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We have observed the piezoelectric and elastooptic effects for the 2-cyclooctylamino-5-nitropyridine complex, chromophore doped by an inter-molecular acceptor – fullerene C70. The discovered features may be used for optically operated piezoelectric triggers, modulators and deflectors. The observed effects are caused by the effective interaction of external light with the polarizable chromophore. As a pumping laser beam we have used both a nanosecond fundamental 1064 nm laser wavelength as well as its second harmonic generation at 532 nm. A principal role in the observed effects play photoinduced anharmonic phonons, effectively contributing to the output effect.
Content available remote Modelling of reproduction process for power laser radiation
The model and algorithms for analysis of the laser photoinduced processes were developed using numerical simulations. A statistics of the process was carried out by averaging over a hundred laser pulses. A special correction algorithm was created. A standard uncertainty of the results from the output laser signals without any correction was equal to 0.003527, while for the expected value was equal to about 1.000510. After correction procedure standard uncertainty of results was 0.000479 for the expected value equal to 0.999955. Due to the applied correction methodology of laser signal analysis, the uncertainty can decrease by one order of magnitude. The proposed approach may be used for describing photoinduced nonlinear optical processes with time duration from nanosecond to microsecond.
W artykule zaprezentowano zasady, algorytmy oraz układy do pomiarów najważniejszych parametrów laserów. Pomiar mocy i energii stanowi podstawę diagnostyki laserowych źródeł promieniowania. Zaprezentowano zautomatyzowany wzorzec mocy i energii promieniowania laserowego zaprojektowany do pracy w systemie zabezpieczenia metrologicznego techniki laserowej.
Rules, algorithms and systems for measurement of the most important laser parameters were presented in this paper. Measurement of the power and energy is the basis of laser devices diagnostics. Automatic standard device of the lasers power and energy, designed for a laser metrological protection of energy laserometry was shown.
Infrastruktura metrologiczna jest konieczna do pomyślnego rozwoju nanotechnologii. Istniejące dotychczas rozwiązania metrologiczne są z reguły nieodpowiednie dla nanoskali i jest zapotrzebowanie na nowe rozwiązania osiągające nanodokładność i nadające się do badania nanoobiektów. Wśród nich metody oparte na optoelektronice są bardzo obiecujące ze względu na swój duży potencjał, relatywnie niski koszt, wysoką niezawodność i łatwość zastosowania. Celem artykułu jest przegląd optoelektronicznych metod metrologicznych, które są obiecujące dla zastosowań w nanotechnologii. Kładzimy nacisk na słowo "optoelektronika", ponieważ pomimo że prezentowane metody są optyczne w swojej zasadzie działania, ich relizacja i uzyskany wynik zależy od optoelektroniki.
Metrology infrastructure is necessary for sucessful application of nanotechnology. Metrological solutions previously developed are inappropiate for nanoscale and there is need for new methods capable of reaching nanoaccuracy and investigating nanoobjects. Among them, optoelectronic methods are greatly promising due to their great potential, relative low cost, high reliability and ease of application. The purpose of this paper is to review optoelectronic metrological methods with expected applications in nanotechnology. We emphasis optoelectronics because even if methods presented are in principle optical, their realisation and performance depends on optoelectronics.
W artykule zaprezentowano przenośny przyrząd do pomiaru mocy promieniowania laserowego. Omówiono właściwości czterech układów pomiarowych mocy: z zastosowaniem polaryzacyjnego dzielnika promieniowania laserowego, modulatora akustyczno - optycznego, dzielnika promieniowania laserowego z siatką dyfrakcyjną oraz układu wykorzystującego pomiar względny poziomu mocy. Jedynie pomiar względny mocy jest wystarczająco dokładny i powtarzalny dla realizacji stanowiska pomiarowego wzorca roboczego mocy ciągłego promieniowania laserowego. Przyrząd zawiera dwa źródła promieniowania laserowego, jest sterowany układem mikroprocesorowym a wizualizacja wyników jest realizowana na ekranie komputera. Cały układ jest łatwy do transportu umożliwiając pomiary u klientów a nie tylko w warunkach laboratoryjnych. Opisano metodę pomiarów zastosowaną we wzorcu. Podano najważniejsze parametry wzorca.
A portable instrument for metrology applications in measurements of laser radiation power is presented in this paper. Four power measurement systems: with polarized laser radiation divider, an acoustic - optical modulator, a laser radiation diffractive divider and a power level relative measurement system. Only the relative power level measurement system is accurate and recurrent enough for a laser radiation power standard. Device includes two sources of laser radiation. It is controlled by microprocessor. Results of its work are shown on the computer screen. The whole system can be easily transported enabling one to carry out measurements in situ, at customers, not only in laboratory conditions. A method of measurement used in operation of the standard is described. Main parameters of the standard are shown.
Opisany w artykule wzorzec jest przeznaczony do ochrony i odtwarzania wielkości jednostek mocy i energii promieniowania laserowego a następnie ich przekazania kontrolowanym metrologicznie przyrządom pomiarowym. Ochrona wielkości jednostki mocy I energii w laserometrii z dużą dokładnością w okresie długiego okresu (kilka lat) jest możliwa z wykorzystaniem specjalnie opracowanego i metrologicznie przebadanego przetwornika pomiarowego typu kalorymetrycznego. Pracuje on na zasadzie porównania mocy optycznej z mocą elektryczną. Omówiono schemat oraz metodę ochrony i odtwarzania jednostki mocy i energii. Podano najważniejsze parametry wzorca.
Standard described in this paper protects and restores laser radiation units of the power and energy and transfers them to the metrological verified measuring apparatus. In laserometry laser radiation units of the power and energy high precision protection in a long time (a few years) is possible through a special construction and metrological examined calorimetric measuring transducer. It works by an optical power to an electric power comparison. The scheme and method of protection and restoring power and energy units are discussed. Main parameters of the standard are shown.
Opisany w artykule wzorzec jest przeznaczony do ochrony i odtwarzania wielkości jednostki energii impulsowego promieniowania laserowego a następnie jej przekazania kontrolowanym metrologicznie przyrządom pomiarowym. Przetwornik pomiarowy wzorca wykorzystuje zasadę zamiany energii optycznej energią elektryczną. Omówiono schemat oraz metodę ochrony i odtwarzania jednostki energii. Podano najważniejsze parametry wzorca.
Standard described in this paper protects and restores laser pulse radiation energy unit and transfers it to the metrological verified measuring apparatus. Measuring transducer of the standard works by an optical power to an electric power conversion. The scheme and method of protection and restoring power and energy units are discussed. Main parameters of the standard are shown.
Przedstawiono projekt nowego krajowego systemu zabezpieczenia metrologicznego techniki laserowej w Polsce. Pokazano najważniejsze zagadnienia dotyczące projektowania takiego systemu. Omówiony został nowy schemat zabezpieczenia metrologicznego oparty o radiometr kriogeniczny jako wzorzec państwowy. Omówiono właściwości najdokładniejszych przetworników pierwotnych promieniowania laserowego jako wzorców mocy i energii: radiometru kalibrowanego elektrycznie i detektora pułapkowego.
A project of a new national system for metrology protection of laser technique in Poland is presented. Some main questions of designing such a system are shown. The new scheme of the metrology protection system based on cryogenic radiometer as the national standard is discussed. Characteristics of the most accurate measuring transducers for laser radiation: absolute radiometer and trap detector as primary standards of power and energy of the laser radiation are presented.
Interaction of glass arid silicon monocrystals with clusters of dust particles is described in the paper. Protective metallic shells become a source of new damage factors in conditions of super-deep penetration (SDP). Penetration of micro-jets into a glass sample volume occurs as precession with respect to the axis of a jet motion in a barrier. The form of bands of superficial damages corresponds to sawtooth change of parameters of electromagnetic field which controls motion of a dense plasma micro-jet. The energy anomaly factor of the order of Eg/ESi ≈ 8.4 was found from comparison of the damages in glass and silicon.
Content available remote Wzorzec roboczy energii promieniowania laserowego
W artykule przedstawiono przenośny wzorzec roboczy energii impulsowego promieniowania laserowego. Zaprezentowano schemat blokowy urządzenia oraz zasadę działania. W artykule przedstawiono również metody kalibracji mierników energii promieniowania laserowego za pomocą wzorca WRE oraz analizy niepewności pomiarowej z wykorzystaniem systemów komputerowych.
This paper presents mobile working standard of laser impulse energy. Block diagram and metodology of laser energy meter calibration by standard is performed. The results of measurement errors analisys are shown by computer system.
While solving the problem of superdeep penetration, a dilemma appears: will we deal with an unusual mechanism of effective transformation of impact energy of a clot into energy of separate strikers motion or will it be a process of additional energy emission? It was shown that all possibilities of explanation of the decrease in resistance to a striker at its movement in a solid body due to the mechanism of economical use of the kinetic energy, are considered (so-called dead end was stated). Estimations of a minimum energy necessary for superdeep penetration have been performed. The obtained results have proved that the kinetic energy of a collision of a clot of discrete (separate) strikers with a barrier makes only 5-10% of the total amount of the energy loss. It was shown that the process of cavitation of microcavities in dense plasma is the source of additional energy, providing implementation of superdeep penetration.
The paper presents a new three-dimensional variant of free particles method, used for modelling of explosive formation of projectiles and exemplary results of computer simulations. Physical model is based on gas-dynamics equations (interaction of detonation products with the charge elements) and mechanics of solids (deformation and driving of metal liner and housing). The equations of the problem were solved numerically using the free particles method together with the so-called markers method, allowing for modelling boundary conditions at the contacts of media having various physical properties and any complex shapes. Significant virtue of the markers method was shown, i.e., the possibility of full automation of a calculation process, even for very complex and dynamically changing boundary conditions, e.g., during projectiles fragmentation. Many test solutions have been obtained and analysed, having in view the influence of three-dimensional effects on projectiles fragmentation and rotation. These aspects of explosive forming of projectiles were indicated which can be investigated using only 3D codes, e.g., errors and inaccuracies of metal liners manufacturing, forming of projectile fins, etc.
Interaction of metallic projectiles with transparent glass shields has recently become an important theoretical and practical problem (protection of people inside the vehicles, premises, etc.). Computer simulation is the basic tool used for theoretical analysis of such cases, because it takes into account instability, three-dimensional nature of this phenomenon, complex initial-boundary conditions, and actual empirical characteristics of material properties. In the paper, we present the computer modelling results of a glass plate (soda glass) penetration by a steel ball, accelerated to the velocity of 250 m/s. We used the most recent version of the free points method (the so-called markers method) and the relevant code of 3D type. We present the influence of Mohr-Coulomb model coefficients on the process of glass cracking. The results were compared to relevant experimental results. It is shown that using the Mohr-Coulomb model, we have obtained good consistency of the theoretical and experimental results. These results encourage the use of this model and of the computer code to design optimal structure of glass shields (having in view their protective properties).
Mathematical model of a reproduction process of average radiation power of laser and of its value transfer has been developed. Also, an algorithm for correction of the result of this process, improving metrological properties of a standard, has been formulated. The paper presents the results of theoretical tests proving correctness of the assumptions used in the model.
W pracy przedstawiono zmodyfikowaną wersję metody symulacji komputerowej zwanej "metodą punktów swobodnych", zastosowaną do modelowania zjawiska oddziaływania promieniowania laserowego z materią. Modyfikacja dotyczy sposobu modelowania procesu pochłaniania promieniowania laserowego oraz zadawania warunków brzegowych. Pokazano wstępne wyniki modelowania dla przykładowych warunków początkowo-brzegowych.
The paper presents modified version of a method of computer simulation, so-called "free particles" method used for modelling of a phenomenon of laser interaction with matter. Its modification relies on a way of modelling of laser radiation absorption and determination of boundary conditions. Some modelling results for example initial-boundary conditions are shown.
The paper presents a project of calibration chain used in metrology of laser radiation. A method of reproduction and sequence of transfer of the units of laser radiation from primary standard to measuring instruments of these physical values are described, and uncertainties of measurement as well as fundamental inspection methods are shown. Schemes, principles of reproduction and transfer of the units of power and energy as well as basic metrological characteristics of the links of calibration chain are proposed.
Periodic structures have been used in many applications of laser technology and radio engineering. They replace the transducers of radiation parameters. The methods employed for calculation of their electrodynamic properties are well known from the literature. However, complicated numerical computations are required to solve the diffraction equations in theirs general form. The paper presents the method of calculation of electrodynamical properties of a plane periodic structure for the particular case of normal wave falling. The used transformations allow to reduce the time of numerical calculations.
New instrument for metrology applications in measurements of laser pulse energy is presented. Due to its parameters it can be used as a standard for unit of energy of pulse laser radiation. The instrument consists of a control unit, three different sources of laser radiation, two receivers of optical signal, and a laptop. The whole system can be easily transported enabling one to carry out measurements in situ, at customers, not only in laboratory conditions. A method of measurement used in operation of the standard is described. Main characteristics of the standard are shown. Methods of calculation of uncertainties of measurement during laser energy meters calibration by means of our standard are also presented.
Relations describing diffraction of E- and H-polarized electromagnetic waves from rectangular-profile diffraction grating have been formulated. The method of the analysis enables the calculation of diffraction efficiency of single-layer or multilayer gratings, in which the profile of a single period consists of an arbitrary number of perfectly conducting mutually perpendicular surfaces. An algorithm of numerical solution of the equations has been verified by comparing the results obtained by the presented method and the results obtained from the exact analytical solution.
When macrobodies undergo collision, macrocraters are formed for which the ratio of crater's depth to striker diameter does not exceed 10. At the end of the 70's, an anomalous effect of formation of microcraters with relative depth of about [10^2-10^4] of particle size has been detected. Analysis of the experimental results made it possible to reveal the existence of a narrow impact interaction zone within which craters-channels are produced with a good repeatability. Evidence of a limited relative depth under macroimpact is explained by restrictions imposed by energy intensity of impact interaction in a barrier material.
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