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The paper presents the first example of Holocene faults in the OuterWestern Carpathians in Poland. Small-scale normal faults at Koninki, Gorce Mts., cut both Palaeocene strata of the Ropianka Formation of the Magura Nappe and overlying coarse-clastic bedload facies of Holocene alluvium that builds a 5-5.5-high terrace step of a small valley. These NE-trending faults are accompanied by reorientation of clast a-b planes subparallel to fault planes and by clast fracturing. Such deformations must have been induced by relatively strong earthquakes, unknown from historical record of the Outer Carpathian seismicity. Fault attitude points to NW-oriented axis of the minimum principal stress, which is compatible with parameters of the present-day stress field in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland.
The East Carpathian Foothills of Poland witnessed two episodes of relief planation in the Pliocene, followed by formation of Early Pleistocene strath terraces preserved on flat-topped meander spurs in the San River valley at altitudes of 100-120 m above recent floodplains. In the following stages, intense erosion produced of a flight of strath terraces that are provisionally dated to the Narevian or Sanian-1 (Menapian or Elsterian-1; 75-80 m), Sanian-2 (Elsterian-2; 40-60 m), Odranian and Wartanian (Drenthe, Warthe; 20-30 m), and Vistulian (Weichse- lian; 8-16 m) times. During glacial stages, solifluction deposits mantled the feet of gentle slopes being coeval with fluvial deposition and accumulation of loesses and loess-like sediments on either side of the San River valley, particularly intense in the Weichselian. Interglacial warmings fostered downcutting of the pre-existing fluvial sediments as well as formation of fossil soils within loess sequences and deposition of peat in abandoned channels. In the Late Pleistocene and at the beginning of the Holocene, diversified tectonic movements took place leading to displacement of Weichselian and Holocene straths. During the Holocene, in turn, cut-and-fill terrace steps were shaped, organogenic sediments filled abandoned channels and oxbow lakes, and slopes became re-modelled by landslides and slopewash. The pattern of different types of relief, together with spatial distribution of topolineaments and some photolineaments in the eastern portion of the Polish Outer Carpathians, has been shaped due to mutual interactions between climatic, lithologic and tectonic factors. Well-pronounced topolineaments either follow fault-related zones of weakness, are associated with dense network of extensional cross-fold joints, or indicate recent reactiva-tion of some faults and/or joint sets.
In June 2007, in a valley side of a small stream close to Janowice in the Western Outer Carpathians of Poland, a 1.8 m long mammoth tusk was found within loamy-debris solifluction sediments, ca. 1 m thick. These discordantly overlie a 4-m-high strath built up of steeply dipping sandstones of the Krosno beds of the Skole Nappe, being in turn covered by 7.5-m-hick loessial silts and loess-like slopewash sediments. The latter are overlain at the top by another solifluction cover, ca. 1.5 m thick. The mammoth tusk belonged to an adult animal, probably 30-60 years old. The succession of malacofaunistic assemblages within loess-like sediments indicates a cold, polar climate, and an environment resembling tundra developed upon moderately moist substratum during the last glacial stage. The lower part of malacological sequence enriched in mesophile species probably refers to the Vistulian (Weichselian) interpleniglacial period. The middle part, indicative of more dry habitats, can be associated with the younger Pleniglacial, whereas the top part should represent the terminal phase of the latter. Sediments bearing the mammoth tusk were probably deposited at the turn of the Vistulian older Pleniglacial and Interpleniglacial time.
Rozmiary czwartorzędowego, prawoskrętnego przemieszczenia sieci drenażu w wietnamskim segmencie strefy uskoku Rzeki Czerwonej wyniosły 0.4-5.3 km, śr. 1.1-2 km, a odpowiadające im prędkości uskokowania zmieniały się od 0.43-1.1 mm/rok dla poszczególnych segmentów uskoku do 5.5-7.8 mm/rok dla przemieszczenia skumulowanego. Zuskokowane terasy rzeczne i stożki napływowe zostały uformowane głównie w późnym plejstocenie i holocenie, z wyjątkiem teras najwyższych (40-50 m), wieku środkowoplejstoceńskiego.
Multidisciplinary studies conducted along two geodynamic test transects across the Polish segment of the Western Carpathians, crossing the Orava Basin in the west and the Pieniny Klippen Belt and Magura Nappe along the Dunajec River valley in the east, included gravity and geodetic surveys as well as geological investigations. Gravity and geodetic surveys were carried out annually in years 2004-2006. Their results appear to suggest recent subsidence of the Orava Basin, particularly intensive in a Quaternary graben in the northern part of the area, confirming conclusions derived from geomorphic analyses. Data obtained for the Dunajec River transect do not show any particular differentiation among individual benchmarks, what can point to either minor uplift of the entire area, minimal differences between successive slices of the Magura Nappe and the Pieniny Klippen Belt, or both. Horizontal displacements of benchmarks, different for the western and eastern transects, towards the west and SW as well east and SE, respectively, can result from general uplift of the area comprised between these transects. On the other hand, the N to NNE-oriented vectors of recent horizontal motions, observed for stations located south of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, point to the ongoing NNE-directed push of the ALCAPA block.
Zintegrowane studia grawimetryczne, geodezyjne i geologiczno-geomorfologiczne przeprowadzono na dwóch profilach przecinających szereg jednostek środkowej części Karpat polskich, wykazujących zróżnicowane tendencje neotektoniczne: w poprzek Kotliny Orawskiej na zachodzie oraz wzdłuż beskidzkiego przełomu Dunajca na wschodzie. Pomiary grawimetryczne i geodezyjne wykonywano corocznie w okresie 2004--2006. Ich wyniki wskazują na współczesną subsydencję Kotliny Orawskiej, szczególnie intensywną w obrębie rowu Wróblówki. Dane uzyskane dla profilu Dunajca nie ujawniają większego zróżnicowania pomiędzy poszczególnymi punktami pomiarowymi, co może sugerować słabe wypiętrzanie całego obszaru i/lub minimalne różnice mobilności kolejnych łusek płaszczowiny magurskiej oraz pienińskiego pasa skałkowego. Przemieszczenia poziome reperów usytuowanych w obrębie Karpat zewnętrznych, a skierowane ku zachodowi i SW w profilu zachodnim oraz ku wschodowi i SE w profilu wschodnim, mogą odzwierciedlać wypiętrzanie obszaru ograniczonego profilami, tj. masywu Gorców. Natomiast skierowane ku północy i NNE wektory współczesnych ruchów poziomych dla stanowisk ulokowanych na południe od pienińskiego pasa skałkowego zdają się wskazywać na nadal aktywny nacisk bloku ALCAPA ku NNE.
The Skawa River catchment basin in the Outer Western Carpathians of Poland is situated upon morphostructures showing differentiated mobility in the Quaternary. Long profile of river channel reveals the lowest values of concavity index among the Polish Outer Carpathian rivers, pointing to low degree of river profile maturity, particularly in its middle reach coinciding with a zone of abnormally high river bed gradients. The Skawa River valley utilizes in its middle and northern reaches the Skawa River Fault Zone (SRFZ) composed of differently oriented oblique-slip faults, visible on DEM images as well-marked, rectilinear topolinea-ments. The NNW–SSE to N-S faults in the Silesian Nappe were probably reactivated in Late Pleistocene times as normal faults downthrowing their eastern sides, as shown by abnormally high position of the Weichselian Early Glacial straths on the western valley side. Such an episode of neotectonic activity (late Early Glacial times of the Last Glacial stage) has not been recognized so far in the other river valleys of the Polish segments of the Western Outer Carpathians. We conclude that some of the NNW-SSE to N–S trending faults were reactivated as strike-slip faults. This would conform to the present day stress arrangement within the Polish segment of Carpathians. Moreover, deformations of the Pleistocene straths between Osielec in the south and Wadowice-Zator areas in the north appear to indicate both pre-Weichselian and Weichselian reactivation of the Silesian and - to a lesser extent - Magura frontal thrusts. These movements continued also in the Holocene, although to a smaller extent, most probably due to moderately strong and/or strong earthquakes of magnitudes exceeding 5.5-5.7, resulting in clast fracturing within Holocene alluvium, particularly strong on the Silesian frontal thrust, and less intensive on the Carpathian marginal and Magura frontal thrusts, as well as on some faults that belong to the SRFZ. We are convinced that the record of seismically-induced clast fracturing on one of major fault zones in the Outer Carpathians should lead to revision of the hitherto-existing seismic risk assessment of this region, and particularly of the city of Kraków and other urbanized areas, as well as the planned artificial water reservoir at Świnna Poręba.
Neotectonic (Pliocene-Quaternary) elevations and depressions detected on maps of subenvelope surfaces of the topography of the Outer West Carpathians of Poland are, to a certain extent, portrayed on the map showing topography of the Magura floor thrust, particularly in the western segment of the study area. The floor thrust of the Magura Nappe is highly uneven, its position changing from 725 m a.s.l. to more than 7,000 m b.s.l. The most prominent depression is located in the medial (S of Dunajec and Poprad confluence) segment of the Polish Outer Carpathians (2-7 km b.s.l.), and its axis trends NW-SE from the eastern margin of the Mszana Dolna tectonic window to the Poprad River valley. Another, much more shallower, Jordanów depression (2 km b.s.l.) is to be found NW of the Mszana Dolna tectonic window, shortly north of the Skawa River valley. Elevated structures, in turn, include the Mszana Dolna tectonic window, Sól-Skomielna (on the west), and Limanowa (on the east) elevations of subparallel orientation. Still farther to the east, a longitudinal elevation extending between the Klęczany-Pisarzowa and Świątkowa tectonic windows is to be seen some 10-15 km south of the Magura frontal thrust. South of this area, the Magura floor thrust slopes steeply down to more than 4 km b.s.l. A comparison between the pattern of elevated and subsided structures of the Magura floor thrust and subenvelope surfaces of different orders shows that in the western part of the Polish Outer Carpathians the highest-elevated neotectonic structures (in the southern portion of that area) coincide with depressions of the Magura thrust, whereas farther north a reverse pattern becomes dominant: neotectonic elevations coincide either with the Magura frontal thrust or with elevations of its surface. This is particularly true for an area comprised between 20° and 20°30’E meridians. The origin of such relationships is difficult to explain. We infer that one of possible factors could be Pliocene-Quaternary reactivation of faults cutting the Magura floor thrust, and particularly that one, which appears to separate the western-medial segment of the Outer Carpathians from their more eastern portion.
The aim of this paper is to present a multidisciplinary project dealing with analysis of young crustal movements in the Orava Basin, Polish Western Carpathians, on the basis of a three year long gravimetric, geodetic, geological and morphostructural study. The problem consists in quantitative interpretation of the obtained gravimetric results, i.e. in combining temporal gravity changes with those of geodynamic crustal processes. Gravity surveys conducted in 2004 and 2005 show a decrease in gravity values at benchmarks situated in the Central Carpathian Palaeogene Basin and Magura Nappe, while the central potion of the Orava Basin reveals the opposite trend. Such changes, if confirmed by successive measurement campaigns, appear to indicate recent uplift of the basin margins and subsidence of the basin itself.
Neotectonic studies in Poland concern mainly manifestations of those tectonic movements that have been active in Late Neogene and Quaternary times, as well as geodetically measured recent vertical and horizontal crustal motions. Among problems of particular interest, the following should be listed: periodicity of neotectonic (mostly Quaternary) activity, estimation of the parametres of the neotectonic stress field, amplitudes and rates of Quaternary and recent movements, development of neotectonic troughs and young faults, mutual relationships among photolineaments, geological structures and recent seismicity, as well as the role of tectonic reactivation of fault zones due to human activity. Neotectonic faults in Poland have developed in Neogene and Quaternary times due to reactivation of Laramian or older structures, or in the Quaternary due to reactivation of Neogene faults. The size of throw of Quaternary faults changes from 40-50 m and >100 m in the Sudetes and the Lublin Upland, to several - several tens of metres in the Carpathians. The average rate of faulting during Quaternary times has been 0.02 to 0.05 mm/yr, what enables one to include these structures into the domains of inactive or low-activity faults. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the results of repeated precise levellings and GPS campaigns. Strike-slip displacements have been postulated for some of these faults. Isolated faults in Central Poland have shown middle Quaternary thrusting of the order of 40-50 m, and some of the Outer Carpathian overthrusts tend to reveal young Quaternary activity, as indicated, i.a., by concentrations of fractured pebbles within the thrust zones. Episodes of increased intensity of faulting took place in the early Quaternary, in the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Interglacial, and during or shortly after the Odranian (Drenthe) glacial stage. Some of the faults have also been active in Holocene times. Recent seismic activity is often related to strike-slip faults, which in the Carpathians trend ENE-WSW and NE-SW, whereas outside the Carpathians they are oriented parallel to the margin of the East-European Platform and the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Future investigations should put more emphasis on palaeoseismotectonic phenomena and practical application of neotectonic research.
This paper presents the results of a detailed analysis of fractured clasts hosted within Miocene and Pleistocene paraconglomerates that are exposed close to a map-scale overthrust. Both these paraconglomerates bear numerous fractured clasts (22-50%). The architecture of fractures (joints and minor faults) is well-organized and independent of both clast orientation and the degree of clast roundness. The fractures were formed in situ, most probably due to neotectonic activity of the map-scale overthrust. The number of fractured clasts is positively correlated with the clast size, and negatively correlated with the grain-size of clasts of detrital rocks. The number of fractured clasts increases in clasts of detrital rocks, compared to those of quartzites and magmatic rocks.
Content available Uwagi o neotektonice Polski: wybrane przykłady
Badania neotektoniczne w Polsce koncentrują się głównie na przejawach aktywności tektonicznej w późnym neogenie i czwartorzędzie, a także mierzonych geodezyjnie współczesnych ruchach pionowych i poziomych. Do zagadnień budzących największe zainteresowanie należą: periodyczność ruchów neotektonicznych (plioceńsko-czwartorzędowych), oszacowanie parametrów neotektonicznego pola naprężeń, amplituda i tempo ruchów czwartorzędowych i współczesnych, rozwój młodych uskoków, wzajemne zależności między rozmieszczeniem aktywnych uskoków, foto- i topolineamentów a współczesną sejsmicznością, a także rola człowieka w reaktywacji stref uskokowych. Rozmiary zrzutu czwartorzędowych uskoków normalnych zmieniały się od 40-50 m i >100 m w Sudetach i na Wyżynie Lubelskiej do kilku - kilkudziesięciu metrów w Karpatach. Średnie tempo uskokowania w czwartorzędzie wyniosło 0,02-0,05 mm/rok, pozwalając zaliczyć analizowane uskoki do nieaktywnych, względnie o słabej aktywności. Do podobnych wniosków skłaniają wyniki powtarzanych kampanii pomiarowych GPS. Niektóre młode uskoki wykazywały przemieszczenia przesuwcze, a pojedyncze uskoki w Polsce środkowej miały charakter czwartorzędowych nasunięć, o amplitudzie rzędu 40-50 m. Na uaktywnienie niektórych nasunięć zewnętrznokarpackich wskazują koncentracje stanowisk zawierających spękane klasty w plejstoceńskich i holoceńskich seriach rzecznych. Epizody wzmożonej aktywności uskokowania miały miejsce we wczesnym czwartorzędzie, w interglacjale mazowieckim oraz w trakcie lub wkrótce po zakończeniu zlodowacenia odry. Niektóre z uskoków przejawiały ponadto aktywność w holocenie. Współczesna aktywność sejsmiczna wiąże się z uskokami przesuwczymi EN-WSW i NE-SW w Karpatach, a poza Karpatami - ze strefami uskokowymi układającymi się równolegle do sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego i strefy Teisseyre'a-Tornquista. Pomiary współczesnych naprężeń metodą analizy struktur breakouts oraz szczelinowania hydraulicznego wskazują na ruch Karpat ku NE i NNE. Nacisk ten jest przenoszony na odległość kilkuset kilometrów w obręb platformy wschodnioeuropejskiej, a jego akomodacja prowadzi do systematycznego ugięcia trajektorii naprężeń od NNE-SSW w południowej części kraju do NNW-SSE na obszarze bałtyckim, gdzie nacisk Karpat jest kompensowany przez nacisk grzbietu śródatlantyckiego. W strefie transeuropejskiego szwu tektonicznego (TESZ) częste rotacje osi maksymalnej kompresji od N-S do NW-SE na różnych głębokościach otworów wiertniczych oraz pomiędzy wierceniami zdają się wskazywać na przesuwczą akomodację nacisku generowanego przez Karpaty. Wyniki testów szczelinowania hydraulicznego sugerują przewagę reżimu przesuwczego w Polsce południowo-wschodniej, natomiast w części zachodniej dominuje reżim ekstensyjny z niewielkim udziałem składowej przesuwczej.
Neotectonic studies in Poland concern mainly manifestations of those tectonic movements that have been active in Late Neogene and Quaternary times, as well as geodetically measured recent vertical and horizontal crustal motions. Among problems of particular interest, the following should be listed: periodicity of neotectonic (mostly Quaternary) activity, estimation of the parametres of the neotectonic stress field, amplitudes and rates of Quaternary and recent movements, development of neotectonic troughs and young faults, mutual relationships among photolineaments, geological structures and recent seismicity, as well as the role of tectonic reactivation of fault zones due to human activity. Neotectonic faults in Poland have developed in Neogene and Quaternary times due to reactivation of Laramide or older structures, or in the Quaternary due to reactivation of Neogene faults. The size of throw of Quaternary faults changes from 40-50 m and >100 m in the Sudetes and the Lublin Upland, to several - several tens of inetres in the Carpathians. The average rate of faulting during Quaternary times has been 0.02 to 0.05 mm/yr, what enables one to include these structures into the domains of inactive or low-activity faults. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the results of repeated precise levellings and GPS campaigns. Strike-slip displacements have been postulated for some of these faults. Isolated faults in Central Poland have shown middle Quaternary thrusting of the order of 40-50 m, and some of the Outer Carpathian overthrusts tend to reveal young Quaternary activity, as indicated, among others, by concentrations of fractured pebbles within the thrust zones. Episodes of increased intensity of faulting took place in the early Quaternary, in the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Interglacial, and during or shortly after the Odranian (Drenthe) glacial stage. Some of the faults have also been active in Holocene times. Recent seismic activity is often related to strike-slip faults, which in the Carpathians trend ENE-WSW and NE-SW, whereas outside the Carpathians they are oriented parallel to the margin of the East-European Platform and the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Recent stress measurements indicate that the Carpathians are being exposed to tectonic push from the hinterland, which generates NNE-oriented compression in the eastern part of the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt. This push is transmitted farther to the north along the marginal part of the East-European Platform. Successive accommodation of this push is evidenced by systematic distortion of tectonic compression from NNE-SSW in the southern segment to NNW-SSE in the Baltic portion of the East-European Platform, where the Carpathian push is balanced with the North Atlantic ridge push. Within the Trans-European Suture Zone, frequent stress rotations between N-S and NW-SE in vertical borehole sections and among boreholes suggest a discrete strike-slip accommodation of the Carpathian push. Dominance of strike-slip fault stress regime was constrained by hydraulic fracturing tests in boreholes located in SE Poland, while in western Poland extensional stress regime with some amount of strike-slip component prevails.
Krynica Spa is situated in the southern part of the Magura Nappe, at the boundary between the Bystrica and Krynica subunits. The Bystrica succession is composed of the Middle to Upper Eocene strata of the Magura Formation, while the Krynica succession is built up of the Palaeocene through Middle Eocene strata that belong to the Szczawnica, Zarzecze and Magura formations. The Bystrica and Krynica subunits contact along a sub-vertical, NE-dipping fault. In the study area, several NE-trending transversal faults cut both the Bystrica and Krynica subunits into several blocks. The Krynica area is seismically active, as shown by the most recent, moderate- intensity earthquakes which occurred in 1992-1993, of epicentres situated NE of Krynica Spa. The region is rich in natural mineral water springs which are confined to a tectonic block bounded by the Tylicz and Krynica faults.
Uzdrowisko Krynica jest usytuowane w południowo-wschodniej części płaszczowiny magurskiej na styku podjednostki (bystrzyckiej) i krynickiej (Fig. 1). W badanej przez nas zlewni Kryniczanki utwory strefy bystrzyckiej występują jedynie fragmentarycznie, w NE części obszaru badań. Do strefy bystrzyckiej (sądeckiej) należą wyłącznie utwory formacji magurskiej wieku środkowo-późnoeoceńskiego, o łącznej miąższości stratygraficznej 1150– 1250 m. Są to: ogniwo z Maszkowic (piaskowce gruboławicowe z przeławiceniami margli łąckich), ogniwo łupków z Mniszka (łupki pstre i cienkoławicowy flisz) oraz ogniwo piaskowców popradzkich ("piaskowce zuberowskie"). Strefa krynicka reprezentowana jest przez paleoceńsko-środkowo-eoceńskie utwory formacji szczawnickiej (cienko- i średnioławicowy flisz), zarzeckiej (cienkoławicowy flisz z ogniwem piaskowców krynickich) oraz magurskiej (piaskowce gruboławicowe). Niepełna miąższość utworów strefy krynickiej wynosi co najmniej 1300 m. Podjednostki bystrzycka (sądecka) oraz krynicka kontaktują ze sobą wzdłuż pionowego lub niemal pionowego, zapadającego na NE uskoku, zwanego "dyslokacją krynicką". Uskoki poprzeczne o przebiegu NE–SW dzielą obie podjednostki na kilka bloków. Między Czarnym Potokiem a Słotwinami wąski półrów tektoniczny towarzyszy uskokowi słotwińskiemu. W okolicach Krynicy notowane były w latach 1992–1993 wstrząsy sejsmiczne. Epicentra tych wstrząsów grupują się wzdłuż uskoków poprzecznych o orientacji NW–SW oraz dyslokacji krynickiej.
Normal faults of different orientations appear to be the youngest manifestations of faulting in the Carpathian Foredeep which is filled with Lower to Middle Miocene sediments. Structural studies of the Late Miocene–Pliocene(?) fresh-water molasses of the Witów Series and the overlying Late Pleistocene loessial complex provide a possibility to reconstruct the Late Neogene to Recent (?) stress field in the central part of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep. Strata of such a young age are very rare in the foredeep, thus providing a key record of structural deformation during the latest stages of orogenic evolution of the Carpathian orogen. The molasses are cut by joints, and normal and strike-slip faults, formed in two successive events: (1) a syn-depositional one for the molasses (Late Miocene–Pliocene?), proceeding under NNW–SSE to N–S-oriented horizontal compression, possibly coeval with reactivation of a NE-striking sinistral fault of the Kurdwanów–Zawichost Fault Zone in the basement; (2) a post-depositional one for the molasses (Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene) during N–S to NE–SW-oriented extension, and (3) both syn- and post-depositional ones for the loessial complex (Late Pleistocene). In the first event, reactivation of the NE-striking sinistral fault led to formation of N–S-oriented joints, as well as NW-striking dextral, and NNW-trending normal faults. In the second event, both W–E and NW–SE – oriented joints andWNW-striking normal faults were formed. The latter most probably originated due to reactivation of the Early Palaeocene WNW- and NW-striking normal faults in the basement. In the third event, both NE–SW and NW–SE-oriented joints and NE-striking normal faults formed as a result of reactivation of the SW- and WSW-striking faults in the basement. Therefore, normal faults detected in the Carpathian Foredeep appear to be a result of different successive events. This extensional episode lasted at least to the Late Pleistocene. We also provide evidence for the recent, N- to NNE-directed, tectonic compressive stress, typical for that segment of the Carpathian arc. This stress resulted in the formation of an orthogonal system of joints striking N–S and W–E, produced during
Fifteen samples of basaltoid rocks have been analysed from the Lower Silesia, SW Poland, some of them from localities close to the Sudetic Marginal Fault. K-Ar datings have been made on whole rock samples, using the methodology applied by the Institute of Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary. Most of the samples give ages ranging between 21- 38 Ma, whereas that derived from a borehole in the Mokrzeszów Graben has been dated to 44 Ma. Another borehole sample (Jeżów Sudecki B-5), close to the Intrasudetic Fault, is of 59 Ma age. On the other hand, the supposedly "Quaternary" basaltoids from Dębowiec area fall into the interval of 29–30 Ma. The southeasternmost occurrences of the Lower Silesian basaltoids at Nowa Cerekiew display two generations of effusive activity: the older lava flows (26 Ma) are cut by plugs dated to 22 Ma. The Oligocene–Lower Miocene (26-33 Ma, 20'24 Ma) rocks represent alkali basalts and basanites. The alkali basalts consist of phenocrysts of olivine (chrysolite), altered to a different degree, and clinopyroxene (salite). In the matrix, clinopyroxene (Ti-salite), olivine (hyalosiderite), plagioclases (labradorite–andesine), and opaque minerals (titanomagnetite, ilmenite) occur. The basanites contain phenocrysts of altered olivine (chrysolite) and clinopyroxene (salite). Their matrix consists of clinopyroxene (Ti-salites), olivine (hyalosiderite), nepheline, plagioclases (bytownite–andesine), and opaque minerals. On the TAS diagram, samples of the studied basaltoids plot mainly in the fields of basalts and basanites/tephrites. The bimodality of some samples falling into two fields of basalts and basanites/nephelinites on the TiO2/Zr-Nb/y diagram results from their distinct geochemical signature.
Content available remote Young faults in northern Vietnam: a case study of the Red River Fault Zone
The Red River Fault Zone marks the boundary between the South China and Indochina blocks. It was shaped in two phases: during sinistral, ductile shear active 27-16 Ma, followed by exhumation and uplift from depths of 20-25 km, and then dextral, predominantly brittle shear active in Plio-Quaternary times. The amount of post-Miocene dextral offset has been variously reconstructed as 20 to 57 km, whereas the size of individual offset of Quaternary valleys has been calculated as 9 m to nearly 2 km. Therefore the corresponding rates of Quaternary dextral slip range between 1 and 9 mm/yr or 1 and 4 mm/yr. The fault zone is capable of generating relatively strong earthquakes in the future
Strefa uskoku Rzeki Czerwonej wyznacza granicę pomiędzy blokami Chin południowych I Indochinami. Była ona ukształtowana w dwóch fazach: podczas lewoskrętnego ścinania w warunkach podatnych, w okresie 27-26 Ma z późniejszym wypiętrzeniem i ekshumacją z głębokości 20-25 km, a następnie w warunkach kruchego ścinania prawoskrętnego w plio-czwartorzędzie. Wielkość post-mioceńskiego przemieszczenia prawoskrętnego była rekonstruowana na 20 do 57 km, podczas gdy rozmiar przemieszczenia czwartorzędowych dolin był szacowany na 9 m do blisko 2 km. Dlatego ruch ten odpowiada tempu 1 do 9 mm/rok lub 1 do 4 mm/rok. Strefa uskokowa spełnia więc warunki umożliwiające w przyszłości generowanie silnych trzęsień ziemi
The paper presents mountain regions of the northwestern part of Vietnam, of diversified geological history and landscape. The significant geological diversity enables to imagine circumstances at which different kinds of rocks came into being. It allows to examine and to understand tectonic processes that have taken place in both global and local scale, giving an idea of Earth's crust activity and giant forces that have shaped the Earth's surface and affecting continent composition. Our trip was a great travel experience through geological time, giving possibility to observe rocks of different age (from Precambrian until present). Both geological and geotouristic attractions are presented
Praca przedstawia górskie rejony północno-zachodniej części Wietnamu o różnej przeszłości geologicznej i zróżnicowanym krajobrazie. Duża georóżnorodność umożliwia wyobrażenie sobie, w jakich warunkach powstawały poszczególne rodzaje skał, zetknięcie się i zrozumienie procesów tektonicznych zachodzących w skali globalnej jak i lokalnej, dając pojęcie o aktywności skorupy ziemskiej i ogromnych siłach sprawczych kształtujących wygląd powierzchni Ziemi i wpływających na ułożenie kontynentów. Taka trasa to wspaniała i pouczająca podróż przez geologiczny czas, dająca możliwość przyjrzenia się różnym wiekowo skałom (od prekambru aż po czasy współczesne). Zaprezentowano zarówno geologiczne jak i geoturystyczne atrakcje
Bazalty występujące w północnej części basenu międzyprzesuwczego Dien Bien Phu w NW Wietnamie, związane ze wpółcześnielewoprzesuwczym uskokiem Dien Bien Phu, reprezentują toleity kwarcowe datowane metodą K-Ar na 5,4-5,2 Ma. Składają się one z fenokryształów plagioklazów, ortopiroksenów i oliwinów, a także z drobnokrystlicznego tła złożonego z oliwinów, plagioklazów, klinopiroksenów. Bazalty Bien Bien Phu zawierają w swoim składzie zarówno ksenolity ultramaficzne i maficzne (piroksenity, dunity, gabra),jak i ksenolity skał otaczających (syllimanit/mullit oraz spinele Mg-Fe). Obecność ksenolitów skał osadowych wskazuje na zanieczyszczenie materiałem skał otaczających w trakcie intruzji magm bazaltowych. W bazaltach Dien Bien Phu zaznaczył się geochemicznie selektywny wzroststosunków pierwiastków niedopasowanych, zawierających K, Rb i Th, co było spowodowane metasomatyczną modyfikacją stopu resztkowego(obwódki K-skalenia na fenokryształach plagioklazów oraz jego obecność w interstycjach w cieście skalnym).
Basalts encountered in the Dien Bien Phu pull-apart basin inNWVietnam, associated with the presently sinistral Dien Bien Phu fault, are quartz tholeiites that have been K-Ar-dated to 5.4-5.2 Ma. They consist of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and olivine phenocrysts, and fine-grained crystalline matrix (olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene). The Dien Bien Phu basalts contain not only ultramafic and mafic (pyroxenites, dunites, gabbros), but also wallrock xenoliths (sillimanite/mullite+ Mg-Fe spinels). The occurrence ofwallrockxenoliths is indicative of the contamination in wallrock material during the ascent of basaltic magma. The Dien Bien Phu basalts are characterized by selective increase in ratios of such incompatible elements as K, Rb and Th, what can be considered as an evidence of metasomatic modification of residual melt composition (rims of K-feldspar around plagioclase phenocrysts and small K-feldspar grains occurring in the interstices within the matrix).
Content available remote Morfometria sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego między Złotym Stokiem a Dobromierzem
Analizie morfometrycznej poddano południowy, 77 km długości odcinek sudeckiego uskoku brzeżnego (SUB) na obszarze Polski. Badano zarówno parametry skarpy uskokowej, jak również wskaźniki morfometryczne 149 małych zlewni usytuowanych u podnóża skarpy, a także zestawiono cyfrowy model terenu. Wydzielono sześć segmentów SUB o odmiennej orientacji, zróżnicowanych cechach budowy geologicznej i wykazujących specyficzne parametry rzeźby. Wyniki analiz morfometrycznych prowadzą do wniosku, że najbardziej przydatnymi parametrami w opisie skarpy SUB są wskaźniki krętości czoła masywu górskiego oraz szerokości dna - wysokości zboczy, podczas gdy maksymalne deniwelacje zlewni, wskaźnik rzeźby oraz wskaźnik wydłużenia najlepiej charakteryzują cechy zlewni usytuowanych o podnóża czoła masywu górskiego Sudetów. Wartości wszystkich wymienionych parametrów sugerują, że segment sowiogórski (3) SUB ujawnia wartości zbliżone do typowych dla młodych skarp uskoków normalnych. Do podobnych wniosków prowadzi analiza cyfrowego modelu terenu, wykazującego dwupoziomowy układ trójkątnych lic progów uskokowych, wynikający najprawdopodobniej z dwóch etapów młodego wypiętrzania. Segmenty 1 i 4 zaznaczają się znacznie słabiej.
Morphometric analyses allow us to infer that the most useful parameters to characterise the SMF scarp are the mountain front sinuosity and valley floor width/valley height ratio, whereas the maximum basin relief relief ratio (i.e., mean basin slope), and basin elongation ratio describe best small drainage basins located at the foot of the scarp. All these parameters clearly indicate that segment 3 of the SMF reveals properties that do not differ much from those typical for young, moderately active normal fault scarps described from elsewhere. This hypothesis is supported by the results of studies of digital elevation models of the fault zone which portray very well a two-tier arrangement of triangular facets, resulting from at least two episodes of recent uplift.
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