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Content available SISNET/EGNOS as a tool in crisis management
Crisis management can be studied on many aspects of our modern societies. Many of public services are involved in dealing with it more often. The paper covers fire-brigade operation. The case was examined in Polish cities Chełm and Warszawa. Fire brigade deals daily with many emergency situations such as fires, floods, earthquakes, accidents occurring during transportation of hazardous materials or traffic accidents. Every mentioned situation can result in injuries and even loss of lives. It means that all possible means have to be used for the most efficient dealing with an unpredictable event that occurred - the best technologies should be used on every stage of crisis management to minimize negative consequences.
Zarządzanie kryzysowe może być analizowane pod wieloma aspektami. W nowoczesnym społeczeństwie wiele służb publicznych jest zaangażowanych w proces reagowania kryzysowego. Artykuł prezentuje wykorzystanie narzędzia SISNET w zarządzaniu kryzysowym, na przykładzie oddziału straży pożarnej. W trakcie wykonywania zadań straż pożarna spotyka się z wieloma nadzwyczajnymi sytuacjami, takimi jak: pożary, powodzie, trzęsienia ziemi, wypadki drogowe lub przy transporcie materiałów niebezpiecznych. Przy każdej akcji strażacy narażeni są na utratę zdrowia i życia. Oznacza to, iż należy wykorzystać najwydajniejsze rozwiązania i technologie, tak aby zminimalizować negatywne skutki pracy w niesprzyjającym środowisku.
First in the Poland tests of the EGNOS SIS (Signal in Space) were conducted on 5th October 2007 on the flight inspection with SPAN (The Synchronized Position Attitude Navigation) technology at the Mielec airfield. This was an introduction to a test campaign of the EGNOS-based satellite navigation system for air traffic. The advanced studies will be performed within the framework of the EGNOS-APV project in 2011. The implementation of the EGNOS system to APV-I precision approach operations, is conducted according to ICAO requirements in Annex 10. Definition of usefulness and certification of EGNOS as SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) in aviation requires thorough analyses of accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability of SIS [1]. Also, the project will try to exploit the excellent accuracy performance of EGNOS to analyze the implementation of GLS (GNSS Landing System) approaches (Cat I-like approached using SBAS, with a decision height of 200 ft). Location of the EGNOS monitoring station Rzeszów, located near Polish-Ukrainian border, being also at the east border of planned EGNOS coverage for ECAC states is very useful for SIS tests in this area. According to current EGNOS programmed schedule, the project activities will be carried out with EGNOS system v2.2, which is the version released for civil aviation certification. Therefore, the project will allow demonstrating the feasibility of the EGNOS certifiable version for civil applications [2].
5 października 2007 roku, na lotnisku Mielec, podczas wykonywania oblotu technologicznego SPAN (The Synchronized Position Attitude Navigation) przeprowadzone zostały pierwsze w Polsce testy sygnału systemu EGNOS. Było to wprowadzenie do kampanii badania wspomagającego systemu nawigacji satelitarnej - dla ruchu lotniczego. Zaawansowane badania będą wykonywane w ramach projektu EGNOS-APV w 2011 roku. Implementacja systemu EGNOS do wykonywania precyzyjnych podejść operacyjnych przeprowadzana jest zgodnie z wymaganiami zawartymi w Aneksie 10 ICAO. Zdefiniowanie użyteczności i scertyfikowanie EGNOS jako SBAS (satelitarnego systemu wspomagającego) w lotnictwie, wymagają szczegółowych analiz dokładności, wiarygodności, ciągłości i dostępności sygnału SIS (sygnał w przestrzeni) [1]. Ponadto w projekcie podejmowane będą próby zastosowania zwiększonej dokładności EGNOS podczas analizowania implementacji systemu podejścia do lądowania GLS (System Lądowania GNSS, kategoria I podejścia używająca SBAS, z wysokością decyzji 200 stóp). Lokalizacja lotniczej stacji Rzeszów, monitorującej pracę systemu EGNOS blisko granicy polsko-ukraińskiej, wynika z planowanego pokrycia sygnałem EGNOS obszaru państw ECAC i jest bardzo przydatna podczas testowania SIS w tym terenie. Zgodnie z bieżącym harmonogramem implementacji systemu EGNOS, dalsze działania projektowe będą prowadzone z wersją v2.2, która jest odpowiednio certyfikowana dla lotnictwa cywilnego. W związku z tym projekt umożliwi demonstrację możliwości certyfikowanej wersji systemu EGNOS do cywilnych zastosowań [2].
Zasadniczą ideą tego projektu jest spopularyzowanie użytkowania systemu EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) w krajach Centralnej Europy. Główny cel zostanie zrealizowany poprzez zademonstrowanie kluczowych zastosowań EGNOS jako wspomagającego systemu SEAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) APV I (Approach Procedures with Vertical guidance) - jego główne znaczenie. Jak tylko Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego scertyfikuje procedurę, zostanie ona wprowadzona, a EGNOS stanie się w pełni funkcjonalnym i operacyjnym, krajowym, lotniczym systemem. Projekt składa się z 4 głównych etapów: Etap pierwszy - analiza krajowych lotnisk i przewoźników lotniczych względem możliwości instalacyjnych i zastosowania systemu EGNO podczas podejścia i Iądowania; Etap drugi - badania pilotażowe technicznej koncepcji implementacji EGNOS APV, w połączeniu z planowaniem procesu certyfikacyjnego; Etap trzeci - instalacja pokładowego i naziemnego systemu, połączona z tymczasową certyfikacją; Etap czwarty - końcowa prezentacja całkowitych możliwości systemu poprzez testy, certyfikacja systemu i implementacja Safety Case. Występujące w tym projekcie, następujące jednostki: naukowe ośrodki badawcze, agencje rządowe, przewoźnicy lotniczy i lokalne małe lotniska, gwarantują szeroką analizą kręgu odbiorców, czytelnie skonstruowane wymagania użytkownika z poprawnymi technicznymi rozwiązaniami, które są zgodne z polskimi i europejskimi przepisami ruchu lotniczego.
The general idea of this project is to popularize the usage of EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) System in Central European countries. The main goal will be achieved by demonstrating key capabilities of the EGNOS System as SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System) APV I Approach Procedures with Vertical guidance) - its main role. After that the National Fly Authority Agency certification procedure will be launched, EGNOS will become fully functional and operational airfield domestic system. Project consists of 4 main phases: Phase one - Analysis of domestic airfields and Aircraft operator(s) against opportunity of EGNOS installation and utilization of capability for landing purposes; Phase two - study of demonstrator's technical conception of EGNOS APV implementation connected with blueprint for certification process; Phase three - on-board and airfield system installation connected with provisional certification; Phase four - Final demonstration of overall system capabilities, followed by on-going tests, system certification and implementation of Safety Case. The following entities participate in this project: scientific research centers, government agencies, aircraft operator and local small airfield, which guarantees general outlook analysis, clearly constructed user requirements with correct technical solutions which are in compliance with Polish and European air traffic regulations.
Content available Sisnet as a tool in crisis management
Crisis management can be studied on many aspects of our modern societies. Many of public services are involved in dealing with it more often. The paper covers fire-brigade operation. Fire brigade deals daily with many emergency situations such as fires, floods, earthquakes, accidents occurring during transportation of hazardous materials or traffic accidents. Every mentioned situation can result in injuries and even loss of lives. It means that all possible means have to be used for the most efficient dealing with an unpredictable event that occurred - the best technologies should be used on every stage of crisis management to minimize negative consequences. In this case SISNeT/EGNOS data implemented and used for dealing with crisis is considered. The fundamental purpose of the task is to develop and test monitoring platform based on GNSS and data from SISNeT/EGNOS corrections, which fulfils following conditions: accuracy, reliability and continuity of service at a level required by a highly demanding user (fire service unit). The project identifies benefits and potential of SISNeT/EGNOS system especially for user like public forces who have to assess, understand, and cope with a serious situations.
Zarządzanie kryzysowe może być analizowane pod wieloma aspektami w nowoczesnym społeczeństwie, wiele służb publicznych jest zaangażowanych w proces reagowania kryzysowego. Artykuł prezentuje wykorzystanie narzędzia SISNET w zarządzaniu kryzysowym na przykładzie oddziału straży pożarnej. W trakcie wykonywania zadań straż pożarna spotyka się z wieloma nadzwyczajnymi sytuacjami takimi jak pożary, powodzie, trzęsienia ziemi, wypadki drogowe lub przy transporcie materiałów niebezpiecznych. Przy każdej akcji strażacy narażeni są na utratę zdrowia i życia. Oznacza to iż należy wykorzystać najwydajniejsze rozwiązania, technologie tak aby zminimalizować negatywne skutki pracy w niesprzyjającym środowisku. Głównym celem zadania jest opracowanie i przetestowanie platformy monitorującej opartej na technologii GNSS i poprawkach z systemu SISNeT/EGNOS, które podwyższają następujące parametry: dokładność, niezawodność i ciągłość usługi na wysokim poziomie (zdefiniowanym przez specyfikę odbiorcy jakim jest straż pożarna). Artykuł prezentuje korzyści i potencjał SISNet/EGNOS zwłaszcza dla użytkownika takiego jak służby publiczne, który musi ocenić, zrozumieć i wykonać zadanie w sytuacji kryzysowej.
The general idea of this project is to popularize the usage of European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service System in Central European countries. The main goal will be achieved by demonstrating key capabilities of the EGNOS System. After that the National Fly Authority Agency certification procedure will be launched, EGNOS will become fully functional and operational airfield domestic system. Project consists of analysis of domestic airfields and Aircraft operator(s) against opportunity of EGNOS installation and utilization of capability for landing purposes, study of demonstrator's technical conception of EGNOS APV implementation connected with blueprint for certification process, on-board and airfield system installation connected with provisional certification and final demonstration of overall system capabilities, followed by on-going tests, system certification and implementation of Safety Case. Scientific research centers will prepare technical solutions for system installation at airfield and aircraft, with certification projects and procedures as well. This includes two types of certification: technical and fly procedures (landing procedures for aircraft and airfield). Safety of fly and Safety Case are especially taken into consideration. Currently, differential positioning methods, basing on global satellite navigation systems: GPS, GLONASS and also Galileo in the future, undergo dynamic development.
The article presents conception of authors management and monitoring system based on GPS, for application in the transport and land and air communication. This system arises as an answer to demand of local Civil Services, which are member of a crisis management. System purpose is to increase the effectiveness and safeties during salvage actions. In following years the system evolved, allowing its use not only in land conditions but also in the transport and the air lifesaving. Article shows future plans connected with the system development and the extension with ADS-B system (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast).
Geographic information systems and satellite technologies have been more and more important in the last years. Also, regulations of the European Union imply the need to implement specific systems. Taking this into account, the State Vocational College (PWSZ) in Chełm made an attempts to link satalite technologies and GIS. For this purpose two laboratories with 25 GIS workstations, a RTK DGPS station and satellite receivers were set up. This is the nucleus of a regional centre of GIS/RTK system to serve a variety of users. In May 2006, the Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems of the Main Board of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), after conducting localisation research decided to locate a reference station of the ASG-EUPOS system at the State Vocational College (PWSZ) in Chełm. It follows from the assumptions taken and the undertakings performed that the GIS/RTK DGNSS laboratories in PWSZ in Chełm will make it possible to test the geoinformation software and to undertake research aimed at linking data originating from GIS with data from the European Network of GNSS Multifunctional Reference Stations to gather, archive, process (to perform network and spatial analyses) and to make these data available to users through the Polish network of reference stations. A result of these efforts was transfer in April 2006 by the Civil Aviation Board to the PWSZ of the DEMETER 2000 programme which is used for determination of spatial characteristics of radiolocation centres. The results of the tests of the DEMETER 2000 programme are presented in the paper.
Development scientifically - technical he is causing that satellite technologies are becoming inVolved in every sphere of activity of the man. In individual states diverse satellite systems are coming into existence e.g. SAPOS, SWEPOS, SWIPOS, BaltPOS, WAAS, MSAS, SNAS, the EGNOS. EUPOS is one of these programs (European Position Determination System) - European network of multifunctional reference stations. In this project they established, that the EUPOS stations will be permanently operating, multifunctional DGNSS reference stations, The average distance between the stations will be about 70 km. Higher density may be required in conurbation. Existing reference station systems (e.g. EUREF, IGS) should be connected or incorporated. The coordinates of the stations will be determined with high precision, both in ETRS 89 and in conventional geodetic reference systems by connecting to EUREF points as well as to the other control networks of the countries. EUPOS will use the signals of Galileo as basis standard as soon as it is available and GPS as basis standard up to the complete availability of Galileo and as optional additional standard after complete availability of Galileo; also System GLONASS will be used as optional additional standard. All participating countries will observe the unified standards or/and will build up their multi-functional systems fully compatible with future European system GALILEO. Permanent DGNSS service EUPOS will maintain the following sub-services: EUPOS DGNSS for real time or post processing DGNSS applications by code and code-phase measurements with metre up to sub-metre accuracy, EUPOS RTK for real time DGNSS applications by carrier phase measurements with centimetre accuracy, EUPOS Geodetic for DGNSS applications by phase measurements in static or kinematic mode with centimetre up to sub-centimetre accuracy. Galileo gains a huge number of new users, more than 400 reference stations in 14 countries will work permanently using the Galileo system, by EUPOS Galileo will transfer the reference system to all users in Central and Eastern Europe; EUPOS will offer and guarantee the services of proper accuracy as recommended by the Galileo programme; EUPOS stations could be integrated into Galileo programme. Some selected EUPOS stations could be incorporated to the Galileo ground control segment. We would like to introduce "Perspectives of the Transport and the Communication in the light of the European EUPOS Program". We are going to prepare an experiment on the base of permanent The State School of Higher Education station.
Content available remote Laboratorium DGNSS/GIS POLPOS w ramach europejskiego systemu EUPOS
Four European Parliament and European Council Resolutions of 10 March 2004 (No. 549/2004 The Framework Regulation, No. 550/2005 The Provision Regulation, No. 551/2004 The Airspace Regulation, and No. 552/2004 The Interoperability Regulation) obliged Member States to implement GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Additional guidelines can be found in Annex 10 to the Convention of International Civil Aviation. In view of the above, a document on the realization of these Resolutions, entitled Local Convergence and Implementation Plan . Poland 2005-2009 has been prepared in our country. Poland treats the issues connected with GNSS implementation with priority which is confirmed by the fact that an ordinance on the issue in question is being prepared by the Minister of Transport (Infrastructure). Since 2002 European Network of Multifunctional Reference GNSS Stations (EUPOS . European Position Determination System) has been developed, and ultimately it is going to have 420 stations deployed in 14 countries. It is assumed that EUPOS will be based on Galileo system standards, but it will also be possible to make use of other available signals, like for example GPS, GLONASS, and EGNOS. Permanent stations are successively deployed within the radius of 70 km. Their coordinates are marked by means of EUREF points, taking into account ETRS 89 and some other conventional geodetic reference systems. Within the framework of the Polish Multifunctional Reference GNSS Stations Network i.e. POLPOS (Polish Position Determination System), which holds a central position of the EUPOS system, it is planned to have 75 stations that in turn should provide three fundamental types of services, mainly EUPOS DGNSS (in real times or post-processing with submeter accuracy), EUPOS RTK (in real time with centimeter accuracy), and EUPOS Geodetic (for accurate geodetic needs). Nowadays, 18 reference stations within the framework of EUPOS operate in our country. Some new ones will be established in the future, including in the State Higher School of Vocational Education in Chelm. Accordingly, new GIS/RTK DGNSS laboratory has been created. The aim of the laboratory is to perform tests on geoinformation software as well as make research on procedures to link this information with the data provided by European Network of Multifunctional Reference GNSS Stations. As a result, it will be used to collect, record, process (perform network and spatial analyses), and make the data available to users by means of the new Polish Multifunctional Reference GNSS Stations Network i.e. POLPOS.
Content available remote Precision approach by Polish aviation Differential GPS-POLPOS
In Polish aviation on-board GPS units are mainly used for enroute procedures. The use of GNSS for approach and landing procedures requires overcoming a lot of difficulties, including both organizational and technical ones. The paper presents information concerning GNSS implementation in Poland.
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