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Purpose: The aim of this article is to perform a multivariate statistical analysis of package filling process results for predictive production and quality management. The article presents a case study from the food industry that demonstrates the feasibility of using an appropriate set of control charts for ongoing and predictive production and quality management. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives of the article were achieved through the use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) tools, in particular control charts. The control charts used include both traditional numerical chart such as Xbar and S and special charts such as MA, EWMA, CUSUM and GCC. Findings: SPC tools such as control charts have proven to be extremely useful in monitoring the filling process and predicting future performance. By carefully monitoring the process using traditional and special control charts, it is possible to quickly identify small, gradual or sudden changes that may occur in the production process before the process gets out of control. Research limitations/implications: The research will continue by identifying additional factors that affect the quality of the product, particularly as regards precision and accuracy of dosing, and by evaluating the process studied in terms of its ability to meet customer requirements. Other statistical techniques will also be used to identify patterns and relationships between the various parameters of the process under study. This approach will provide more comprehensive information about the quality and ability of the dosing process to meet customer requirements.. Practical implications: By implementing the right SPC toolkit and using dedicated software that significantly speeds up data analysis, companies can effectively control the quality of the production process. By monitoring the behaviour of the process over time and detecting small changes and trends, it is possible to respond to potential problems in advance. Originality/value: This article is intended for production process managers who want to learn how to use the right SPC toolkit to obtain information about the process behaviour and the moments when intervention actions should be taken.
The article presents the results of the analysis of cardboard packaging complaints based on selected quality tools and statistical tools for the purpose of a rough assessment of the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions taken by the surveyed company and for predictive purposes. The analysis was performed in terms of two research periods - 1 year and quarters, and from the point of view of total complaints and external - customer complaints. Data on the number of products complained of as well as financial losses incurred by the company on this account were analysed. The article presents the potential of both classic quality tools and statistical tools for the purposes of in-depth analysis of complaints data and for predictive purposes and subsequent risk analysis. The critical complaint was indicated - complaint code 403 - overprint. The number of complained products to be expected in the next quarter of the new year was determined. The article shows that the corrective and preventive actions taken by the company have not yet brought the expected result in the form of reducing the number of products complained by customers during the quarters surveyed.
The article presents the result of multidimensional analysis of 'Behaton' type paving stones' nonconformities for improving the production process by improving the quality of the final product. Statistical tools, including SPC tools and quality tools, both basic and new, were used to analyse nonconformities in the spatial-temporal system, i.e. according to the type of nonconformity and according to the examined months. The purpose of using the data analysis tools was to thoroughly analyse the cases of nonconformities of the tested product, obtain information on the structure of these nonconformities in the various terms, and information on the stability and predictability of the numerical structure of nonconformity over time. Potential causes influencing a large percentage of paving stone defects were identified, factors and variables influencing the most frequently occurring nonconformities were determined, and improvement actions were proposed. As a result of the multidimensional and multifaceted analyses of paving stone nonconformities, it was shown that in the structure of nonconformity there were cases that were unusual in terms of the number of occurrences, and the lack of stability in the number of nonconformities in terms of the examined months was proven. Three critical nonconformities of the tested product were identified: side surface defects, vertical edge defects, and scratches and cracks. It was determined that the most important factor causing a large percentage of nonconformity was the time of shaking and vibrating the concrete, which was significantly related to the technical condition of the machines, and the most important reason for a large percentage of paving stone nonconformity was the lack of efficient maintenance. Machine, method, and man turned out to be the most important categories of problem factors and specific remedial actions were proposed. A multidimensional look at the structure of paving stone nonconformity as well as the factor and causes causing them has brought a lot of valuable information for the management staff of the analysed company, thanks to which it is possible to improve the production process and improve the quality of the final product.
High demands on the aesthetics of the final product as well as sophisticated packaging shapes make the labeling process an operation that requires more and more precision and quality of workmanship. The quality of the labeling process is influenced mainly by the technology used, i.e. machinery and equipment, the knowledge, skills, and experience of operators, organization and working methods used, and by aspects related to proper maintenance. This article is a case study on the analysis and evaluation of the technology used in the process of labeling glass packaging and its impact on quality and work safety. The article aims to answer the question: does the labeling machine used by the surveyed company, due to the current portfolio of modernity of its parts and subassemblies, guarantee the realization of the labeling process at a high quality level and work safety. The article discusses in depth the factors influencing the quality of the process of labeling glass packaging in the studied company, paying attention to the issues related to the applied technology. ABC technology method was used to assess technology level and also indirectly safety level and Ishikawa diagram, L shape matrix diagram and affinity diagram to analyze and improve quality level. The article ends with a list of specific improvement actions to be taken to achieve the ultimate goal of managing the technology of glass packaging labeling - high quality of the final product resulting from the labeling process.
The paper presents the results of qualitative analysis and improvement of the printing process with UV inks on glass packaging with the use of selected quality management tools and methods. The research was carried out in a glass factory located in the Silesian Voivodeship in Poland. The qualitative analysis included the risk assessment related to the printing process with UV inks, print quality, and the type of nonconformities occurring during printing. Based on the conducted analyses, proposals for improving the printing process with UV inks were determined. As part of the analyses, such methods and quality tools as fault tree, FMEA analysis, Pareto-Lorenz diagram, and tree diagram were used. It was found that the most common nonconformity of printing with UV inks on glass packaging is smearing of the emulsion covering the glass vessel and that most of the nonconformities resulted from errors made by employees, which were caused by non-compliance with the instructions for individual activities by people employed in production positions and quality inspection employees. It was proposed to implement employee training at individual workplaces, in particular the implementation of instructions for performing specific activities, as well as the introduction of additional employee supervision and implementation of changes in the management of the printing process and quality inspection of the decorated products.
The article is a case study of the use of snapshot observation to analyse the factors causing time losses at selected laser burner stations, and to propose changes that will increase the effective utilization of working time. The purpose of this paper is to determine the best and worst utilization of working time at the examined workplaces, analyse the amount of time lost and identify the causes of losses, and propose solutions that will improve the utilization of working time. According to the snapshot observation, procedure 2 main - work and non-work - time fractions and 10 detailed time fractions in the working day were distinguished, and their percentage share for the analysed workstations was calculated. Analyses of the working day time utilization depending on the type of machines, days of observation, single shifts were done and selected results were averaged. The paper indicates that organizational and technical aspects, as well as the employees' faults, were the main reasons for time losses. Research has shown that the generally examined group of workstations was characterized by a high utilization level of working time. An unfavourable phenomenon was the ratio of the main time to the auxiliary time, the high share of the maintenance time fraction of the workstations, and incorrect organization of the interoperation transport, low workers motivation, rush, and routine. It was found that further improvement of work efficiency and reduce time losses requires paying attention to the optimization of employees' working conditions, training, motivation systems, and implementation of lean concept tools and MES/CMMS solutions into production.
Środki ochrony indywidualnej spełniają określoną rolę w poszczególnych zawodach i branżach. Istnieją takie zawody, które wymuszają stosowanie konkretnych środków ochrony indywidualnej w bardzo określony i restrykcyjny sposób, są i takie, które z reguły nie wymuszają na pracownikach używanie ich. Jednak są takie warunki – jak warunki podwyższonego ryzyka – które determinują określone i restrykcyjne postępowanie w kwestii używania środków ochrony indywidualnej. W obecnych czasach, w których warunki pracy są podyktowane przez pandemię związaną z Covid-19 – każdy pracownik ma obowiązek używać określonych środków ochrony indywidualnej. Są one zróżnicowane ze względu na branżę i zajmowane stanowisko pracy. W niniejszym artukule przedstawiono opinię pracowników dotyczącą znaczenia używania środków ochrony indywidualnej w pracy.
Personal protective equipment plays a specific role in various professions and industries. There are some professions that require the use of specific PPE in a very specific and restrictive way, and others that generally do not require the use of PPE. However, there are some conditions - such as conditions of increased risk - that determine a specific and restrictive conduct in the use of PPE. In this day and age, when working conditions are dictated by the Covid-19 pandemic - every employee is required to use specific PPE. These vary according to the industry and the position occupied. This paper outlines these variations and the views of workers on the importance of using PPE at work.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki w zakresie wykorzystania wybranych metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością – klasycznych i nowoczesnych – w celu analizy niezgodności spawalniczych w konstrukcjach stalowych na przykładzie wybranego elementu – członu powtarzalnego B = 2250. Artykuł wykazuje potencjał wykorzystania metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością w służbie analizy i doskonalenia jakości. Przeprowadzono analizy ilościowe, ilościowo-jakościowe oraz jakościowe (opisowe) w celu udoskonalenia jakości konstrukcji stalowych. Wykazano, że dwie główne niezgodności spawalnicze, które najczęściej występują w spoinach w badanej konstrukcji stalowej to pory i pęcherze. Zidentyfikowano potencjalne przyczyny źródłowe problemów z jakością oraz zaproponowano działania doskonalące. Wykazano, że takie czynniki, jak wysoka jakość materiałów podstawowych i dodatkowych do spawania oraz odpowiedni ich dobór, optymalna temperatura spawanego elementu, napięcie łuku, natężenie prądu spawania, jakość przygotowanych powierzchni przeznaczonych do spawania, wykwalifikowany i kompetentny personel, mają duży wpływ na przeprowadzenie procesu spawania w sposób prawidłowy w przypadku badanej konstrukcji stalowej. Określono, że działania usprawniające pracę spawaczy powinny polegać na zatrudnianiu spawaczy o wysokich kwalifikacjach i uprawnieniach, zwróceniu uwagi na poziom szkolenia przyszłych spawaczy oraz lepszym motywowaniu pracowników.
The article presents the results of the use of selected methods and quality management tools - classic and new - in order to analyze welding nonconformities in steel structures on the example of a selected element - the repeating element B = 2250. The article shows the potential of using quality management methods and tools in the service of quality analysis and improvement. Quantitative, quantitative-qualitative and qualitative (descriptive) analyzes were carried out in order to improve the quality of steel structures. It has been shown that the two main welding nonconformities that most often occur in the welds in the tested steel structure are pores and bubbles. Potential root causes of quality problems were identified and improvement actions were proposed. It has been shown that factors such as high quality of basic and additional materials for welding and their appropriate selection, optimal temperature of the welded element, arc voltage, welding current, quality of the prepared surfaces to be welded, qualified and competent personnel, have a large impact on the process correctly welding in the case of the tested steel structure. It was determined that actions to improve the work of welders should consist of employing welders with high qualifications and qualifications, paying attention to the level of training of future welders and better motivating employees.
Content available Analiza i ocena jakości serka homogenizowanego
Artykuł dotyczy wykorzystania wybranych narzędzi jakości w celu analizy i oceny jakości serka homogenizowanego produkowanego przez badaną Okręgową Spółdzielnię Mleczarską. Zastosowano takie narzędzia jakości, jak: histogram, diagram Ishikawy, diagram relacji, oraz diagram systematyki w celu analizy i oceny danych liczbowych oraz problemów jakościowych i poszukiwania rozwiązań. Dokonano oceny stabilności masy netto badanego produktu, w tym celu użyto kart kontrolne, oraz oceny zdolności jakościowej procesu przy wykorzystaniu wskaźników Cp i Cpk. Wykazano, że proces dozowania jest statystycznie ustabilizowany, natomiast tego procesu nie można uznać jako zdolnego jakościowo. Wykazano także, że na jakość produktu mają wpływ różnorodne czynniki, które są związane z wystąpieniem niezgodności oraz posiadają wzajemne powiązania między sobą. Określono, aby udoskonalić proces produkcyjny oraz poprawić jakość produktu spożywczego należy zapewnić szkolenia dla pracowników, poprawę warunków ich pracy oraz odpowiednio ich motywować. Należy zwiększyć także częstotliwość dokonywania przeglądów linii produkcyjnej, a także jak najlepiej dopasować ustawienia maszyn wykorzystywanych przy produkcji.
The article concerns the use of selected quality tools to analyze and evaluate the quality of homogenized cheese produced by the examined District Dairy Cooperative. Quality tools such as a histogram, Ishikawa diagram, interrelationship diagram, and tree diagram were used to analyze and evaluate numerical data and quality problems and search for solutions. The stability of the net mass of the tested product was assessed, for the purpose control cards were used, and the qualitative capability of the process was assessed with the use of Cp and Cpk indices. It has been shown that the dosing process is statistically stabilized, but this process cannot be considered qualitatively capable. It has also been shown that the quality of the product is influenced by various factors that are related to the occurrence of non-conformance and are related to each other. It was determined that in order to improve the production process and improve the quality of the food product, it is necessary to provide training for employees, to improve their working conditions and to motivate them accordingly. The frequency of inspections of the production line should also be increased, as well as the best adjustment of the settings of machines used in production.
The paper presents several approaches to gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GRR) analysis regarding non-replicable measurements. Measurement systems have to deal with processes in which, by the nature of the measured object or by the type of measurement itself, measurements are not repeatable. In these cases, each sample unit can be measured only once. Such situations are referred as non-replicable measurement systems. The aim of the paper is to map out the current approaches being used in GRR analysis in various cases of non-replicable tests and compare each other in order to find out the suitable use of analysis application. Approaches used are subject to critical analysis so that its review can serve a useful base for analysis of different non-replicable tests. At present, it is desirable to bring the improving actions in order to obtain the results of high quality from such kind of measurements. Since different non-replicable tests can measure a different quality characteristic, it is valuable to bring the appropriate designs for various tests. Subsequently, this review will serve an outline how to proceed in analyzing the results obtained by non-replicable tests. Specifically, GRR analysis works with two known de-signs named as “Crossed” and “Nested” design, which statistical software normally use. Doubtfully, crossed design is suggested to use at certain cases and nested at other specific cases. This is assessed and improving actions designed.
In the first article in this series, the research methodology concerning the analysis of inspection errors based on MSA attribute study data set for the improvement purposes was presented. In the final article in the series, applying the methodology in practice step by step was presented. Instructions for correct performance of the analysis, in compliance with the author's procedure, were determined. Both advantages and disadvantages of the developed approach were underlined.
The article presents an authorship version of the analysis procedure of data set from MSA Attribute Study for the purposes related to the reduction of conformity assessment errors and improvement of production process effectiveness. The MSA manual does not include any clear guidelines on how to eliminate errors or guidelines on how to analyse data sets from attribute study to eliminate errors. The article attempts to fill the gap identified in this field. In this article (Part 1), the author outlines the key features of own methodology of analysis data from MSA attribute study. In this article, which is one of the two parts, a research problem has been identified. It was emphasised that the influence on the reduction of the effectiveness of the production process have errors committed by the controllers in the alternative assessment of the product's conformity with the requirements, i.e. errors of I and II type, in particular, II type errors, which should be first eliminated. A traditional approach to research analysis and evaluation of alternative inspection system practised in the MSA manual was presented. Four key assumptions that were adopted for the research goal were presented. Author's procedure for analysis of errors from the attribute study data set is to point to the direction of activities in the field of error analysis, emphasise intolerance to any error, assume to use the root causes analysis and the coaching sessions to reach the root causes of conformity errors. In the second, final article in the series (Part 2), the author illustrates how, step by step, the procedure could be used in practice. It also presents the advantages and limitations of its own procedure.
The multitude of concepts and methods of management and control related to the word "visual" in the area of production and quality management may cause difficulties with their perception, proper understanding and use of these terms by researchers from various backgrounds (not necessarily related to production) and countries, including Poland. In particular, the noticed inaccuracies in the use of terms with the word "visual" concern such terms as visual: management, control, inspection, and testing, where, for example, in the Polish language the first three different terms in English are named with the same phrase, which sometimes causes some confusion. The aim of the article was an attempt to distinguish, sometimes "troublesome" definitions, to indicate the area of their application, to define possible relations between them, which is a peculiar novelty. The article is an analysis of the literature related to these concepts, systematizes the types of visual concepts and methods in the area of production and quality. It defines in what context the indicated terms should be used by researchers and what is the relationship between them, and under what conditions they can be used separately or jointly. The article is an attempt to indicating and analysis of the interrelation between concepts in which the word "visual" appears concerning production practice. Concepts visual: management, control, inspection, and testing, as the author proves in the article, they should be translated into English with due diligence, due to the differences between them. It has been shown that there is a strong relationship between type definition pairs as visual management & visual control and visual inspection & visual testing, where it is not a mistake to use them interchangeably, and cases, where all these concepts can intertwine, are also given.
The aim of the study is to assess the extent to which visual management is significant in the production process on detecting problems in the production hall and in building an internal competitive advantage in the studied two strategic branches in Poland: metal and automotive. The innovative "BOST - Toyota's management principles in questions" survey research was used to assess visual management's importance. 20 companies were surveyed, and responses were obtained from 689 respondents. Analyses showed greater importance of visual management in the metal branch than in the automotive branch, while the greater impact of this system on revealing problems and building a competitive advantage in the automotive branch, which resulted from the specific objectives of this system in the analysed branches. The results emphasize the specific background of the importance of visual management in the analysed branches. The analysis linking the importance of the visual management system with the impact on creating a competitive advantage meets the expectations of managers looking for alternative and low-cost ways to increase the company's competitiveness. Companies need to understand that the sooner a problem is discovered, the better, because sooner can be taken corrective action to prevent it from happening again. Effective detection problems in the production hall supported by the visual management tools and their elimination is a way of reducing costs and building an internal competitive advantage.
Celem pracy jest ocena, na ile zarządzanie wizualne jest istotne w procesie produkcyjnym w wykrywaniu problemów na hali produkcyjnej oraz w budowaniu wewnętrznej przewagi konkurencyjnej w badanych dwóch strategicznych branżach w Polsce: metalowej i motoryzacyjnej. Do oceny znaczenia zarządzania wizualnego wykorzystano innowacyjne badanie ankietowe „BOST - Zasady zarządzania Toyotą w pytaniach”. Przebadano 20 firm, a odpowiedzi uzyskano od 689 respondentów. Analizy wykazały większe znaczenie zarządzania wizualnego w branży metalowej niż motoryzacyjnej, natomiast większy wpływ tego systemu na ujawnianie problemów i budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej w branży motoryzacyjnej, co wynikało ze specyficznych celów tego systemu w analizowanych branżach. Wyniki uwypuklają specyfikę znaczenia zarządzania wizualnego w analizowanych branżach. Analiza łącząca znaczenie systemu zarządzania wizualnego z wpływem na tworzenie przewagi konkurencyjnej wychodzi naprzeciw oczekiwaniom menedżerów poszukujących alternatywnych i niskokosztowych sposobów na zwiększenie konkurencyjności firmy. Firmy muszą zrozumieć, że im szybciej problem zostanie wykryty, tym lepiej, ponieważ szybciej można podjąć działania naprawcze, aby zapobiec jego ponownemu wystąpieniu. Skuteczne wykrywanie problemów na hali produkcyjnej wsparte narzędziami zarządzania wizualnego i ich eliminacja to sposób na redukcję kosztów i budowanie wewnętrznej przewagi konkurencyjnej.
W artykule przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania wybranych narzędzi koncepcji WCM – Word Class Manufacturing do rozwiązania problemu związanego z bezpieczeństwem pracy – wyciek oleju grożący poślizgnięciem się pracownika – w przedsiębiorstwie z branży tworzyw sztucznych. Wykorzystano takie narzędzie WCM-u jak: karta S-Tag, metoda 5W1H, metoda 4M/diagram Ishikawy + weryfikacja przyczyn, 5WHYS, matryca Pugh’an oraz karta OPL w celu identyfikacji problemu, jego szczegółowego opisu, wskazania na potencjalne przyczyny problemu razem z ich weryfikacją, analizy przyczyny źródłowej problemu wraz ze wskazaniem na zastosowane środki zaradcze, określenie najlepszego sposobu rozwiązania problemu związanego z brakiem właściwej reakcji ze strony pracownika po wycieku oleju oraz standaryzacji rozwiązania – reakcji pracownika. Artykuł dowodzi, że narzędzia WCM prawidłowo wykorzystane mogą rozwiązać problem w obszarze bezpieczeństwa pracy.
The article presents an example of the use of selected tools of the WCM - Word Class Manufacturing concept to solve the problem related to work safety - oil leakage that may cause the employee to slip - in a company from the plastics industry. WCM tools were used: S-Tag card, 5W1H method, 4M method / Ishikawa diagram + cause verification, 5WHYS, Pugh's matrix and OPL card to identify the problem, describe it in detail, and indicate potential causes of the problem together with their verification, analysis of the root cause of the problem with an indication of the remedial measures taken, determination of the best way to solve the problem related to the lack of appropriate response on the part of the employee after an oil leak and standardization of the solution - employee response. The article proves that WCM tools if used correctly can solve the problem in the area of work safety.
Artykuł przedstawia przykład wykorzystania wybranych narzędzi i metod doskonalenia jakości w celu analizy i rozwiązania problemu związanego z bezpieczeństwem pracy w zakładzie z branży piwowarskiej. Szczegółowej analizie poddano problem - przygniecenie kończyny górnej, który okazał się być krytyczny ze względu na częstość występowania po analizie z wykorzystaniem diagramu Pareto-Lorenza. Wykorzystano diagram Ishikawy w celu analizy przyczyn tego problemu oraz pogrupowania tych przyczyn do kategorii 5M+E. Z użyciem metody 5 x dlaczego wskazano na przyczynę źródłową tego problemu tj. pośpiech i nieuwagę pracowników. Zaproponowano wykorzystanie rozwiązań Poka-Yoke z metody ostrzegania - zastosowanie czujnika dźwiękowego w celu zabezpieczenie przed krytycznym zdarzeniem wypadkowym. Artykuł udowadnia, że zastosowanie narzędzi i metod jakościowych do obszaru bhp może przyczynić się do ograniczenia działania czynników niebezpiecznych, szkodliwych i uciążliwych na pracowników, a tym samym poprawy poziomu ich bezpieczeństwa pracy.
The article presents an example of the use of selected tools and methods of quality improvement in order to analyze and solve the problem related to work safety in a brewing industry plant. The problem was analyzed in detail - crushing the upper limb, which turned out to be critical due to the frequency of occurrence after the analysis using the Pareto-Lorenz diagram. The Ishikawa diagram was used to analyze the causes of this problem and group them into the 5M + E category. By using the 5 x method the root cause of this problem was identified - haste and inattention of employees. It was proposed to use Poka-Yoke solutions from the warning method - the use of a sound sensor in order to protect against a critical accident event. The article proves that the use of quality tools and methods in the area of occupational health and safety may contribute to limiting the impact of hazardous, harmful and burdensome factors on employees, and thus to improve their level of work safety.
Artykuł to studium przypadku z wykorzystania metody SMED do redukcji czasu przezbrojenia maszyny etykietującej wykorzystywanej do etykietowania butelek w jednej z firm produkujących naturalną wodę źródlaną i napoje gazowane. W artykule przedstawiono kolejne etapy związane z wdrażaniem metody SMED w badanym przedsiębiorstwie w odniesieniu do badanej maszyny, od wyboru obszaru pilotażowego i powołania zespołu badawczego do analizy korzyści wynikających z wdrożenia metody SMED w badanym obszarze. Eliminacja czynności zbędnych oraz przeprowadzenie zmiany czynności zewnętrznych na czynności wewnętrzne pozwoliło zmniejszyć czas trwania procesu przezbrojenia i dzięki temu uzyskać wyraźne oszczędności czasu. Wdrożenie metody SMED w badanym przedsiębiorstwie i na badanej maszynie pozwoliło osiągnąć wymierne korzyści w postaci skrócenia cyklu produkcyjnego, obniżenia kosztów produkcji, większej elastyczności produkcji, lepszej jakości i poprawy komfortu pracy.
The article is a case study of the use of the SMED method to reduce the changeover time of the labelling machine used for labelling bottles in one of the companies producing natural spring water and carbonated drinks. The article presents the subsequent stages related to the implementation of the SMED method in the studied company in relation to the analysed machine, from the selection of a pilot area and appointment of a research team to the analysis of the benefits of implementing the SMED method in the studied area. The elimination of unnecessary activities and the conversion of external activities to internal activities allowed reducing the time of the changeover process and thus achieving significant time savings. The implementation of the SMED method in the tested company and the tested machine allowed to achieve tangible benefits in the form of, among others shortening the production cycle, lowering production costs, greater production flexibility, better quality and improving the comfort of work.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych w zakresie oceny ważności charakterystyk jakościowych produktów żywnościowych i ich wymiarów w opinii młodzieży studenckiej. Respondenci ocenili na ile ważne są dla nich cechy jakościowe produktów żywnościowych w momencie podejmowania przez nich decyzji o jego zakupie. Analiza wyników badań dowiodła że najważniejsze cechy jakościowe produktów żywnościowych to świeżość produktu, smak, wygląd i prozdrowotność. Najważniejszymi wymiarami jakości żywności okazały się być zdrowotność, atrakcyjność sensoryczna oraz dyspozycyjność. Dodatkowe wymiary jakości takie jak „symboliczność” oraz jakość żywienia mają zdecydowanie mniejsze znaczenie dla respondentów przy zakupie produktów spożywczych. Najmniejsze znaczenie ze wszystkich wymiarów jakość żywności ma „symboliczność”, czyli cechy żywności umożliwiające zgodność z modą oraz zapewniające wyróżnienie się w grupie społecznej.
The article presents the results of surveys in the field of assessing the validity of quality characteristics of food products and their dimensions in the opinion of students. Respondents assessed the importance of quality products for food when they decided to buy it. Analysis of research results has shown that the most important quality features of food products are product freshness, taste, appearance and healthiness. The most important dimensions of food quality turned out to be healthiness, sensory attractiveness and availability. Additional quality dimensions such as 'symbolism' and nutrition quality are definitely less important for respondents when buying food products. The smallest meaning of all dimensions of food quality is 'symbolism', that is, food features enabling fashion compliance and ensuring standing out in the social group.
W artykule przedstawiono wynik klasyfikacji cech jakościowych czekolady gorzkiej z wykorzystaniem modelu i kwestionariusza Kano dla celów związanych z projektowaniem lub doskonaleniem tego rodzaju produktu przez producenta. W celu oceny cech jakościowych produktu przeprowadzono ankietę wśród grupy 20 studentów Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej. Ankieta pozwoliła poklasyfikować cechy jakościowe czekolady gorzkiej do trzech grup: obowiązkowe, zwabiacze i obojętne. Jak się okazało, żadna z cech nie została zaklasyfikowana jako jednowymiarowa, tj. typu „im więcej tym lepiej”. Aby udoskonalić produkt i zapewnić jego powodzenie na rynku producent czekolady gorzkiej musi zapewnić obecność takich cech jak: duża zawartość kakao, długi posmak w ustach po spożyciu oraz zawartość jedynie naturalnych cukrów w czekoladzie. Aby wyróżnić ten produkt na tle konkurencji producent czekolady gorzkiej powinien ją wytwarzać z wykorzystaniem certyfikowanych składników ekologicznych a sama czekolada powinna mieć zawartość różnych egzotycznych owoców.
The article presents the result of the classification of quality features of dark chocolate using the Kano model and questionnaire for purposes related to the design or improvement of this type of product by the manufacturer. In order to assess the quality of the product, a survey was conducted among a group of 20 students from the Faculty of Management at the Czestochowa University of Technology. Poll allowed classify the quality characteristics of dark chocolate into three groups: mandatory, attractors and inert. As it turned out, none of the features was classified as one-dimensional of the type “the more the better”. To improve the product and ensure its success on the market, the bitter chocolate manufacturer must ensure the presence of such features as a high cocoa content, a long aftertaste in the mouth after ingestion and the content of only natural sugars in chocolate. To make this product stand out from the competition, a bitter chocolate producer should produce it using certified organic ingredients and the chocolate itself should have a content of various exotic fruits.
The article presents the results of the assessment of the level of work safety, the level of modernity and the efficiency of the use of machines on the labelling and packaging line. The assessment of the level of occupational safety was made on the basis of an interview conducted with machine operators, by direct observation and analysis of historical data. The basis for assessing the level of modernity was the ABC technology method and the 5-stage Parker scale, while the OEE indicator was used to assess the level of efficiency of the use. An assessment of the level of safety, modernity, efficiency and other aspects such as cleanliness, completeness, maintenance, improvements for machines in the line with the use a scale of 0-5 was included and next, based on the validity index, the overall result was calculated. Modified McKinsey matrix was used to evaluate these factors and comparison the obtained results with other lines in the company. As a result of the conducted analyzes, it was pointed out that it is necessary to take improvement measures in the area of the worst-assessed factors.
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