorów. Skuteczność proponowanej metody potwierdzono podczas opracowywania przykładowych wariantów realizacji mechanizmu.
The paper presents method for determining the knots position of the four-bar linkage mechanism that realises given tilt angles of the members. In this method, numerical optimization is used in which the objective function is to minimize the length of the members, and the constraints result from the predetermined tilt angles of the members in the selected positions of the four-bar linkage. In the geometrical analysis of the mechanism an approach is used in which the four-bar linkage is treated as a closed polygon of vectors. The effectiveness of proposed method was confirmed during development of exemplary variants of the mechanism.
Content available remote Rough Granular Computing in Modal Settings : Generalised Approximation Spaces
The paper studies the rough granular computing paradigm within the conceptual settings of multi-modal logic. The main idea is to express a generalised approximation space (U; I; κ), where U is the universe of objects, I is an uncertainty function, and κ is a rough inclusion function, in terms of binary relations, and then to consider the corresponding modal operators. The new modal structure obtained in this way is rich enough to define closure and interior operators corresponding to the classical rough approximation operators and their well-known uni-modal generalisations. In contrast to the standard modal interpretation of rough set approximations, in the new settings one can directly deal with information granules and their properties, which is crucial for granular computing paradigm. More precisely, we are provided with means of describing features of objects and information granules, as well as inclusion degrees between granules.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę precyzyjnego napędzania zastawy aktywnej o ruchu obrotowym wykorzystywanej w procesie zautomatyzowanego sortowania strumieni paczek. Zaproponowano serwonapęd na bazie silnika krokowego, który po zaimplementowaniu do zastawy zabudowanej na przenośniku taśmowym poddano weryfikacji eksperymentalnej. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono akceptowalny błąd pozycjonowania. Opracowany napęd umożliwia płynne zadawanie dokładnych przebiegów ruchowych zastawy i badanie ich wpływu na przebieg procesu sortowania.
The paper presents basic solutions of manipulators occurring in the process of stream sorting packages. Method of the precision motion realization of an active fence is presented. The selected servo drive based on stepper motor subjected to the experiments after its attachment to the manipulator and conveyor belt. Positioning error obtained after the experiment is small. It means that exists the possibility to introduce the exact motion's of the fence and study their influence on the sorting process.
Content available Modelowanie i symulacja hamowni z hamulcem taśmowym
W artykule przedstawiono model hamowni z pasem ciernym, który wykonano w środowisku Adams. Opracowany model poddano weryfikacji numerycznej ukierunkowanej na analizę reakcji dynamicznych hamowni pojawiających się w przypadku przyłożenia obciążenia zewnętrznego mniejszego oraz większego od mocy badanego silnika. Badania wykonano dla dwóch wybranych sztywności siłomierza hamowni. W efekcie przeprowadzonych badań ustalono, że siłomierz o niepoprawnie dobranej sztywności powoduje powstawanie drgań samowzbudnych, które przyczyniają się do wytworzenia reakcji dynamicznych o bardzo dużych wartościach uniemożliwiających poprawny pomiar mierzonych wielkości.
In the paper the model of the engine test bench with band brake is presented. The model is subject to numerical verifications focused on the analysis of the dynamic reactions of the bench occurring in the case of application of the external load of smaller or bigger than the power of the tested engine. The tests were performed for two selected dynamometer stiffness of the bench. Performed tests show, that the dynamometer of incorrectly selected rigidity contributes to appearance the self-excited vibrations, that cause very big dynamic response, preventing correct measurement of the measured quantities.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie tańszej alternatywy dla typowych napędów serwo na bazie bardzo powszechnych w przemyśle zestawów napędowych silnik asynchroniczny – falownik, przez wykorzystanie mikrokontrolera Atmega2560 działającego w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego z enkoderem AS5040. Wyniki symulacji przedstawiają zadowalające właściwości dynamiczne takiego rozwiązania, tzn. całkowitą kompensację wartości uchybu w stanie ustalonym oraz niewielkie oscylacje i niewielką wartość uchybu w stanach przejściowych.
This article presents a cheaper alternative to conventional servo drives based on common in the industry sets asynchronous motor drive - inverter, through the use of a microcontroller ATmega2560 acting feedback loop AS5040 encoder. The simulation results show satisfactory dynamic properties of such a solution, i.e. the total compensation value of the steady-state error and a small oscillations and little value transient error.
Badano wpływ czynników atmosferycznych przez okres 3, 6, 9 i 12 miesięcy na starzenie się folii z kompozytu polipropylen /mączka drzewna 50/50. Przeprowadzono mikroskopowe obserwacje powierzchni, zmierzono naprężenie i wydłużenie względne na granicy plastyczności oraz oznaczono WSP. Ustalono, że w wyniku działania promieniowania UV uszkodzeniom ulega naskórkowa warstwa PP oraz odsłonięte zostają fragmenty drzewnego napełniacza. Ułatwia to wnikanie wilgoci i pogorszenie spójności kompozytu oraz biodegradację drewna. Po rocznym starzeniu, wskutek znacznej degradacji PP, WSP kompozytu rośnie kilkunastokrotnie, a folia nie nadaje się do powtórnego przetwórstwa.
An influence of weather conditions on polypropylene/wood flour composite foil weathered in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months was investigated. The samples were subjected to microscopic examinations of surface, yield strength and yield length measurement in the static tensile test. The melt flow rate (MFR) was also determined. Due to UV radiation, PP surface layer is prone to degradation and wood reinforcement is exposed. It enables the moisture absorption and cohesion loss of composite as well as biodégradation of wood. After a year of weathering, due to PP significant degradation, composite MFR rises dramatically making the material no longer available for recycling.
Content available remote Rough Inclusion Functions and Similarity Indices
Rough inclusion functions are mappings considered in rough set theory with which one can measure the degree of inclusion of a set (information granule) in a set (information granule) in line with rough mereology. On the other hand, similarity indices are mappings used in cluster analysis with which one can compare clusterings, and clustering methods with respect to similarity. In this article we show that a large number of similarity indices, known from the literature, can be generated by three simple rough inclusion functions, the standard rough inclusion function included.
Content available remote Concept Formation : Rough Sets and Scott Systems
The paper addresses the problem of concept formation (knowledge granulation) in the settings of rough set theory. The original version of rough set theory implicitly accommodates a lot of well-established philosophical assumptions about concept formation as presented by A. Rand. However, as suggested by S. Hawking and L. Mlodinow, one has also to consider the dynamics of the universe of objects and different scales at which concepts may be formed. These both aspects have already been discussed separately in rough set theory. Different forms of dynamics have been addressed explicitly – especially the case of extending the universe by new objects; in contrast, different scales of description have been addressed implicitly, mainly within the Granular Computing (GrC) paradigm. Following the example of Life, the famous game invented by J. Conway, we describe the corresponding dynamics in Pawlak information systems using a GrC driven methodology. Having dynamics discussed, we address the problem of concept formation at zoom-out scales of description. To this end, we build Scott systems as information systems describing the universe at a coarser scale than the original scale of Pawlak systems. We regard these systems as a special type of classifications, which have already been studied in the context of rough sets by A. Skowron et al.
Representation theory is a branch of mathematics whose original purpose was to represent information about abstract algebraic structures by means of methods of linear algebra (usually, by linear transformations and matrices). G.-C. Rota in his famous Foundations defined a representation of a locally finite partially ordered set (locally finite poset) P in terms of a module over a ring \mathbbA, which can further be extended by the addition of a convolution operation to an associative \mathbbA-algebra called an incidence algebra of P. He applied this construction to solve a number of important problems in combinatorics. Our goal in this paper is to discuss the concept of an incidence algebra as a representation of a Pawlak information system. We shall analyse both incidence algebras and information systems in the context of granular computing, a paradigm which has recently received a lot of attention in computer science. We discuss therefore the concept of an incidence algebra on two levels: the level of objects which form a preordered set and the level of information granules which form a poset. Since incidence algebras induced on these two levels are Morita equivalent, we may focus our attention on the incidence algebra of information granules. We take the lattice of closed ideals of this algebra, where the maximal elements serve as a representation of information granules. The poset of maximal closed ideals obtained in this way is isomorphic to the set of information granules of the Pawlak information system equipped with a natural information order.
Content available remote On Graded Nearness of Sets
In this article we present three inclusion functions which characterise the nearness relation between finite sets of objects defined in line with J. F. Peters, A. Skowron, and J. Stepaniuk [26]. By means of these functions we extend the notion of nearness to the graded case where one can measure the degree to which one set is near to another one.
Content available remote Monadic Algebras: a Standpoint on Rough Sets
The paper studies complete and incomplete information systems, i.e. basic structures of rough set theory (RST), from the standpoint of monadic Boolean algebras (MBAs). In the first part we recall a simple characterisation of RST as a theory of MBAs. In the second part the paper discusses approximation operators obtained from incomplete information systems. In this case we lose a direct link to MBAs and thus our aim is to obtain an MBA which will additionally be interesting from the perspective of RST. In the third part we consider a simple application of approximation operators based on this MBA.
In the paper we discuss logical approaches to incomplete and/or nondeterministic data. As is well-known, complete and deterministic information systems induce indiscernibility relations and the lower and upper approximations regarded as operators obey the laws of S5 modal system. In the case of incomplete and/or nondeterministic systems, this modal approach yields a few more binary relations on the set of objects (e.g. NIL-structures and NIL-logics). Anyway, in both cases, there are relations which play a dominant role. The main idea of this study is to shift the focus from relations to objects – that is why we use the term object-directed. Following well-established traditions from modal logics, we would like to consider objects with empty or non-single attribute values as a special kind of worlds. In consequence, in the object-directed approach there would be two sorts of objects and (usually) one relation in contrast to the relation-directed approach where we have one sort of objects and a number of relations. In the first part of our paper we shall discuss a global kind of non-normality and show how rough approximations can be linked to weak modal systems. In the second part we shall consider a local kind of non-normality; this time we use a multi-valued modal system Q introduced by A. N. Prior. The key idea offered by the paper is to regard incomplete and/or nondeterministic information systems as a source of non-normal models for (modal) descriptor languages.
This text is the first one of the series of articles concerning projects’ estimation in Enterprise Architect. In this section, theoretical aspects of function points methods have been presented. Part two entitled: “Example of the Application of the Use of the Case Points Method” constitutes an example along with mathematical calculations and part three entitled: “Project Estimation with the Use of the Method of Use Cases in Enterprise Architect” is a practical application of the function points method in Enterprise Architect.
This text is the third one from the series of articles concerning projects estimation in Enterprise Architect. In the first part ("Theoretical Aspects of Projects Estimation Using the Use Case Points Method" - White Paper published on Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site), theoretical aspects of the function points method have been presented. In the part two entitled: "Example of the Application of the Use Cases Points Method" (White Paper published on Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Community Site) an example along with mathematical calculations have been discussed. Whereas in this part practical application of the function points method in Enterprise Architect have been presented.
This text is the second one of the series of articles concerning projects estimation using the function points method. In the first part entitled: “Theoretical Aspects of Projects Estimation Using the Use Case Points Method" theoretical aspects of the function points method have been presented. Here, an example along with mathematical calculations will be discussed. Whilst in the part three entitled: "Project Estimation Using the Use Case Points Method When Using Enterprise Architect", a practical application of the function points method in Enterprise Architect have been presented.
Content available remote Polski program kosmiczny?
W ostatnich miesiącach na polskiej scenie kosmicznej wyraźnie drgnęło. Po długim okresie braku realnego postępu jesteśmy świadkami wielu nowych inicjatyw pozwalających patrzeć z umiarkowanym optymizmem na udział naszego kraju w rozwoju technologii kosmicznych.
Content available remote Perception and Classification. A Note on Near Sets and Rough Sets
The paper aims to establish topological links between perception of objects (as it is defined in the framework of near sets) and classification of these objects (as it is defined in the framework of rough sets). In the near set approach, the discovery of near sets (i.e. sets containing objects with similar descriptions) starts with the selection of probe functions which provide a basis for describing and discerning objects. On the other hand, in the rough set approach, the classification of objects is based on object attributes which are collected into information systems (or data tables). As is well-known, an information system can be represented as a topological space (U, τ_E). If we pass froman approximation space (U,E) to the quotient space U/E, where points represent indiscernible objects of U, then U/E will be endowed with the discrete topology induced (via the canonical projection) by τ_E. The main objective of this paper is to show how probe functions can provide new topologies on the quotient set U/E and, in consequence, new (perceptual) topologies on U.
Content available remote Topology Information as a Service in Complex Networks - cNIS Case
Dynamie expansion of computer networks and the increasing level of their complexity pose new challenges for network management procedures. At the same time, more and more network services are being introduced. The network information system providing consistent and reliable data for network administrators as well as services plays a significant role nowadays. This article explores the common Network Information Service (cNIS) as an integrated network topology repository for a single primary role was extended towards a tool supporting Network Operation Center teams (NOCs) for network documentation tasks. cNIS development started in the GEANT2 project (FP6-IST 511082) and is continued in the GEANT3 project (FP7-ICT 238875). The current effort focuses on integrating a set of tools, including cNIS, as a platform supporting multi-domain services in the GEANT network. cNIS development is a joint effort of several National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and coordinated by Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC).
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