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In recent years, heightened air pollution characterized by elevated levels of particulate matter and potentially toxic metals has become a prominent concern, particularly in densely populated urban areas, which may pose a threat to the health of the population. The present study aims to conduct a comprehensive health risk assessment of heavy metals exposure via inhalation, with a focus on submicron particles (PM1), in two major cities of Poland - Warsaw and Zabrze. These cities were selected due to their distinct levels of urbanization and industrialization. Non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks assessment was performed for children and adults. The carcinogenic risk was evaluated for As, Cd, Cr(VI), Ni, Pb, and Co, classified as carcinogens, the non-carcinogenic risk evaluation encompassed a broader range of metals, including V, Mn, Cu, Zn, and Mg, aiming to comprehensively understand health exposure. The results highlight elevated carcinogenic risk in Zabrze, primarily linked to industrial activities and ongoing emissions. Notably, Ni, As, and Cr(VI) exceed safe limits, underscoring the need for targeted interventions. Moreover, non-carcinogenic risks reveal Zabrze’s heightened respiratory health risks, compared to Warsaw. Despite Warsaw’s lower non-carcinogenic risk values, both cities recorded Ni and Mg concentrations exceeding safe limits. This indicates that Zabrze faces higher health risks from heavy metal exposure due to ongoing pollution sources. In contrast, Warsaw, the capital city and a major urban centre, demonstrates better air quality but still requires continuous monitoring and pollution control measures.
This work presents the first results of the metal in particulate matter PM10 analysis and source apportionment in one of the fire station garages in Poland. The study’s novelty includes the high temporal resolution of the elemental composition of PM-bound metals since the gamma-ray fluorescence spectrometer with the high temporal resolution was used in the study. The concentrations of PM10 were measured at the same time using the method of beta-ray attenuation. The concertations of PM10 and PM-bound metals were analyzed with a temporal resolution of 4 h. To identify the source apportionment of metals, three commonly used models were applied: principal component analysis (PCA), EPA UNMIX, and EPA PMF (positive matrix factorization). The concentrations of the investigated metals have high temporal variations while the concentrations of PM10 were low in the garage. The enrichment of PM10 was very high or high, especially in sulfur, zinc, arsenic, nickel, cadmium, and lead. PCA analysis, as well as UNMIX and PMF, showed a high impact of factors related to sulfur on the variability. It showed the impact of combustion, including combustion of liquid fuels, in fire engines may have a crucial impact on air pollution in the fire station. The PMF analysis allowed us also to identify factors responsible for external anthropogenic emissions on concentrations inside the garage. Other identified sources of PM10 and PM10-bound elements are mineral dust, and road dust related to non-exhaust emission, originating inside the firehouse (resuspension and abrasion) as well as from outside.
W celu przeprowadzenia badań zebrano miejski pył drogowy w siedemnastu punktach badawczych w sezonie wiosennym na terenie Dolnego i Górnego Śląska w Polsce. Są to regiony znane z podwyższonego poziomu zanieczyszczeń. Celem badań było określenie stężeń metali ciężkich w ekstraktach wodnych w obu regionach, co ma bezpośrednie przełożenie na zawartość tych metali w wodach powierzchniowych zasilanych spływami pochodzącymi z deszczu, oraz ocena toksyczności wymywanego pyłu miejskiego w odniesieniu do bakterii A. fischeri, co pozwoliło na ocenę wpływu spływów z obszarów miejskich na organizmy żywe. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, że ekstrakty wodne badanych próbek miejskiego pyłu drogowego wykazywały zróżnicowane stężenia metali ciężkich na badanych stanowiskach w obu regionach – na Dolnym i Górnym Śląsku, wskazując na istniejące zanieczyszczenie obu badanych obszarów oraz na ryzyko zanieczyszczenia wód wskutek spływu wód opadowych. Powodem tego zanieczyszczenia jest wzmożony transport miejski, przemysł oraz obecne odpady poprzemysłowe, a także sposób ogrzewania domów (niska emisja pochodząca ze spalania odpadów oraz węgla i drewna). Przeprowadzone badania toksykologiczne w odniesieniu do bakterii A. fischeri wskazują jednoznacznie na toksyczność ekstraktu wodnego pyłu miejskiego pobranego ze stanowisk K1 (Bytom), K2, K3 (tereny poprzemysłowe, Piekary Śląskie) na Górnym Śląsku oraz W1 (Wrocław, ul. Obornicka), W5 (Bielany Wrocławskie) i W6 (Wrocław, Most Grunwaldzki) na Dolnym Śląsku. Punkty K1, K2, K3 odznaczały się także podwyższonymi stężeniami większości badanych metali (Mn, Ni, Zn, As). W przypadku Dolnego Śląska punkty W1, W5 i W6 stężenia te nie były najwyższe w regionie, co sugeruje, że na toksyczność tych próbek mogą wpływać także inne związki obecne w pyle (np. WWA, dioksyny), których nie identyfikowano w tych badaniach. Jednakże, bazując na badaniach toksyczności oraz oznaczonych stężeniach metali, można jednoznacznie stwierdzić, że oba regiony są zanieczyszczone i istnieje wysokie ryzyko wpływu tych zanieczyszczeń na biocenozę wodną, a pewnie też na cały ekosystem.
In the presented study, urban road dust was collected at seventeen research points in the spring season in Lower and Upper Silesia in Poland. These regions are known for their elevated levels of pollution. The aim of the study was to determine the concentration of heavy metals in water extracts in both regions, which has a direct impact on the content of these metals in surface waters derived from rainwater runoff, and to assess the toxicity of urban dust on the basis the toxicity test with bacteria A. fischeri to allow making an evaluation of the impact of runoff for living organisms. It was found that the water extracts of the tested samples of urban road dust had different concentrations of heavy metals at the studied sites in both regions, in Lower and Upper Silesia, indicating the existing pollution of both areas and the risk of water pollution due to rainwater runoff. The reason of this pollution is increased urban transport, industry and the presence of post-industrial waste and house heating systems (low emissions from burning waste, coal and wood). The toxicological studies on bacteria A. fischeri indicate the toxicity of the water extracts of urban dust samples collected from K1 (Bytom), K2, K3 (post-industrial areas, Piekary Śląskie) sites in Upper Silesia and W1 (Wrocław, ul. Obornicka), W5 (Bielany Wrocławskie) and W6 (Wrocław, Most Grunwaldzki) sites in Lower Silesia. Sites K1, K2, K3 were also characterized by increased concentrations of metals (Mn, Ni, Zn, As). In the case of Lower Silesia, sites W1, W5 and W6 were not characterised by the highest concentrations of metals in the region, which suggests that the toxicity of these samples may also be affected by other compounds present in the dust (e.g. PAHs, dioxins) that had not been identified in these studies. However, based on the toxicity studies and the concentrations of metals, both regions are polluted and therefore the high risk of the impact of these pollutants on the aquatic biocenosis and probably on the entire ecosystem does exist.
Biomonitoring jakości powietrza z wykorzystaniem sieci pajęczych przeprowadzono we Wrocławiu w 2020 r. Po określonym czasie ekspozycji sieci przeanalizowano pod kątem zawartości pierwiastków potencjalnie toksycznych (Fe, Pb, Zn). Zważając na fakt, że otrzymane wartości były wyższe niż wartości w poprzednich latach, wykonano dodatkowo ocenę narażenia zdrowotnego, wynikającego z obecności pierwiastków potencjalnie toksycznych w powietrzu. W przypadku Fe oraz Pb całościowy wskaźnik zagrożenia był wysoki, wskazując na możliwe zagrożenie zdrowotne związane z narażeniem na te pierwiastki, natomiast wyniki dla Zn nie wskazały na istnienie takiego zagrożenia. Biomonitoring z wykorzystaniem sieci pajęczych udowodnił, że materiał ten może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywany przy oszacowaniu jakości powietrza, a analiza obecnych na sieciach pierwiastków pomaga przy ocenie zagrożenia zdrowotnego.
Air quality biomonitoring was conducted with the use of spider webs in Wrocław in 2020. After the specified exposure time, the webs were analyzed in order to determine the content of potentially toxic elements (Fe, Pb, Zn). Due to the fact that the obtained concentrations were higher than values recorded in previous years, an additional assessment of health hazard, resulting from the presence of potentially toxic elements in the air, was performed. In the case of Fe and Pb, the overall hazard index was found to be high, indicating the possible existence of a health hazard associated with exposure to these elements, while the results for Zn did not point to such a hazard. Biomonitoring with the use of spider webs has proven that this material can be successfully used in air quality assessment, and the analysis of the elements collected on the webs can help in assessing health hazard.
We used spider webs as a particulate matter (PM) sampler to assess the possible health risk to the inhabitants of Legnica city (Poland). We aimed to find out if it is a useful material and could provide reliable information. We selected two spider families (Agelenidae and Linyphiidae) whose webs structure enhances the PM accumulation. The collected particles were analysed using a Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) which provided morphological and chemical information and allowed to indicate possible sources of pollution. The results showed that PM10, the fraction of particles smaller than 10 µm, was dominated by the particles of natural origin, while fine fractions were composed of diverse anthropogenic particles, whose origin can be connected with the activity of the copper smelter and in smaller quantity with the road traffic. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risk was assessed for these pathways: inhalation, ingestion, and dermal, for children and adults. The non-carcinogenic risk was very high (Hazard Index: HI > 1) both for children (Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd) and adults (Cu, As, Pb, Cd). Moreover, high carcinogenic risk (>10-4) was found in most of the sampling points. The study shows that spider webs are useful in biomonitoring of PM and can also be used for health risk assessment. In the studied region, it was found that the possible negative impact of air pollution on human health exists.
The article studies the data from a weekly campaign devoted to the study of the elemental composition of PM10 in a selected receptor, in a suburban area (Mazowieckie Voivodeship). The sampling point was located at the intersection of main roads and in the vicinity of a typical single-family housing, not far from the electrified Warsaw-Białystok railway line and a small heating plant. The research was carried out in the summer season, in order to minimize the impact of municipal emissions on the concentrations and elemental composition of PM10. A Horiba PX-375 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer was used to measure the one-hour concentrations of elements related to PM10. On the basis of the obtained results, the enrichment factors for PM10 in the analyzed elements (EF) were calculated and the principal components analysis (PCA) was performed. It was found that although the elemental composition of PM10 in all tested time intervals was noticeably influenced by the emissions from transport, the municipal emissions had a significant impact on the elemental composition, especially those related to coal combustion, and thus the concentration of PM10 during the study period. It seems that the possibility of observing the influence of all relevant sources on the composition and concentration of PM10 was possible owing to the use of hourly-averaged measurements of the elemental composition of PM10. In the case of daily averaged measurements, in a receptor with such PM10 elemental profile, it would be impossible to determine the periods, in which specific – qualitatively completely different – emission sources dominate.
The activities of smelters are often responsible for emitting pollution, especially PTEs, which are known to have a negative impact on the environment. Hence, the areas with active or past smelter activities are now of great concern. Following this idea, the analysis of the soil samples from the area nearby post-metallurgic waste dump, which is a remnant of the smelter where ferrochrome was produced, was performed. The samples were analyzed in terms of metal concentrations (Zn, Cu, Pb, Fe, Cr) and only the concentrations of Pb did not exceed the limit value for soil. Calculations of the exposure doses for each of these metals were also presented, considering different routes of exposure. Additionally, Hazard Quotient (HQ), Hazard Index (HI), and excessive risk of cancer development (ECR) were calculated, which helped to estimate the health risk.
Zanieczyszczenia obecne w pyle drogowym, pochodzące z ruchu ulicznego takie jak WWA i inne związki organiczne czy metale ciężkie, są wymywane wraz z deszczem i dostają się do wód, ostatecznie kumulując się w osadzie dennym na wiele lat, tym samym zagrażając organizmom wodnym oraz istotnie wpływając na jakość wód. Aby zbadać wpływ tych związków na zdrowie organizmów żywych, nie wystarczą tylko rutynowe badania chemizmu wód i badania osadów dennych, ponieważ do tego celu bardziej nadają się organizmy żywe. Z tego powodu chcąc poznać reakcję na tego typu zanieczyszczenia organizmów żywych, do badania toksyczności pyłów drogowych spłukiwanych z dróg po raz pierwszy w Polsce zastosowano test toksyczności chronicznej OSTRACODTOXKIT F™, który polega na obserwacji rozwoju Heterocypris incongruens naturalnie występującego w osadach dennych. Małżoraczki H. incongruens wykorzystane w badaniach są bardzo wrażliwe na zanieczyszczenie metalami ciężkimi, stanowią zatem odpowiednie narzędzie do badania toksyczności pyłu drogowego wymywanego do fazy wodnej. Badania prowadzono w aglomeracji wrocławskiej (w centrum miasta i na przedmieściach), na stanowiskach różniących się intensywnością ruchu drogowego. Stwierdzono, że pył drogowy ma istotny wpływ na zahamowanie wzrostu oraz żywotność małżoraczków, ponieważ na obszarach o dużym natężeniu ruchu drogowego ich śmiertelność była bardzo duża, co korespondowało z podwyższonymi poziomami stężenia badanych pierwiastków na tych stanowiskach badawczych. Z kolei pył drogowy zebrany na przedmieściach Wrocławia nie powodował śmiertelności małżoraczków i tylko nieznacznie wpłynął na ich rozwój. Podsumowując, stwierdzono, że test toksyczności chronicznej OSTRACODTOXKIT F™ jest odpowiednim narzędziem do badania wpływu pyłów drogowych na ekosystem wodny.
The application of OSTRACODTOXKIT F™ test to assess metals contamination in road dust in Wrocław agglomeration. Pollutants present in road dust deriving from traffi c, such as PAHs and other organic compounds or heavy metals, are washed out with rain and get into the water bodies accumulating in sediments for many years and simultaneously posing a threat to aquatic life and signifi cantly affecting water quality. To study the impact of these toxic compounds on the health of living organisms, routine tests of water and sediments chemistry are insuffi cient as studies based on living organisms are much more reliable. And therefore, in order to know the response of living organisms to road dust pollutants which enter the water bodies the chronic toxicity test OSTRACODTOXKIT F™ was used. This test is based on the observation of development of Heterocypris incongruens that normally lives in sediments. Ostracod, H. incongruens is very sensitive to heavy metal contamination, thus it is a very good tool to study toxicity of road dust washed out with rain into the water bodies. The research was conducted in the Wrocław agglomeration (in the city centre and suburbs) at sites differing in the intensity of car traffi c. We observed that road dust had a signifi cant effect on growth inhibition and death of ostracods, as highest growth inhibition and mortality in the busy areas occurred which also corres ponded with highest concentrations of studied elements at these sites. On the other hand, road dust collected in the suburbs of Wrocław did not cause death of H. incongruens and only slightly affected their development. In conclusion, we can state that the chronic toxicity test OSTRACODTOXKIT F™ is a suitable tool to study the impact of road dust on the aquatic ecosystem.
The aim of the research was to study the impact of "Oława" smelter on surroundings. For this purpose, water, soil and sediments were collected in the vicinity of smelter and subjected to selected ecotoxicological tests. The authors used Spirodela polyrhiza duckweed and Brachinious calyciflorus rotifer for the assessment of the water from Odra River, and Heterocypris inconqruens ostracod for the sediment studies. Triticum sativum and Avena sativa monocotyledons as well as Sinapis alba and Lepidium sativum dicotyledonous plants were used to perform the soil toxicity tests. The obtained results proved slight sediment toxicity, but no toxicity of water was observed. The inhibition of root growth of tested plants was observed suggesting the impact of toxicity on soil. The studies proved that only the area in the nearest vicinity of the "Oława" smelter is still contaminated with heavy metals and may pose a serious threat to the environment.
In this paper, the analysis of the vegetation growing on the waste dump Siechnice was carried out. On the basis of phytosociological relevès, the plant species were determined. It was shown that vegetation identified on the waste dump is similar to the plants growing around this area. What is more, ecological succession of Urticaceae was observed, which proves succession of plants preferring alkaline soils. In addition, the ecotoxicological tests did not show the contamination impact of soil samples. We recorded only a slight inhibition of growth of A. sativa (in the shoot length in lower part of dump).
The ambient concentrations and elemental composition of particles with aerodynamic diameters between 30 and 108 nm (quasi-ultrafine particles, q-UFP) were studied. The data came from 6 sites in Katowice and Zabrze, big cities in Upper Silesia, where particulate matter was sampled at urban background site and crossroads in Katowice and Zabrze, at highway in Katowice, and at urban road in Zabrze. The ambient concentrations of q-UFP and of 24 q-UFP-bound elements at these six sampling sites have been discussed in the paper. The q-UFP mass concentrations in Upper Silesia did not appear high, they were not higher than in other areas. The percentages of the total mass of the examined elements in the q-UFP mass suggest that in Upper Silesia, within a typical residential area, q-UFP consist mainly of primary matter. At the sites under strong influence of road traffic emissions, where the contributions of the examined elements to the q-UFP mass were small, most probably, carbonaceous matter and elemental carbon build the core q-UFP mass. The majority of the elements in q-UFP are anthropogenic. Clear effects of local PM sources can be seen on the ambient concentrations of q-UFP-bound Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cd, Cr, Mn, Co, and Sb.
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